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First Prophecy (Little Upsilon)

Topics: Federations: First Prophecy (Little Upsilon)

Quinton Belcher (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, May 2, 2010 - 05:08 am Click here to edit this post
An empire under god will form under the number 7; it will be weak, but be fed lions, and grow over a 100 years. The continent will also be home to another red empire. One that will request, but be denied a treaty. And the small nations of that region will rejoice under the two empires to save their selves. But behold, when this 7 nation empire picks up offensive arms; war will begin for the whole region.

opensesame11 The Conqueror (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 - 06:22 pm Click here to edit this post
The Halo series provide galactic realizations of this prophecy.

7^3= 343 Guilty spark
7^4= 2401 Penitent Tangent
7^6= 117649 Master Chief

The Covenant are omnicidal religious zealots. Hence under God.

When the Convenant finds the UNSC no offer at peace is made. The war is fought across thousands of light years.

It is unclear who wins the war at the end, however.

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