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Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 07:02 pm ![]() I am asking anyone this question that wants to share their technique of conquering a C3. I get asked this a lot. My way varies from the mainstream techniques that I have heard of. I haven't used land units to take a C3 since I was a beginner. If you have a good strategy for conquering a C3 please share some of your tips. If it sounds good I will include your name and strategy on the website I am building.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 09:45 pm ![]() NUKE EM ![]() Joke Davepat, just a joke. WOT NO LAND UNITS? TP, I think you should start. ![]() Go on TP, Tell me how U do it. ![]() You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine. ![]() Dam. I wish I had never worked out how to do these smiley faces. ![]()
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 10:43 pm ![]() I just use precision bombers and fighters. First - i take out the defending interceptors, then the airfields and military bases. Finally I take out forts then cities etc. You can do it with one fully equipped bomber division, and one fighter squadron. No need to use land forces at all.....
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Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 12:02 am ![]() when using a navy- I take down the airwings first. Then the forts, Capital, cities, towns, counties and if needed corps. Use- nfp for airwings. Nfp and and guided to clear the D at targets. Then I use Cruisemissle ships to pound said target into dust. Austia
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Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 01:46 am ![]() I Second Austia's tactic. But I use NFPs to Bomb targets also.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 05:26 am ![]() Took mine with: 1 1000 Drone Wing 1 1000 plane fighter wing 1 LRD 2600HA/1000HT 5 SF Units Lost a couple hundred fighters and drones. Ammo expenditures were negligible. Painted and destroyed 3 cities. Took about 25 minutes. For what its worth.....I'm no expert.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 03:11 pm ![]() That sounds like a very inexpensive way to take a C3 FarmerBob. Thank you everyone for your input thus far. You wouldn't believe how often I get asked 'how do I conquer a C3' or 'what's the best way to take a C3' this thread will be a big help to all new players. I will include all information and give credit to its contributers in my website that is in the making. Thank you all.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 03:46 pm ![]() If the C3 is a neighbor, I use NFP and wipe out the army units. This gets rid of the Air Defense. Then I invade and paint the country with Occupation units. When I've painted the c3 thoroughly, I start destroying capital, cities and offensive installations. If the c3 has not fallen yet then I destroy fortifications till it falls. Expected loss 2-300 NFP and expended about 40K NFP missiles. Stay away from the Defensive airports with the NFP, this is where the air resistance will get you higher loses of NFP.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 04:37 pm ![]() Ok, I just had to verify my figures above. I took a neighboring C3 and lost 366NFP and 30K NFP missiles. Cost of .328T for loss NFP and 1.332T for NFP missiles for total cost of 1.6T So if someone could give me a less expensive approach I would gladly put it in my war book.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 06:27 pm ![]() Mr Priest, I hate you. LOL. Let me explain. I decided to do more testing on taking a C3. Started a war with another neighboring C3. I destroyed the army units using NFP. So far it's good. Then I destroyed the defense at the cities, war index of C3 remained pretty stable. Then seeimg this was not working very well, I destroyed the cities and wondered why my occupation units had not yet painted at least part of the C3. Checked my units and found they have traveled a very short distance and ran out of gasoline. Checked some more and noticed they were set to operate on 83 units (Ton) of gasoline. I changed the setting and they still sat still. Checked and noticed I had a lot of supply units but they were set to set out with 23 units fo gasoline. Changed their setting to give them more gasoline. Knowing the new setting would take awhile to take effect then I decided to destroy fortifications with Land Base Cruise. War index started to drop but not fast enought to please me. I got all frustrated and just pounded the C3 with more and more Land Base Cruise. Eventually the C3 fell. I lost tract of weapons and ammunition expanded during my excited state. Total weapons lost exceeded 400NFP and 60K NFP missiles, 600 Land Base cruise Batteries and untold amount of missiles. Then I salvaged less than 1 trillion from the C3. Do I really hate you Mr Priest? NO! Why am I sharing my stupid actions with everyone here? I look at it this way, If I can laugh at the the stupid things I do. I thought I'll give everyone the chance to laugh at me also. Have a great day. Now let me see if I can get some cheap weapons offers.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 11:06 pm ![]() LOL John, this is good stuff. It is funny how those of us that have been playing for awhile and know the game well and have empires need to stop and think when asked how to conquer a C3. It is obvious there is no exact science to it. I am on a quest to find the cheapest and easiest method so that I can teach the new comers. This is one of the things they struggle with most. You have all been contributing well, thank you.
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Friday, August 29, 2008 - 02:12 am ![]() I was wondering why all my ammo corps were doing so well. Thanks TP ![]()
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Friday, August 29, 2008 - 02:17 am ![]() LOL, no problem nix001.
