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Climate Change? (Little Upsilon)

Topics: General: Climate Change? (Little Upsilon)

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 04:07 am Click here to edit this post
I have been reading the CRU e-mails today. Anybody else been reading them?

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 02:39 pm Click here to edit this post
No takers on the subject, uh?

Reading the e-mails really makes one wonder about the integrity of the system, and why these people did not want people to have access to their data.

It seems to me that we are definitely in an era when it is not safe to question the scientific orthodoxy of the times. It reminds me of the Inquisitors afraid to look into Galileo's telescope to see the phases of Venus.

Science should free us from intellectual straight jackets and allow the pursuit of Truth wherever it may be found.

Shaler (Fearless Blue)

Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 04:00 pm Click here to edit this post
Some people do not like the truth,
especially if it hurts their bottom line.
So they just make up there own truth and believe if they say it louder and longer it will become true.
Science be dammed hand out the straight jackets.

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 04:30 am Click here to edit this post
Is an government investigation coming? Or will the Democrats kill it in committee?

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 04:24 am Click here to edit this post
Hey Nix, here is a resurrected thread. I couldn't get any takers back then.


Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 05:10 pm Click here to edit this post
Hi Plato.

I think that due to capitalism requiring evidence of profit, alot of pharmaceutical scientists and now Universities have been forced to bow down to their pay masters instead of knowledge.
But leaving room for questions in science defeats the point of science so maybe thats why there is a cloak of secrecy. Time is knowledge. But time is also money. Try telling the capitalists that knowledge is more important than money :)
Does anyone know everything about anything?

The Environment, like swine flu, is a bit different.
Most of the time man only acts out of fear. Unfortunately if we wait for the truth to scare us into action it will be too late. Hence the holes in the science.
A bit like smoking. I might die, but then again I might not. But with smoking only I die(I always smoke outside), with the environment its our future that dies.

If we had the proof and evidence that we are destroying the Eco system then its already too late. It's like looking at your petrol gauge. Its telling you the fuel tanks empty but the car/motor bike is still running. Do you trust the evidence and keep going, detour your route to find a petrol station or stop the car to make sure no damage is done to the carb and phone a friend?

The scientists know theres a problem, as does anyone who cares about our environment. How big a problem will only be known in the future.
And who are we to risk a problem for the future generations? Did our forefathers not sacrifice their lives to ensure our futures?
All we have to do is sacrifice our desires.

Capitalism destroys everything in its path. Even common sense/science.

Klarina (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 06:13 pm Click here to edit this post


But leaving room for questions in science defeats the point of science...

Clearly you do not understand the "point" of science.


Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 06:17 pm Click here to edit this post
Isn't the point of science to clear up questions?


Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 06:19 pm Click here to edit this post
The point of science is to provide a framework of understanding and interpretation of the wider universe, based upon hypothesis and factual extrapolation, resulting ultimately in theorem and implication.

The pursuit of understanding through question.

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 10:21 pm Click here to edit this post

Your argument seems illogical to me. Basically, it seems to me that you are saying that it doesn't really matter if there is or isn't Global Warming, because if there is real evidence for it is already to late.

But if there isn't really in human induced change, then we are impoverishing 10's of millions by slowing growth in standards of living for many in the undeveloped world. It is at this point that the radical environmentalists scare me, b/c to many of them the "real" problem is that humanity is a parasite killing its host.

Personally, I believe that science can answer the question of whether or not there is human induced global warming, but I am cautious when science becomes the handmaiden to any political agenda. Theoretically, this is the point of tenure in the university system, but that is another debate. Politics even exists in the pursuit of pure mathematics.


Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 10:45 pm Click here to edit this post
Surly an answer is fact? And if the destruction of our Eco system becomes fact, then it is too late, because its already happened. Dont we want to stop the destruction before it happens?
If so, there will be no fact of what was going to happen because we stopped what was going to happened from happening.

The amount of money the western world has spent on wars and bank bailouts could have many times over, paid for the undeveloped world to have clean water and adequate sewer systems.

Also if the destruction of our Eco system does'nt become a political agenda, nothing will be done about it.

Jo Jo the Hun (Fearless Blue)

Monday, January 25, 2010 - 12:38 am Click here to edit this post
Well the basic science of greenhouse effect and the fact that CO2 in the atmosphere has been steadily increasing should give any thoughtful person concern. Unfortunately, climate science has become dominated by a clique of activists who have let their judgment about how society should be acting corrupt their scientific work, and cast doubt on many of their findings.

