nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 05:30 pm  General Pussy Booboo. I see you still hav'nt left your fed. I really don't want to get anyone else involved in this war, but if every time I launch an attack I get slapped by one of your fed members I see no choise but to build up a fed that will be able to remove your fed members so we can have this one on one. You declared on me and launched the first attack. Do you really want to look like a true pussy infront of the sim community? You have 3 choises. 1) Explain on the thread titled Islam why you called me a idiot. (Something I have already asked you to do) 2) Leave your fed until I'm finished (If I remember correctly you already offered to do so) 3) Don't do the first 2 and we'll get others involved. Also don't think that the debt my empire has created getting ready for this is a problem to me. A couple of days before you insulted me I had decided that I had done what I had set out to do on this game and that it was time for me to down size or leave. I was kinda hoping that you would have taken my countries by now as I knew it would be difficult for me to just pull the plug on the game. I have now no other reason to stay apart from to deal with you. The quicker the better, for I have another environmental mission to be getting started on. Come on Booboo......Fight like a man and stop letting your friends keep on throwing punches at me. Or prove me right and keep on fighting like a pussy. War&Hardcore...............Nix001 KILLA BOOBOO |
Blue Serpent (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 07:26 pm  Nix, who else has fired on you apart from Bobo? No one!!! One player with war treaty in place auto decced. Since you havent fired a shot, this auto dec is just expiring. Item 2, if its only you two involved, not needed. Item 3, Why would you want to involve others if as you say, "Come on Booboo......Fight like a man and stop letting your friends keep on throwing punches at me". Get on with it. |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 08:02 pm  Country: Xlande President: GJ Smith Air Defense Wing Berkley. As I said. Once I can fight Pussy Booboo with out the help of his fed members I WILL get on with it. Anyways, why is it up to me to keep the war decs going when it was Pussy Booboo who started the war? Who are you anyway Blue Serpent? Thats about 3 times now that you have got yourself involved on the forum trying to big up Booboo. |
Blue Serpent (White Giant) | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 09:01 pm  Same FB fed. Where am i bigging up anyone? I answered your post. How is one def airwing holding you back so much? |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 09:15 pm  Ask Booboo how much a Def airwing can hold someone back I would'nt be bothered if it was Booboo's Def airwing for I would just destroy it. But as it's someone's who is not at war with me I can't. Does the FBC know anything about how the war engine works? |
Blue Serpent (White Giant) | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 10:08 pm  Are you for real? on medication? a shrink? |
Kiss Of Death | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 11:22 pm  Nix, I have a question.......why are you calling Bobo a "pussy" when it is you who is doing all the whining like a child,,,,just cuz someone called you an idiot in a forum???? Good grief....get a life. Also, I don't think Bobo owes any explanation for his calling you an idiot....I've read your posts........ I don't just find you an idiot, I find you delusional and question your stability. |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 11:59 pm  Ah.......Kiss of death. I was wondering how long it would be before you turned up. Anyone can call someone names (Thats why after Booboo called me an idiot I called him a pussy. But now I call him one because he's acting like one.). Kiss. If you have a point of veiw about life or a disagreement about my take on life, why don't you share it with us on the threads? I, and I'm sure others, would be interested to see what you have to say. Maybe you could teach us something ;) Nix001 KILLA BOOBOO |
Sir SmokesAlot (White Giant) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 01:16 am  All this over name calling. If i started a war with everyone who called me a name, then me and bobo would have fought along time ago. Sometimes u must let things go. Let your military do the talking. You just make yourslef look bad by posting these messages here. Take his main then talk. |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 01:42 am  I did'nt start this war. Booboo was the one who declared on me. Booboo was the one who threw the first punch in the way of a Nuke. Booboo is the one who is hiding behind his friends DAW's. I would'nt go into a pub, sit at the bar, listen to a conversation between a group of people, go over to one of them and call them an idiot. And if I ever felt the need to, I would'nt do it without backing myself up with why I'm calling them an idiot. Would you? I also don't expect to be called outside by someone, to be then met by a group of his friends. It's just not cricket. How can I let my military do the talking when every attack I do I get hammered by his mates DAW? What would be the point in that? And it's like I have said before. If it's started in public it will get finished in public. Lastly, I hav'nt got a slef  |
