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War on FB (Little Upsilon)

Topics: General: War on FB (Little Upsilon)

Kolenski (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, October 29, 2011 - 10:55 pm Click here to edit this post
I am certainly not a war player, in fact, the first time I played this game a number of years ago I quit because I was trying to lay low and figure out the econ side but as soon as I worked my way up to three (poorly defended, although I didn't realize I was poorly defended) countries a vet player dec'ed me to asset raid. Shortly after I quit the game.

I originally found this game by doing a web search for "economics simulation". Although I am primarily interested in the econ game I have a warring related suggestion that even I would participate in. This suggestion will only interest those of you (war vet and non-vet) who want resurrect a legit war-fed game. If you only want to get the war rules relaxed so you can asset raid the new and the weak there is no reason for you to continue reading.

First, I think this idea (or some mod of it) is a good one because it does not require any modifications to the game to be made by the GM that I know of, it just requires the player base to work together a bit to make it happen. If it does require modifications by GM I am guessing (because I don't know the war rules on FB) they will be minor.

Second, a couple of questions:

1) Can all players level 3 and above war against each other on FB?

2) Can all weapons needed to defend/attack be obtained on FB, or is space trade required? I ask this because space trade does not seem to be very popular and this idea might work out better if space does not have to be part of it.

One thing that might kill this idea is the existing fed structure on FB. I am not familiar with it. If large numbers of war vets are fedded together and other feds have no "war experts" my idea won't work. It may require some voluntary break up of existing feds and that new loyalties be formed (and kept, as a matter of honor).

The (pretty simple) idea is this:

A number of new war feds be formed on FB comprised only of players who agree that their intention is to get to war level 3 as soon as they or their fed can put up a reasonable defense of their countries (which might take a while for some of us starting out from scratch on FB). I propose that each fed be headed by someone who considers themself to be what I will call a "Level 1 War Expert". Each Level 1 expert chooses a "Level 2 War Expert" who is also a war expert but maybe not quite as expert as themselves to be the second in command. Other players who are "War Experienced" (but not experts) should be divided up on a somewhat even basis among the however many war feds as subordinates to the "Experts". The rest of each fed is made up of "Rookies" (like me) who are pretty much clueless about war but agree that they will try to hurry up and get as war ready as they can and get up to war level 3. This is for a start, I realize there will be personality conflicts, etc that will cause people to leave one fed for another over time.

I propose also:

That if enough players are interested a separate thread is started that is only each players declaration that they are in and what classification they consider themselves to be (Level 1 War Expert, Level 2 War Expert, War Experienced, War Rookie ... or something like that). At some point on the future when there is some idea of how many people are interested and what their war experience is the "Experts" who want to head the feds would hold a draft (or something) so these war feds start out with a somewhat equal level of war expertise.

If you really think you are an expert you sould not hold back and declare yourself as such. I don't think these feds should be all that big (certainly not so big they need branches), I think it will be more interesting if each fed is comprised of a couple of "Experts", a small handful of "Experienced", and however many "Rookies". I think a number of small war feds would be more interesting than a few bigger ones. Being an "Expert" is an honor in this structure, and if you really are one you should be in charge or second in command of a fed. Again, this will never work if all the war experts want to fed together. I don't think it will matter much how the rookie types devide out, but the experts and experienced should devide out somewhat equally.

Once the feds are established the war fed leaders should council together regularly and maintain some sort of ground rules. For instance, once war breaks put between two feds I think all the others should keep out. Also, as a safeguard, I think all the participating feds should agree to band together to fight any outside aggressor. This is to prevent outsider "war experts" from banding together to asset raid participating feds. So in a way the participants are one big fed who agree to protect each other, but also agree that any one "branch" can attack any one other "branch". It would be up to the war fed leaders to council together to come up with the ground rules and get approval of the other fed members. The council of leaders may also do things like agree to leave a weak fed alone (one that just got it's clock cleaned in a war) until it has a chance to build back up, etc ... whatever they deem needs to be done as things come up.

This idea requires that the war expert types behave honorably. This will go down in flames fast if (Mob, used only as an example) buddies start a number of small war feds only to collectively turn on their members at some future date.

So that is the beginning of the idea. Any interest? Or is your only idea of "war" to be able to asset raid the weak? I will participate as a "Rookie" if this goes anywhere.

Discuss (if you want to)

ZentrinoRisen (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, October 29, 2011 - 11:55 pm Click here to edit this post
Sounds like a good idea but it really is just how things should be. If war experts divided their knowledge out to other players and did not engage in raiding those who had no chance, then things would fall into place like this by themselves.

I personally like the idea of a war tournament better. You decide what countries to put in the tourney, knowing you may lose it. It could be an all out battle royale or it could be structured with a tourney bracket of sorts.


Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 12:16 am Click here to edit this post
...and thats basically the war continent idea with a different heading.

Call it Tournament island.

Appreciated_Customer (Fearless Blue)

Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 12:18 am Click here to edit this post
MORE... SUGGESTIONS.... Surprising.... and the old suggestions have gone over so well.

Kolenski (White Giant)

Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 12:40 am Click here to edit this post
One problem I see with most past suggestions is that they require the game to be re-programmed by the GM, in some cases in ways that are probably not practical. In addition everyone seems to want the re-programming done differently so in the end only a few would be happy with it.

I am not suggesting my idea should be implemented as is, what I am trying to suggest is a starting point for something that does not require the GMs to do any re-programming of the game and that would be entirely voluntary.

My point is that the player base should stop crying to Momma and Daddy to do 100 different conflicting things for them and do something on their own.

ZentrinoRisen (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 12:46 am Click here to edit this post
Why would this need to be on one continent? FB is nearly empty. Set up wherever you like. Maybe have a certain thing in each country name to identify them as being a part of it.

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