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Friday, August 29, 2008 - 04:24 am ![]() For C3s that are close, I follow FarmerBob, except that I combine the Drones and Fighters. I also don't attack the air units until I have an LRD next to them (SF for within 3000km). This cuts losses for the air units. Adam
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Friday, August 29, 2008 - 05:23 am ![]() Yes Adam. I use the same approach and forgot to mention it. Thank You.
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Friday, August 29, 2008 - 01:31 pm ![]() I moon my enemies. Instant-win.
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Saturday, August 30, 2008 - 07:48 am ![]() Okay, war on the cheap: for a war against a small nearby c3 (~6M pop), to conquer, no intention of keeping (no concern for war damage, civilian casualties, etc). Units used: one Attack & bombing wing loaded with FP, drones, and bombers, and one LRD with 1000 HAV, 1000 jeeps, 120 anti-tank missile bats. Moved in LRD and painted like Mondrian. Took out defense wings with the A&B wing. Took out missile defenses with same--only the minimum needed--I did the capital and 4 of 6 cities. Used ATMB to take out land defenses in those targets. Then HAV and jeeps to take out the targets: undefended pop centers, cap, 3 cities and most of the fourth. Many clicks, well over a thousand. Cost, as determined by adding up market value of what was lost from the two units, including weapons, ammo, fuel, and military supplies: 568.7B SC$, and 961 personnel. Time: 76 minutes, from the first violation of the c3's borders (by land in this case). Obviously more time in preparation, but that's difficult to compare. Big ticket items: air2air missiles, aircraft fuel, military supplies. I believe it can be done in this manner for slightly less cost, but not much less. Maybe in less than an hour, but not much less. Maybe for much less in an entirely different way. So for now, I, Jo Jo Hun, the Sixth Musketteer, proud son of the humble soil of Bad Lagerland, claim the modern day record for cheapest c3 capture on Fearless Blue, Walden Two vs The United States of Moressa (now Walden Swamp), on or about Jan. 18, 2580.
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Saturday, August 30, 2008 - 12:08 pm ![]() 1. Go to internet cafe 2. register a new SC account 3. obtain the C3 you want to capture 4. Move things around on the map, to clear the way for invading forces 5. Make a bunch of supply units and tell every location in the country to maintain an "undefended" garrison. 6. drop war protection 7. declare war on your regular country 8. go home 9. win! (yeah obviously I dont do this myself ... I wouldn't be seen dead in an internet cafe!)
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Sunday, August 31, 2008 - 06:54 pm ![]() So what about if you ARE planning to keep the conquered country, so want to keep war damage and reduce casualties? Is there a more "precision" approach?
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Sunday, August 31, 2008 - 07:04 pm ![]() See the ground approach. Paint and hit a few cities.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008 - 08:21 pm ![]() Number one....If you are planning on keeping any country that has been involved in a recent war make sure you have plenty of construction and war hospitals. And depending on what world you are on, prepare for a re-invasion.
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Saturday, September 6, 2008 - 10:05 pm ![]() hmm
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Sunday, September 7, 2008 - 01:23 am ![]() I NEVER use NFP to attack targets...too expensive for me and I'm cheap. Therefore I never use NFp to attack targets. I prefer to use LRDS to bash targets. HAA and HTA is cheaper then the rest. Austia
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Sunday, September 28, 2008 - 12:14 am ![]() Navy fighters are cheaper because they don't get shot down as much. The bombers, helicopters, or navy fighters you use to kill enemy units will be more efficient if you park a land unit nearby. Occupational units and special forces are cheap and can also be used to paint the map. Using fewer bombs saves a lot of cash. Recently I used a lot of heavy artillery to destroy targets after clearing the garrison with airplanes. Heavy artillery grenades are cheaper than other types of bombs. If you are willing to click the mouse a lot you can kill enemy civilians with jeeps and offensive armored vehicles. Since jeeps don't use ammunition this should be very cheap.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 02:42 am ![]() I would like to say thanks to the people who have contributed in this thread. A year or more ago I had taking over C3s down to an art, amassed an 8 country empire... But I have long since forgotten what I did or in what order I did it. What I do know is that my way, though effective in obtaining the country, was terrible economically. I had something like 11T+ debt after my mongering. I hope to read these methods and perfect them so that my economy can remain stable through out my campaigns. I have one question, whatever happened to attack drones? From what little I can grasp of back then, I had humongous hordes of attack drones, nothing else, and then overwhelmed the C3 with them. Thanks, Seth
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008 - 09:15 am ![]() refer to this link for another way to conquer a C3, it is cheap and easy but as any method it takes time and preparation and of course some spending. Once in place though, I conquered C3s in less than 30 minutes. http://www.freewebs.com/tattooedpriest/howtoconquerac3.htm
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 04:03 am ![]() I like nix's NUKE EM. lol. that's too funny.