Scientists should do the science straight up, and report their findings with appropriate uncertainties, which are large. "Society" should deal with the results as best as we can, largely as a long-term economic problem.

The costs of drastically reducing CO2 emissions now are huge and immediate, and doing so would also involve even larger costs to future generations. If I were a child of 2100 I would rather face sea level rises of 1.0 m with the resources of an economy that has been growing at a compound rate of a few percent each year for the previous century, than to face sea level rises of 0.80 m with the resources of an economy that has stagnated or regressed for the past century. Change the numbers in any realistic way, the principle still holds.


Monday, January 25, 2010 - 01:53 am Click here to edit this post
So you would rather a child of 2100 live life without the natural world around them, natural food to eat and the ability to go outside and feel the sun on their face as-long as they have the ability to buy what they desire?

It's not just about rising sea levels.

123000 (Golden Rainbow)

Monday, January 25, 2010 - 02:20 am Click here to edit this post
Earth is coming out of an ice age (which was only 10,000 years ago), global warming SHOULD be happening. I think we should be keeping the environment clean, no water pollution or eco-destruction. I don't believe we should ruin our economy or lifestyle to reduce CO2 which has been WAYYYYY higher in the past, for which there is no evidence of temperature change. Last month we had a blizzard in north Texas. 3 weeks later there was more snow still on the ground than I've seen in years. the temperature is changing, it's going down. Last October was one of the coldest on record. The summer of 09 was the coldest in almost 50 years for the U.S.

Jo Jo the Hun (Fearless Blue)

Monday, January 25, 2010 - 02:45 am Click here to edit this post
Nix, you're right, it's not just about sea levels. We know how to handle that, since sea levels have been rising in parts of the world for a long time. Other things we'll have to figure out. Don't you think we will?

Imagine on the other hand what life would be like tomorrow if we stopped burning fossil fuels. Most of the problems we worry about happening in the far future would be here right now. Widespread famine and mass migrations to start with. We'd all be poorer, all of us. Why would anyone want that?

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Monday, January 25, 2010 - 04:30 am Click here to edit this post
I do not know how old any of you are, but when I was young the Cayuga River caught fire, you could see black smoke belching out of chimneys, and the rivers were so full of phosphates that they were sudsy. When you turned your car off, you could smell gasoline percolating in the carburetor.

You see we have made great strides in controlling pollution in the last 40 years.

Society is forcing industry to clean up and has been for decades, but not for any imagined Armageddon of Global Warming that only exists as a possibility.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 06:51 pm Click here to edit this post
123. As you said. We are coming out of an ice age, which means for 10,000 years life has been evolving at a steady rate to compensate for the climate change. Have you heard of the march of the trees? species of trees that used to be common in the south of England are now living in the north of Scotland and no longer in the south. Same goes for life. So if the climate changes too quick and plants, insects ect haven't the time to adapt or re-settle, they will die out. Which in turn will kill everything else.

As for the weather. Weather systems are mostly independent from one another. But what happens on one side of the world can affect what happens on the other side of the world.

Natural global warming over the next 5,000 will put England under a blanket of snow most of the year round. Why? It's due to the cold water from the melting North ice cap doing one of two things.
1) The cold water reduces the influence of the gulf stream that gives England the warm seas need for today's climate.

2) The cold water brings the gulf stream to a complete stop.

So natural global warming will effect different parts of the planet in different ways, but at a rate that the Natural world can keep up. So in 5,000 years the trees that live in the north of Scotland will again reside in the South of England.

The problem is when you add mans effects into the equation. Death due to pollution, destruction due to consumption. And then theres the increased levels of CO2 and other gasses to 'WAYYYYY higher' levels than to what life has become adapted to today. All of which will naturaly force life, inc plants, to adapt unnaturaly faster to these unnatural/natural changes of conditions. But if the climate changes too quick for them to adapt and they die out, we could see the collapse of the Web of life/Eco system/Gaia, and inturn the destruction of all Natural life on Earth. Leaving humans alone, without freedom and only able to survive inside.

