Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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CEO and State Corporations (Fearless Blue)

Topics: General: CEO and State Corporations (Fearless Blue)

CaoYi (Fearless Blue)

Friday, February 4, 2011 - 08:20 pm Click here to edit this post
Compare to state corps, corps of CEO cannot reach to high production level even high salary. What is the diffenrences between countries with president and C3s? Does it mean C3s have poorer performance?

Warren Buffett (Golden Rainbow)

Friday, February 4, 2011 - 09:13 pm Click here to edit this post
What do you mean what is the difference between a country with a president and C3s?

CaoYi (Fearless Blue)

Friday, February 4, 2011 - 09:42 pm Click here to edit this post
For production level for CEO's corps. In C3s, it is much lower than countries with presidents

Kitsune the Bored Space Fox

Friday, February 4, 2011 - 10:01 pm Click here to edit this post
you answered your own question.
build in player-owned countries instead, they usually have higher production because of higher welfare index

CaoYi (Fearless Blue)

Saturday, February 5, 2011 - 12:23 am Click here to edit this post
thank you, Kitsune. That is what I thought, but I was not sure .

CorporatePartner (Golden Rainbow)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 02:00 pm Click here to edit this post
Countries with a President may have better welfare and may have lower taxes than leaderless countries, but definitely that is not always the case, nor is it even maybe a majority.

Deciding where to locate CEO corporations is not easy. But, countries without leaders are fairly stable, whereas countries with a President can be very volatile and unpredictable. A good general strategy is to have a mix of both, and choose carefully, as you can, which leader countries you use.

Others have said that a good hiring country with good indexes and high taxes is better than a country with no tax and poor hiring. So, leaderless countries generally have good hiring which makes them valuable. And, with thousands of leaderless countries per world, a vast majority are good countries to locate your corporations.

SuperSoldierRCP (Fearless Blue)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 06:21 pm Click here to edit this post
the CEO country system is flawed for several reason.

Countries can get up to 1400salaries and be profitable...CEO get to just about 800.

CEO fund Back to work schools and disabled clinics and get NO benefits.

Theres to many fees for CEO's
Closure Fee, Relocation Fee, Require taxes and Country Resource Fee, Massive initial starting income and that fact you cant pull money out unless its 60B.

CEO default max Q is 333 then going public offers 370...CEO should have extra benefits like 15% production increase.

In general CEOS aren't what they used to be... They need to have less restrictions and more benefits.

Also they need noob protection. They can buy shares/buy the corporations and we cant do shit at least with members we can war or boycott. Also they charge 50% tax rates then what we move and get hit with taxes

Scarlet (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 06:44 pm Click here to edit this post
CEO's don't need a 15% production increase.

Look at Millerinc on LU. It has only 88 corporations and is making enough profit to pay the registration. All that is needed for you is a better strategy.

CaoYi (Fearless Blue)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 07:58 pm Click here to edit this post
I don't know how long an Enterprise can make profit. My CEO has been for 4 real weeks now. But it is still not making profit. I am running out of game money. The average of its Product Quality is 177

Josias (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - 09:15 pm Click here to edit this post
a country has tons of expenses, ceo's have their share of fee's and taxes, but you really can't expect something for nothing. the fact is, ceo's just make money, one way or another.

if you want your ceo to make money, then don't raise your salaries to 800, or even 500. its silly to raise your sals to high levels, so that they can pay out to countries, AND still expect the corps to make money. you just can't have your cake and eat it 2.

as far as comparing max sals of state corps, to max sals of ceo's. thats comparing apples and oranges. a country thats running 1400 corp sals, will need to have like 1100-1200 gov sals to match. or watch their garrisons get deactivated. and if they run the high gov sals to keep military active... i could only imagine the military cost, not to mention the health, education and ss payments. you'd be shooting yourself in the foot.

so lower sals means better ceo profits. other factors effect that, but running high sals cost the ceo money. and running them high to make the country money... well, if you do that, your country is gaining the benefit of country resources used. do you really expect to run you ceo to make your countries large amounts of cash, and still make tons in your ceo?

a corp can only do so much.