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 05:19 am ![]() What about the target's defences? You know how it says "attack target" or "attack defences" on every city and other target, do we attack the target and ignore the defences? And also i've failed at invading a country twice =-(. Lost a whole air forces attack wing, LRD, 100+ NFPs and 100+ Navy helicopters the first time. And the second time i lost an air force attack and bombing wing, LRB and another 100+ NFPs. Why? Also, whenever i would use midrange batteries or the few cruise batteries i had, they got blown up too. Why? And this was a stupid c3!!! Any advice would help me a ton
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 08:40 am ![]() You MUSY kill the air wings first or they will keep defending everytime you attack..whether it be with ground or air attack. Farmer Bob has a similiar setup as me. 1500 HA 1 mil ammo 1000 HT 1 mil ammo 500 MRMB 30k ammo and to kill air D 1000 nfp 20k ammo or 1000fp and 1000 drones 15k ammo and 8k ammo Hope this helps! Dirt
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 05:11 pm ![]() right well at the moment i am trying to take a C3 but its two countries away. can i just bomb it into submission? that easy or do i have to use units to occupy places?
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 07:33 pm ![]() bomber/drone combos are good. Also look at lcbm's and con batts...they are cheaper in the long run.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 01:30 am ![]() What about navy helicopters? I haven't heard anybody say that they use them in wars. Should i get rid of them and buy more navy fighters instead?
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 01:38 am ![]() I have another question, on the Tatooed Priest's advice on conquering c'3, he said to use 150 cruise missles to attack each city. Do we level the city, attacking till its completely destroyed? Or attack once with 150 missles? And what about the defenses at each city, do we attack them first? (assuming the air defense is already taken care of) I only want to attack to conquer, and most of the time the country is far away and i have to transport the units there. So how do i take over a country less destructively? Is it better to have land forces, or just special forces to paint the map?
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 02:00 am ![]() Each city till its levelled. I use 120 in an attack and 90 on forts, but i have to repeat that sometimes although rarely. As regards Nave hellicopters, I have them, but have never used them, but perhaps it is time to experiment.....
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 06:02 am ![]() I have had nothing but bad luck with my navy helicopters. In my opinion they're a waist of time and money. I teach to use 150 cruise missiles to attack a city with because that is how many it requires to completely destroy the city - attacking target and not worrying about it's defenses. If you desire to conquer C3's further away you can invest in cruise ships and navy fighter planes. It actually takes less cruise ship missile to destroy targets than land based cruises. Using navy fighters you can attack the C3's first air defense wing with a round of 1000 missiles and it destroys it, attack the second wing with a round of 500 missile and that one will be destroyed. When using cruise ship missiles it will only require 120 missiles per attack to destroy cities. Land based cruise missiles require between 140 - 150 to destroy a city. I hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to ask further questions until you completely understand what must be done to conquer a C3. Priest
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 08:33 am ![]() Another question on this topic. On your web page instruction for concquring a C3, you advice bassically a 1000 fighter unit to take out the air wing. I am reading elsewhere that using 1000 drones as "flax" in addition to the fighter is cheaper (I assume because the defence at least partially target the drones, which are much cheaper to replace.) Is there a reason you dont reccoment using drones? I am planing to take a C3 in a few days (my second one. Took my first one using the instructions on your webpage... Worked well... Thanks!), and am wondering is it might be worth adding drones to the attack wing.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 08:50 am ![]() Yes, 1000 fighters with 1000 drones is the only way to go unless using navy. Also know that using fighters against a bordering country has a much higher rate than using it on a distant one. If its bordering I'd say use the navy.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 09:42 am ![]() Stand it it's walls and wave your arms wildly and scream these exact words.... "I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!!!!!"
