King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 04:07 pm  The War on Terror: The NLUO has voted to enact a policy to dwarf terror and terrorist acts through strengthening the Security Council, polling, and winning public opinon. All of Little Upsilon can agree that this world started out as listed as a peaceful world, but over the years terrorism, and the law of the jungle have prevailed causing an influx of war because war is profitable... The nations behind this world terrorism must be stopped.. War on Social Injustice: The NLUO has also voted to enact a policy of stopping social injustices. There is a class system that has developed between the nations who are just starting out, and the nations and empires who have been established a while. Anytime a new nation has an inovation, it is rapidlly knocked down by the establishment, which we believe in a sense supports terrorism.. They have even developed derogatory terms for the new nations, "Noobs".. They also call nations who do not agree with the phylosophy of the establishment "assphats" In our view that is not a diplomatic way to stand on the world stage to conduct foreign policy.. There are also ramdom intimidation tactics, and threats from nations with great armies to shut the smaller nations up, which goes back to the point of unintended internal terrorism which threatens global security, and equality, and peace. Join us in the fight to rid our world of Terrorism and social injustice... Go to the business lounge, and click on the Affiliated programs link, and click on New Little Upsilon Order to Join the World Government, or info on ways to help in the fight... NLUO E-Elite Party World Government |
VĂ¡li (Fearless Blue) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 04:15 pm  Peaceful game boring....War! War! War! |
BorderC (Kebir Blue) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 04:17 pm  Hezekiah, So will the Elite Party, of which you are a leader, dictate what social justice is? One reason people aren't buying into the NLUO is that it is just a system to replace what is currently there. Very few people believe you have anything better to offer. Not everyone subscribes to the beliefs the NLUO requires. Calling everybody terrorists is hardly a diplomatic approach. If you REALLY want change, then you should step aside and let some more seasoned, good-natured veterans who know the ins and outs of the game, have a developed network, and are trusted take over this coup of yours. You are hardly a uniting figure. You may have good intentions, but you have not displayed the characteristics of a leader. That said, I wish you the best of luck. I hope you're enjoying the game. Respectfully, BC |
GaiusJuliusCaesar (Kebir Blue) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 05:19 pm  great post bc |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 08:24 pm  If anyone wants to join by all means, have the keys to the NLUO.. |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 08:26 pm  I don't think you know the whole situation at all Border C. |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 08:27 pm  I'm not even the Chairman of the Elite Party.. |
BorderC (Fearless Blue) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 09:20 pm  You seem to be the voice and decision maker of the NLUO. If you aren't then I'd like to hear from the other members that concur with your entire philosophy and objectives. It appears to me that NLUO = King Hezekiah. I haven't seen much support for this World Government from others in this forum. If that is not the case then maybe others should be more vocal about their cause. You are right that I don't know the entire situation. I'm not criticising your idea either. I am pointing out the faults with your delivery. Giving you ideas of how you can be more successful. Take what you want and ignore as you please. I'm not your enemy. BC |
General Dirt (Golden Rainbow) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 11:20 pm  Hello King, In my fairwell thread you said goodbye to me in a most respectable fashion, despite you and I being on opposite sides of the political fence. Thank you. That proves to me you have a little decency about you and for that I'm gonna offer you 1 last piece of advice. This game has many features that you can excell at. You can makes lots of dough thru the finacial side. You can buy lots of weapons and thrive thru war. But the 1 most over-looked aspect of SC is the interaction between players, which can make or break you. I have been here for a couple of years and had to learn the hard way on a few things. This game is way more fun if you align yourself with good players. These players will tell you that what your trying to do is noble, but they will end the sentence with..and stupid! These folks you are bickering with arent terrorists as you keep claiming. They are simply SC folks playing the game. The squeeky wheel gets the grease ya know. And when you go to squeekin' they give you lottsa grease via bombs. If you are looking for a large change in the way things are run politically I must say that LU isn't the planet to try this with. LU is too much like a rowdy Texas cowboy bar and its silly to try. May I suggest GR? Its my home planet and has proven to be quite peaceful once we