Aqua Rainbow II (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 02:37 am  Everyone is orded to attack on any UC Member/target! Please contact: sfo Treasurer (Anal Seepage) as soon as possible!!! Who is in charge of achieving positive objectives, ordered to Attack! We can not tolerate them abusing the treaty we have in place anymore! Our integrity as a federation is still in tact! This is our chance to making Allied Forces Number 1 Again! We could have won the last war but we make too many mistakes and that's why we didn't win! Now we can because of what we have learned recently!!! The time has to come to face the Enemy within!!!! Aqua Rainbowii (Acting and Former Chairman of Allied Forces) |
Aqua Rainbow II (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 04:50 am  Only Joking LOL |
SeaPebbles (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 05:30 am  That is a good way to lose the rest of your empire Aqua...not funny at all! and the treaty isn't YOURS to have in place...its ours and WE put it in place after the AF begged for mercy. No more jokes please. Dirt |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 06:58 am  this one reason i went and jumped ship on the af. i was ready to fight and defend the federation down to my last nuclear missile and even down to my last hydrogen bomb. but then this guy aqua went and took control and started to lead us in a way i did not seem to understand as it did not make a lot of sense. so anyways good bye af. i wish af fed members all the best but if you do not start learning how to be strong i fear you will fade away. as for NUCLEAR MELISSA i think it is better to burn out than fad away. and i do not care what any one says about those uc fed members i know they are some big bad warlords on this world so a word to the wise watch and learn for them. NUCLEAR MELISSA |
SeaPebbles (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 08:38 am  You know Melissa, that was the most intellegent thing I have ever heard you say! I dig your fierce loyaly...too bad you were AF...UC can always use a woman with an attitude just as yours. Who knows, time may heal wounds between us.... remember, you nuked me 5 times, I still owe you! lol ;) General Dirt |
TattooedPriest (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 03:06 pm  I was like WHAT!? When I first read that, I was thinking, "what did we do now, I thought we were being peaceful" then I read that it was only a joke and got a laugh. You must have gotten bored Aqua, lol. |
Aqua Rainbow II (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 06:12 pm  Yes I did get bored and didn't mean to cause offense! As for Melissa, I think you need more game play experience before you even consider fighting a war again!!! |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Friday, August 29, 2008 - 05:19 am  lol not. your little joke aqua is about as funny as a bad tooth. yes seapebbles i did get a few nuclear attacks off before crossdale got his fleets working at a fast pace to take out my bases. now shotting off them nukes that was a real funny thing i was ROFLMAO!  but your right maybe time will heal our differences. burn out(or become a legend), fade away, and choice number 3 hide behind the credit card defense ie buy some more war protection. that is what the other former af chairman mr. capone aka the honorable mr. biggest loser does. NUCLEAR MELISSA |
John R | Friday, August 29, 2008 - 01:41 pm  The Enemy Within!!! L00LLl00LLl!!!!!1111ONEONEONELOlOlolOlol0Ll33taxx0!!!!111 |
Diabuli (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 29, 2008 - 03:03 pm  Laguna is bored :P |
Guru Disquiet (Fearless Blue) | Friday, August 29, 2008 - 08:41 pm  haha. thread hijack thread hijack...00010101. Aqua is a capable war player and a decent guy who fought well in the opening weeks of the GR war. He learns fast and can improvise. If his early leadership actions in AF somehow led to mellisa leaving the fed, I'd say he is off to a stellar start! Guru(AKA Barney) |
Diabuli (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 29, 2008 - 08:51 pm  Lmao Barney, well put. Melissa is akin to the female Revan :P |
Capone (Kebir Blue) | Friday, August 29, 2008 - 09:29 pm  yeah um melissa? what have you ever won?...LOL...youre the coward that sat their through the whole war giving me contracts for 16 fuckin nfp missiles? pffft...then after the war you decide to pop up like youre some fuckin hero...ghay...quiet female revan. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 30, 2008 - 07:59 pm  so mr. capone it is heartening that you do recall that i sent you some contracts for nfp missiles. of course i remember a bit different as the orders were more in the lines of 16000 each. also like i have been saying you never took any time to teach me anything but how to not win a war. as for me not fighting in the great war you had told me that the so called "vets" would handle it. i wanted to help but i kept getting message to hide in war prtection. and i saw you hiding in war protection. then there were some fed members crying for fear. but i did at least try to help by sending you those missiles. well the so called "vets" sure did handle it. as for being a hero well the only good heros are dead heros. but that is all in the past now. so burn out, be a legend, fade away, or hide behind the mastercard. this is the present. 