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Confederacy of Independent Nations (Little Upsilon)

Topics: Federations: Confederacy of Independent Nations (Little Upsilon)

Loki of Azure (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, July 12, 2008 - 09:54 pm Click here to edit this post
After a outbreak of civil war the Holy Correlation was forced to abandon their divine rule into the hands of common man. With a governing body completely eradicated a loose confederacy was created to benefit each state politically, socially. and economically.

Recruitment: The Federation is under selective admission due to the expectations that need to be upheld. However if anyone is interested don't hesitate to ask.

The Principles:
The principles of the federation is based on Peace, Protection , and Profit. It lives for the improvement of life, and economic Prosperity.

Foreign Policy/War: The CIN isn't much interested in Foreign wars but will rise to the occasion to fight if said war is deemed to jeopardize economic assets, the homeland, Fed harassment, or a global conflict.

Because this is a peaceful federation relief is also sent in times of war and disaster.

This federation is primary based in Lacerta Salem Karudy. But Willing to expand with more reputable/mature members.

Kris McCraw (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 - 09:34 pm Click here to edit this post
Hail Loki and the Azurians !

Danzig Y in seeking a degree of autonomy dropped out of the LMU yesterday. In a unsuccessful bid to gain admission to VS TFN delegates approached CIN with our desire to separate from the LMU and seek stronger regional partners for defense and trade.

The people of Danzig Y desire peace and prosperity. Our entry into CIN provides security to promote development of our nation peaceably.

This opens a new era in our development into a first world nation without the use of arms. We welcome our new brothers and sisters in partnerships to build a better future for all people of LU through economic development and peace.

It is our intention to remain neutral and have open relations with all people of LU. Though our brothers in Danzig Z regularly use force of arms to simulate economic growth. Only defense of our homelands will prompt this nation to acts of aggression.

The Free States of Danzig

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