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Problem with Employment

Topics: General: Problem with Employment

Philipp Bauer

Friday, July 19, 2013 - 08:22 pm Click here to edit this post
I have 40 corps, but 7 have hiring ranging from 50% to 90% eventhough I have unemployed people way beyond the necessary number for 100% Production, e.g. 540,000 Unemployed - 230,000 Needed for 100% Production, but they don't get back to work, why? Help?


Friday, July 19, 2013 - 08:28 pm Click here to edit this post
Need country and world info please.

Borg Queen

Friday, July 19, 2013 - 09:12 pm Click here to edit this post
It's not the total number of unemployed People that Counts, it's the number of unemployed in each and every workers category. so if a corp Needs 100 low lvl workers(llw), 100 medium lvl workers(mlw) and 100 high lvl workers(hlw) but you have 50 llw, 100mlw, 100hlw it will only hire 50 llw, 50 mlw and 50 hlw. You see the Point? It will hire as many % of each workers category as you have % available of the workers category with the lowest available amount of workers.

And please next time choose the Beginners or the Help Forum

Philipp Bauer

Saturday, July 20, 2013 - 02:30 am Click here to edit this post
"Bundesrepublik Aquitanien" on White Giant.

Oh yeah Borg Q, the thing is its for each category, (except in High Tech Eng which I already adjusted the Edu Priorities), it just seems that for the rest, people don't want to work. I have for example 500mlw and only 100mlw are needed for 100% production and most of the categories go on in a similar manner, specifically in llws, which I have 1m unemployed and only 200k are needed... Its confusing and a huge bump to my finance, halting my rearming.


Saturday, July 20, 2013 - 05:18 am Click here to edit this post
The simple answer is you are short high tech executives. You have 41661 positions to fill and your eduction system/priority is not keeping up. You went from 38517 trained high tech execs in December of 3091 to 38,231 in the current month, March of 3093. You also have some work to do training a few high tech engineers.

Borg Queen explained accurately how a shortage in one profession affects others (ie. for every missing high tech executive 61 low level worker positions will not be filled in your country) and is also correct that this is better discussed in the help forum.

XON Xyooj

Saturday, July 20, 2013 - 11:25 pm Click here to edit this post
what's the logic that if one category of worker is not enough to fill, then it affects the other categories too?

this is confusing, if you need 10,000 workers for 100% production and if you have 11,000 unemployed in this category, why doesn't these 11,000 get to work so you would only have 1,000 unemployed which these 1,000 could be transfer or retrain into another positions?

XON Xyooj

Saturday, July 20, 2013 - 11:42 pm Click here to edit this post
to lessen the confusion for many players, it would be better to just have "graduated last month" and "needed for 100% production" along with just "priority" instead of "current priority" and "new priority"

this "unemployed" really confused me too, because in some categories i have zero (0) unemployed or more unemployeed than needed, which to me is that i either have no worker available for this category or that all of the workers in this category are working...which is it?

otherwise the number of "unemployed" should never be larger than the number for "needed for 100% production"? it should either be zero or less than "needed for 100% production" in order for players to decifer these mystery numbers.

instead of "unemployed" would be more discriptive to be label as "available workers, but unskilled" or other better label tags

again, if just have "graduated last month" and "needed for 100% workers" then i think most players can work out the mathematics, such as if your schools can graduate 1,000 per month in fill a 10,000 needed category, then you would need 10 months to fill that category 100%

also that higher level workers should be able to fill lower level positions, just that lower level workers will need to be trained to fill higher level positions. it doesn't make sense to have dependence between the different categories such as Borg mentioned?

Philipp Bauer

Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 09:35 am Click here to edit this post
Well, seems I understand the situation, thanks all


Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 01:30 pm Click here to edit this post


what's the logic that if one category of worker is not enough to fill, then it affects the other categories too?

Perfectly complementary inputs.


Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 03:13 pm Click here to edit this post
just to add one thing, thats similar but may not be the problem here.

if you have the proper workers, but they are n't being hired, checked production and hiring from the corps page, sometimes they wount be set to 100%, even if you set them properly.