Blue Serpent (White Giant) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 02:16 am  Dude, its one def airwing from an inactive.... FFS |
General Bobo (White Giant) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 02:19 am  wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 03:08 am  One Def air wing can mean the difference between losing 0 tanks and 0 artillery in an attack or losing 500 tanks and 500 artillery in an attack. Booboo can vouch for that. Init Booboo  |
Beast (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 04:01 am  Nix, if you can't destroy one air wing, how do you plan on attacking Bobo? |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 04:12 am  Beast. I am not at war with the person that owns the air wing. They are an FBC fed member. Anyway, even if I did go to war with the owner and destroyed his country(not saying that I could GJ Smith) there's many other FBC members D wings that would defend Booboo. The only way around it is if Booboo leaves his fed or all his fed members dismantle their D wings. |
Beast (White Giant) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 05:08 am  lol |
Jack Frost | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 09:00 am  Nix take this as a lesson if you want respek from someone who came before you, sometimes the best way to do it is to eat the losses and win the war. Quite frankly your starting to annoy even me and thats not very easy to do. With Regards, Dragoon |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 11:28 am  Agreed with Dragoon. If you want to fight him, go ahead and do it - but making him leave his fed so he has less air defence shouldn't be an option. Imagine if the soviets decided to go to war with West Germany during the cold war, but didn't fancy fighting the whole of NATO...... Er, excuse me - could you leave NATO please? I really don't want to fight the rest of your friends! The whole idea of a fed is to protect one another. If you cant win the war with the air def that is being put up by one country, perhaps you should reconsider your position and maybe seek a diplomatic solution instead. Thanks. |
nix001 | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 02:20 pm  Beast. Why are you laughing? Jack. You fight your battles the way you see fit and I'll fight mine the way I see fit. Stu. I see it more like West Germany decided to go to war with the Latvia, but did'nt fancy fighting them on their own. Er, excuse me - But you are going to die! For I am going to fight you with the help of all my friends! The whole idea of self-respect and honour is to fight your own battles. Perhaps if people can't handle that they should'nt start personal wars. I had several fed leaders and vets who asked to join me to ensure Booboo's defeat. And out of respect, not only for myself, but also for Booboo, I declined. You lot are starting to make me wonder if any of you understand the meaning of honour. |
Blue Serpent (White Giant) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 03:35 pm  Nix, you keep saying "with all of his friends". Its ONE inactive with ONE airwing. It wont be a problem now, Bobo has left FBC temporarily. |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 04:11 pm  I knew General Bobo was'nt a true pussy. OK. Lets get this show on the road. General Bobo. I tip my hat to you. May the best man win. |
Beast (White Giant) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 06:44 pm  Nix I'm laughing because you demand that someone who made you mad on the forum leave their federation so you can avoid ONE air wing. The whole thing is pretty ridiculous. I wish you the best of luck with Bobo's more than one air wing(s). |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 07:53 pm  What is it with you lot? You talk as if you can just buy a new army Listen. Lets say I destroy Bobo's entire air defense. I then go in for the kill. Bang I lose 1/2 my division because one of Bobo's fed mates has got a D air wing in the air. What am I going to do? Take out his entire fed? As I said. I had just wound down my countries armies to make a bit of money because the last time I was on red alert cost me quite abit. I've had to build my armies up from nearly scratch. I did'nt want this war. But as I'm fighting it I would just like it to be on a level playing field. Now if I had started it then thats my own silly fault. Init! But I did'nt. |
Pathetic Sheep (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 08:36 pm  Shoot down the planes already. Use fighters or navy fighters. If you convert real cash to gold coins to sim cash and then buy offensive weapons the cost of shooting down an air defense wing is around 1 or 2 cents U.S. currency. |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 09:25 pm  Most of the war dec's ran out, so were just going through them again. Anyways......I thought we were boycoting buying gold coins? |
Sir SmokesAlot (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 04:59 am  He has friends. And I've got more than 1 air wing. ;) |
BorderC (Kebir Blue) | Friday, March 13, 2009 - 08:54 pm  Smokes is in FBC? Has the world gone mad!??!?!
