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Wii games

Topics: General: Wii games


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 01:45 pm Click here to edit this post
I just bought a Wii for my grandkids and its got the dance games, sports, karaoke etc but these games aren't really my style.

Anyone with a Wii recommend good strategy, thinking games, dont mind a bit of shoot 'em up but not completely just shoot everything that moves?

Thanks peeps, CC

Inanna (Golden Rainbow)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 04:49 pm Click here to edit this post
Honestly CC, the Wii games are all pretty much movers/shakers/exercise. I have this problem with my kids and their Wii. They have all that energy. Me, I just want to /type/click/winftw Lol!

What I have done is buy the gamecube strategy type games. Gamecube games are not mover/shaker based and you can find them at any of your local gamestores. It also depends what Wii you bought. If your WII was Mario bundle RED you can still buy Gamecube games and you can check for yourself right where you click the button to sync the Wii controllers to the console. If you have the four gamecube controller ports and the memory card readers then you are gamecube capable.

If you aren't compatible with the gamecube games you need to get an X-box 360 with Kinnect. Get a 360Gig machine b/c all the others suck and have memory loading problems. This way you can play some really in depth Strategy games and others while allowing your Grandchildren to play their movers and shakers from the Kinnect.

I know you proly don't want to have to go buy another system but I heard you are ballin' big time over there and if I got it... I know you got it ;)

Lol jk, I hope that helps.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 04:53 pm Click here to edit this post
Try the lego games... Harry Potter, Batman, etc... their fun and very little movin or shakin.

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