Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Basic IPO guide. (White Giant)

Topics: Beginners: Basic IPO guide. (White Giant)

Josias (White Giant)

Monday, February 21, 2011 - 06:59 am Click here to edit this post
Their are many, many ways to IPO. Here I'll only give you the most common method. This is not the method i currently use. But it will get you started.

First, preforming an IPO before the 22nd, of any given game month, will result in auto-investment funds buying shares. If you don't want this, you need to start and complete your IPOs between the 22nd, and end of month.

From the Corp page, scroll down to "Share Price and P/E Ratio" under that box, it will either give you a link to start an IPO, or tell you why you are unable to IPO. For this, we don't want to get distracted. Find a corp you can IPO.

In the IPO page, sell the max EXISTING shares, (the choice on the left.) This is 15% of the total shares. Usually 15M.

Go into your CEO, and purchase 24.99% shares. Usually that is 24.99M for most initial IPOs. Max shares an CEO can purchase is 30%.

Go back to your country, and sell max again.

Go to a secondary country, and purchase shares via the IF. This is a max of 4%.

Go to a third country, and buy max IF shares.

Go back to your first country, sell max.

alternate between your second and third countries, buying, and your first country selling, until the first goes down to the desired quantity. (24.98%?)

This will transfer control of your corp to your CEO, as a "Enterprise Controlled Public Corporations." While keeping max ownership in your empire.

This is not the method i use. But it is the most common method. Give or take a few details.

I feel that IPO's are more of an intermediate, thing. But considering the amount of questions regaurding it... thought something must be posted.

Hint. When selling existing shares, it sells at a limited price. if the price changes, you may need to cancel your sales, and restart. but this wont happen unless auto-IFs are jumping in

Hint. The "Your Share Portfolio" page, and portfolio targets pages, are your friends. Mastering how to use them makes IPOs 1000% easier.

Josias (White Giant)

Monday, February 21, 2011 - 07:14 am Click here to edit this post
other methods.

2. state public corps...

don't buy shares with your CEO, more than you intend for the country to control. That is, instead of the 24.99/24.98 split above giving CEOs the higher number. give your country the higher number, that is only sell down to 24.99M with your country, and buy up to 24.98 with your CEO.

I usually don't worry about .xx percents, and go 24% country, 23% ceo, when using this method.

also, if you have 2 CEO's you can buy in with the second one at the lower amount, if you want.

3. Lazy mans easy IPO's

I actually use this one. But not often.

When you start your IPO, instead of selling existing shares. I create NEW shares. the number doesn't actually matter. Once i've clicked on the sell... then i go into my share portfolio targets and set the target goal to 24%. and then leave it alone. The game will automatically try to sell 4% of the share each game month, until it reaches the desired goal.

note, with this method, you are selling 76% of the corp to auto-IFs.

4. The Orbiter Method.

Yes, this one is mine, the one closest to what i currently use.

I sell my max shares, and buy the max shares for my IFs. IFs can control 40% of the total shares. So i'll sell that to 2 of my own countries IFs. for a total of 80%. the other 20%... I'll make sure at least 5% of the share are sold to auto-IFs, (for reasons i will not state.) and keep the rest in my owning country. Some times i will split the rest between my country and my ceo. for instance, i might keep 5.1% control in my country, and 5.0% in my ceo, selling 9.9% to auto-IFs. this allows me to switch control back and forth between my country and ceo as i see fit, by buying or selling small quantities of shares from my IFs and CEO. Also, i can just slightly up the target percent for my ceo, and make massive switches with but a few keystrokes.

5. The dividend collector

Using the above concepts of % shares. do a 51/49 split between your country and giving control to your CEO. Once your CEO has control. Move the corp. You country will gain dividends, like it is in your country, and will never be able to control the corp. so once the corp is moved, sell the shares of the ceo down to under 25%, and even though you country owns more shares... because a country can not control a corp inside of another country, the control will remain with your ceo. and your country will effectively gain 49% of the ceo corp profits, with out the manpower demand...

6. Dueling CEO's

Again, with the concepts of % control. IPO a CEO corp, and transfer control from one CEO to the other. This will allow you to increase control of corps for one CEO in a country, and allow the selling CEO to build more corps... A way around the CEO corps limits. But i honestly, don't recommend trying to get around these limits. Just showing you some of the things you can think up with IPOs

7. Selling corps

If you sell all your shares... with out buying any from your country or CEO's... once the last share is sold, if their is no CEO controlled shares. And the host country does not control any shares... Control goes to the GM. and is listed in the Game Masters corps, as corps that are up for sale. This is the closest thing we have to Corp market. And yes, lots of people look their to buy corps...