General Bobo (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, March 14, 2009 - 12:50 am  lol |
Lockon Stratos (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, March 14, 2009 - 11:09 pm  Quit bitching noob, Even if Bobo leaves you would still have no chance of dominating his country. Fighting a War isn't about Fair, Mostly it's about Military Power. So stop humiliating yourself with those ridicilous post about BoBo, The only pussy here is you. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 01:53 am  Nix - do it or shut the hell up, your starting to p*ss me off man..... |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 03:14 am  I'll have some fun with you two if you want when I'm done with Bobo. This war engines alright init  |
Revival (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 03:51 am  Lol, You think you can finish Bobo? You're pathetic to even look forward onto that. Over these past days, You made no progress but to humiliate yourself. I don't feel threatened or scared by you neither, So quit being a Cocky little faggot and go outside and get a life. Even if you pass through Bobo (which won't happen ever), I look forward to a battle with you. |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 04:05 am  Revival? Quote(just in case you delete it): 'Lol, You think you can finish Bobo? You're pathetic to even look forward onto that. Over these past days, You made no progress but to humiliate yourself. I don't feel threatened or scared by you neither, So quit being a Cocky little faggot and go outside and get a life. Even if you pass through Bobo (which won't happen ever), I look forward to a battle with you.' Who the F are U? Anyways. I took out all his SF units and D wings (except for a few Heli wings) in one sitting All from a couple of slaves I've taken over for the battle. I look forward to doing the same to you. Who needs sleep? I tell you what I do need. A voice activation system instead of having to press a button 10 million times. |
Revival (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 05:06 am  LOL, Just because you took out his interceptors and SF units, It doesn't mean crap. Obviously, you would have lost about probably half of your country if it was due to your big ass Debt, -140 T. You won't get anywhere close. Plus, Sleeping is good for health, Maybe you should try it and stop sitting your fat ass on the computer playing Simcountry. |
Jojo the Hun (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 05:12 am  burp. Bobo declared on nix. Bobo has the number 4 war rank country on FB. nix's highest is 177. nix has turned down offers from other presidents to join in his fight, so he could fight Bobo one on one. He's been fighting Bobo for weeks, enjoying it, and given more than he's taken. I think nix is doing just fine. |
Revival (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 05:15 am  :P Wow that's long. |
Jojo the Hun (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 05:37 am  On the other hand Revival talks tough but her main is in war protection; she is obviously afraid and is definitely in the wrong fed and on the wrong world. |
Jack Frost (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 06:58 am  so Jojo what does that say about Smokes? |
Sir SmokesAlot (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 07:28 am  I'll drop some names for u jack frost. Yankee and laguna's entire empires are in wp. What does that say about them? |
Jack Frost (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 07:36 am  I'm merely pointing out that it is quite hypocritical for Jojo to say that when the fed leader's whole empire sits in wp. With Regards, Dragoon |
Jojo the Hun (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 05:30 pm  I was just countering the barrage of insults against nix. I do think the game would be better if the wp feature were refined a bit. |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, March 15, 2009 - 05:46 pm  Thanks for the support Jojo and Sir smokesAlot With the way them lot are going on, you would think I'd sold them tickets. Yo Rev. My ass is sweetly toned. What about yours? |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 02:49 am  Update. Bobo AKA Booboo, went into war protection 54 hrs ago and has not come back out. I sent him a message 50hrs ago and have not recieved a message back (which is not like Booboo, as he normaly replies back within 3hrs). I can only assume that he has not logged in (unlikely as he knew my second wave would have put him on his knees) or his has decided it's not worth losing his country over. I know people, due to life, can't always log in. So before I start calling Bobo a pussy again I'll give him another 48hrs to comply. If any of you know him personally, could you let him know the computers stopped the war and that he's got to declare on me again. Peace&Hardcore.................Nix001 KILLA BOOBOO |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 03:10 am  Its the weekend Nix, perhaps he has a life unlike the rest of us!!! lol |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 04:08 am  Heres hoping. Unfortunatly I doubt it. He knows my second strike would have mashed him up. |
nix001 (Little Upsilon) | Monday, March 23, 2009 - 10:03 pm  Terrible. To pussy out with you lot backing him aswell. Thats just lame. 96hrs has passed and I know he's been on because he posted on another thread. Like I said to Booboo, if he does'nt declare on me in the 96hrs, our war is over. So as far as I'm concerned it's fineatoad. And I'm not having this idea that using war protection is a legitimate stratagy either. You knowingly go into war protection means you are begging me not to hit you again. Unfortunatly mercy has been taken out of my hands. Shame So. We'll hear no more of it. Right Booboo? DEAD THREAD |
Blue Serpent (White Giant) | Monday, March 23, 2009 - 11:23 pm  what a prize tit you really are. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Monday, March 23, 2009 - 11:29 pm  Quote:You knowingly go into war protection means you are begging me not to hit you again.