Now, You talk about your lifestyle. If we leave the future generations with a lifestyle of only life or death because we killed off the Natural world, trust me :) Each of future generations negative energies towards those who chose to put their own lifestyles above the futures survival will be so intense, it might even be enough to raise the killers from the dead and into a state of constant regrete. LOL


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 07:51 pm Click here to edit this post
Nix, there are so many holes in your science that it is difficult to know where to start.

Firstly, you're ignoring population migration. Species do not simply stay in one place and die out. Population trends amongst species often demonstrate that they follow the movement of their specific climatic bands. For example, seasonal migration.

In your own very narrow example, you're citing a regional "extinction" rather than a species-wide issue - in which case, it is the narrowing of a given climatic niche at issue, not the geographically local fluctuations.

Secondly, you are generally ignoring the fluidic nature of the relationship of and between both fauna and fauna, and their place within inter-related ecosystems.

Thirdly, you are making sweeping assumptions regarding the North Atlantic Drift, and completely ignoring its place within global oceanic currents. It is not a stand-alone mechanism, subject to the effect of temperature alone. It takes great influence from other factors, such as energy gradients, oxygen content, salinity, landmass deviations, inherent pressures, etc.

Fourthly, your assumptions regarding the adaptability of life to natural climate change are clearly erroneous. If you are correct, and "global warming" is indeed a man-made factor in the current climatic cooling trend, then logically it follows that this ought to be the beginning of the first mass extinction event. Why? Because, by your reasoning, life would adapt to natural environmental changes and fail to survive human-created ones.

This is clearly an erroneous assumption. Flood Bassalt Events, for one, have been a major cause of extinctions. Indeed, the most severe extinction event - the Permian-Triassic - was of this nature. Go look it up.

Fifthly, you sre ignoring entirely vast swathes of information which contradict your assumptive "fact" base. Notable theories with much factual basis include global dimming effects, oceanic saturation, solar-climatic interactions, and so on. Man-made "global warming" is but one possible extrapolation of current observations.

But, much like the plumb-pudding model of the atom back in 1904, it fails to explain many of the finer points within its supposedly logical framework. Or, worse, trips over its own logical toes.

Such as;
Yearly natural CO2 emission is greater than human contributions over the past 150 years.

Radical temperature spikes contrary to theoretical precedent offered by "global warming" theory.

Global dimming contributions.

Solar luminosity fluctuations.

Heightened late 19th/early 20th century vulcanism.

The list does go on.

Lastly, though, you are fulfilling the radical environmentalist stereotype. You pursue an agenda without fully grasping basic and fundamental concepts, arguing your case with a disturbingly religious vigour. In seeking to enforce your beliefs you are completely missing out on the important facts.

Nature is change. Science is hypothesis and theorem supported by fact.

Presumption is a most dangerous mistress.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 08:10 pm Click here to edit this post
Do you mean fauna and flora? Like the bee and the flower?

I understand that we are coming to a new age and that this could have major solar influence over life on Earth. Whats out of mans hands is just that. I'm concerned about what is in mans hands. (Bigg up to my fellow water carriers)

What makes you think than the cold water from the melting North pole would'nt be enough to influence or colapse the North Atlantic drift(Gulf Stream)?

Do you not know that the damage man has done to the planet over the past 150 years cannot be measured as it has not yet taken full effect? Let alone the last 50 when we started to do the damage that we continue to do today. And today man around the world destroys, consumes and pollutes on a greater scale than he has ever done before.

What happens when scales have the same weight on either side? What then happens when you add a little more weight to one side?

As I said, life needs some time to adapt to their changing 'specific climatic bands'. Natural Climate change + Man made climate change = Maybe to much for Mother Nature to handle. Have you heard of the straw that broke the camels back?

You do not give any reason to why man is not affecting Mother Nature in a bad way. And why our effects wont be the cause of tipping the scales of life to death.

You spend your days sitting in a room/office/pub full of cigarette smoke (Natural environment) and your aware of the effects of consuming the smoke (Natural climate change). Someone offers you a cigarette. Would you say no thanks because killing yourself would be stupid? Or would you smoke it because whats one cigarette gonna do compaired to all the smoke thats already in the room?


