Váli (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 01:41 pm  I see units now have a miniumum number of weapons needed to create a unit ;-( There goes my 1 jeep supply units! |
John R | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 01:48 pm  Oh right, the supply units, that was why... Oh well, can't do anything now. I better get busy. |
Váli (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 02:41 pm  If a country has 100 forts 100 towns cities and bases 100 factories and 100 units.....at 250 weapons ago that makes 100 000 weapons needed to create a miminum strenght supply unit to have 1 supply unit per garrison or unit. Then if you factor in ammo fuel and military supplies for these supply units...its going to be very expensive! |
Danneh Turner (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 03:09 pm  From my quick scan, garrisons blueprints now require at least 1001 units, BUT you can set them at 1% fill-level on deployment, so you could get down to just 10 units in a garrison |
John R | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 03:19 pm  That's the blueprints. You can leave your garrisons unprotected. But this is a mistake. It will be undone... in due time. ;0 |
Danneh Turner (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 03:32 pm  Yes, and for new blueprints only, ones that had already been set, appear not to have been modified (also for units). |
Váli (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 04:06 pm  The level of weapons required for supply units is stupid. If you have a full strenght large supply unit supplying a full strenght garrison you have 500 weapons protecting the supplies of 2000. In effect 20% of your defensive forces are on convoy protection in the safety of your own country! Now my eye sight is not the best but I dont usually see 500 tanks rolling trough the streets supplying the local army barracks! |
John R (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 04:19 pm  But that's you. |
Dave33 (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, September 25, 2008 - 01:43 am  You can name the garrisons so to have more than tiny and small. You can name them for example county, town, city, capital and factory. Then save the bluprints for each. The well-protected supply units are silly. I used to use a jeep for each supply unit. I have many supply units. |
John Fire (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, September 25, 2008 - 05:23 am  1000 weapons per garrison is a bit much, I have enough trouble filling 300 weapons per garrison, I can understand setting a higher bar for the minimum in Military Units to prevent 1000 1-jeep supply units. However, the bar should be much lower for Garrison Units perhaps around 200 or at most 500. Is there anything that can be done? |
Nute Gunray (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, September 25, 2008 - 06:56 am  LOL HAAHAA These news items are just so much of a indicator as to the direction things are going. Teach Message Thu Apr 2, 2586 vCTeachDefensiveUnits: Your country should improve its defense by setting up more military units. You are advised to maintain at least 2 Defense Interceptor Wings, a Defense Helicopter Wing, a Land Defense Division, a Long Range Division, a Small Supply Unit, a Large Supply Unit and one Airforce Attack Unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teach Message Thu Apr 2, 2586 vCTeachArmyReserves: You are advised to have some reserve materials for your army including: 5.000 Trucks, 500.000 Military Supply products, 500.000 tons of Gasoline and 500.000 tons of Aircraft Fuel. hmm should I build lots of military corporations? Maybe the game will start auto unit set up for us like the auto corp build when we do not have enough units in the country. Buy ammo today! |
John R | Thursday, September 25, 2008 - 02:53 pm  The need for the rise of a minimum requirement was a problem related with Military Units, not garrisons. It is, as such, a mistake; one that will be corrected. For now, this minimum requirement is on percentage (50%). It can be tweaked if any reasonable argument appears, but I think it will be replaced by an absolute minimum when the ability to create default units is implement. The issue with supply units is deeper than that. |