King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 04:13 am  Terrorist Axis Powers vs. the NLUO (World War) NLUO & our Ideology: The NLUO is an organization committed to the governance of the world of Little Upsilon. We want the rule of law govern the conduct of nations for peace, security, prosperity, and democracy thoughout the world.We encourage a comming together of nations in a Democracy of common markets, military, federations, and policy for Little Upsilon.. Right now Little Upsilon is not organized at all. These rogue nations along with other nations outside of their hub are nations not connected, but have a mutual understanding. That ideology is for the past. Enterconnectedness is the only way you can hold any nation accountable for their actions. We want to strengthen the Security Council, and weaken the world market. A strong Security Council can hold nations accountable, and a weak world market won't yield market manipulation or finacial boycotts if a nation does not agree with the status quota.. We are the good guys for freedom, democracy, and a world enterconnectedness.. Terrorist Axis Powers & their Ideology: These nations believe in a keep power where it belongs attitude.. They live by the law of the jungle. They use intimidation, and fear to move their agenda. They manipulate markets, summit an enourmous amount of propaganda to keep people confused.They want a weak Security Council, and a strong world market.. A weak security council can't hold them accountable for pr-emptive war, intimidation tactics, treaty violations etc. The unorganization of the world is what keeps them in power. They rather have nations be on their own, as opposed to having a world government, and a strong Security Council to be accountable to.. |
jason (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 04:30 am  stfu nooblet |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 03:58 pm  King, one of the reasons that your plan wouldn't work is that even if the security council did tell someone what to do as regards pre-emptive war (which by the way - they have no right to do as there isnt an option for that, unless you include the 'enforce peace treaty' option), a lot of countries would still go against them and this could in fact cause a larger war than has been seen before, with security council members fighting against someone who violated a resolution. Once this happenend, the person being attacked would involve his/her fed (which could contain SC members) to fight alongside them. The SC members would involve their own feds, and there you have it - World War 5. The security council would break down easily because of loyalty to their fedmates. As regards propaganda against NULO, I would be very interested to know where this is at. I have never issued or seen any at all. The only person who has ever issued propaganda around here is you with all your websites. The Axis powers (as you call us, which by the way is rather offensive- especially with you having the Nazi swastikka next to our names on your website), do want a strong world market, I agree. Who wouldn't? Don't you want your corps to succeed? There are very few players who could actually manipulate the world market anyway - and then it would only be for a short period of time. Have you not seen what happens when someone dumps a load of a certain material on the market? Its all gone within hours. People buy like mad. Without causing yet another argument between us, and without you starting another 13 threads about me, I would like to hear what you have to say to my post. Thankyou. |
Lordangers (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 06:31 pm  Hi im new. Hoping to use the forum more so I can get a better idea on the game. The security council is a nice thing. If it had loyal members who were entirely devoted to this sort of idea. Though on this being a game I would think of it as a bit boring to not have some war involved. Politics is nice and all but war tends to be a bit more simpilar. Also about refering some players to axis or terrorists is a little extreme. Anyway may be something similar could work in a way. Just make a massive confederation that dosent want to get attacked. If anybody dose attack it then they get nuked. Though I dont suppose theres a limit to how many countries are in a federation? Well if there is then use allied confederations which go along the same basis. Though if these confederations go off the path and start squashing everyhithing it makes the world a bit duller lol. And tonnes more war. Anyway sorry for going on and thnx for reading. |
Austia (Golden Rainbow) | Friday, November 28, 2008 - 07:46 am  Lets see...I have some notes to throw 1. Respect is earned. Not Given. You cannot show up and start throwing your weight around without earning your place. 2. Noobs, who scream on the forums and stir up muck, are a dime a dozen. I have seen many before and will see many in the future. 3. You cannot beat people with powerful friends if you, yourself, do not have powerful friends. Can't happen, many have tried and all have failed. 4. You should strive to have more friends than enemies. You'd stand a better chance. 5. I've been playing for over a Real year now (GR Centurian WoOT!). I have won wars and lost wars.I have seen empires rise and I have seen them burn. I have made friends and Forgiven Enemies. I have been in the thick of an INSANE global political crisis that this squabble pales in comparison to. The point of this being, of course, is unless King wakes up and starts doing the responsible things; I will not remember a "King Hezekiah" when I become a GR Bicenturian. Austia |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 01:59 am  Well said Austia ! |
Joseph Marzullo (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 02:39 pm  King, your proposal will do nohing but instigate a war. If you don't want war, stay in protecton mode. |
Wendy (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 06:03 pm  Terrorist Axis Powers & their Ideology: These nations believe in a keep power where it belongs attitude.. They live by the law of the jungle. They use intimidation, and fear to move their agenda. They manipulate markets, summit an enourmous amount of propaganda to keep people confused.They want a weak Security Council, and a strong world market.. A weak security council can't hold them accountable for pr-emptive war, intimidation tactics, treaty violations etc. The unorganization of the world is what keeps them in power. They rather have nations be on their own, as opposed to having a world government, and a strong Security Council to be accountable to.. Not to undermine anyone here but there is a ton of truth to this statement unfortunately. One need not go far on these threads to read of common examples of its accuracy. However king austia is right. |
Rinoa Heartilly | Friday, December 5, 2008 - 12:57 pm  Lordangers - You just stated what the CIS is. |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, December 6, 2008 - 05:25 am  I feel like Iraq. There are foreigners in my nation. Stuart "Little" Taylor has his army stationed in my nation waiting on my nation to go out of protection mode. Forcing me to spend gold coins that I can use to better my nation, but have to use to keep my countries protected. I don't want the people of my nation to be subject to his brutality... Help Iraq become sovern again |
5 Star General (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, December 16, 2008 - 04:35 pm  lol...numbnut |
Austia (Golden Rainbow) | Tuesday, December 16, 2008 - 10:46 pm  Hey king, stop being a douche and you won't have to spend coins to protect yourself. I told this to a dumb noob once on GR. "Speak Softly and carry a big stick"- Teddy Roosevelt. You sir are speaking loudly and carrying a twig. I recommend you shut it. |
E O (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, December 16, 2008 - 10:59 pm  lol Austia |
okstate_guy (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 12:29 am  LMAO! I second that! |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 03:32 am  You have no idea my motives.. All you have is speculation..... |
okstate_guy (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 04:42 am  King Hezekiah, why would we care about the motives of a TERRORIST? Besides, your motives are fairly clear. You are crying out for attention by creating a crises and spamming the forums. We know that you are a liar, a thief and a coward. We also know that you lack the skills and abilities to play this game successfully. What more do we need to know King Hezekiah? You can remain a pariah, or you can act like a statesman and begin an open dialog with this world before it destroys you. STOP THE TERRORIST! Stop King Hezekiah and his army of multiple accounts! |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 06:48 am  I have the skills to play this game. I am doing it the way I want to.. I am sorry if I am not moving fast enough for you... I am not interested in power, just equality for all nations big and small. |