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Monthly material usage

Topics: General: Monthly material usage


Sunday, May 3, 2009 - 06:07 pm Click here to edit this post
im courious as to why a company,whos employmet and production level is set lower than 100,still consumes the same amount of materials. I cound understand why factory matinance might stay the same but others should decline.OR am i mistaken

Ravenous Cannibal (Little Upsilon)

Monday, May 4, 2009 - 06:38 am Click here to edit this post
I think you are mistaken. I checked 2 corporations that had less than 100% employment. The "cost of raw materials" chart match the number of employees almost perfectly.

Noproblem (Fearless Blue)

Sunday, May 10, 2009 - 10:22 am Click here to edit this post
Note that supply page says that the supply usage is based on 100% hiring. RC is correct.

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