No it dosn't mean that - for all you know, he may have more important things happening in RL at the moment. Use the time to rebuild and chill out a bit nix  |
nix001 (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 12:02 am  No mate. You don't get into a fight with someone and half way through when your taking a beating ask to leave the ring. His problem. Not mine. He had time to post a comment about eating some dood on a thread but can't declare on me? No Stu. Booboo pussied out. End of. He could'nt take the heat so he had to get out of the kitchen. No return. Thats like comparing USA asking Russia to stop fighting for a bit so they could change their stratagy. Or Forman asking Ali to stop fighting for a day so he could work out what was going on. Stu. Can't believe you think thats acceptable. Anyway. You think I've got time to mess about with Booboo? No mate. I had my strat. Booboo has his War protection. Finished. INIT BOOBOO! Hello Blue Serpent. Listen mate. Your fed leader gave in. Get over it. |
Blue Serpent (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 12:55 am  nix, your just one of them guys who thinks he is always right. what you think, outweighs the facts. You keep tree hugging and i'll just piss on them on the way home from the pub |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 01:01 am  I guess with this Global warming they'll need it. Boom Boom  |
Kiss Of Death | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 07:39 am  Hi Nix! Been wonderin' when I would make an appearance again??? he he he You should count yourself VERY fortunate that Bobo has grown bored with you. You and your pathetic existence in FB would cease to exist in a snap. If it makes you feel better about yourself and your so called manhood to think you won this dispute, more the power to you. As for the rest of us, we don't really give a sh.t. You see, Bobo's reputation as a fine warrior and respected player is solid in this game. He, therefore, has nothing to prove. He has been merely toying with you, Nix. You aren't worth his energy or time. You've been nothing more than an amusement for Bobo and for others such as myself. We've had some major laughs. You, however, continue to humiliate yourself with your endless boasts and nonsense. Have some pride and dignity. Furthermore, if you post your opinions and what not on a public game forum, expect to have feedback you may not like. Be an adult about it. You lend more credibility to your "cause" that way. Regards, Jan |
Kiteless (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 11:38 am  There is a HUGE difference between Bobo and Nix. One is a respected player and runs an excellent academy fed on KB to mentor new players. The other is a loudmouth chavvy troll who wants anyone who disagrees with his views to spend GC's in a conflict, then backtracks when the heat is on. Capiche? |
BorderC (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 02:52 pm  Nix, you've turned into a real douche bag. Why should Bobo fight you? You think he wants to take your debt ridden countries? You think you're worth the waste of time? I used to think you were an okay guy, but you've got issues. You said you were going to quit. You just trying to be a nuisance as long as you can before doing that? BC |
nix001 | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 03:40 pm  You are all turning out to be a bunch of pussies. Start a war, take a beating and then hide away into war protection. Is that how you lot have it? (excluding all those proper warriors out there who will fight to the death) If Booboo did'nt want to risk losing his country why is he on the war world? Where is Booboo anyway. Why does he let you lot fight for him? Oh yea. He's hiding Come out Booboo. Before one of your friends says something that they will regret. I destoyed my economy that had taken me nearly a year to build, to fight someone who declared on me because they did'nt like what I said on a thread. Why should I let the pussy get away with hiding away in war protection when the heat is on? You lot need to grow some balls. Thanks for the kind words Kite  |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 03:41 pm  I think its now official. Nix - you are a asshat. |
nix001 | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 03:43 pm  Oh no. Don't say that |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 03:45 pm  Too late, you have become very Hezzyish, therefore you are an official asshat and should expect to be treated as such. |
nix001 | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 03:56 pm  Stu. You should go and see the doctor about your compulsive behavour to reply to everything you see. I'm sure the doc could give you something for it |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 03:57 pm  Stop spamming asshat..... I just turned my central heating up to full and openend the windows. Im also going out in a bit, and I will make sure I drive very uneconomically. How does that make you feel? Go hug a tree... |
nix001 | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:02 pm  Yo Stu You seem to love spamming on others so why don't you start your own one. I think I've only seen one thread by you. And if I remember rightly, when you got spammed you went mardy. I'm sure you also threated to declare because of it I hope it's still on the forum. I will have a look. Hey, you could call it 'For those who wish to spam me back' |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:06 pm  Or what nix? And its not your thread, asshat. The thread like the whole forum is owned by W3C. Just for that, i'm going to burn a tyre..... |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:08 pm  You have several threads on the go at the same time, all about the same thing. Have you been to the Hezzy school of spam? Do your worst son. Im waiting. |
nix001 | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:12 pm  Dam right. I warned Booboo that if he did'nt come out of war protection I would post one more statment on each of my threads and then we will leave it at that. Is'nt that right Booboo? Unfortunatly people like you just have to have your say and keep the ball rolling. As I said. Go and see the Doc. Anyway Stuie. What are YOU waiting for? |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:15 pm  You to get a slave on LU....... Unless you cut this crap out NOW, you will be treated as Hezzy is on LU. Comprende asshat? Perhaps if you want to help save the world, you could cut down on your electricity useage and turn your computer off. Permanantly. |
Kiteless (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:17 pm  You know things are grim when you're compared to Hezzy. He's not the full shilling. What's your excuse?
