Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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The Simcountry co-marketing program - THANKS!

Topics: General: The Simcountry co-marketing program - THANKS!


Friday, July 2, 2010 - 07:26 pm Click here to edit this post
Official Site: Simcountry World News

(Preview of the new site, SCWN 4.0:
SCWN 4.0 Preview

Actual 4.0 Page's Progress:
SCWN 4.0 Page)

This is in response to the recent game news titled "The Simcountry co-marketing program". The best statement in the news was "...our communication with these players was to date at a very low level. We intend to change this in the coming months."

Gamemasters...We want to spread Simcountry throughout the web, and it would actually be more cost effective for you than massive ads. We spread the game by word of mouth, word of chat, etc, but its never been enough. What the game needs is a community feel that SCWN is attempting to create, a sense of locality, a less distant world, a sense of community.

My only grief with this is lack of cooperation on the part of the game master. To be honest, we were starting to believe you did not even care about the game, and maybe "this is it" and its just going to sit here for whatever money it can rake in for you. Other games, awesome games, take advantage of the zeal of it's players, and the game masters stay in constant contact with the players, and especially the players who go out of their way to spread the game and create even more fun on their own. We don't really need compensation though its a welcomed incentive, we just need a few things:

1. To know the Gamemaster actually cares about the game.
2. The Gamemaster's participation (via communication).

I remember a few years ago 2007'ish and before, the Gamemaster was far more involved than now. They would respond to the forum (though we know most stuff on here is b.s. but some things are good), and greatest of all, answered email in a timely fashion.

...with all that being said so I dont turn this into a rant...

Its extremely welcomed that you will actually improve this!

Could you place the community links somewhere so that all players can see it? At present the affiliates program is tucked WAYYY at the bottom of the site and no one even looks there...except those who have links there. This would be the greatest improvement. Imagine if SCWNews was in a visible location on Simcountry and all players could see it! Talk about community! Please?

Adam Doublestar,
Editor of Simcountry World News
Emperor of The Doublestar Empire (FB)

Scarlet (Golden Rainbow)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 07:05 am Click here to edit this post
I believe you are mistaken as to what they are referring to. My impression was that they were referring to the Promoting Members page on the Portal's side menu... not the Affiliates program.

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