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 09:14 pm Click here to edit this post
Scenario MK2:
You spend your days sitting in a room/office/pub full of cigarette smoke (Natural environment/Natural CO2) and your aware of the effects of consuming the smoke (Natural climate change due to the Natural CO2).
Someone offers you a cigarette (CO2). Would you say no thanks because killing yourself would be stupid? Or would you smoke it because whats one cigarette gonna do compaired to all the smoke thats already in the room? (Man made climate change)


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 01:19 am Click here to edit this post
(self made climate change)


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 01:37 am Click here to edit this post
I've been incapasitated for the past month. Not been able to go outside. I with the help of my friend over the past week have been able to take my dog for a walk. Tonight me and my crutches have hoped it down to the pub with out my dog. Now he knows I've been out the front door and now all he wants to do is go out the front door. Outside is freedom. Dont risk our actions for our futures freedom. If it has to be it has to be. If not, we should'nt allow it. Where is our basic instinct of survival?

PS. I'm a wee bit drunk ;) I could'nt even drink over Christmas :( Made up for it tonight :)

And now I've let him out the front is he happy?.......NO. Freedom is without bounderies..

Anyway....Forget my Environmental dribble. There is a Pagan movement out there which is in tune to the frequences of life its self.
They will do anything to balance out this frequency in the search of harmony. And what is the frequency of lifes biggest complicator? Man.
At least the Environmentalist respects all life.

We either become peasant farmers again or our masters might cull us to safe gaurd their blood lines.

What would you do if you where ruler?
Is'nt the point of life survival?

BOOOOOOOOOO. We can show our leader that together we can become one. The only thing thats getting in our way is desire......But without our desire our leaders would'nt be our leaders.......I need a cup of tea......


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 05:03 pm Click here to edit this post
You need an education, Nix. Rarely is it that I meet somebody who says so little with so many words.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 05:48 pm Click here to edit this post
Education? What, like College, University, Training Schools, self imposed research, Teachings from fellow humans?
But I see you dont like answering questions.
Anyways, your right. I have one thing to say. Stop man made destruction of Nature and Man made climate change. Simple.
This is not something where in 50 years you can turn around and say, oppps got it wrong, oh well.
How many ways are there to make the same point?
You have been around for ages. You have seen me on many threads about the Environment. You have seen me make my points with facts, figures and scenario. I'm not sure which part of, it is wrong for man to destroy Nature through pollution, destruction and consumption you aren't getting.

Could it be that you are all scared of a little personnal sacrifice?

All we need is Love, water, food, cloths, heat, shelter and medicines. All free. So this little personnal sacrifice of desire means nothing really anyway. I dont know what you are holding on to is so strongly for?


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 07:07 pm Click here to edit this post
Hey Klarina, do me a favour and have a look at my web site
Its titled The Forces of Nature and I think its only on Google.
There I try and use less words to make my simple point of survival. Do any stand out to you?


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 10:10 pm Click here to edit this post
I've been around long enough, Nix, to take note of your single-minded obssession with something you clearly know very little about.

In all the "contributions" you've made on this subject, you've yet to provide anything substantial. Certainly nothing beyond politically-biased secondary data sources which do little more than serve your narrow, ignorant agenda.

I don't know. Seems to me you're just unwilling to take aboard new facts and discoveries if they directly contradict your own simple doctrine. There's a word for that; bigot.

You continue to make the same logical errors you always have. You've always dismissed primary source data supplied to support the counter-point (I do recall this very, very well indeed). And the lack of depth and breadth to your understanding is truly stupefying.

Thankfully, your kind of regressive extremism is not prominent. There are people out there willing to learn and expand their knowledge. Dinosaurs such as yourself will be left behind as human understanding progresses.

I only hope that one day you do manage to gain at least a little understanding of the processes you allude vaguely to. Maybe then you'll have something meaningful to contribute to the world.

I've provided you with an argument, sir. I am not obliged to provide you with an understanding. Besides, I genuinely believe it is beyond your capabilities and willingness to grasp.

I'll leave you to process that sequence of thoughts. I'll even grant you the final riposte. I'm sure it will be as fallacious as it is pointless.

Berand (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 11:31 pm Click here to edit this post
I can understand both sides of this issue, but I certainly don't think name calling and degredation furthers the debate. Even if you are frustrated with what you percieve is a lack of understanding, eloquence, or sufficient evidence -- which I believe we all can agree, is inconclusive, and subject to the "subjectivity" of each of the interpreters and their starting assumptions.

That said, I often wonder why many of the richest nations and individuals/corporations of the world are spending large amounts of effort/capital/energy in preserving seeds, genetic material and other things -- natural, unbio-engineered or cloned things -- that would lead one to believe that some insurance, at least, against natural disaster is very much warranted.


Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 03:39 am Click here to edit this post
Now one has ever shown me any primary source data showing that the effects of man in the way of deforestation, pollution and consumption is not effecting the Eco system in a bad way.
Nor do I get any primary source data showing me that mans effects on the Eco system are not enough to influence the delicate balance of the Natural World.

All I get is info on Natural Climate Change.
Which I do believe is all that you were going on about.

Berand. The leader knows whats coming.


Friday, February 26, 2010 - 07:19 pm Click here to edit this post

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 04:24 pm Click here to edit this post
Global warming is OFFICIALLY a hoax,..i wonder if mainstream media will cover this as they did when global warming was first created?. main reason for this lie,.. tax.More importantly who created this lie????


Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 06:23 pm Click here to edit this post
So why are the ice caps thinning and sea temperature's rising? Why the unusual weather patterns and all the droughts?
And don't give me this shite about tax.
The amount of tax that it will take to make people think before they buy to save the Eco system is tiny compared to the amount of tax we will have to pay to bail out the greedy.
Atleast the Eco taxs wont harm our future generations.

Also, the Eco taxes will only affect those who are killing Mother Nature.

Like FarmerBob said, Environmentalism is different to Conservationism. So I guess the Global Warming debate is different to the debate on the destruction of our Eco system. But the way I see it they are both intertwined, for the destruction of our Eco system could also be the cause of Global warming.

I posted this on another forum:

Think about what man has done to Mother Nature over the past 100 years.

Ok, how many of those things were nice?

Now, how many of those nice things man has done to her were only done to compensate for damage we had already caused?

We have no idea of the true side effects of mans activities on our Eco system, the same as I don’t know the true side effects that smoking will do to me. The only time I will know is when it becomes apparent. But then it will be to late.

Now, I take that risk as only I will die.

I will not how ever take the risk that mans activities of pollution, consumption and destruction of our Eco system has no direct connection to Climate Change, which in-turn could destroy our future generations environment.

Survival is not about what is right or wrong, for only when it happens will that be known. The whole point of survival is not letting anything that could be wrong from happening.

Quote# ‘water vapour is the biggest greenhouse gas, co2 is well down the list and considered irrelevant by the real scientists’

Submitted by tony wrigley on Sun, 11/10/2009 - 18:17.

Its a vicious circle. We produce Methane(us, cows ect), CO2(industry and lifestyle) and chop down the trees(CO2 regulator). This in-turn heats the planet just enough to melt a bit more ice(main sun ray reflector) and vaporise a bit more water(biggest green house gas) than would have normally happened. This in-turn heats the planet a bit more which melts a bit more ice, vaporises a bit more water, maybe dries out a few peat bogs and so on. While at the same time we increase our activities of pollution, consumption and destruction.

What chance has she got?

And why are some of you lot prepared to take the risk of losing our futures standard of life, just because you aren’t prepared to sacrifice your lifestyles?

As far as I can see your only on LU. Unless you explain your post I would'nt pin to much hope on getting to level 11.
Unless you want to face MNA on FB.

Plato (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, February 28, 2010 - 10:19 pm Click here to edit this post
I believe that we really do not know that status on anthropogenic climate change right now. We know everybody's POLITICAL position. Like most disciplines science does its best work when it is out of the spotlight They need to take care of the basic data and reevaluate it.

I have seen studies that are contradictory, that have very thin data sets. I do not believe that the "consensus" is nearly as uniform as we have been led to believe.

I have seen good researchers shut out of the funding "game," in even mathematics (one of the pure sciences) when they would not toe the line. A researcher has tremendous pressure to spout the "official" line. Their future careers are tied to the ability to get current funding.

If the goal is to get an accurate picture of the current, and past, situation researchers must be allowed to pursue ALL avenues of research, not just the ones that are currently in vogue.

Look at the research on anti-depressants. The published studies have been cherry picked and studies that did not support the drugs were hidden away. Money has corrupted the system, but money is required by the system.

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Monday, March 1, 2010 - 10:05 am Click here to edit this post
nixOO1, have you even read these documents/emails? guessing not. these climate numbers and info you are basing your argument on, come from the same place that have changed data etc..the CRU university. there is a different between having an opinion and having a educated opinion.

