Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Game Update September 18, 2020

Topics: General: Game Update September 18, 2020


Friday, September 18, 2020 - 10:25 am Click here to edit this post
The Navies

The size of navies remains unchanged.

The choice of weapons in the navy is slightly changed.

You cannot have a carrier group with 1104 navy fighters and nothing else.
It makes the navy an unreasonable weapon and it is even more unrealistic than the default structure.

We are limiting the numbers per type of weapon in the navy.

In general, we will keep the possibility of the player to tune the numbers of weapons in units.
This will be a tuning function but not one that creates "One type of weapon" units.

All types of military units will be tuned gradually in the coming months.

Natural Resources

Many new natural resources were discovered and added to all countries.

You can build such corporations everywhere.
they are in general, very profitable.

Enterprises with less than 100 corporations can build natural resources corporations. Such enterprises are very profitable.

Birth Numbers

Birth numbers are slightly up in all countries.
we have seen a slow population decline game wide for some time.
numbers are now quite good and close to where we think they should be.
we do want to stop the long term decline and made a very small increase in birth rate.
The population graphs will show it.

Cargo Shuttle Aging

We have slowed down the aging process of cargo shuttles allowing each shuttle a longer life before it is retired.

Troop Movements

After simplifying the process of moving military units around, mainly the problem of moving them back home with supply shortages, we have also increased the speed of movements for military units in general.

This includes all units including transport airplanes.

The troop movement process is quite intensive, checking thousands of countries and units to decide if they are moving, where they are heading and perform the move.

It used to be a problem for our servers but the problem is long resolved.

The process is optimized and the servers capacity is much larger.

troops now move once in 5 seconds (used to be 15 seconds).


Friday, September 18, 2020 - 01:16 pm Click here to edit this post
Nice Update GM's. Troop speed increases is very welcome.

Lord Mndz

Saturday, September 19, 2020 - 08:38 am Click here to edit this post

regarding changing amount of weapons in the units. Weapons are too cheap right now so there is no point in adding other weapons to defend the unit. If you want to go this direction you need to make weapons much more expensive to reduce their numbers in game. Suggestion would be to make it step by step each time increasing the price 5-10 times at least.

Idea of mixing different types of weapons is good, but you need to also create value of why to mix - which is to protect key weapons in the unit.

In general I think, that all air defence/offence weapons need to be nerfed as for the decades SimCountry war success was only dependend on winning air and the rest was not important.

You have amazing map painting and troops movement functionalities which should be most important part of winning war. That would also make SC much closer to PC games where you move units on the map. Strenghen ground forces and nerf long range attacks - it makes no sense to win war only by using conventional batteries or stealth bombers.


Saturday, September 19, 2020 - 08:42 am Click here to edit this post
Thanks for this.
The change we have made, is indeed only one of many possible improvements but that one was overdue.

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