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Empire Stats 01/11/09

Topics: War and Peace: Empire Stats 01/11/09


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
Kebir Blue

RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 636.573.829maclean 87.694.007
2ebby247 490.278.679Erotic Clown 73.586.901
3Parsifal 483.345.904Lombardi 70.153.607
4Gandolf The White 458.505.434Green Starfish 68.097.307
5Beo 426.569.202Gandolf The White 65.500.776
6Just Spock 380.469.658Just Spock 63.411.610
7flasatos gimp 369.646.699Beo 60.938.457
8smokinjoev 356.430.649Parsifal 60.418.238
9Border C 296.940.053King Xenu 57.100.277
10Brian The Terrible 249.252.021CraftyCockney 56.301.517
11CraftyCockney 225.206.069Zappa Zuru 55.762.056
12Zappa Zuru 223.048.222ebby247 54.475.409
13Aemilia 220.854.297War Atrocity 54.195.566
14doyenne dweezelpeace 217.145.483Laguna 53.047.819
15Reagan 212.742.287flasatos gimp 52.806.671
16bob963 168.313.236Inoaikhan 50.514.639
17War Atrocity 162.586.699Ricky Harris 50.503.254
18Inoaikhan 151.543.918Border C 49.490.009
19phil21857 144.004.837swordland 49.100.422
202boots 141.549.417RPHennis 45.187.775


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 32.391.363Green Starfish 3.262.940
2ebby247 25.779.496Parsifal 3.013.217
3Parsifal 24.105.738Gandolf The White 3.007.539
4Gandolf The White 21.052.775ebby247 2.864.388
5Beo 15.595.352Laguna 2.699.280
6Just Spock 14.907.501Just Spock 2.484.584
7CraftyCockney 9.207.976maclean 2.429.785
8smokinjoev 8.949.491CraftyCockney 2.301.994
9Border C 7.868.872Beo 2.227.907
10Brian The Terrible 7.555.024King Xenu 2.093.345
11Green Starfish 6.525.879Ricky Harris 2.023.295
12Inoaikhan 6.006.315Inoaikhan 2.002.105
13King Xenu 4.186.690Erotic Clown 1.713.104
14Ricky Harris 4.046.590swordland 1.412.250
15zonewall 3.800.914Border C 1.311.479
16Onyx 3.498.476zonewall 1.266.971
17Silvius Betrand IV 3.407.435 global1.058.944
18swordland 2.824.500Lombardi 1.048.242
19darknight10 2.484.419Latias 1.025.110
20maclean 2.429.785smokinjoev 994.388


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 3.841.296.824.358maclean 609.908.365.893
2Parsifal 2.736.922.544.961Green Starfish 431.074.036.630
3ebby247 2.651.775.868.515Just Spock 399.309.793.266
4smokinjoev 2.616.756.561.618Ricky Harris 396.552.452.070
5Beo 2.553.535.430.559CraftyCockney 377.067.966.132
6Just Spock 2.395.858.759.593King Xenu 374.288.800.330
7Gandolf The White 364.790.775.794
8Border C 2.075.712.309.301Border C 345.952.051.550
9CraftyCockney 1.508.271.864.529Parsifal 342.115.318.120
10Zappa Zuru 1.005.658.550.455Erotic Clown 328.382.705.439
11Reagan 981.605.425.272Gandolf The White 320.172.527.694
12Green Starfish 862.148.073.260Laguna 320.108.068.697
13War Atrocity 857.343.993.288ebby247 294.641.763.168
142boots 837.577.980.887smokinjoev 290.750.729.069
15zonewall 828.670.545.290War Atrocity 285.781.331.096
16Inoaikhan 813.559.964.782zonewall 276.223.515.097
17Ricky Harris 793.104.904.140Inoaikhan 271.186.654.927
18King Xenu 748.577.600.659Zappa Zuru 251.414.637.614
19Brian The Terrible 667.283.846.968swordland 227.407.571.507
20maclean 609.908.365.893Latias 222.048.334.041


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1smokinjoev 738.073.738.874.320Green Starfish 99.805.866.359.863
2Laguna 646.894.504.427.222smokinjoev
3Gandolf The White 461.823.902.165.238Gandolf The White 65.974.843.166.463
4flasatos gimp 314.596.501.437.595maclean
5Green Starfish 199.611.732.719.725Laguna 53.907.875.368.935
6ebby247 181.548.118.620.965flasatos gimp 44.942.357.348.228
7Parsifal 24.627.094.960.414
8Beo 158.934.823.338.337Beo 22.704.974.762.620
9Just Spock 131.781.260.556.048Erotic Clown 22.629.074.990.663
102boots 123.135.474.802.069Just Spock 21.963.543.426.008
11Border C 81.542.871.585.339Parsifal 21.517.757.176.697
12CraftyCockney 60.074.580.056.123ebby247
13zonewall 58.616.278.794.440zonewall 19.538.759.598.147
14Vincent22 57.187.995.874.150Vincent22 19.062.665.291.383
15War Atrocity 56.470.149.765.844War Atrocity 18.823.383.255.281
16Inoaikhan 55.516.248.899.705Inoaikhan 18.505.416.299.902
17maclean 15.919.649.093.695
18darknight10 47.184.563.776.128CraftyCockney 15.018.645.014.031
19Reagan 42.660.786.321.893 global14.009.691.832.084
20SimCEO 34.909.923.262.319Border C 13.590.478.597.557


