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A question that changes everything. (Little Upsilon)

Topics: General: A question that changes everything. (Little Upsilon)

Dubhthaigh (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 02:02 am Click here to edit this post
WikiAnswers - Why don't women have beards?

Women with hormonal imbalances can have significant facial. ... Why dont women have beards? Why dont women grow beards? Why cant women grow beards? ... Why do Jews have long beards? Do arabian women have beards? ... Why do beards grow on men and not women? Who are the president that had white beards? ...

I love google.

Cfballer (Golden Rainbow)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 03:58 am Click here to edit this post
Sounds to me like you have way too much time on your hands right now Dub :)

Watch4Me (Fearless Blue)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 04:09 am Click here to edit this post
Women's do have beard...
You just didn't bother looking.

Siva . (Kebir Blue)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 05:06 pm Click here to edit this post
615 This Absolon doun sette hym on his knees
And seyde, "I am a lord at alle degrees;
For after this I hope ther cometh moore.
Lemman, thy grace, and sweete bryd, thyn oore!"
The wyndow she undoth, and that in haste.
620 "Have do," quod she, "com of, and speed the faste,
Lest that oure neighebores thee espie."
This Absolon gan wype his mouth ful drie.
Derk was the nyght as pich, or as a cole,
And at the wyndow out she putte hir hole,
625 And Absolon, hym fil no bet ne wers,
But with his mouth he kiste hir naked ers
Ful savorly, er he were war of this.
Abak he stirte, and thoughte it was amys,
For wel he wiste a womman hath no berd.
630 He felte a thyng al rough and long yherd,
And seyde, "Fy! allas! what have I do?"
"Tehee!" quod she, and clapte the wyndow to,
And Absolon gooth forth a sory pas.
"A berd! a berd!" quod hende Nicholas,
635 "By Goddes corpus, this goth faire and weel."

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