Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Topics: General: ENTERPRISE CORPS ALLOCATIONS (Golden Rainbow)

coolwind (Golden Rainbow)

Saturday, February 7, 2009 - 09:44 pm Click here to edit this post
we all know that each Enterprise is allowed 12 corps in your own country and maxed at 6 in another.

The funny thing is though I don't have 24 from my 2 enterprises. I've never been allowed to max up.

One enterprise has 11 and the other has only 9 in Kimberleigh !!! Every time I try to relocate corps to max up I get the Message :-You already own 12 corporations in this country.

Another anomally:- although the max in another country is 6, I have 8 in LAND OF THE RISING SUN , 7 in UNITED REPUBLIC OF MITOLLA and 7 in KINGDOM OF THE CRAB all with Caledonia Holdings

Now who can explain that?

Blue Serpent (White Giant)

Saturday, February 7, 2009 - 11:06 pm Click here to edit this post
If you have transfered ownership to your ceo through ipo's, you'll get around the 12 or 6 corp limit

coolwind (Golden Rainbow)

Sunday, February 8, 2009 - 01:14 am Click here to edit this post
it's not that Rob, I already have 50 Enterprise Publics, most of them 51/49 jobs.

But I'm entitled to have 24 private CEo corps as well without having to do ipos, and I only have 20, and that has been the situation since before I even started IPOs at all!

As I said, when I try to relocate one of my CEO private corps from a C3 to max up, the game won't let me.

As far as the 6 corp limit is concerned, that is a puzzle. I couldn't believe it when I was allowed to build more than 6 in the examples above

FarmerBob (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, February 8, 2009 - 01:18 am Click here to edit this post
There were some building bugs a while back. The one I noticed was building multiple corps in one country at the same time. You probably took advantage of one of these temporary glitches without realizing it.

quaxocal (Golden Rainbow)

Sunday, February 8, 2009 - 01:44 am Click here to edit this post
Coolwind, found where your problem is.

Enterprise controlled publics COUNT toward the limit.

Also, you can have more than 6 corps in a country if you accidentally (or purposely, as the case may be) bid on extra corporations. IE, if you have 5 corporations in a country, and bid on 3 others, then you end up with 8. I did this accidentally when I was just starting out. Have not done it since though, as I rarely bid on corps.


coolwind (Golden Rainbow)

Sunday, February 8, 2009 - 02:53 am Click here to edit this post
Thanks Q.

I didn't bid on the corps I built them. I'm sure CRABS, AUSTIA etc. didn't comlain LOL.

I think you were right BOB !

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