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
Nominal value
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 939,7 $Green Starfish 96,0 $
2Parsifal 411,6 $Laguna 78,3 $
3Gandolf The White 392,0 $maclean 76,2 $
4Just Spock 385,2 $Just Spock 64,2 $
5Beo 384,2 $Ricky Harris 57,5 $
6ebby247 372,0 $Gandolf The White 56,0 $
7smokinjoev 361,4 $Beo 54,9 $
8Border C 321,8 $CraftyCockney 54,5 $
9flasatos gimp 255,7 $Border C 53,6 $
10CraftyCockney 217,9 $Erotic Clown 52,3 $
11Reagan 212,1 $Parsifal 51,5 $
12Green Starfish 191,9 $Latias 41,5 $
13Brian The Terrible 172,3 $ebby247 41,3 $
14Zappa Zuru 125,7 $Inoaikhan 41,1 $
15Inoaikhan 123,3 $War Atrocity 41,1 $
16War Atrocity 123,2 $smokinjoev 40,2 $
17Aemilia 115,8 $Lombardi 38,7 $
18Ricky Harris 115,0 $flasatos gimp 36,5 $
19Good King Paul 111,6 $Zappa Zuru 31,4 $
20doyenne dweezelpeace 104,3 $King Xenu 30,6 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
Production per capita
1Ricky Harris 7.852,02 $
2zonewall 7.695,26 $
3smokinjoev 7.341,56 $
4Border C 6.990,34 $
5maclean 6.954,96 $
6CraftyCockney 6.697,30 $
7Vincent22 6.574,67 $
8King Xenu 6.554,94 $
9Green Starfish 6.330,27 $
10Just Spock 6.297,11 $
11Laguna 6.034,33 $
12Beo 5.986,22 $
132boots 5.917,21 $
14Parsifal 5.662,45 $
15Latias 5.487,74 $
16ebby247 5.408,71 $
17Inoaikhan 5.368,48 $
18War Atrocity 5.273,15 $
19Gandolf The White 4.888,07 $
20swordland 4.631,48 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
Army percentage
1ebby247 5,258
2Laguna 5,088
3Parsifal 4,987
4Green Starfish 4,792
5Gandolf The White 4,592
6CraftyCockney 4,089
7Ricky Harris 4,006
8Inoaikhan 3,963
9Just Spock 3,918
10King Xenu 3,666
11Beo 3,656
12zonewall 3,530
13Silvius Betrand IV 3,360
14Vincent22 3,207
15Brian The Terrible 3,031
16Onyx 2,956
17swordland 2,876
18maclean 2,771
19Border C 2,650
20Latias 2,533


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
Fearless Blue

RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Shaler 852.139.071Seki Tokugawa 76.956.697
2All CANADIAN 622.137.110italianfire5681 60.932.956
3Jeffcd1818 580.585.202Laguna 55.927.621
4Sir Winston Churchill President Kildare 568.790.152SIR BIGG E 51.780.157
5Madhatter 562.580.669whiteboy 51.521.838
6SIR BIGG E 517.801.570Shaler 47.341.060
7Jabberwock 517.485.006SirSmokesAlot 47.304.431
8whiteboy 515.218.381General Bobo 46.460.716
9Zrapid Pace 426.634.867Crazy Eye 45.786.828
10Laguna 391.493.349iki ryo 43.317.082
11SirSmokesAlot 378.435.450Jo Jo the Hun 42.326.000
12iki ryo 346.536.659Kali Rivers 41.428.916
13Jo Jo the Hun 338.607.996sensural 39.942.847
14ace6969 316.498.305rr1034 39.427.176
15Brian The Terrible 292.327.951Jabberwock 36.963.215
16Mark0440 290.370.790Brian The Terrible 36.540.994
17Crazy Eye 274.720.970Alexandria Hollander 35.434.601
18ike0900 270.721.185ace6969 35.166.478
19agib0917 269.429.458Madhatter 33.092.981
20Keto 260.038.674The Cardinal 32.360.009


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:59 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1whiteboy 29.191.168whiteboy 2.919.117
2Shaler 24.575.763Laguna 2.675.506
3Jeffcd1818 23.300.101italianfire5681 2.057.298
4Sir Winston Churchill President Kildare 19.301.447Brian The Terrible 1.814.737
5Laguna 18.728.541SIR BIGG E 1.806.346
6agib0917 18.314.547rr1034 1.772.059
7SIR BIGG E 18.063.460Keto 1.664.942
8Mark0440 16.655.207General Bobo 1.575.882
9Keto 16.649.416The Cardinal 1.547.482
10Jabberwock 16.381.356iki ryo 1.481.267
11Brian The Terrible 14.517.895Shaler 1.365.320
12Madhatter 14.375.161Jo Jo the Hun 1.263.811
13All CANADIAN 14.231.065Baron von Beedy 1.200.900
14Zrapid Pace 13.808.706Mark0440 1.189.658
15iki ryo 11.850.136Jabberwock 1.170.097
16Neidy 11.650.939Jeffcd1818 1.165.005
17Serpent 10.905.186sensural 1.147.104
18rr1034 10.632.353SirSmokesAlot 1.145.486
19Jo Jo the Hun 10.110.485agib0917 1.017.475
20SirSmokesAlot 9.163.885Serpent 991.381