removed some of the trash. If you move to GR and cool the jets alil you may be able to accomplish what your seeking. There are alot of newbs there that could use a lil of your help and direction...give you real purpose vs the constant bickering that happens on LU. If you do move to GR and be respectful I will also offer you protection thru some of my friends and also my fed...but you won't need protection if you quit calling folks terrorists. I'll even summon all to help jumpstart your new country thru CEO corps galore. Also, no more taking folks ideas for your sight. I know when someone does this its actually flattery as you liked their idea enough to use it yourself. The key here is to ask permission. Thats called respect. What do ya say King? Email me if you'd like this to happen and we'll make it happen. I even have a 20mil pop country butted up to my main on GR that I'll let you have for 50gc to help get ya moving. If you agree to all I have said I'll also write a letter to the folks your warring with and make the hostilites stop. I can't snap my fingers and make all this happen King, I need your help. Lemme know. Respectfully, General Dirt |
Capone (Kebir Blue) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 11:42 pm  LOL...the only trash on GR IS your fed. Nice solution. BTW Dirt, in case you haven't noticed, your fed is about to be taken out of power. Good riddance. |
General Dirt (Golden Rainbow) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 12:04 am  Hello Capoon, You follow me around like a lost puppy, someone should call the pound. No, the trah left GR when you sold your warhorse to the LDI. You didn't know how to use it so I guess it was a good move selling it to someone that does. My fed is 3/4 inactive. The 1/4 that are there will fight 100x harder than you ever thought of. Lose or win they will do there best. Besides, all feds come and go. Its like king of the hill, everyone wants the helm. Just like it happened to the AF. Just like it might happen o the UC. At least they will fight with honor. The BEST thing the AF ever did was kick your sorry ass out of their great fed. You were an achor weighing them down to worthlessness. Now that you are gone they have my respect, along with many other UC members. So much that I sold 2 of my gooduns to past enemies. Go nurse your pups, Dirt |
Capone (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 12:09 am  And your respect is worth zero because youre a nobody. Look dude, I got to go with sam on this one. If you're quitting leave, if you're not say so. This forum trolling bullshit is old. Good bye asshat. |
General Dirt | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 12:59 am  " And your respect is worth zero because youre a nobody. " I have more respect in my foreskin than you do in your whole fat pudgey self! You may have had respect at 1 time. Unfortunatley that respect was out of fear. I know how you talked to your fedmates in the AF. You threatened Bayer, Sean and JohnL with "action" if they didn't bide your requests. You also lost alot when you dirty-dawged your fedmates in the Great War. Sam doesn't dictate to me anymore than you do. Sorry to inform you that my account is paid for many, many moons and my mains shall remain. I may or may not come back. If I'm gone form the game for along time I may lose interest in it and be off to other things (hopefully). But if not I really love this game and it will be nice to jump back in with my 2 prosperous countries. You and I will never like each other Ameche. We have reached a stalemate verbally and will never resolve things. I have my veiws and you have yours, neither of us hard heads will ever budge. Ball is in your counrt. Don't post after me, or about me and I will give you the same respect. I know we tried this once before and it worked for a couple of months before we were at each others throats again...we should try it again and maybe 1 of us will be gone forever. What do you say? Merry Christmas Defcon, ( I do mean it as I'm less an asshole at Christmas) Respectfully Dirt |
Wendy (Golden Rainbow) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 01:58 am  BorderC I think its time you peacefully leave my federation "Immediately", Or I can start a vote to evict you. Right now. You'd be better off outside of my sphere of influence. Good Luck, though you may not need it. Outside of this here, if you need anything, i will still remain nuetral towards you. Thanks Wendy. |
BorderC (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 03:58 am  What's this about? Do you doubt my loyalty to the fed? You have no reason to do that. If you want me to leave the fed, then I will. You're the Chairwoman. I may be able to do better "outside your sphere of influence" but that's not my priority. I stay neutral on the forums (because I have no reason to be otherwise), but I am a loyal member of the fed. It's your decision. BC |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 03:59 am  Listen, General Dirt. I appreciate your offer. I do.. I respect you as a player, and as a nation. I liked your retirement thread. It made me see the human in you.... A lot of players here are hot headed, and the size of their empires and alliances have gone to their heads. I am sorry.. I don't kiss ass.. Plain and simple.. I can