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W3C - Trading on Tiny Atlas

Topics: General: W3C - Trading on Tiny Atlas


Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 04:05 pm Click here to edit this post
The current status of trading on Tiny Atlas allows contracts between countries and corporations.

General trading is not working.
Turning the general market on, will cause countries without a president to order many products and create very large shortages of all products.

As long as production is limited, it does not make much sense to allow trading to run as it will be impossible to get any products because of the long queues of orders. Nearly nobody delivers products on TA.

W3c countries do not participate in contracts and real players have the advantage of setting up such contracts and get deliveries.

Immediate trading is not possible.

Immediate trading in general, delivers non existing products with the assumption that these products will become available later and close the gap that was created by these immediate deliveries of non existing products.

There is no possibility to close such gaps on TA and immediate orders cannot function.

We have made clear, from the start, that having a country on TA will require large transports of materials from the other worlds to make life on TA possible.

we have repeatedly explained this and it is also explained in the game documentation about Tiny Atlas.

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