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:00 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Shaler 6.141.768.008.227italianfire5681 524.795.848.889
2whiteboy 4.868.911.324.766whiteboy 486.891.132.477
3Jabberwock Tokugawa 474.044.399.502
4Madhatter 3.852.087.159.415Laguna 395.134.994.198
5SIR BIGG E 375.466.080.186
6All CANADIAN 3.150.401.908.613iki ryo 371.372.730.155
7SirSmokesAlot 3.003.728.641.486Jo Jo the Hun 371.327.614.208
8iki ryo 2.970.981.841.238Crazy Eye 353.116.366.637
9Jo Jo the Hun 2.970.620.913.665Shaler 341.209.333.790
10Jeffcd1818 2.878.078.202.551SIR BIGG E 328.704.222.640
11Zrapid Pace 2.813.815.976.601Kali Rivers 311.199.503.190
12Laguna 2.765.944.959.384Jabberwock 302.438.313.927
13Sir Winston Churchill President Kildare 2.641.118.420.493General Bobo 249.989.331.854
14Crazy Eye 2.118.698.199.822Madhatter 226.593.362.319
15ace6969 1.872.260.649.859Brian The Terrible 217.349.435.273
16Brian The Terrible 1.738.795.482.186Noproblem 217.229.800.491
17Neidy 1.478.415.278.555ace6969 208.028.961.095
18Mark0440 1.334.931.535.296sensural 198.929.934.982
19Serpent 1.315.930.984.658Baron von Beedy 163.081.983.695
20General Bobo 1.249.946.659.268Zrapid Pace 156.323.109.811


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:00 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Keno 767.333.421.519.797Keno
2iki ryo 285.505.311.832.200italianfire5681 61.643.373.694.280
3Shaler 270.818.476.519.060iki ryo 35.688.163.979.025
4Jo Jo the Hun 217.495.354.426.846Laguna 30.380.691.623.835
5Laguna 212.664.841.366.842Seki Tokugawa 28.127.992.246.226
6italianfire5681 123.286.747.388.559Jo Jo the Hun 27.186.919.303.356
7Crazy Eye 118.510.103.871.104sensural 20.916.562.471.148
8SIR BIGG E 112.667.663.029.659Crazy Eye 19.751.683.978.517
9Jeffcd1818 112.002.348.488.485Shaler 15.045.470.917.726
10whiteboy 101.055.495.275.731General Bobo 14.720.202.019.189
11ace6969 Hollander 12.290.353.254.284
12SirSmokesAlot 78.518.926.434.544SIR BIGG E 11.266.766.302.966
13Madhatter 76.479.494.062.298Kali Rivers 10.533.652.644.655
14General Bobo 73.601.010.095.946whiteboy 10.105.549.527.573
15Serpent 71.639.622.020.903Noproblem 9.917.521.903.182
16sensural 62.749.687.413.444ace6969 9.891.355.270.001
17All CANADIAN 57.326.620.876.607SirSmokesAlot 9.814.865.804.318
18Keto 43.974.862.592.194Baron von Beedy 9.709.591.768.933
19Noproblem 39.670.087.612.727Alarich 8.482.744.073.536
20Steve M 37.916.140.377.786Serpent 6.512.692.910.991


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:00 am Click here to edit this post
Nominal value
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Shaler 691,0 $Laguna 76,0 $
2SIR BIGG E 567,4 $Crazy Eye 62,4 $
3Jeffcd1818 534,3 $General Bobo 59,0 $
4Laguna 531,7 $SirSmokesAlot 58,2 $
5whiteboy 477,0 $SIR BIGG E 56,7 $
6SirSmokesAlot 465,7 $italianfire5681 52,7 $
7Jabberwock 438,8 $iki ryo 51,4 $
8iki ryo 410,9 $Jo Jo the Hun 49,3 $
9Jo Jo the Hun 394,5 $Seki Tokugawa 48,4 $
10Crazy Eye 374,1 $whiteboy 47,7 $
11Madhatter 372,2 $Shaler 38,4 $
12All CANADIAN 318,6 $sensural 36,4 $
13Sir Winston Churchill President Kildare 313,4 $Kali Rivers 36,3 $
14General Bobo 295,0 $rr1034 32,0 $
15Keno 279,4 $Jabberwock 31,3 $
16Zrapid Pace 270,2 $Keno 31,0 $
17agib0917 255,2 $Brian The Terrible 30,7 $
18Brian The Terrible 245,2 $Jeffcd1818 26,7 $
19Keto 239,7 $Keto 24,0 $
20Serpent 236,8 $ace6969 23,1 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:00 am Click here to edit this post
Production per capita
1whiteboy 9.450,19 $
2Jo Jo the Hun 8.773,04 $
3italianfire5681 8.612,68 $
4iki ryo 8.573,36 $
5Jabberwock 8.182,14 $
6SirSmokesAlot 7.937,23 $
7Crazy Eye 7.712,18 $
8Noproblem 7.621,33 $
9Kali Rivers 7.511,65 $
10Shaler 7.207,47 $
11Laguna 7.065,11 $
12Madhatter 6.847,17 $
13Zrapid Pace 6.595,37 $
14SIR BIGG E 6.348,07 $
15Seki Tokugawa 6.159,88 $
16Chimp Long Land 6.135,59 $
17Brian The Terrible 5.948,10 $
18ace6969 5.915,55 $
19Neidy 5.685,78 $
20Serpent 5.549,11 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:00 am Click here to edit this post
Army percentage
1agib0917 6,798
2Keto 6,403
3Mark0440 5,736
4whiteboy 5,666
5Robert1966 5,295
6 6Gunner 4,996
7Brian The Terrible 4,966
8Laguna 4,784
9The Cardinal 4,782
10Serpent 4,599
11rr1034 4,495
12Neidy 4,481
13Jeffcd1818 4,013
14Baron von Beedy 4,009
15CraftyCockney 4,009
16Keno 3,654
17SIR BIGG E 3,488
18iki ryo 3,420
19Sir Winston Churchill President Kildare 3,393
20General Bobo 3,392


