Váli (Fearless Blue) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 04:14 pm  The evil satan America has casts its greedy eyes upon our green and plesant lands! The British Army has set up a base on the battlefield 'Brussels'(Fearless Blue | Virgina Bella | Canis) The Demon hordes of George 'W' Bush along with their satanic follwers the canadians are forming up on the East side. The forces of goodness are forming up on the West side. Do not let the great satan eat your children, join the great crusade and set up a c3 on the west side of [Fearless Blue | Virgina Bella | Canis] |
BorderC (Kebir Blue) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 04:21 pm  Attention North Americans: The evil satan, Europe, has cast its greedy eyes upon our green and pleasant lands! The North American Army has set up a base on the battlefield 'NA Washington'(Fearless Blue | Virgina Bella | Canis). The Demon hordes of Vladimir Putin along with their satanic followers, the British, are forming on the west side. The forces of goodness are forming up on the east side. Do not let the great satan eat your children! Join the great crusade and set up a C3 on the east side of [Fearless Blue | Virgina Bella | Canis]! North America - Now with improved spelling and grammar! Join today!  |
Váli (Fearless Blue) | Monday, December 22, 2008 - 05:18 pm  The evil servant of the great satan, BorderC, seeks to twist the good words of Vali. He aims to decieve you whilst his evil minions secure their base on the east side. Rise up against the evil doers! Secure the west side against their evil ways. Protect the Eurozone! |
BorderC (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 04:02 am  Vali buys foreign made cars and disrespects his elders. He clubs baby seals and chops down rain forests. West Siiiide! |
shane vataja (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 04:17 am  LoL! west siideee! for to long the europeans have been looking and laughing at us canuks now with our strongest ally joining us, we shall become the new leaders of the North ammerican alliance empire! once we walk over them again we shall become the great leaders of the world. those europeans think they can just walk on over us but we shall destoy those pumpis imbred swine and push them into the great depths of hell were they belong (ashvill west it even sounds like hell) those imbred swine are evil blood sucking hounds, sevents that escaped from hell to do the Devils work on earth. we from the east are a simple folk who do not persue war but those ungreatful blood sucking hounds just bit the hand that feeds and now they get the reprimands. spare the rod spoil the child. ooo look at me im brittish i have bad teath "tooth decay is an infectious disease!" they are trying to decay our teeth men and women from north ammerica let us stand up for our pearly whites! ooo ahhh im french i drink a wine. i like to get drunk and eat the cheese. (im sorry i realy dont have any good anti french steryotype insults..) the only ting worce then our army is the ammerican arrogance! "those drunk idiots cant even speak a the english! they talk with their hands and cause many accidents bc they were talking! save our children destroy the french!" oo ima italiano! i eat pasta and drive exotic cars. "those exotic cars are to wide and have poor straigh line accelleration! ammerica #1 booya!" (just dont mind that corner up ahead) those europeans are going to destory our teath our beer industry and italian food restauraunts and out roads cars arnt supposed to turn the worlds revols around them not the car around the world! THE SUV IS AWSOME! and cheeseburgers are brilliant food! those europeans want to take out cheese burgers make us drink wine and have no teath! we must stand up for our way of life! stand up for north ammerica and demolish these damb europeans! |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 05:33 am  Quote from shane: 'for to long the europeans have been looking and laughing at us canuks now with our strongest ally joining us, we shall become the new leaders of the North ammerican alliance empire!' Hey, Yanks. Looks like the Canuks are gearing up to take over your empire while your busy trying to stop us pawnin ya. 'once we walk over them again we shall become the great leaders of the world.' Did'nt the Canuks burn down the whitehouse once? I wonder if thats what he's truely getting at? I'd keep an eye on them if I was you. Long Live the Queen and all that. |
The Grand Poobah (Golden Rainbow) | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 06:05 am  @Shane- Appropriate French insults include- Frogs, Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys, Fondu dipping Buday Slirpers(you know I can't spell that crap), or you could just call them "French". |
shane vataja (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 12:33 am  no no no we need that alliance we meaning the north ammerican alliance empire. not canada only but both of us ruling this world with proper health care in half of it.. |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:34 am  Thats what you say now. But will you be singing the same tune when the Yankie forces are fighting on the borders away from their main countries and you know that one swift attack could give you this new world order that you see yourselves leading? We will see. Ok. Our leader, Sir Vali has gone away for a couple of days, so if your not getting any replys or not being invited to the fed, its because of that. War&Hardcore...............Nix001 EU |
shane vataja (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:10 pm  yes of corse we are canadian we are peaceful and keep our words. this war was brought to our area by those warlords over there |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 09:41 pm  EU sucks,LOL,fuel to the fire.LMAO.HEHEHeeeeeee. signed,NA DFA CA. LaLaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, December 27, 2008 - 03:50 pm  Yea you know it. Were gonna suck all the life out of ya. Again and again and again. Until the NA get board of losing and disperse away from the all mighty and powerful land of the EU. Glory to the EU |
GaiusJuliusCaesar (Kebir Blue) | Saturday, December 27, 2008 - 03:57 pm  the british burned the white house during the war of 1812, not the canadians. It wasn't burned to the ground either, just partially. It had to be fixed up and it after was painted white, thus giving it the name "the White House" |
BorderC (Little Upsilon) | Monday, December 29, 2008 - 04:02 pm  The Canadians did kick the Americans around when they invaded Canada to start the war. But that was due to VERY poor planning, horrible administration (Jefferson and Madison), and terrible generals. If the federalists had remained in power and still gone to war with England (they were Anglophiles) there is a very good chance that Canada would be a part of the U.S. today. Oh, and down with the EU... BC |
Váli (Little Upsilon) | Monday, December 29, 2008 - 11:56 pm  The C3s are teaching the NA a few hard lessons....maybe we should postpone the real fighting until the NA know which way a rifle goes round. |
The Grand Poobah (Golden Rainbow) | Monday, December 29, 2008 - 11:58 pm  All I got to say about the war of 1812 is...remember what happened near New Orleans? Yep, lets talk about bad Generals. |
BorderC (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 02:35 am  Or talk about how the American navy embarrassed the British navy for so long with an entire fleet of 5 frigates. All said, the war was a draw. The English had bigger things to worry about in Europe and the US had bigger things to worry about in the US. It's pretty ridiculous how the war is going to start in the middle of the night. I don't plan on staying up that late for it. Hopefully my country is still around in the morning. I'm trying to learn how to war in SC, dammit! BC |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 05:57 am  navie,lol |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 05:08 am  hey vali,what happened to brussles,hehehee.a few others were misplaced as well ,hehehee.danneh and scottland are next.lol.this was a great idea gents. |
BorderC (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 03:35 pm  Started to take out Dannehs Air Defenses but I ran out of ammo. Spending limit sucks. |
5 Star General (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 04:43 pm  lol the 4 of u having fun? lmao |
BorderC (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 10:23 pm  10, actually. |
Váli (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, January 1, 2009 - 04:43 am  Brussels got cooked for lunch. I know you poor NA's are suffering from economic problems at hte moment. So I donated some sprouts to help with your xmas dinners! |