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Monday, March 1, 2010 - 10:14 am Click here to edit this post
nix001, you have made the comment about not me not being able to get to level 11, just wondering what has real life issues got to do with this GAME? are you suggesting that this game mirrors a IQ level???


Monday, March 1, 2010 - 12:21 pm Click here to edit this post
That's like saying that just because Joe Bloggs said that the moon is made of cheese, all reports of the composition of the moon from other sources are wrong.
Anyways, who's to say that the information from the CRU University wasn't compiled the way it was by an insurgent from the companies that would need to change their ways if a climate bill was passes? Hell these people will kill people who get in their way!

If you didn't want real life issue to encroach on your game then I would suggest keeping out of real life issue in the game.

I would like you to reconsider the blunt statement that you made. For sure, keep it to what you know. But if you insist on making sweeping statements which only serve to do harm to Mother Nature, Mother Natures Army will unleash the Forces of Nature upon the slave you will need to get to level 11.

Mother Natures Army. Coming to a your area soon.

PS. I've been compiling my own information over the past 17 years on the harm man is doing to the Eco System. Please don't belittle me by assuming that all I have done is read a paper and come up with my conclusions. The past 17 years have taught me that we are the guardians of a unique Eco system. And it is our responsibility to leave it to the future in a better condition than we were given it in. For this is the meaning of life. NOT $

I know what your saying Plato. Do you not agree though that Climate change is, in some ways, the same as Swine flu? (Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 05:10 pm)

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 02:59 am Click here to edit this post
nix001, lol i thought you would be the sort of person that would invite me to take this debate onto the battle field!, how does beating a noob prove your opinions right??? .iv read alot of your statements on other topics and you seem to try and talk like you are a REAL president of a REAL country!..its a game mate if you ensist on taking a c3 from me to prove your point(not that it does) i will GIVE you a c3 or my main if you really wanted it!because its just a game!!!!.
get a real life

nix001 (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 03:02 am Click here to edit this post
All I want is for you to think before you speak.
In real life I'll debate until I'm blue in the face or my opponent walks away.
But as you rightly pointed out, this is a game, which means I can kick your ass for being such a donkey.

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 04:29 am Click here to edit this post
kick my ass at a game..ok sure! but face to face if you where to talk that shit till you were blue?..i would show you what an ass kicking is buddy! you must be american lol

Serpent (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 04:56 am Click here to edit this post
American!!!! Where did that come from?

Crossdale (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 05:05 am Click here to edit this post
Actually Nix is in the UK?(I think but not American).. and I think if you actually met Nix you would shit your pants lol.

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 05:15 am Click here to edit this post
you dont know me boy! he already needs a friend for support haha

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 05:24 am Click here to edit this post
on what bases do think i would shit my pants? you meet nix001 and shit your pants?

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 05:38 am Click here to edit this post
serpent, my comment about nix being american came from his attitude,he didnt like my opinion so he wanted to invade my country!..doesnt that sound like an american attitude to you?


Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 07:22 pm Click here to edit this post
Ok. First Todezika, if you need to add something to your post during the hour after you posted it just click on the note pad next to the time of your last post.

Second. Due to being English I understand that sometimes I have to stand up for what I believe in. And as I believe that mans activities are destroying Mother Nature I will/have put my life on the line for Her survival. Your words have shown me that you have no concern about her well being. Therefore you are her enemy. And any enemy of Mother Nature becomes an enemy of mine. I have/will give you a chance to retract your statement for one of questions. But if you wish to stand by your statement I have no option but to challenge you and ultimately defeat you on the battlefield of wills.

Its not personal #cough#. It's just the way it is.

Also......If we were to meet face to face you would see from the scares on my face (from knife, bat, fist and shoe) that you couldn't show me anything new apart from putting me down for good.

Hi Crossdale. It's been a couple of months since I've logged onto GR. Are the Rat Pack still behaving? :)

Serpent (Fearless Blue)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 09:52 pm Click here to edit this post
Todezika, No, that doesnt sound like 'American' attitude to me, something else maybe, but not American. Obviously your assumption of Americans has been proven wrong. Nix isnt an American. So you are/were wrong.

But of course I'm not gonna assume your nationality and assume broad generalized sterotypes based on ignorance.

Crossdale (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - 02:33 am Click here to edit this post
Hey Nix, yes all is well for now, thanks for your support. My aim now is just to be an SC Trillionaire lol. Hope all is well with you Nix.


Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - 02:43 am Click here to edit this post
nix, how is fighting someone on a computer game sticking up for mother nature? if you are that much of a tree hugger why dont you get off your computer a do somthing constuctive for mother nature with your green "research"? i can see why you would have scares from bats and fists.

serpent,well i guess your right i oppoligize for that sterotype comment.i should have said "American government attitude"....but doesnt the government represent the american people?


Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - 02:29 pm Click here to edit this post
Try to avoid double posting, Todezika. It makes it harder to follow the thread.

You can edit your posts by clicking the notepad icon to the right of your post's time-stamp.

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - 03:21 pm Click here to edit this post
no problems


Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - 04:07 pm Click here to edit this post
This is one of my public awareness projects. My project's have included years of ear bashing people on the streets, in pubs and anywhere else I find Mother Natures enemies. It has taken me to The Old city of Jerusalem, where I spoke to the people of God about Mother Natures plight. I have also set up web sites.

As for me doing something for Mother Nature..........I am a gardener, yet I get hay fever and am scared of spiders. I am also a tree surgeon who is scared of heights. I will only cut down dying and dangerous trees. I do not drive, when I'm cold I put on a jumper, I'm 85% veggy(I miss my MD double cheese burgers) and I only earn what I need to survive. I recycle everything I can and most of my property is second hand. Before I realised what man was doing to Mother Nature I wanted to be rich and have a family. For Mother Nature I have sacrificed my desires.

I was thinking about leaving this if you didn't make another post. But as you insist on making this as personal as possible I'm not going too. I'm going to make your game experience one of fear. I have all the time in the world to wait for you to try for level 11. And when you do I'm gonna mess it up for ya. Just how your actions are messing up our future generations Eco system.


Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, March 4, 2010 - 03:05 pm Click here to edit this post
lol! i really dont mind if you decide to leave it be or if you dont,but i was wondering what your opinions are on free energy that has been avalible since the early 50's?(neo tech,magnetic motors etc etc) , which means since then there has been no need for the amount of oil consumption that we use since that time.dont you think that this matter would be better as a public awareness project? instead of your public awareness on recycling a coke bottle? wake up and smell the bullshit!


Thursday, March 4, 2010 - 04:23 pm Click here to edit this post
I am fully aware that the big corps have been buying up all this new technology and shelving it so that it would'nt dent there bottom lines. I have brought it up before in other environmental threads.
So what are you saying? Global warming is a hoax OR we should be doing everything we can to protect our Environment for our future generations?
I hope your not like the Coalition of Capitalist Tree Haters I fought with last year. Giving it all that, then when it came down to it they were all worried about the impact man was doing to the Eco system and they all thought we should do something about it.
I'm thinking you just want a fight.

Have a look at 'Death of Nix' on the KB forum. Scroll down until you come across a thread with 100+ posts.

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Friday, March 5, 2010 - 04:12 am Click here to edit this post
im just saying that why are you so worried about the smaller things like recycling and the food you eat when it wouldnt be such a problem if this tech would be avilible to the public? what i ment was the degree of global warming is made out to be worse than what is made to believe then they tax our ass! if you relly would like to know i do agree with you when you said nature should be proserved for future generations but its the bigger issues you should be conserned about!! not my opinions!..and sure id like to fight id find it fun this is a war game after all!youll just make me a better player.also if your sim country reps mother nature then why have you oil corps in your contries??


Friday, March 5, 2010 - 04:26 am Click here to edit this post


Friday, March 5, 2010 - 04:34 pm Click here to edit this post
Nice. You edited your post after I posted. At-least your learning ;)
All corps in my countries are CEO owned. I have asked them all not to build Car corps (symbol of pollution) and Luxury Goods corps (symbol of unnecessary consumption) as it is these that I consider to be the main threat to Mother Nature. Oil is a Natural product that if not burnt or spilled will do little damage to the Eco system.
I limit the oil corps to 2 per country. I know that there's the odd car corp across the 5 worlds, but that's just because I haven't been playing for about 3 months. These corps will be removed from my empires.

Constructive criticism I can live with. In fact I need it.
Would you look at my web site and tell me what you think?


It's under the title of The Forces of Nature

If you cant find it try forces of nature

On MOTHER NATURE NEEDS YOU there are links to products. They popped up 2 weeks ago. I have sent a letter to my web host asking for them to be removed. I couldn't believe it when I saw them. Especially what some of the products were :( typical.