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
White Giant

RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Man of Peace of Peace 110.015.084
2Keith Vann 886.885.258Brutus Buckeye 90.359.307
3warplings 785.925.247Enforcer 1 77.651.742
4Blue Serpent 773.413.435Blue Serpent 77.341.344
5Jo Salkilld 750.784.187Frank Stone 77.295.541
6General Bobo 702.592.346Sorian 75.585.325
7La Sombra 683.490.228Jo Salkilld 75.078.419
8TuscaloosaDawg 607.935.749Mr31 73.305.901
9Iain Daddy 594.430.475Caseysf 72.955.021
10Jaffle 578.758.612Dubhthaigh 71.069.458
11Jesusfreak4480 568.426.297La Sombra 68.349.023
12Elechristian 566.974.909Hondo 68.018.766
13Beo 563.025.035Serpent 67.927.831
14Brutus Buckeye 542.155.843Brian K 67.178.910
15Brian K 537.431.281Jaffle 64.306.512
16Duchess Gloriana XII 528.032.984KissOfDeath 63.594.284
17Inoaikhan 505.973.161James Runyan 63.483.890
18IndustMech 493.762.642Beo 62.558.337
19Kaymen Sabarata 491.904.678Ms Claws 61.578.697
20Matt W 477.479.184Scott Green 61.261.253


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Keith Vann 57.814.614Brutus Buckeye 7.577.809
2Brutus Buckeye 45.466.855Man of Peace 4.471.007
3Man of Peace 44.710.066Dale Legge 4.005.126
4General Bobo 34.948.798Mr31 3.920.957
5Jaffle 33.451.110Jaffle 3.716.790
6Iain Daddy 32.948.143Keith Vann 3.400.860
7Blue Serpent 32.470.404Iain Daddy 3.294.814
8Jo Salkilld 29.572.061Blue Serpent 3.247.040
9Dale Legge 28.035.879Serpent 3.208.764
10dboyd3702 26.965.598Frank Stone 3.204.603
11Kaymen Sabarata 26.946.076Brian K 3.170.608
12La Sombra 26.251.085Jo Salkilld 2.957.206
13Xavi Tango 25.758.513Xavi Tango 2.862.057
14Beo 25.506.607Beo 2.834.067
15Brian K 25.364.867dboyd3702 2.696.560
16Elechristian 24.178.090Inoaikhan 2.639.626
17Inoaikhan 23.756.631Hondo 2.636.775
18Duchess Gloriana XII 22.641.568La Sombra 2.625.109
19Jesusfreak4480 22.635.584General Bobo 2.329.920
20TuscaloosaDawg 20.080.085Jesusfreak4480 2.263.558


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Man of Peace 9.674.175.109.811Man of Peace 967.417.510.981
2warplings 7.175.529.206.908Caseysf 906.423.977.336
3Keith Vann 6.295.310.931.115Brian K 758.596.091.222
4Brian K 6.068.768.729.774Sorian 726.014.038.537
5Jo Salkilld 5.813.783.592.202Frank Stone 583.854.113.377
6Blue Serpent 5.616.026.596.439Jo Salkilld 581.378.359.220
7TuscaloosaDawg 5.492.971.084.481Blue Serpent 561.602.659.644
8La Sombra 4.426.356.350.195Serpent 551.611.765.265
9Beo 4.318.674.030.089Hondo 524.155.358.892
10Jaffle 4.060.944.557.096Simon Dabney 495.832.161.801
11Iain Daddy 479.852.670.010
12Elechristian 3.932.187.398.150James Runyan 474.258.891.897
13IndustMech 3.698.047.480.417Brutus Buckeye 463.517.594.168
14dboyd3702 3.541.244.022.185TuscaloosaDawg 457.747.590.373
15Richard Plantagenet 3.506.719.964.523Enforcer 1 451.438.269.741
16General Bobo 3.497.689.193.086Jaffle 451.216.061.900
17Duchess Gloriana XII 3.487.723.078.330Coen Hyde 447.932.885.617
18chrysostom 3.444.346.140.687La Sombra 442.635.635.020
19Split 3.376.289.437.691Richard Plantagenet 438.339.995.565
20Serpent 3.309.670.591.592Split 422.036.179.711


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1La Sombra 512.247.975.227.187Caseysf
2Laguna 502.712.745.421.299Sorian 107.789.887.869.860
3Brian K 464.372.884.117.861Laguna 62.839.093.177.662
4TuscaloosaDawg 351.286.229.414.050Brian K 58.046.610.514.733
5Brutus Buckeye 281.411.552.244.950La Sombra 51.224.797.522.719
6Keith Vann 269.835.630.728.738flasatos gimp 48.776.584.387.178
7Blue Serpent 255.809.890.884.339Brutus Buckeye 46.901.925.374.158
8warplings 240.999.234.608.002Coen Hyde 44.247.806.161.987
9Hondo 231.487.619.724.835James Runyan 43.182.762.387.393
10Coen Hyde Dabney 41.731.864.200.571
11Sorian 215.579.775.739.720Hondo 38.581.269.954.139
12Inoaikhan Madison 35.500.189.768.467
13Xavi Tango 187.803.950.731.244Frank Stone 29.672.601.379.665
14Kaymen Sabarata 29.273.852.451.171
15James Madison 177.500.948.842.337Ms Claws
16IndustMech 176.952.414.538.060Arctic69 27.442.988.906.907
17Caseysf Serpent 25.580.989.088.434
18NeilP 153.468.802.938.839DannyD 24.858.370.768.511
19chrysostom 153.140.688.537.563ax0099 24.003.443.438.636