10,000 thanks to Mr. John L. who has taught me to stand up, be strong and to fight. plus he has shown me a few of his strategies that i will not go into here. i will say that i just used them to perform a a clean up opperation on a country of an inactive player. so as for win vs. losses well i have lost one worhtless country that was in extreme disrepair. i used this same country to assist Mr. John L. in the destruction of the dishonest and untrustworthy bayar. haha 30 plus nuclear attacks were sucessful. so no big loss. as for my empire war record it stands at Wars Started 58 Wars Won 23 Wars Lost 1 how about you mr. capone. what kinda of record do you carry. losses must be like 6 or 10 and how about wins? do you have any? and what about the war you had with the president of the Republic of Emmeria. i never saw you win that one. Golden Rainbow Daily Telegraph, Dec 04, 2579 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International News -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amistad de la Tierra Gran army takes full control in Snickers After the attack, the president of Snickers is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by Amistad de la Tierra Gran has been nominated. On the side of Snickers there were 107 casualties and 132 civilians were wounded. Santarosa Elementary schools is very severely damaged. Snickers forces used 299 missile interceptors in the defense. The unit for honor and strenght of Amistad de la Tierra Gran lost 323 attack drones. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. for honor and strenght lost 1 or more trucks, gasoline and military supplies. Amistad de la Tierra Gran lost 79 soldiers and 196 were wounded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on a nicer note i wish to say congrats to mr. Aqua Rainbow II on his recent accolade. Golden Rainbow Daily Telegraph, Dec 04, 2579 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International News -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Security Council Member Aqua Rainbow II is a dedicated President of United Mercia. The president accepted the membership for a period of 182 months. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- as for you barney i think you are so full of hot air that you must be able to float right up to the ceiling. you keep saying how you would come after me for supporting the most decent, respecting, honest, and loyal man i have met in this game. well i still do support Mr. John L. so either keep you rude mouth shut and save your vile insults for some one else or come on over here and back up you hate filled words. NUCLEAR MELISSA |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 31, 2008 - 06:49 am  Way to go Melissa! If any players have a problem with you or any other players in the New Holy Roman Empire federation they know where to find us. |
Austia (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 31, 2008 - 11:33 am  I have a problem with the New holy roman empire! Could you please stop leaving those membership cards on my porch? I'm sick of picking them up. Other than beef |
TattooedPriest | Sunday, August 31, 2008 - 11:51 am  I know, they show up in there white shirts, knocking on the door right when my family sits down for dinner. Those rude New Holy Roman Empire door to door knocking sword thumpers!  |
Austia (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 31, 2008 - 01:09 pm  I know! and whats with those broom heads they were on there helmets? at least they clean the cobwebs off my awning. lol |
Austia (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 31, 2008 - 01:11 pm  *wear |
Aqua Rainbow II (Little Upsilon) | Monday, September 1, 2008 - 05:15 pm  C3's and inactives don't count Melissa LOL |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, September 3, 2008 - 03:24 pm  Austia, If you give me your country name, I will send you a New Holy Roman Empire complaint form to fill out. It needs to be in quadruplicates, notarized and return within seven game days of the occurance. All complaints over seven game days old will be discarded without any action taken. John L. Cheers!! |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, September 3, 2008 - 03:41 pm  TattooedPriest, Our messengers travel worldwide sharing the word from the great master. We ask you to open your ears, your doors and wallets. Give generously and you will reap greater rewards when the great mushroom cloud sheds it's shadow across your door. Do wear dark glasses and do not look directly at the light. John L. |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, September 3, 2008 - 03:44 pm  Austia, I understand your concern for your awning. I have sent a memo to all messengers to avoid awnings lower than 16' high. John L |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, September 3, 2008 - 03:45 pm  Aqua, Yes they do! John L |
Aqua Rainbow II (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, September 4, 2008 - 07:36 pm  Hi everyone, I would like to apologise for the statement made which was intended as a Joke and in heinsight was in bad taste. I didn't mean to cause damage to relations between UC and AF and hope that there isn't any long lasting damage. Thanks from Aqua. |
SeaPebbles (Golden Rainbow) | Friday, September 5, 2008 - 06:52 pm  Hey Aqua, Yeah man, you need to hold the bazookas next time your feelin silly. Your post was considered a hostile act towards the UC...another clear violation of the treaty. I'm glad cooler heads prevailed and this was all just a joke. I'm raspberrying you! Dirt |