nix001 | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:26 pm  I have no excuse. Where as hezzy just wants to play his own game using all the tools available. Personaly I think it's you lot who are not the full shilling for thinking that theres something wrong with that. A game should be played, which is what Hezzy's doing. Not like some of you who just like to sit on your game and watch the money pile up. Or pick on people who are smaller than you just so you can rob them. Some of you lot are jokes. This is SIM boys and girls. Anything goes. Anyways, to all those who keep on posting. DID I NOT WRITE DEAD THREAD FURTHER UP? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LOT? Stu, when you've been to the docs maybe you could advise them? BOOBOO PUSSIED OUT AND ITS FINISHED WITH. I've got over 180T in weapons and he knew it. He watch me build it up. Hence the debt DEAD THREAD. I know Stu, control it, take a deep return to the game  |
Kiteless (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:39 pm  So you can't see anything wrong with constantly spamming various forums with the delusional idea that the majority of players actually want a world government on LU? If the NLUO was so good, it would have many different members comprising of seasoned vets to newbs and said members would be on here endorsing it and recommending others to join? Do you see that? I don't and neither does anyone else of sane mind. We're all playing a game. What Hezzy is doing is trying to force his madcap ideas onto others. Bit like yourself... I'll give Hezzy some credit, though. He is amusing - albeit unwittingly. You're just plain irritating. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:45 pm  NIX, YOU WILL NOT TALK TO ME IN THAT MANNER. This thread will be dead when I say so. Not some little asshat such as yourself. Now go and crawl back under that rock and do as you are told. One more post on this or similar threads, and you will revcieve my full wrath once you have grown to get a LU slave. This is your final warning. |
nix001 | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:51 pm  'And its not your thread, asshat. The thread like the whole forum is owned by W3C.' Stu. You only wrote that 45 mins ago. Maybe you should talk to the doc about your memory aswell? Kite. I'm sure it was Stu that started cussing Hezz first. So Hezz came up with the idea of NLUC or what ever it is. Ever since then Stu has just kept on cussing him and the idea. I did'nt think it would work when Hezz first came up with it either. I even posted saying so. But each man to him self. The NLCU? was born through Stuies compulsive spamming. And how can it be seasoned. He only started it 5 months ago I think. Also anyone who showed interest in joining was threated with war by Stu. Has he got you by the throat? Has he locked the doors so you can't get out? Has he got a gun to your head telling you to click on his thread? No. So how is he forcing it on you? You got to give it to Hezz. Dedication. What more can you ask for in a leader?..........Unlike some ;) Yo Hezz if your reading this mate. It looks like your spending alot of time getting your game set up. But remember, once the beginning ends the grind starts. Don't build it too big too fast, because the maintenance will kill your game. Peace&Hardcore...................Nix001 MNA |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 04:54 pm  That was your final chance, Asshat. You made your choice, now you will have to live with it. |
nix001 | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 05:04 pm  I know on the other thread you said you were bored Stuie, but Dam........Hey, you should pot up some flower bulds ready for the summer |
BorderC (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 07:28 pm  Nix: "I've got over 180T in weapons and he knew it. He watch me build it up. Hence the debt" I just took the time to add up your military assets in all 26 of your countries. You have a TOTAL of 50.66T in your empire. Bobo has twice that in at least ONE of his countries. Oh, and he doesn't have any debt. Why don't you be a man and quit hiding behind your C3s, nix? We all know the C3 warring strategy. Nobody is impressed with you. How hard is it to take C3s, load them with debt and hide behind them? Hezekiah could probably pull that off. You're not fooling anybody. BC |
