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Welfare Index Benefits Beyond 130

Topics: General: Welfare Index Benefits Beyond 130

Lord Bradnel

Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 12:09 pm Click here to edit this post
Out of curiosity, is there much benefit of increasing ones welfare index beyond 130?

What is the highest welfare anyone has seen or achieved?

could one achieve 200% production through a overly high welfare index?

Borg Queen

Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 03:04 pm Click here to edit this post
From Docs:

'The welfare index is taking the lowest value of several other indexes:

The health index
The Education Index
The Transportation index
The Supply index + 40
The Employment index + 35
The Social Security Index + 40
The Government Salary Index + 25

So you see max welfare is (not considering small game-lvl bonuses) maxed out at 135 if you have 100% Employment, which is near to impossible. I myself run my countries at about 135-136 Welfare due to game lvl bonus, dont know if anyone else has more atm.
Production to 200% would only be possible if you have an insane amount of salary which would quite sure ruin your Corps in the first month.
But besides that each and every welfare point you gain from not too much expensive means is worth to get it.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 05:18 pm Click here to edit this post
like BQ said, only one thing to add.

the Consumption Quality Index, CQI, plays a roles

and compare to

you can see the sharp increase in CQI, with a corresponding increase in country welfare. I'll leave it up to you to figure out what value you think is, well, most valuable.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 09:25 pm Click here to edit this post
what are you some sort of communist..... to hell with welfare just run your economy on slave wages in sweat shops that make shoes


Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 10:36 pm Click here to edit this post
the game does seem to only value one model of economic and political success


Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 11:50 pm Click here to edit this post
There should be others but thats another story another time

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