be civil. I call terrorists how they are. All I did want bring an idea, and everyone jumped in with an opinion. As for other members of the NLUO.. They are not as vocal. They all are afraid that public opinion does not favor a world government, therefore they feel they are subject to ridicule. I just don't care. I have tough skin... I can take what I'm thrown, and dish it out right back. I just have to get better on the battlefield because it seems that is how disputes are settled here.. I am like the Secretary of State. OK State Guy, I have not forgotten about you.. We still have a nuclear situation to deal with.. As far as the NLUO is concerned we are going to still opperate, and grow. I wish we could peacefully intergrate into the LU community, and have the LU community vote who they want in office, and who they don't want. It is set up like a real government, but is a government for nations. It is very interactive if there is a constant flow of traffic. Stuart has scared a lot of the meeting we were doing away until sometime in the future. I wish people were more open minded to see that this world government would unite LU. It would be able to stop a lot of wars because of the consolidation of power. Everyone in LU is afraid to consolidate their power into an equal entity.. I guess this might be a loosing cause,but I am going to fight on even if it means isolation from the world community... King Hezekiah E-United Israelite Empire |
shane vataja (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 04:07 am  oye. wow wendy that was harsh he is just being currious lookin around king want to relolutionize this game and it is an uphill battle |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 04:14 am  True!! You are right my friend.. I believe in this thing.. Many other players share this vision, but are afraid to come out for fear of war. I know that it can generate an influx of players to the game. I already, recruit people on internet forums, blogs, and internet communites to check out this game. I think this simcountry site is worthy of a lot more players here.. I am going to do my part to help them... |
Rinoa Heartilly (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 04:35 am  No world government is going to tell me what I can do with my Sim peoples.. Rather than making a world government how about you set things up similiar to the United Nations? You know.. .A place for nations to give their opinions and settle disputes. ~ Rinoa |
King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 04:47 am  That is what the world government is set up as a United Nations.. Everyone has an opinion, and everyone votes for the policies through think tanks.. If you take a look at the site, It is very interactive if people use their think tanks set up policy, vote on the policies. There are elections, and 3 major parties The Elite Party, which is the policy makers The Inner Party, which are the challengers to the policies of the Elite Party, although there is a general public opinion poll taken, so everyone really has a say.. The Outter Party is the Party that challenges the Inner party.. Everyone goes up the ladder... It is a very fair system, and it would be fun.. It is fun with the 11 members that we have in the NLUO except 3 of our members never show up at meetings or summits or policy votes, or post at their think tanks.. |
Pathetic Sheep (White Giant) | Friday, January 16, 2009 - 10:38 am  Heze, In most cases if you only have 11 people and 3 are already inactive it is best to hide the facts. |
King Hezekiah | Friday, January 16, 2009 - 09:41 pm  Thank you for your observation. |
Grayson301 (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, January 17, 2009 - 05:55 am  Ok here it is, Hezzy made mention that he wasn't the Chairman of the Nluo elite party .. and this is a very true statement .. because that chairmanship is mine for a time.. I'm suggesting to hezzy that Before the NLUO can attempt to become a world organization it must first become a full function Federation able to moderately influance it's members and stay on coures for PEACE .. that each Nation in the Nluo must be economicaly stable and able to assist in the growth of NEW member nations. that WAR be a last resort to resolving a dispute.. but that War is an evil that will be needed but must be used with constaint with that said i will now retire back to my corner and watch |
ShcyzMattiCa (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, January 17, 2009 - 07:43 pm  No world government is going to tell me what I can do with my Sim peoples.. Rather than making a world government how about you set things up similiar to the United Nations? You know.. .A place for nations to give their opinions and settle disputes. ~ Rinoa Despite how people have painted this "IDEA" your suggestion is exactly as NLUO would be. Not a system of control. Thx Wendy |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, January 17, 2009 - 11:23 pm  Sorry, i'm confused Wendy - I thought the recent NLUO elections were between ACdaddy and Kingasia? Where do you come in? |
quaxocal (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, January 18, 2009 - 06:22 am  Wendy is going against her own world government concepts by yet again declaring war on an innocent country. |