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 11:57 am ![]() Charles III, you are correct. I should update that. It is indeed a better method to use the 1000 drone fodder method. I suppose the reason I have taught to use just 1000 fighters is because most of the time when I conquer a C3 I use navy fighters which have no option for drones as fodder which has become a habit to think "1000 fighters". Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
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Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 06:13 am ![]() I want to use my navy to conquer countries, but how many navy fighters do i need and how many cruise missle ships? Everything is so much more expensive =-(. Also cruise missles ships take about 650 men per ship vs. the cruise battery takes about 100. What would you guys do? Go with cheaper fighter planes and land based cruise or go alot more expensive sea based cruise and fighters? Or a little of both even? I'm not sure, but i do know that i will be conquering countries further away, because i'm surrounded by empires. If i go with the navy approach should i get rid of all of my land forces? and normal fighters and cruise?(except. special forces to paint map) Because i don't think my country can afford all of it.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 12:57 am ![]() Also be sure to scout out the country with radar planes first to make sure its got the set amount of C3 units, especially newly abandoned countries. I jumped the gun once and to my horrid surprise found a base with 5k+ defenses(1k artillery-1k tanks-def and antiaircraft missles-inerceptors); was not prepared for that lol, But I guess thats one of the reasons he left in the first place.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 01:04 am ![]() There is no reason to attack the military bases in a CCC.
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Sunday, March 1, 2009 - 11:36 pm ![]() WHAT i was halfway in a war with a country now theres a president in it i thought u couldnt take countries if theyre in a war?!?!?!?!?!?
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Monday, March 2, 2009 - 02:05 am ![]() If you are taking a country from another president a third party can declare war. It helps to check current wars. CCCs should not be able to get a president while you are at war. However, if you don't make an attack the war will end. If think it is 6 months which is only 24 hours on LU.
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Monday, March 9, 2009 - 01:52 pm ![]() Ok. I'm making a bit of a mess of this. I've been trying to take a second C3 for a while now. I've been playing for a while, so I haven't just declared war on everyone the day I rocked up, but I'm doing something wrong. I painted the whole country first with occupation units, made up of mostly MIBs. Then, after finding this post, I set up an air wing of 1000 each, drones and fighters, fully armed. A Long Range Division of 1500 HA and 1100 Tanks and a mongrel LRD of leftovers, including quite a few Tanks and HA, were sent to sit next to the Air Defense (next to the capital also). The Air Defense was accounted for in one shot, costing 350ish drones. Now I attack the city defenses with the air force. I killed 2-10 of each of the defenses and lost a few hundred drones. Did this a few times. Thought the HAs and Tanks might work better on the target, not defenses. 32% damage to the city, I can't remember if there were any defensive loses, and I lost 1000 HA (can only take 1000 of any one force) and some hundred Tanks. Tried again. 60% damage. 1000 HA lost and a few hundred Tanks. I tried the planes again on the defenses and got a few of his and lost a few of mine. What is this "was assisted by the Garrison TG26 unit"? Where did they come from? I'll have to rebuild again and give it another go. I want to get this right. Dex.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 02:12 am ![]() Dex, make sure you've completely destroyed all air defense wings. If the war drags on the C3 will put up more wings, which then have to be destroyed. Precision bombers and anti-tank missile bats are effective weapons against the targets' missile and land defenses.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 03:38 am ![]() I think I've got it sorted. Not fast or cheap or anything. Just done. I built 1 air attack unit, 1000 drones and fighters, 2 Land Divisions (scraps from last atempt), 170 Land Based Cruise Batteries and had a few Occupation units. The Occ Units I think can have anything so I had heaps of MIBs (bugger all ammo, you don't seem to need it). Painting can take 10-15 minutes if you keep pressing reload map to dodge around some stuff. The Airforce can take both air defences in one shot, losing 350ish drones. Maybe depending on the size of the Land Divisions parked next to them? Then I kept moving the LDs around next to targets and hitting them with the 170 LBCB. Started with the Capitol and moved around town icons. I messed up when I run out of LBC missiles with 2.80 points to go and no towns left to kill. Forts or Bases might have been better? I think Priest might have meant to have 250ish LBCBs but only use 150 in each attack so as not to have less and less each time. The Land Divisions seem to get smashed. My question now is (questions are ![]() Dex.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 10:32 am ![]() Fighters do not attack land units. Only air units. Navy fighter planes can attack land units and air units. Set up an attack and bomber wing with 1000 bombers(or drones or mix) and 1000 fighters. Kill the air 2 defense units. Dismantle the attack and bombing wing and build a new one with 1200 bombers, and 800 fighters. Bombers can destroy some land units they are good at this. After bombing the garrison. Use land based cruise or ship based cruise to destroy forts. You can use bombers on factories and cities. Conventional missiles are very efficient city levelers. But first bomb the garrison with bombers. If you want to use your land units to destroy stuff you should get some navy fighter planes. Navy fighter planes can kill all land units. Blow up the garrison and then you can use the artillery to destroy the asset. You might as well use all jeeps in land occupational units. Jeeps are cheep. Special forces units are also good for painting.