CorporatePartner (Golden Rainbow)

Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 11:01 am Click here to edit this post
Nice job. A few things there that are very clever.

Another one for beginners or anyone else:

IPO corporation at the default # of shares usually 2M shares offered of 100M total for new corporations).

Then, afterwards go to Share market > set portfolio target, and set to whatever you want. Notice that the "system" automatically sets it to 85% as the default.

Copeppe (Kebir Blue)

Thursday, April 28, 2011 - 08:50 pm Click here to edit this post
Wow, a lot of info to digest....

The orbiter method, if i understand, you let two of your own investment funds buy those shares, so you can still maintain control at 24% of the shares, correct? That way you still have control of your corporation?

Also, wouldn't you have to jack up your taxes in order to make this profitable since you will no longer have the profit sharing of your state corps? The only thing you get off of public corps would be taxes and dividends, right?

I've generated some IPO's, but i've never been real clear on how this can generate more money for my country. The value on the corps goes high, but that's the only thing I've noticed.

Spinner (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, April 28, 2011 - 09:00 pm Click here to edit this post
5. The dividend collector

Using the above concepts of % shares. do a 51/49 split between your country and giving control to your CEO. Once your CEO has control. Move the corp. You country will gain dividends, like it is in your country, and will never be able to control the corp. so once the corp is moved, sell the shares of the ceo down to under 25%, and even though you country owns more shares... because a country can not control a corp inside of another country, the control will remain with your ceo. and your country will effectively gain 49% of the ceo corp profits, with out the manpower demand...

Is the only benefit of this method to free up workers? The dividends remain similiar whether or not the corp stay in my country?

Spinner (Little Upsilon)

Friday, May 13, 2011 - 01:50 am Click here to edit this post

CorporatePartner (Little Upsilon)

Friday, May 13, 2011 - 02:16 am Click here to edit this post
The thing is, if you own both a country and enterprise, you get the cash regardless. It's mostly just moving the same cash around.

As far as dividend payments, yes, they go to whomever has share control, if the corporation makes profits after taxes. Using investment funds is really good since that cash wouldn't be doing much anyways (collecting some small interest), so using it to invest in corporations and boost dividends to your investment fund can have a positive effect, that would be adding cash to your overall account.

Josias (White Giant)

Friday, May 13, 2011 - 07:42 am Click here to edit this post
their are some frustrations with dividends, i believe that the corp has to have a minimum cash level to pay out via the profit transfer. for a public corp, when it reaches 220B in cash it will make a lump pay out... so it can take a long time to see any money come in.

as far as the orbiter method, if 2 IFs hold 40% each, thats 80%, if i 8% in my ceo, and 7% in my country, thats max 5% any one else can control. and i can switch control, simply by lowering the share goals in my ceo... and in case of an emergency, i can sell out IF shares to force a transfer. and take control back, on some of the well...

but i find that 1B profit per corp, set up right, is not to much to expect. that is for a ceo corp. i mean, yes some preform better than others, blah, blah... so with 1B profit, the thought is, yes tax. for ceo corp, you get the country resources pay out, and income tax from higher sals, that don't count against gov sals. and you can tax the profit for more, or let it pay out to your IFs. as far as state corps. they have higher profit, so using them as a tax source, good idea, and it will still have some profit pay out. or you can back off the tax and pay out dividends. allowing you to adjust what your doing, based on the strength of your empire. if one country is under preforming, you can funnel in a little help.

the truth is, this is an account building game.

Gringo (White Giant)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 - 06:11 am Click here to edit this post
What are some basic ways to lower the P/E of a factory so that it can be IPO'd?

nix001 (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 05:01 am Click here to edit this post
Quote from the top-'First, preforming an IPO before the 22nd, of any given game month, will result in auto-investment funds buying shares. If you don't want this, you need to start and complete your IPOs between the 22nd, and end of month.'

Ok. Its the 28th of feb 2942, I have just IPO'd a corp and all shares went straight to investment funds. Has the rule changed on IPO's or is it that because the game clock/date seems to have nothing to do with the game it wasn't actually past the 22nd?

Jo Salkilld (White Giant)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 10:38 am Click here to edit this post
There were some significant changes to the way share trading works announced in yesterday's game news.

Hugs and respect



Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 02:33 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanks Jo. I'll take a look.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 06:21 pm Click here to edit this post
As for the time issue though, these changes mean nothing. (looks GM with head bowed) How do I know how long the month has changed for if I'm not sitting here watching the graphs?
Same with the war engine. I can't sit around watching the graphs to know when the month actually changed so I know how long I have left before the month changes.