XON Xyooj

Sunday, July 21, 2013 - 11:31 pm Click here to edit this post
thanks for the link, but that doesn't explain much about employment

"A perfect complement is a good that has to be consumed with another good"

so how does this explain such fields as doctors and high tech executives?

most of the employment categories in sc seem to go in one direction for increasing of skills or wanted in the society. it seems that you're either unskilled (i.e. low level workers) or skilled into the categories provided.

why doesn't sc be like any earth society where you are born, get an education (if you choose), then get into the profession of your choice or that your society needs/requires?

do the categories of professions in sc go in progression stages, such as you need to start from the first category (low level work, medium level worker,high level worker), then onto the next categories (teacher, university teacher), then the next category (nurse, doctor, senior doctor), then the next category (low level manager, medium level manager, high level manager), then the next category (executive, high tech executive, high tech senior, high tech executive)?

i'm sure i'm not the only one that cannot connect the dots about employment in sc too. i don't think there are not enough categories of workers in sc to build a society, such as we're missing a whole lot of categories in the social sciences that help build a society, and most of the categories in sc are not descriptive enough nor explain what those workers do?


Monday, July 22, 2013 - 12:54 pm Click here to edit this post
It's just a matter of seeing the world.

In terms of goods, think of it this way:
You only drink 1 tea with 1 sugar. If you don't have sugar, you refuse to drink tea, no matter how much of it you have.

In terms of labour:
In one hour, a receptionist helps one patient clear all of the bureaucracy. In one hour, a doctor diagnosis one patient no matter the disease. So, for an hospital to receive one patient in one hour it needs one receptionist and one doctor.

If you have two receptionists and one doctor, or vice-versa, the extra receptionist clears you one extra patient in one hour, but that doesn't really help you at all, because at the other end of the hospital the sole doctor is already occupied diagnosing his one patient.

Therefore, it is better to have an equal number of receptionist and doctors in this case.

You can argue there is substation between inputs, but then you have to argue how much is there. If there is little, then you can consider this an apt simplification, as befits a model and a game. If not, then something else must be made that is conceivable in this game.

In any case, there is both theory and evidence that support this view. As there is for substitution. Personally, I'm not really all that concerned with this, although I welcome all improvements.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013 - 05:11 pm Click here to edit this post
It's those kinds of explanations that make this game so much fun. Makes perfect sense. And besides, if workers could move between professions more easily it would just take one interesting challenge/detail out of the game.

XON Xyooj

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 - 11:10 pm Click here to edit this post
thanks for trying to explain, but still make no sense

some people do drink tea without sugar, and some drink tea with milk instead of with sugar.

receptionists and doctors do no necessary needs to be dependents of each other, it's just that in that case the doctor is the critical path. otherwise there is no need for receptionists because most doctors on earth can do their own reception duties.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013 - 11:59 pm Click here to edit this post
can a receptionist work without a doctor XON..... yes it makes sense.... it made sense to me before laguna explained it in such clear professional and official terms

XON Xyooj

Thursday, July 25, 2013 - 08:58 am Click here to edit this post
if there is no doctor, there is no need for a receptionist. again, the doctor is the critical path, get it?

may be you can explain to me the dependency between doctors and high tech executives?


Friday, July 26, 2013 - 12:31 am Click here to edit this post
yeah if you dont have a hi tech executive to manage the 3 hi tech seniors to manage the 5 engineers to manage the machinery in the hospital containing 5 doctors then why hire the doctors.... laguna described it perfectly already anyways... extrapolating the principles of complementary goods and applying it to labor was perfect.... sure its not perfect... you could definitely run a factory only short staffed in one area atleast marginally but its a game and i cant see any better suggestion then to continue with the system.... i dont see a way of making a tree of critical paths for every different factory.... it would be way to complex... sure you can run a hospital with only doctors... but a professional hospital shouldnt be run with only doctors as you will run into problems even though they are the "critical path"

XON Xyooj

Sunday, July 28, 2013 - 11:13 pm Click here to edit this post
guess i have no imagination how these are dependence on each other :)

so the medical doctor needs a high tech executive on earth? in my part of the world, it's the opposite because the high tech executive maybe dead already if the doctor can't find a cure for the high tech executive's illness.

been in project management for more than two decades, and in these limited experience of mine pretty much everything else on planet earth has operate successfully via critical path items. hope that you have at least read or have bits of knowledge of "7 habits" because if you taken care of the big important items then everything else should fall into their proper places?

i'm trying to decifer the logics of this game, and do appreciate helps such as yours or others, but let's do these such that we're all on the same game plan.

thanks a bunch :)


Monday, July 29, 2013 - 04:53 am Click here to edit this post
540,000 Unemployed - 230,000 Needed for 100% Production, but they don't get back to work, why? Help?

Do you have Obama running the employment area?


Monday, July 29, 2013 - 12:47 pm Click here to edit this post
please read the comments above.
check the education priority page (one of the most important pages) to see where the shortages are and in which groups you have a surplus.

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