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post

Nominal Value
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Man of Peace 1.674,9 $Caseysf 179,9 $
2Brian K 896,7 $Man of Peace 167,5 $
3Jo Salkilld 853,4 $Sorian 137,7 $
4Blue Serpent 726,5 $Brutus Buckeye 114,1 $
5warplings 720,0 $Brian K 112,1 $
6La Sombra 714,7 $Hondo 100,1 $
7Brutus Buckeye 684,4 $Jo Salkilld 85,3 $
8General Bobo 674,0 $Serpent 79,0 $
9Iain Daddy 628,2 $Laguna 78,3 $
10Laguna 626,1 $Dubhthaigh 74,3 $
11Hondo 600,7 $Dale Legge 72,8 $
12Keith Vann 583,5 $Blue Serpent 72,7 $
13TuscaloosaDawg 579,4 $La Sombra 71,5 $
14Jaffle 570,4 $Jaffle 63,4 $
15Elechristian 561,6 $Iain Daddy 62,8 $
16Inoaikhan 524,6 $Coen Hyde 61,1 $
17Beo 522,6 $Frank Stone 60,9 $
18Dale Legge 509,3 $Aaron Doolavay 60,2 $
19IndustMech 501,4 $Inoaikhan 58,3 $
20Serpent 474,1 $Beo 58,1 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post

Production per capita
1Caseysf 12.424,42 $
2Brian K 11.292,18 $
3chrysostom 10.327,54 $
4NeilP 9.691,68 $
5Sorian 9.605,22 $
6warplings 9.130,04 $
7TuscaloosaDawg 9.035,45 $
8DannyD 8.963,54 $
9Man of Peace 8.793,50 $
10ax0099 8.617,55 $
11Coen Hyde 8.481,99 $
12Simon Dabney 8.353,38 $
13Serpent 8.120,56 $
14dboyd3702 8.047,68 $
15Brespus 7.996,05 $
16Split 7.896,52 $
17Arctic69 7.878,60 $
18Richard Plantagenet 7.772,58 $
19Jo Salkilld 7.743,61 $
20Doug Thomas 7.719,47 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
Army percentage
1Brutus Buckeye 8,386
2jjk4996 7,394
3Dale Legge 7,139
4Keith Vann 6,519
5dboyd3702 6,128
6Jaffle 5,780
7Xavi Tango 5,668
8Iain Daddy 5,543
9Kaymen Sabarata 5,478
10James Madison 5,443
11Mr31 5,349
12Severin 5,055
13General Bobo 4,974
14Serpent 4,724
15Brian K 4,720
16Inoaikhan 4,695
17Beo 4,530
18Obese1 4,422
19Elizondo42 4,330
20Duchess Gloriana XII 4,288


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
Golden Rainbow

RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Steven Ryan 88.649.305
2Rob kennedy 1.219.511.317Michael 76.684.668
3Zeba 825.315.237Eugener 74.216.753
4Christopher Michael 751.899.556Robert P McCarthy 70.624.679
5John L 668.208.887Steven Ryan 68.170.099
6Sinaloa 642.898.247Laguna 63.916.307
7Aqua Rainbow II 533.669.934Tendo Ryu 63.466.764
8General DirtRocker 515.511.246Tanisredfox 61.111.648
9Beo 493.395.380Mary Ann 59.645.382
10Tendo Ryu 444.267.351Sean 58.623.023
11Doctor Mister The President 418.235.410Sinaloa 58.445.295
12Rugger9 414.019.715Rob kennedy 58.071.967
13Michael Williams 380.244.676Jack Jones 57.399.176
14Tanisredfox 366.669.888KhoelX 55.261.802
15Fiefnar 360.426.167RetroKiller 54.730.286
16Sean 351.738.138L3athalSerph 54.423.622
17Nute Gunray 343.571.872Homerdome 54.351.683
18richard 309.255.880Michael Williams 54.320.668
19Oren Dekaza 301.699.171Fngorh 52.276.335
20Kenny Shadow 299.062.768Zeba 51.582.202


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Rob kennedy 62.276.531Aqua Rainbow II 3.771.125
2Steven Ryan 54.664.401Sinaloa 3.499.438
3Christopher Michael 47.465.838C.Rabs 2.967.229
4Aqua Rainbow II 41.482.380Rob kennedy 2.965.549
5Sinaloa 38.493.821Steven Ryan 2.877.074
6John L 35.917.290Christopher Michael 2.792.108
7Zeba 34.760.977Zetetic Elench dam Kahveh 2.779.688
8General DirtRocker 32.831.958John L 2.762.868
9C.Rabs 17.803.375General DirtRocker 2.735.997
10Tendo Ryu 16.028.252Mary Ann 2.603.230
11Michael Williams 14.624.771Ron Samuels 2.296.323
12Nute Gunray 14.618.260Tendo Ryu 2.289.750
13Beo 13.087.630Zeba 2.172.561
14Vata Vayu 12.667.915Vata Vayu 2.111.319
15axxxz 10.437.117Michael Williams 2.089.253
16Tanisredfox 9.865.874Jack Jones 1.995.459
17Doctor Mister The President 9.795.549RetroKiller 1.921.808
18richard 9.369.691Wamba II 1.888.847
19Ron Samuels 9.185.292Krom 1.807.967
20Zetetic Elench dam Kahveh 8.339.065The Grand Poobah 1.712.582