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Friday, March 20, 2009 - 03:47 pm ![]() I'm having another crack, but I can't move into the country. I am at war. There doesn't seem to be anything in my way, and I tried a few directions. I can't think of anything else. I'll try a different country in the morning. Dex.
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Friday, March 20, 2009 - 05:26 pm ![]()
..I sneeze. @Dex; Check the unit logs to see if anything is blocking it, or if it has run out of fuel.
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Friday, March 20, 2009 - 07:10 pm ![]() me personally I just let someone else conquer it and built it up then I conquer them and strip it and sell it off
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Friday, March 20, 2009 - 11:47 pm ![]() I just built the units, so they are fully stocked, but I'll check the other thing. If I attack a C3 that is still in range of my airforce, but not ajoining, what do I have to do. Special Forces don't come with planes do they? I have to buy them? I'll have to watch out for Jack. Not that there would be much I could do about it. Dex.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 06:09 am ![]() yes. they are called military transport planes. You have to set them up as transport units. While your on that page you might as well make some supply units too.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 06:39 am ![]() Today I attack my 4th C3, the attacks are getting more and more costlier. I used the same types of attacks but for some reason this last attack seems to cost me more casulties in planes lost and pretty much wiped out my 2 LRD Div. Is it because I was attacking forts instead of towns? I thought I would avoid attacking towns on this one to see if I can gain more pop later. but the results seems the same Any tips on how to attack C3's that is not right next to my country ?
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 05:01 pm ![]() - drop 1 RDU (3000km radius) - wait till it builds airstrip ~ offensive airport (takes 12 hours?) - drop several SF units and "paint" the country map while waiting for the airstrip to be build. this should take the WI down to 30 or so - when airstrip is build, drop 1 LRD on it. popular combo is 2600/1000 HA/HT - kill defending air force, popular combo is 1000/1000 Drones/FP - use the LRD to destroy Counties and Towns (no garrison - no casualties), then perhaps Capital, Cities, or optionally State corps. indeed, in theory, not killing population seems beneficial in the sense you mentioned SimCEO, however, its the easiest, fastest and cheapest way how to win. the good thing is that as a rule of thumb the lower population the faster (%) growth so higher casualties are replaced quite soon.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 03:26 am ![]() For a new player, the combat odds of the first war or few are weighted more heavily in your favor. As you fight more wars they revert to the normal odds.
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Monday, March 30, 2009 - 07:06 am ![]() Zdenek, You might recalculate your costs. If you take over the country you get stuck with construction. Towns and counties do not move the war index very much. Blowing up corporations is definitely worthwhile in CCCs. The state companies do not have any upgrades. When the corporation is shut down all the cash stays in the country. I also like to think my choice of product is better than the server's
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Monday, March 30, 2009 - 07:55 am ![]() In my 3rd C3 attack I blow up just one C State Corp the result seems to be after take over almost no LLW left. Plus the country runs a lost of about 2 mil per month. In the 4th C3 attack where I just blow up the cities and towns, I took over with only 6.2 pop remaining, however while I had worker shortages due to low Pop, the country runs a 6 mil per month profit.
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Monday, March 30, 2009 - 11:26 pm ![]() If you take over right after blowing up the CCC the workers are still employed. They work in the rubble or something. The economic conditions of CCCs vary a lot. It is worthwhile looking at the economy before attacking it. If you rebuild the corporations that you destroyed the economy should be the same as it would be if you had not. The cost of buying a production plant is comparable to the cost of construction. I usually prefer to pick my corporations and would demolish some the CCC corporations anyway.
