Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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GM - Stop Deactivating My Weapons!!!

Topics: General: GM - Stop Deactivating My Weapons!!!


Thursday, January 29, 2015 - 08:47 am Click here to edit this post
World is LU The grand state of cantita, this problem has been happening to me for a while, but has become much worse on LU.

I have cash in country, index are decent...Yet my stuff keeps getting deactivated?


Thursday, January 29, 2015 - 11:13 am Click here to edit this post
It is not only cash.
please check the availability of low level workers and mid level managers.

the army recruits them and if not available (under the age of 50),
the army must reduce its size.

also explained in the documentation.


Thursday, January 29, 2015 - 09:39 pm Click here to edit this post

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