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Steven Ryan 8.936.201.144.063TradeMarc 589.970.970.785
2Rob kennedy Ryu 556.653.406.690
3Zeba 6.539.282.794.034Jack Jones 491.478.622.560
4Christopher Michael 5.548.309.933.100Steven Ryan 470.326.376.003
5Sinaloa 4.696.510.283.476Blue Serpent 447.338.339.303
6Tendo Ryu 3.896.573.846.829Laguna 444.200.947.684
7Aqua Rainbow II 3.878.806.617.573Robert P McCarthy 429.199.547.417
8General DirtRocker 426.955.480.316
9Michael Williams 2.929.985.973.359KhoelX 424.245.570.900
10Doctor Mister The President 2.915.579.068.292Homerdome 422.145.723.280
11Beo 2.694.585.391.363Michael Williams 418.569.424.766
12John L 408.705.174.627
13C.Rabs 2.181.865.934.938Rob kennedy 387.381.668.593
14Homerdome 2.110.728.616.400C.Rabs 363.644.322.490
15jeffster 2.040.975.056.916Nextlevel23 359.100.931.976
16axxxz 1.826.478.958.931Aqua Rainbow II 352.618.783.416
17Vata Vayu 1.679.401.702.564Citizen25 347.943.882.683
18Saionai001 1.502.075.934.572Jebrel 346.468.889.638
19Jack Jones 1.474.435.867.681IndustMech 338.203.606.674
20Jebrel 1.385.875.558.551Irishtiger 332.187.655.885


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 1.065.838.801.334.910TradeMarc 418.528.559.045.325
2John L 562.278.244.566.372Laguna 355.279.600.444.969
3Kenny Shadow 420.255.455.767.244Kenny Shadow 70.042.575.961.207
4TradeMarc 418.528.559.045.325Jack Jones 49.782.337.760.274
5Zeba 292.761.070.613.104John L
6axxxz 269.883.498.044.002Shaggy Old English Sheepdog 42.632.010.421.419
7Rob kennedy P McCarthy 35.433.547.608.887
8Steven Ryan 261.457.383.506.403Irishtiger 34.374.370.004.860
9General DirtRocker 254.771.241.472.925Jebrel 30.143.511.314.845
10Christopher Michael 225.618.193.411.323KhoelX
11Sinaloa 206.785.475.980.419Tendo Ryu
12Tendo Ryu 190.197.586.422.317IndustMech 26.771.824.342.304
13jeffster 185.217.700.153.098Eugener 25.480.831.847.350
14Jack Jones 149.347.013.280.822Slare 24.944.446.496.932
15Shaggy Old English Sheepdog 127.896.031.264.258axxxz 24.534.863.458.546
16Sean 125.877.002.605.950fazigadgie
17Jebrel 120.574.045.259.380Blue Serpent 22.933.361.820.906
18Michael Williams 116.277.809.484.273Homerdome 22.762.995.949.868
19Homerdome 113.814.979.749.339General DirtRocker 21.230.936.789.410
20Oren Dekaza 110.412.723.532.244Sean 20.979.500.434.325


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:01 am Click here to edit this post
Nominal value
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Rob kennedy 1.156,0 $Laguna 216,0 $
2Steven Ryan 1.123,9 $TradeMarc 160,8 $
3Zeba 996,9 $Tendo Ryu 126,6 $
4Tendo Ryu 886,2 $Blue Serpent 72,3 $
5Christopher Michael 822,9 $Jack Jones 65,5 $
6General DirtRocker 700,1 $Zeba 62,3 $
7Laguna 648,0 $Steven Ryan 59,2 $
8Sinaloa 618,9 $General DirtRocker 58,3 $
9John L 545,9 $Robert P McCarthy 56,6 $
10Aqua Rainbow II 439,2 $Sinaloa 56,3 $
11Beo 379,1 $C.Rabs 56,2 $
12Michael Williams 348,8 $Rob kennedy 55,0 $
13Nute Gunray 340,6 $RetroKiller 52,7 $
14C.Rabs 337,0 $Homerdome 51,9 $
15Vata Vayu 284,0 $Michael Williams 49,8 $
16Doctor Mister The President 283,5 $Christopher Michael 48,4 $
17Kenny Shadow 280,4 $Vata Vayu 47,3 $
18Homerdome 259,3 $IndustMech 46,8 $
19axxxz 245,5 $Kenny Shadow 46,7 $
20Sean 236,7 $Eugener 45,8 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post