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Sunday, April 19, 2009 - 03:31 pm ![]() Land invasion (can be used in conjunction with airstrips for targets up to 3000 km away) Basic setup: 250 Anti Tank Missile Batteries - 10k ammo 1 000 Mid Range Missile Batteries - 10k ammo 1 000 Heavy Artillery - 300k ammo 1 000 Heavy Tanks - 300k ammo rest, Fighter Planes, Attack Drones, Special Forces, alternatively Navy Fighter Planes as in previous set up***. As usual "paint" with SF. In the mean time move LRD consisting of the mentioned in, close to a County or a Town, when in place use "attack defenses" with FP/Drone combo to draw out defending Interceptors and Helicopters. Only Drones will take losses, in two attacks, of around 400 Drones and only FP will use ammo. When defensive air force is taken care of, LRD is free to do its job. Personally I go for Capital first, attacking defenses with Anti Tank Missile Batteries and Mid Range Missile Batteries. This is where LRD will take heaviest losses but still quite reasonable of around 35 MRMB. Once defenses are destroyed Heavy Artillery and Heavy Tanks are can destroy the target in 3 hits for cheap. Then I move to destroy Counties and Towns simply because they don't have garrison and can be yet again destroyed with HA/HT. In the mean time SF move around the country to "paint". After Counties and Towns are destroyed, target country is mostly "painted", WI should be pretty low. Now we have basically 2 options. Attacking Cities or Factories. Since both have same garrison the fastest and cheapest way to win is to go for Cities, however, it might be desirable to go for Factories, their cash and workers, instead. Either way, attacking defenses first with Batteries, MRMB will take around 3-8 units of casualties each hit, then with HA/HT combo to destroy target. This way its possible to get the WI down to 0 without ever touching Cities or Factories, and their defenses, depending on our preferences. Some math at the end, actual casualties and ammo usage when taking c3 today. Mind that "your" numbers may vary depending on several factors like targeting priorities, but it should not vary too much. Casualties: 407 Attack Drones 61 Mid Range Missile Batteries Ammo use: 4 647 Air To Air Missiles 847 Anti Tank Missiles 2 949 Mid Range Missiles 141 271 Heavy Artillery Shells 121 995 Heavy Tank Ammunition Cost of unit setup (market price at time of posting): 250 Anti Tank Missile Batteries - 7 660 000 1 000 Mid Range Missile Batteries - 35 380 000 1 000 Heavy Artillery - 17 630 000 1 000 Heavy Tanks - 20 720 000 total: 75 645 000 000 Cost of ammo setup (market price at time of posting): 10 000 Anti Tank Missiles - 33 300 000 000 10 000 Mid Range Missiles - 196 800 000 000 300 000 Heavy Artillery Shells - 35 686 200 000 300 000 Heavy Tank Ammunition - 36 336 000 000 total: 302 122 200 000 Total cost of unit setup + total cost of ammo setup = 377 767 200 000 Cost of casualties (market price at time of posting): 407 Attack Drones - 10 284 890 000 61 Mid Range Missile Batteries - 2 158 180 000 total: 12 443 070 000 Cost of ammo (market price at time of posting): 4 647 Air To Air Missiles - 79 091 940 000 847 Anti Tank Missiles - 2 820 510 000 2 949 Mid Range Missiles - 58 036 320 000 141 271 Heavy Artillery Shells - 16 804 750 534 121 995 Heavy Tank Ammunition - 14 776 034 400 total: 171 529 554 934 Total cost of casualties + total cost of ammo: 183 972 624 934 --- ***the mentioned setup was for using Precision Bombers instead of Batteries to attack target defenses so this setup lacks 1000 Fighter Planes, 1000 Drones, Special Forces, plus ammo, in description and in setup costs, but not in casualties and ammo usage costs. In similar fashion Transport Planes are not counted in. Sorry about that but I'm too lazy to add those.
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Monday, April 20, 2009 - 07:39 am ![]() Precision bombers is a better way to take out the defenders. The base cost of a precision bomb is lower than the base cost of a mid range missile. Two p-bombs will take out a AAMB, DMB, or MIB. It takes 4 MRMs to hit a AAMB or a DMB and 8 MRMs to destroy a MIB. Also the Missile interceptors will destroy some of the mid-range missiles which adds cost. I haven't checked the accuracy of the documentation lately. The cost efficiency of destroying the capital, cities, towns, and counties needs to include the cost of construction after you take the country.
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Monday, April 20, 2009 - 08:10 am ![]() I want to see actual numbers! Empirical evidence my friend! The docus, and authorities, are not to be trusted! ;)
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 04:22 am ![]() I'll get hard numbers for bombers tomorrow.
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Saturday, May 9, 2009 - 06:28 pm ![]() Is it normal to run into debt? The 3rd Norby Empire
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Saturday, June 6, 2009 - 04:42 am ![]() So far I have been preparing to attack a C3 and it has been costing me about 1.5T. This money has been spent on: -10 Long Range Planes -20k NFP AMMO -8K LBC AMMO -1 AC -30k P.Bomber AMMO The C3 I am trying to take is out of range for a RDU. I am planning on purchasing: -1K NFP -500 LBCB -1K P.Bombers Is there anything else I should do? Is this a good setup?
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Friday, July 3, 2009 - 11:21 pm ![]() So, does one have to reduce a C3 country's war index to 0 in order to win the conflict?
