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Does population drop

Topics: General: Does population drop

Devils Halo

Saturday, April 6, 2013 - 11:37 am Click here to edit this post
Hey peeps or Andy, Does population have a cap on it. For example my country has around 67M in population, yet I have welfare index between 127-128 and my migration index is 66. From my understanding the migration index is respectable given the description..Does anyone have any further insight into this matter?..Thanks again

Borg Queen

Saturday, April 6, 2013 - 04:32 pm Click here to edit this post
There are two Caps: One starts at about 60M pop when the growth rate lowers and when you hit 300M pop thats the hardcap afaik.
My tipp would be: get health up. Afaik Welfare is not soooo important on Pop and Migration-Index is near to useless as it is now and it is supposed to also show the relation of how you are doing to how the region you're in is doing, as you see this month you got MigInd@65 and only 31 peeps immigrating and I got Index of 63 and an amazing number of 48 are immigrating *woho* -.-

James the Fair

Saturday, April 6, 2013 - 09:09 pm Click here to edit this post
I think if you've got high welfare and health levels, I think tens of thousands should be immigrating to your country every month. But at your migration index at 63, you should be getting a minimum of at least 100,000 every month. This would certainly help the new players build up their countries much faster early in the game and hopefully stay more active that way.

Devils Halo

Saturday, April 6, 2013 - 10:55 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank you very much for the explanation..I will boost my health up and see where that takes me. Again thank you both for the input.

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