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War - Newspaper war losses per side logs (White Giant)

Topics: General: War - Newspaper war losses per side logs (White Giant)

Nicolas Fernandez Ponce (White Giant)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 - 01:10 pm Click here to edit this post

An extract from the newspaper, after an attack during a war:
COUNTRY A forces lost 170 interceptors. {COUNTRY A lost 155 soldiers and 264 were wounded. COUNTRY B forces lost 1 fighter plane. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. COUNTRY B lost 25 soldiers and 49 were wounded. COUNTRY A defense was assisted by the Boreka unit.

Is there any tool around OR somewhere in the game a place where it keeps a log for COUNTRY A and COUNTRY B weapon losses per war?

you could be fighting two different wars at the same time for instance


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