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Sunday, July 5, 2009 - 01:10 am ![]() Yes, you do. And if you were wondering, I took down my first C3 with the following 1k NFP = 100k Ammo 1k P.Bombers = 100k Ammo 1k LBC = 15k Ammo That was overkill and could prolly be used to take two, three, maybe even four C3s
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Saturday, February 27, 2010 - 10:35 am ![]() bump
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Saturday, February 27, 2010 - 08:06 pm ![]() First thing I do is make very cheap products because Im able to do that with extremely low labor prices. Since they do not tax my super cheap products the 'enemy' nation cannot compete. And when corps move to my nation because of that, their unemployment goes way up. This in turn makes the 'enemy' nation spend more to survive and forces them into even greater debt. Then they have to acquire loans from me, cause I have all the money that they have paid me for my super cheap products. And that is how I take over a country! ![]()
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010 - 12:34 pm ![]() So does Red China.
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Monday, October 10, 2011 - 04:20 am ![]() Ok, I am fairly new. Every one keeps talking about using precision bombs. I cant buy them on the open market. It says to buy them directly or on the space station. The space station requires GC, which I do not have many of. So how do you buy directly?
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Monday, October 10, 2011 - 02:25 pm ![]() Advertise that you need some, ask friends, get in chat. Then they send you a proposal for them and you accept or refuse. There will be a set price depending on quality so dont blame the seller if you think the price is too high.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 06:43 am ![]() you can always build corp. or if you have enterprise, look for a C3 corp to bid on. i gave roughly 10B for mine and got over 150 bombers with each. quality wasn't great but what the heck. just a thought.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012 - 11:59 pm ![]() I took a C3 with nothing but 300 fighter planes and two long range divisions.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - 01:23 pm ![]() 5 LRDs and 3 AFAW/2AFABW does the trick for me ![]()
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Sunday, July 8, 2012 - 07:00 pm ![]() Authentication ErrorYou can only post messages if you are logged on as player of simcountry.You must also have a country in one of the worlds. New members can join the forum about 48 hours after registration.
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Monday, July 9, 2012 - 04:16 pm ![]() First C3, I took with nothing but 300 FP and an LRD with following weapons: 300 MRMB 400 HT 300 HA Second C3, I took with 300 FP (300 Q) and the same LRD. My third C3, I took with one SF unit, 300 P. bombers, and 50 NFP (300 Q).
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Saturday, July 14, 2012 - 09:06 pm ![]() I'm a newb and trying 1st time to take C3 and failed miserably. I would appreciate if someone could provide a step by step guide. What to attack 1st, with what and such. I try to have air force and land unit. I use air force to attack defense until nothing to clear then only use LRD to attack target, but it failed miserably. I have no idea at at all. Btw, it is a town I'm attacking. I've even clear their air force with my air force.
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Sunday, July 15, 2012 - 01:30 pm ![]() In what respect did it fail? Did it get destroyed? If so then you havent destroyed the enemies helicopters. Thats probably what mashed your LRD. Target the helicopter wings directly after you have cleared the interceptors who respond to your attacking the town. Your fighters should take them out, no losses. Then you are safe to use your ground forces to attack targets like cities, towns etc. Cities will have a small defensive garrison, I prefer to destroy the defences then the target but some just go in there and accept any small losses they receive. Remember the trick of getting your LRD next to the first town you attack, before attacking, to vastly increase the power of your attacking air wings (presuming this is a next door C3) against their interceptors. The LRD acts kind of like a spotter. Also I like to just have heavy tanks and artillery in my LRD for this kind of work, and carry more ammo than the default set up suggests, this saves you running out of ammo, you need quite a bit, and having to resupply/rebuild. C3s will rebuild their airwings and defenses and cities etc if you give them enough time which means you have to destroy them all over again, so try to do this quite quickly if you can. Note: I havent done this in a while myself, but I dont think its changed much, I expect someone will suggest slightly better tactics or hints, but my advice will get you to succeed. Hope it helps, Crafty.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - 08:46 pm ![]() Well you can use my war level 3 tactics if this helps. To raid a C3 country I only use 3 types of weapons which are... 1000 Offensive anti aircraft missile batteries, 1000 mid range missile batteries and 1000 heavy tanks. All at quality 250. Also with 15000 anti aircraft missiles, 30000 mid range missiles and 2500000 tank Ammunition. All at quality 120. The first thing you do when attacking is by first..... taking out all the helicopter wings using your offensive anti aircraft missile batteries, but not the interceptor wings as they can not attack ground units and will save you ammo from taking them out. Then second use your mid range missile batteries which will take out all the defensive weapons that are stationed at cities and forts etc... then thirdly use your heavy tanks to finish off and destroy the cities and forts etc... and keep on repeating this process until the country surrenders. Although if you're at a lower war level you won't need this much in terms of weapons and ammunition and don't forget to use the rapid deployment units if you're attacking a far away country which will take 12 real hours to constuct itself into an airstrip so you can land your main units to invade and destroy the enemy.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 03:18 pm ![]() Authentication ErrorYou can only post messages if you are logged on as player of simcountry.You must also have a country in one of the worlds. New members can join the forum about 48 hours after registration.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - 10:41 am ![]() Authentication ErrorBy: (IP: You can only post messages if you are logged on as player of simcountry.You must also have a country in one of the worlds. New members can join the forum about 48 hours after registration.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013 - 10:54 am ![]() Authentication ErrorBy: (IP: You can only post messages if you are logged on as player of simcountry.You must also have a country in one of the worlds. New members can join the forum about 48 hours after registration.