Kiss Of Death | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 07:57 pm  OMG Nix, You absolutely stun me.......You???!...You are advising a player to seek professional help??? !!!! Good Grief! You are in denial!!! Let's see...... I am aware of 20 or more ingame messages that you have written to Bobo alone. You consistently write garbage on the forum, which is redundant at best. Who needs to see a doctor??? You harrass and stalk in game. Here's one of my favorite posts from you to Bobo...Did you spend all afternoon dwelling on Bobo this day??? ha ha ha I think you secretly have a thing for him. ha ha ha ha From: MOTHER NATURES ARMY To: CFB Borden Real Date: 11-03-2009 01:23:56 World Date: April 28 2628 Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fed members Message: "There was a Pussy called Booboo, who thought he knew how to fight. Until he met Mother Natures Army, who gave him an almighty fright. And now that poor pussy called Booboo, is trying to hide himself away. But Mother Natures Army knows where to find him, and soon that poor Booboo will pay. " What a freak! This is my last post regarding you. I am intelligent enough to know that all you seek is attention. I am not going to feed into that any more. Grow up, little boy. Regards, Jan |
ShcyzMattiCa (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 09:49 pm  This is out of control LoooooL |
nix001 (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 12:16 am  You8 know what Border C. I've just come back from the pub and I'm pissed. You are talking shite. Booboo started with the C3 warfare. Unless I've been scamed. All countries were in money and making money. The only thing I have spent money on is weapons. I will look my selfl. Read the past and the future will be set out before you . C3 warfare coming to a computer screen near you How can you defend the actions of Booboo? Unless you are cut from the same cloth. |
nix001 (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 12:23 am  Good bye Jan. |
nix001 (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 12:25 am  You know what Border C. I remember when we did that C3 NA V's EU battle. You did'nt do shite. How can that be? in one C3 I spend 5T on weapons and ammo and it shows up as only 2T in assets? What ever. I and Booboo know I had just about enough to mash him up. Hence why he went into war protection. Notice how he has been on line yet has not said a word against me? You know what. I'm not surprised he did'nt want to waste anymore weapons and ammo trying to take me out. With ratio's of CFBorden lost 600 heavy tanks 500 heavy art MNA lost 125 jeeps I would'nt want to waste anymore either. Will you all just get over it. Booboo has agreed to the terms. I don't know why you all have to have your say and humiliate him even more? Whats it got to do with you? F&%$ it. BC You have no idea about honour, which is why you will talk like you do. Remind me not to fight you either if thats how you look at it. I only play players. Not wanna be's. |
Revival (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 04:48 am  Lol. "wanna be" Look who's talking. The Tree Luvin Hypocrite, Who acts tough and think he is a Tree Guardian for Mother nature. |
BorderC (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 02:54 pm  "F&%$ it. BC You have no idea about honour, which is why you will talk like you do. Remind me not to fight you either if thats how you look at it. I only play players. Not wanna be's." You little prick fucking piece of shit. You purchase a couple trillion SC dollars on weapons, click a few buttons and you think you are some honorable warrior? Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your ideology, and fuck your lame ass, dickless, comments. I've actually been IN a war, you sorry little shitbird. I'm not talking about little computer program war either. I'm talking real life (you know, that thing the rest of us are enjoying while you spend 8 or 9 hours a night clicking away at pixelized targets) in a little place called Iraq. So don't you tell me shit about honor, courage, etc. You don't know shit about any of these. So you've been beaten up in pubs. Guess what. Arrogant pricks get beaten up in pubs/bars all of the time. You're nothing special because you can get your ass kicked. You're not special because you rant and rave about saving the earth. There are many people like you. Some of them even practice what they preach. Fuck it. I could go off on a rant for days about shit stains like you. I'm pressed for time, so I'll just sum it up: Fuck you. Fuck you. & Fuck you. Peace & Hardcore (from my little pussy computer)
BC |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 03:04 pm  My Mother? OK BC. This had nothing to do with you apart from Booboo is your fed leader. But now you've just made it personal. I'm a street fighter not a pub brawler. In my fights no one else gets hurt apart from the person/persons I'm fighting or me. Same goes for this game. Only those who want it get it. And you have made it quite clear you want it. And now so do I. The question is: Do you have balls like your leader or will you include your fed members in this fight? |
Jack Frost (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 03:45 pm  Nix, you really need to shut the fuck up your turning into an Asshat |
