General Dirt (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, December 20, 2008 - 11:55 am  To the LDI. You are at war with a bunch of crazy mother fuckers that have built up c3's surrounding your hard worked for, hard fought for assetts on your home planet of LU. They won't ever stop trying to take them. I should add that the planet of LU is slipping into chaos. Skirmishes are exploding from all continents amd none of them is LDI vs UC. IMO its because the LDI was/is very good at "keeping the noise down", planet police. But as long as you guys are locked-horns with the UC you don't have much time or power to take care of your "real" jobs. To the UC You are at war with a bunch of crazy mother fuckers that have built up c3's surrounding your hard worked for, hard fought for assetts on your home planet of GR. They won't ever stop trying to take them. The UC was attacked a few months ago by the LDI in a sneak attack. I know it stung guys I was there. and lost heavy, prolly the most. We have retailiated with gusto using only the table scraps of our previous weapons. We are down a few good players but we still held the line! We hold the line now and we will at least hold that line forever...but forever is along time, for us, our adversaries...our familes. We should let it go for the sake of all our families during the holidays. Is this game worth that? I know all the GC in the world wouldn't replace my two ladies in my life. I'm sure everyone feels the same at home too. Dirt says peace. |