Production per capita
1Irishtiger 9.949,67 $
2Jamato0526 9.648,42 $
3fazigadgie 9.592,43 $
4tph24601 9.188,28 $
5Tuasman 9.159,70 $
6Joe3811 9.138,47 $
7Tendo Ryu 8.770,79 $
8Citizen25 8.715,48 $
9Blue Serpent 8.681,40 $
10Jack Jones 8.562,47 $
11Jebrel 8.429,28 $
12Slare 8.300,02 $
13Wamba II 8.253,74 $
14C.Rabs 8.141,94 $
15Nextlevel23 7.974,65 $
16Zeba 7.923,38 $
17Homerdome 7.766,93 $
18Michael Williams 7.705,53 $
19KhoelX 7.677,01 $
20Ron Samuels 7.671,45 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post

Army percentage
1Aqua Rainbow II 7,773
2C.Rabs 6,644
3Ron Samuels 6,399
4Michael0204 6,374
5General DirtRocker 6,369
6Christopher Michael 6,313
7Sinaloa 5,988
8Bill1120 5,602
9Wamba II 5,414
10Zetetic Elench dam Kahveh 5,389
11John L 5,375
12Rob kennedy 5,107
13Split 4,946
14Krom 4,919
15Monkeynuts 4,796
16Vata Vayu 4,545
17Mary Ann 4,365
18Champsx5 4,356
19Joe3811 4,321
20Irishtiger 4,268


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post
Little Upsilon

RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Alarich 1.041.455.386J Cuesta 94.038.845
2Green Starfish 817.282.594Sam Houston 84.277.348
3Sir Michael 764.634.483Renee Nanuar 77.887.122
4Daelin 650.583.862Green Starfish 74.298.418
5SUN GOD 636.708.286chris_101 72.370.032
6Laguna 598.744.944Alexander Platypus 72.178.029
7Keto 586.521.903Prince2012 70.252.953
8Fngorh 572.263.804Alarich 69.430.359
9 6Gunner 537.930.012Daelin 65.058.386
10General DirtRocker 492.863.118Sir Michael 63.719.540
11Border C 474.108.087La Sombra 62.341.394
12Inanna 420.709.009Hondo 62.073.407
13Latias 420.013.285Jinson Xu 61.355.217
14Serpent 413.075.459Simon Dabney 60.537.694
15Kaysen 405.421.615General Curtis LeMay 60.509.864
16Dubhthaigh 399.230.523Laguna 59.874.494
17Blue Serpent 387.552.901Romeo Vicardi 57.679.041
18Aqua Rainbow II 386.769.692Fngorh 57.226.380
19Houston 382.560.485Dubhthaigh 57.032.932
20Daconia 375.344.079Blue Serpent 55.364.700


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1 6Gunner 48.771.298Renee Nanuar 5.623.733
2Alarich 47.242.516 6Gunner 4.064.275
3Keto 46.865.018Keto 3.905.418
4Daelin 31.882.687whiteboy 3.467.805
5Green Starfish 27.803.031Daelin 3.188.269
6whiteboy 27.742.441Alarich 3.149.501
7SUN GOD 25.351.651Latias 2.815.782
8General DirtRocker 23.623.087Hondo 2.721.567
9Laguna 23.348.045General DirtRocker 2.624.787
10Latias 22.526.257Caesar Ken 2.571.844
11Border C 21.544.672Green Starfish 2.527.548
12Fngorh 21.150.350J Cuesta 2.395.261
13Serpent 17.347.190Laguna 2.334.805
14Sir Michael 17.096.676Blue Serpent 2.330.025
15Aqua Rainbow II 17.020.485Nute Gunray 2.321.310
16Blue Serpent 16.310.172Straight Jacket II 2.287.270
17Nute Gunray 16.249.173Vata Vayu 2.255.035
18Hondo 13.607.835Serpent 2.168.399
19Vata Vayu 13.530.209Border C 2.154.467
20Caesar Ken 12.859.220Fngorh 2.115.035


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Alarich 8.830.561.840.434J Cuesta 847.237.647.931
2Sir Michael 5.358.501.703.111Sam Houston 730.061.654.957
3Daelin 5.157.723.693.970Alarich 588.704.122.696
4Green Starfish 4.741.409.187.450Houston 522.599.086.469
5Laguna 3.658.265.840.060Prince2012 520.870.458.155
6Houston 3.658.193.605.286Daelin 515.772.369.397
7Keto 3.572.325.464.501Simon Dabney 486.964.138.135
8Border C 3.282.475.678.372Hondo 453.989.055.929
9General DirtRocker 2.870.904.793.310Jinson Xu 449.183.823.673
10Kaysen 2.819.079.411.424Sir Michael 446.541.808.593
11SUN GOD 2.756.495.868.316Green Starfish 431.037.198.859
12Elechristian 2.644.678.520.509Ummagumma 425.836.841.362
13Inanna 2.630.848.535.660La Sombra 405.755.226.129
14Latias 2.516.542.055.808budman1 403.879.209.339
15Beo 2.388.082.453.803Renee Nanuar 402.309.189.694
16Hondo 2.269.945.279.646Beo 398.013.742.301
17Akasha 2.261.473.914.323Brian K 379.072.047.586
18Blue Serpent 2.251.462.567.378Akasha 376.912.319.054
19D. Green 2.201.465.927.926Laguna 365.826.584.006
20Aqua Rainbow II 2.154.789.146.539General Curtis LeMay 351.353.457.599


