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W3C - My country on TA

Topics: Tiny Atlas: W3C - My country on TA


Thursday, July 6, 2023 - 12:30 pm Click here to edit this post
We are of course developing a country on TA.
The main reason is to discover if there are errors in the setup that can block the development.

by now, my country has 7 corporations, all in education, health and roads etc.

not all running at 100% as there are shortages of workers.

the population is bleeding because of the low health and edication etc.
but the continuing transfers more than compensate.

education index already 40+
it is not very easy but not too hard.
It just takes time.
population now at 6 million. need many more before conditions change and the population will stop bleeding or leaving and turn into growth.

Huge amounts of materials flown from all the countries I have.
high cost but game money only.

Josias Jorvick

Friday, July 7, 2023 - 03:52 am Click here to edit this post


it is not very easy but not too hard.

I agree, but most folks have gone the wrong way in building.

I some how ended up with a ton of PP, (not complaining, things are working well for me) if any one needs PP to redo their corp build, send me a message at "Number 26" I'll send sets of 2 PP direct sales. I just tested, I was able to sell 2 to my slave, and it worked.

"sell to and buy from countries and enterprises directly" Is working now, (thank you W3C) I can send direct sales to get you back on feet.

Education should be the first corps folks build. You can only build so many hospitals, before they shut down do to lack of professionals. And transportation corps don't really fix any problems.

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