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Saturday, March 23, 2013 - 10:30 pm ![]() It's a shame that most of these tactics mention here was during a time when most LRD had 3000 weapons. I wonder when people are going to come up with a way to win with a much smaller force.
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Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 06:48 am ![]() Easy. Build a attack/bomber wing. and 3 SF's and 3 Airdrop wings. Dec a nation that is NOT right next to you. drop the sf's and paint. after most of the country is painted. attack a town and just attack defence. then go on and bomb the crap out of the corps, then capital. If you did not take it over by then, then your ppl just suck and you should not worries about raiding. (this plans involves bombers that in a few planets can not me bought in the open market.)
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Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 10:36 pm ![]() What does it take to conquer a war level 5 c3 on the cheap? I am getting creamed by the stealth bombers...Thought that AA would work with Mids. The documents state they can be destroyed by AA, but in all attempts, no scratch to stealth bombers..
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - 10:31 am ![]() Here's what I do for C3 WL 6: I use Fleets and Special forces exclusively. Two ways you can do this: the first is to attack a nearby country and suffer the stealth counter attacks. Make sure you have some air attack units and lots of good interceptor units. If you don't have air attack units, it seems the c3 will target your own stealths (which gets very expensive) Also, if you don't have decent interceptor wings with replacements available, the stealths will hit you badly. The other apporach makes you invincible. Send your fleets far off, and use allied bases etc to bring SF within dropping range. Make sure the country you are attacking is far enough away to be out of range of the stealths. This way, you'll lose nothing except for the cost of the weapons. For weapons, I use a mixture of Guided Missiles and Cruise Missiles to take out the cities (cruise are vastly better, but Guided missiles seem to bring the casualty number up). I also use cruise only for fortifications (usually takes about 7 or 8 at quality over 300) and also attack corporations (takes about 24 cruise attacks to take one of those out). I then paint with SF. Cruise are pricey, but the total cost should be under 200 billion and the profits at WL 5 are, what..3 trillion?
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - 11:10 am ![]() I climb onto a big rock on the country's border and turn them all into stone by uglying them to death. ![]()
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - 04:45 am ![]() john if you fight that way, then you attack a city or helos and let the stealths respond, they will run out of ammo or weapons, your defense will kill them off. you might want to check your defense, it might not be up to par. I think craig said a mouthful in what he said. I have never lost much even with stealth counter attacks @ WL6. It helps to have a defensive slave that can help you defend. If your doing it alone and have no help from your federation or slaves then your loses will be greater. my interceptors in my attacking country and my def. slave usually does the trick. you get more ints to respond when you have help from a friend or your own empire. BTW I never attack a SBW directly. In my wars the defense kills them off before they cause issues. I think the biggest loss was like 19 pbs and 30 ints. and of course this could be a very long post if I get any more details into it. @ maclean was it a chemical attack? lol @ALL ON THIS THREAD: I do encourage you to verse themselves in all ways to war: land, navy, and air. since in pvp it is way different. And quality makes a difference! defiantly when you get past WL3. expensive, but a must.
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Thursday, April 24, 2014 - 08:48 am ![]() This may no longer be the case, but... Stealth prioritize the unit with the largest number of weapons (within the unit type they target). When stealth are targeting Air Wings, you could COMPLETELY AVOID this mechanic by creating a single unit of Attack Drones (which cannot be damaged by Stealth Bombers), then making every other "real" Air Wing 1 weapon smaller. I believe the same is true of ground divisions... using a weapon that Stealth cannot damage. Of course, in order to be effective, you need the Attack Drone wing to be in range of the Stealth and in a position where your own air defense does not respond. Which can be a simple as dismantling (unless they made dismantling carry a cost of some sort) or airlifting out of air defense range. Priority is something you should ALWAYS be looking at.
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Saturday, August 31, 2024 - 01:32 am ![]() Bump, alot of good things to try out in this thread.