Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 06:13 pm  AN ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ETRURIAN EMPIRE. Out of respect for players surrounding Wendy, my war with her will not be a nuclear one. I intend to use only conventional weapons. I hope that you can do the same Wendy. I'm sure a certain next door neighbour of mine wouldnt be too pleased if he is affected by fallout. Would you Laguna? If anyone would like to join us in our crusade to rid LU of Wendy please feel free to declare on her, and be a part of the glorious battle. Her countries are as follows; The Philadelphian Liberation Station The Commonwealth of Unoddo Pompara Mendos If you need reasons to join us, how about these. Wendy is guilty of the following; Threatening nuclear war with several players. Sneak attacking several of her neighbours. Hostile bidding on other players corps. General asshatery. I look forward to seeing many more of you on the battlefield. Players already declared; Me Loki of azure (4th strongest armed forces on LU) Danzig Her armed forces are nothing to worry about. She has been trying to invade a C3 (The United States of Torson) with her war slave (if you can call it that) Menos for the last 12 hours or so without success. Even I can take a C3 in 20 minutes!!! Please feel free to declare on her, and share the glory of victory! Thankyou. Commander in Chief, Etrurian Empire Forces. |
Veritas (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 06:27 pm  Wendy has launched several humorous little sneak attacks on 'Independence' last night. She believes this war against her to be my brainpower at work, and this is her reason for attacking me. Sadly enough, she still fails to realize that people have learned to dislike her under their own accord. Apparently, there are people who take her constant threats, insults, and overall asshattery a little more seriously than I do. Carry on. |
jason (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 08:24 pm  well there is not much left |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 10:24 pm  Wendy - we expect a formal surrender on this forum, and an apology to everyone who has ever had to read your crap. If you do not do the above - we will continue with the destruction of your assets. As stated before - it is not, or was never our intention to invade you - just to teach you a lesson. Your slaves are almost C3's now anyway. If you do not do as requested - the destruction will continue. Every time you build something - we will destroy it. Your move..... |
Wendy (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 06:24 am  False, fabrications. Kain hostiled my corps not the other way around Jason threatend ME with nukes just for sneaking 'Kains corps in response. If punishing one for hostile bidding is asshat material, then I am a proud asshat. You will be punished Loki will be punished Danzig will be punished You all are No different from veritas who suffered losses due to his disgusting manners. Do you think you are immune from corp loss as well. You said this should be a lesson for us both and it is. On my side it is that the rules only apply to people not considered apart of club vet. Whatever hostile me at your own risk. On your side it will be that c3s weren't worth the losses you will bring upon your federation. Don't gloat for too long, the same thing that has made you laugh will make you cry, n00b tr00p. You were handed those c3s debt and all. Would you like to take the tab for my next campaign, you seem very anxious. You won't have to wait long. Three deppoped worthless c3s and 3 hostile bid corps worth less than 50B combined lost in exchange for over 20Tril damage in corps, not to mention infrastructure and casualties lost for the people you fight for has suffered is an exchange I will put up with anyday. Some victory morons. I hope you and kain learned that hostling wendy's corps will result in a harsh response regardless if you have the fourth largest army on your side. I.E. 50B vs. 20 trillion I have learned that n00bs will be n00bs and you need more convincing. this time it will be 100Trillion in corp loss. I guess that will be a victory for you to eh? Keep dreaming n00b, you have been weighed, measured, and found wanting on the scales of justice. You will be served! The High Profitess has spoken! Hail! the n00b tr00p, or is it piknator, ahh who cares. |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 06:59 am  Go watch "Knight's Tale" again. You lost, plain and simple, from some guys you never even heard of before. Kudos to the rat-pack for sticking up for what they felt was right. Wendy decided to sneak attack someone who wasn't even invoved in any of those actions (just because she doesn't like Veritas very much) and my question is......Where is this big response I was expecting from your supposed fed that kills anything in their way? |
Wendy (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 07:02 am  Spam Talk, nothing more nothing less. Spam talker, Spam |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 07:03 am  lmao....truth hurts |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 10:58 pm  Wendy - lol. lmfao. so much, my sides are slpitting. I have tried to be civil with you, but you just dont know when to stop mouthing off, do you? Look - why dont you just take the loss, and learn from the experience. I'm trying my hardest to be gracious in victory, but you really are making it so hard to do. PLEASE.....JUST LEAVE IT NOW. OK? |
Lelouch (Little Upsilon) | Monday, August 25, 2008 - 12:26 am  Please... :/ Just leave her alone.. lol |
Christian The Great (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 12:05 am  oh stop crying u two, jeez.... |
Wendy (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 02:48 am  I wish he would, he likes the attention he just doesn't know what he will do when he finally gets it. Spam Talkin' n00b |