I have got this right haven't I? Its not until the game has finished processing that the next month actually starts?

nix001 (Fearless Blue)

Friday, March 23, 2012 - 06:37 pm Click here to edit this post
I have used the guide at the top with success until now. Auto funds buy up my shares before I can get to my Enterprise to buy them. Do you agree GM that the way it used to be is no longer the way it is?


Tuesday, December 10, 2013 - 07:28 pm Click here to edit this post
bump, for personal use, (easier to find,)


Tuesday, December 10, 2013 - 09:50 pm Click here to edit this post
also, its important to note, that much of this, is kinda against the current. The game masters have stated they don't like to see a single player owning all the shares of a public corp, with multipul countries, and enterprises. they stated, (and truthfully so,) that such public corps aren't truly public.

Probably the best idea, is to use these concepts, in conjunction with your friends and allies, sharing each others corps.

Winter Sun

Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 10:59 pm Click here to edit this post
The GMs should f*** off on what we do with our corps. It's expensive and difficult to IPO 100% of your shares to yourself. Not only do you need to have the cash in whatever CEOs you are using, you also have to take the time to mature your investment funds to the point where they have the cash needed. And all this gets expensive after the first dozen $600+B corps you IPO.

Not to mention the fact that you need to time off of this in one go.

But it's not like there aren't analogs for this in the real world anyways, what with preferred stock and partial IPOs and whatnot.

This game keeps getting more disappointing. I'm glad I only took the 3-month option upon starting back again.


Thursday, December 12, 2013 - 12:17 am Click here to edit this post
well, before you get to upset, i'm guessing at what they intend. I'm usually pretty good at guessing what the GM are doing.

I'm basing my theory on some of their recent statements, relating to a share loop hole they popped. what was happening, was after purchasing all your own shares, you'd purchase more. so that their would always be a demand raising the price, but never any supply to even it out, (because until you manually sell, theirs no supply.) the result, was corps going up, and up in MV, increasing score to obserd levels, and bidding on over price corps with a CEO, then letting the CEO go bankrupt, leaving original owner with 200T per corp, in some cases.

during the discussion, they stated that public corps that are entirely owned by a single player, aren't truly public, and they've got a point.

one of the underlying player complaints, is that their is no need for player interaction. of course not, when we each are islands unto ourselves. If public corps where forced to be truly public, players that want to take advantage of such, would be wise to partner up...


Thursday, December 12, 2013 - 12:20 am Click here to edit this post
and whats so wrong with finding some business partners to buy your shares, and you theirs? not such a bad proposition, if you want an interactive game, based on team work.

If you don't want to interact with any one, then whats the need for and extra amount of production? the corps themselves, un-IPOd do OK!


Thursday, December 12, 2013 - 12:58 am Click here to edit this post
also, their is a much easier way to do what your doing, and cheaper 2. i can IPO dozens of corps, in less than 30 minutes. Quick and easy. And yes, i can buy all my own stocks, and if i wanted, for a fraction of the cost you mention.

when my corps first reach the IPO requirements, i'll IPO them, then i'll open a second tab, in the second tab, i'll load my countries share page, and leave it. in the first tab, i'll go into my CEO. then back to the second tab, i'll right click on "buy," and open that in a new tab, it'll automatically recognize i'm buying with my CEO, and i'll buy, then close the third tab. going back to the second, i right click, and do the next one. as long as that second tab of country shares is open, it takes just a few minutes to go through a bunch. then i can use the first tab to go into a second country, and repeat the process for the IFs.

after that, i can go into one of my secondary countries, that has already purchased shares, and from the second tab, with the original country's stocks, i can put a check next to each one, and use the mass buy button. The screen will refresh to the shares page of the second country, while leaving the check in the box to all the corps you already checked, provided the sales actually went through, and they are already listed. then you do a second mass buy, this one will actually trigger the purchase. you can leave that tab up, and go to your ceo, or forth country, and do the same thing.

it litteraly takes minutes, to do what used to take hours, or days.

if your patient, any given market will eventually go green, and corps will loose money, dropping the PE, and the price. Take a look at some of the current public Services corps on LU, and their current price. So if you can start the IPO process when the price is high, then wait for the market to crash, and you corps values to go down, you can divide the cheap stocks amoung what ever you want.


Thursday, November 5, 2015 - 06:56 pm Click here to edit this post
Bump. Can IPO players please give an up to date guide on this please?



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