SuperSoldierRCP (Fearless Blue)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - 06:53 pm Click here to edit this post
i think you 2 took it the wrong way. What i was saying is... Countries when they go full public they go from 296 to 370...CEO go 333 to 370 and considering they pay for Country resources fee and taxes its not that to much more profit. I mean Countries get a 74Q boost CEO get a 37Q boost i mean, honestly wouldnt you like a 15% productivity increase?

Oil---->30M a year @ $500 Base = 15B
Oil with 15%---->34.5M @ $500 Base = 17.5B

Thats base. Oil is 730 ATM that means the 15% makes 3B extra plus lets say u sell at 370Q with 30 over Q( 4times price). Non 15% make 88B. 15% make 100B thats 12B more a year or 6or7B into the CEO pocket. Thats not including the extra 10-30% you get in extra salaries.

Plus they fund Back to work and Clinics. Instead CEO should gain benefits like lower Country Resources. Think your paying workers who would otherwise be taking Social Security. Is a discount to much to ask?

And Salaries i understand your comment Josias . I Run 1000-1100 Salaries with 850Governement But i make 180B a month profit ATM and it hovers there and 150B. So it argues both ways i could make more but the higher salaries have other hidden benefits. Think CEO owned, Pull Public, has Back to work School/Clinic workers, High Salaries = Should be rewarded and make more then a normal corp. CEO are 300-400salaries you think a Enterprise would pay more then the country.

My 2cents
Maybe increase CEO levels each 100Salaries = 1% extra production
They have BTSW/clinics = 1/5 less country resources fee(your taking 3-4corps so it not a huge deal)
Maybe set a global Salary Average for both countrys and CEO's
Every 100salaries over = 1% increase
if you a CEO paying 1000 and the CEO average is 200 you get a nice 8% increase... Scarlet you said yourself in the chat you make 4T from your CEO wont you like to be rewarded with an extra 1T???

Josias (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, February 10, 2011 - 03:45 pm Click here to edit this post
allot of this, doesn't consider the military costs of a country, or the countries own expenses. i didn't go over your countries indepth, but you run the 1100 gov sals in you main, but in your slaves which need some semblance of military, your sals are considerably lower

the only decent country i have atm, that i'm trying to make a monthly profit on (pure econ,) is my main on WG, making over 200B a GM, and running 100/120 sals. Infact, my heavy WSs on WG really aren't far into the red. Because of my low sals.

you look at the expenses of a country, with the costs added in, for most decent sized countries... the average expenses are more than the enterprise tax.

most my ceo's make more profit than good countries, with the current system... a boost isn't needed. what WAS needed was higher profit in corps, which we got, via the recent slew of corp expansions. I'm not sure it was an intended effect by w3c to consolidate corps, but by making corps bigger, and their profits larger, the ceo game has been re-invented.

as far as a boost for ceo corps... ehhh, i wont turn it down, but i'm not going to campaign for it either, i really don't think anything needs to change, as far as that goes. only thing i'd suggest on that, is allowing you to set specific Q in supplies for specific supplies... ie, i'd be able to buy 150Q supplies for all my pharm corps, except i could buy 180 HTS for them...

the other thing that'd really help ceo's is "project pages," where you could group together 1-100ish corps, and manage them seperately from the rest... you could put all the corps in your own countries and allies countries into one project page and run higher sals than the rest. then you could set up another project page for experimentation. now that would be a cool change

reducing the country resources paid, will decrease many countries income. already, the state only econ strat is very competitive with ceo controlled corps. lowering the incentive for presidents to have ceo corps, will also reduce the demand, infact, your proposal, might have the opposite of the desired effect.

but none of that matters, i guess if you don't build military, and now with war levels, you don't even need wp!!! so why not reduce overall income further, just to keep down the payouts and keep the game profitable...

Jonhson79 (Fearless Blue)

Saturday, February 19, 2011 - 06:44 pm Click here to edit this post
It is not worth to set salary over 200 for CEO's corps nowadays

Red Dragon

Monday, February 28, 2011 - 08:37 pm Click here to edit this post
What is the best world to start your CEO?


Monday, February 28, 2011 - 10:47 pm Click here to edit this post
I would say LU cause of its high game speed. It also quite active so its quite easy finding active presidents to host some corps.

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