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Jinson Xu 860.768.517.161.519Jinson Xu 286.922.839.053.840
2Laguna 584.510.679.771.317budman1 226.561.360.319.320
3budman1 453.122.720.638.640Sam Houston 129.823.183.777.491
4Green Starfish 372.099.416.014.332NX Yamato 73.141.586.841.350
5Vata Vayu 288.283.847.422.255J Cuesta 69.639.791.745.051
6Alarich 68.600.302.433.069
7General DirtRocker 240.121.321.844.502Laguna 58.451.067.977.132
8Hondo 202.873.106.316.101Vata Vayu 48.047.307.903.709
9Houston 202.739.613.224.355Brian K 40.797.731.518.106
10Kaysen 188.561.062.185.471Hondo 40.574.621.263.220
11NX Yamato The Terrible 37.425.666.440.685
12p0pkwiz 137.200.604.866.137La Sombra 33.931.468.361.200
13Sam Houston 129.823.183.777.491Green Starfish 33.827.219.637.667
14Fngorh 118.365.035.929.175Houston 28.962.801.889.194
15D. Green 27.031.757.913.670
16Daconia 114.626.371.754.838General DirtRocker 26.680.146.871.611
17Brian The Terrible 112.276.999.322.055Romeo Vicardi 26.457.195.457.896
18Tyr 25.769.507.772.851
19Akasha 106.210.508.196.016Victor 24.973.230.268.854
20FirstEnrgy 24.354.848.305.595


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post
Nominal Value
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Alarich 1.382,4 $Sam Houston 225,7 $
2Daelin 890,0 $Jinson Xu 163,1 $
3Laguna 821,2 $budman1 106,6 $
4Green Starfish 800,6 $J Cuesta 93,9 $
5Sir Michael 785,9 $Alarich 92,2 $
6Keto 651,9 $Daelin 89,0 $
7Border C 605,6 $Hondo 85,9 $
8Houston 560,3 $Laguna 82,1 $
9Kaysen 495,7 $Houston 80,0 $
10 6Gunner 494,0 $Ummagumma 76,3 $
11Jinson Xu 489,2 $Green Starfish 72,8 $
12SUN GOD 473,1 $Sir Michael 65,5 $
13General DirtRocker 460,8 $Simon Dabney 61,4 $
14Hondo 429,5 $Border C 60,6 $
15Dubhthaigh 418,8 $Dubhthaigh 59,8 $
16Latias 412,2 $Brian K 58,5 $
17whiteboy 395,3 $Prince2012 58,2 $
18Blue Serpent 390,4 $General Curtis LeMay 56,6 $
19Serpent 381,9 $Vata Vayu 56,4 $
20Elechristian 347,7 $Blue Serpent 55,8 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post
Production per capita
1fymbyice 11.132,56 $
2Houston 9.562,39 $
3Brian K 9.478,98 $
4Ummagumma 9.326,26 $
5J Cuesta 9.009,44 $
6iki ryo 8.882,22 $
7Sam Houston 8.662,61 $
8Alarich 8.479,06 $
9Tyr 8.262,34 $
10Ricky Harris 8.137,98 $
11Plato 8.134,68 $
12RetroKiller 8.127,80 $
13Simon Dabney 8.043,98 $
14D. Green 8.004,54 $
15Daelin 7.927,84 $
16Ceezmad 7.816,11 $
17Beo 7.713,37 $
18Akasha 7.674,46 $
19budman1 7.637,90 $
20Elechristian 7.566,20 $


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post
Army percentage
1 6Gunner 9,066
2Keto 7,990
3whiteboy 7,680
4Renee Nanuar 7,220
5Advan22 6,507
6Vata Vayu 6,060
7Latias 5,363
8Regis 5,162
9Caesar Ken 4,974
10Daelin 4,901
11Nute Gunray 4,849
12Straight Jacket II 4,845
13General DirtRocker 4,793
14D. Green 4,612
15Border C 4,544
16Alarich 4,536
17Aqua Rainbow II 4,401
18Hondo 4,384
19Blue Serpent 4,209
20Serpent 4,200


Monday, November 2, 2009 - 01:02 am Click here to edit this post
Haven't done one of these in over a year... Well, I wish I could do more, but there isn't enough time.

C.Rabs (Fearless Blue)

Monday, November 2, 2009 - 06:54 am Click here to edit this post
nice list Laguna. Thanks for doing this, i am sure it must have been a lot of work.

Keto (Fearless Blue)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009 - 02:21 am Click here to edit this post
Yea, thanks very much Laguna, I know how much time is involved in doing that.

Now you can get back to your cabana boys.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009 - 10:37 pm Click here to edit this post
I gave them a week off. How do you think I got the time to do this?

Keto (Fearless Blue)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 03:07 am Click here to edit this post


Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 07:15 am Click here to edit this post
Thank you Laguna.

maclean (Kebir Blue)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 12:53 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanx, Laguna Maxima

Zeba (Golden Rainbow)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 07:54 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanks Laguna!!! :)

Christopher Michael (Golden Rainbow)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 11:16 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank you very much Laguna!

Homerdome (Golden Rainbow)

Thursday, November 5, 2009 - 02:42 am Click here to edit this post
Great job, much appreciated ! :)

Wamba II (Golden Rainbow)

Thursday, November 5, 2009 - 03:45 am Click here to edit this post
awesome, and thank you very much Laguna

SIR BIGG E (Fearless Blue)

Thursday, November 5, 2009 - 07:46 am Click here to edit this post

budman1 (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 12:42 am Click here to edit this post
Great job again very nice!!

fymbyice (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, November 21, 2009 - 07:12 am Click here to edit this post
Wow look at that ppc, I didnt even know I was up there

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