OK. What you first posted was: 'Global warming is OFFICIALLY a hoax' and now you post: 'what i ment was the degree of global warming is made out to be worse than what is made to believe'
Your last post to me are not the words of an enemy. Maybe someone who needs to think about the worst case scenario of Global warming and maybe you need to be convinced that its just not worth taking the risk, but not an enemy.

nix001 (Fearless Blue)

Friday, March 5, 2010 - 07:39 pm Click here to edit this post
Just out of curiosity Todezika, which part of the Uni study made you think it was all a hoax?

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, March 6, 2010 - 06:22 am Click here to edit this post
ok maybe i used the word 'hoax' abit to loosely and not in the right context, i should have said 'Global warming TAX is OFFICIALLY a SCAM'.common sense says global warming would have to exsist and be a negative impact on the earth(mass production,mass waste) but how bads this impact?..hard to say when the largest database for global warming is lying to us! and if your OWN research has found that we are making a big enough impact to be taxed do you really think its people like me and you that are the cause?, id say its the mass production of our natural minerals(oil,gas etc)when you said 'the amount of tax is small compared to the conseqense',why should the public be taxed when the technology is out there to fix this problem indeffantely!?! i think to make a difference against global warming is not trying to convince people to recycle and all that nonsense but to make the mass see the corperate bankers agenda and the technology it hides from us!..therfore Global warming tax is officially a scam! and sure ill check your website out.


Saturday, March 6, 2010 - 04:46 pm Click here to edit this post
I think the reason our leaders have no choise but to use us small fry on the front line against Climate Change is because they know if they challenged the big fish, they would be eaten up and spat out.
This will only come to an end when the big fish are starved of the one thing they need to survive. Profit.
With out Profit all men are equal. Then our leaders will be given the chance to regain the powers invested in them by the people, over throw the influences held by the Forces of Capitalism and take their rightful places as the dominant forces of our lands.
The peoples land.
But until we stop feeding The Forces of Capitalism we will ultimately keep on paying the price for their actions.

Todezika (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, March 7, 2010 - 07:06 am Click here to edit this post
well then the small fry need to rise up and do something then huh!,not bend over while we get taxed and ass f*#ked because the goverment has no balls!


Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 06:19 pm Click here to edit this post
Bump :) Hey Tod you still about?


Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 11:44 pm Click here to edit this post
funny how this thread just got bumped considering ive had an ephinay just a couple hours ago..... global warming is the primary threat to the earth and human existance..... I'm in new York in January and it is 50 degrees...... how is a man supposed to get good value out of a ski pass which was paid for with hard honestly earned money when its 50 degrees.... what bullshit


Sunday, January 12, 2014 - 02:28 am Click here to edit this post
Well for the past several weeks, it has been below 10 degrees fahrenheit. But the worst part is the wind chill made it feel 20 below. Last week my tablet told me is was 1 out but feeling 20 below. I think we need to have a break. This isn't Antarctica. C'mon. Even Alaska was warmer than us! Go buy a snow maker and make your own resort. Winter isn't done anyway btw.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014 - 12:37 am Click here to edit this post
oh right nico shall I bulldoze my own mountain aswell?


Tuesday, January 14, 2014 - 04:28 am Click here to edit this post
We have an average of 50 degrees down here (10 Celsius). Its comfortable.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014 - 05:08 pm Click here to edit this post
Hi John. Welcome to the real world. Now we are all gonna see the truth with our own eyes. Regardless of how much money the Capitalists pump into the anti-environmental propaganda machine, they can no longer hid the truth from us. Unfortunately, like all short term ideology's, only short term fix's will be implemented without any true knowledge of the out comes. One idea to combat the damage caused by our behaviour is to not stop what we are doing, but to scatter partials into the atmosphere in the hope it will act like the ice caps and the clouds and deflect the suns rays. My little ones just woken soon


Tuesday, January 14, 2014 - 08:48 pm Click here to edit this post
Sure John. Why not. Sounds like a great idea!!

Rage Fury

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 - 08:38 pm Click here to edit this post
Ski NH then, we have not had any such warm weather. We are almost on target for our January temp average. In fact we are, at present, under that average by about 3 degrees...
I hear the Skiing is doing just fine.

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