nix001 | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 04:59 pm  Stay out of it please Jack. I made one statement and these FBC can't handle it. Not your problem. 'Terrible. To pussy out with you lot backing him aswell. Thats just lame. 96hrs has passed and I know he's been on because he posted on another thread. Like I said to Booboo, if he does'nt declare on me in the 96hrs, our war is over. So as far as I'm concerned it's fineatoad. And I'm not having this idea that using war protection is a legitimate stratagy either. You knowingly go into war protection means you are begging me not to hit you again. Unfortunatly mercy has been taken out of my hands. Shame So. We'll hear no more of it. Right Booboo? DEAD THREAD' What problem do you have with that Jack? |
Jack Frost (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 07:30 pm  The fact that I click on Blue links and read them and damnit I'm getting sick of seeing your relentless nonsensical yet very whimsical posts everywhere. No one cares about your obsession with Bobo. You are a nobody, case in point no one really knew who you were before this happened! Now everyone knows who you are and quite frankly if this was my first impression of you I would say your nothing more than an Asshat. With Regards, Dragoon |
nix001 | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 08:11 pm  'No one cares about your obsession with Bobo.' Looks like it. My only obsession is not letting some who acts big infront of everyone get away with running away from a fight that they started. If Booboo acted more like you and Jason then there would be no problem. By now you should no which threads are mine. I was happy, like I told Booboo, to leave it at that. If the rest of these doods did'nt keep on going like I lost the war, then, as I said, my thread would be half way down the table. Blame them if you see blue. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 09:34 pm  Oi asshat - I thought I told you to shut the hell up... |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 09:37 pm  Stuie. You finished potting those flowers already? How about planting some carrots or potatoes? Hey, why not push the boat out and plant both? |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 09:38 pm  I'll plant a freaking nuke or ten on you when you get an empire you st00pid little n00bish asshat..... |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 09:40 pm  Why wait? Why don't you put your GC's where your mouth is and come to either FB or KB? |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 09:46 pm  Nah dude - im happy to wait on LU for you. I'm done travelling to fight. But rest assured, unless your attitude changes rather sharpish - I will destroy you on LU. I will put you into so much debt that you have to keep on spending GC's to stay afloat. I've done it before, and I will do it again. |
BorderC (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 09:50 pm  Ok, the mother comment was out of line. I shouldn't have said it. Out of decency, rather than respect for you, I apologize. Now.... You're still a self righteous, arrogant prick. So Fuck You. I'm on FB whenever you want to declare. Countries: Sacred, Uesugi, and Hojo. BC (Respecting mothers everywhere) |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 09:54 pm  Stu. You still don't get it do you? Maybe when you have bought some more corps off me you will. Until then............Keep giving me your money. BC. Ok. But you bring my mum into it again and I will not let you take it back. I know where you are BC. You kept the C3 you used for the NA v's EU battle. At least Booboo backed his words up with a declaration. Dam. The more you go on the more respect I have for Booboo. |
BorderC (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:01 pm  I give a shit whether you take it back. I'm just trying to be decent. I didn't keep the C3, but it's easy enough to declare. Type the country's name in the box. BC |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:04 pm  I can see your trying. I bet your teacher's used to say 'could try harder'. One day you might get there. But from what you write it might take a while. Just don't give up. |
BorderC (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:04 pm  No, I see how you play these little games on every forum.... wah wah Booboo declared on me wah wah wah.. Be a man and hit the declare button yourself for once. That way you don't have to be a fucking victim. BC |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:12 pm  There are only two types of people I would declare on. Little pricks who don't care about Mother Nature and bigger pricks who cuss Mothers. Now if you had not took your head out of your ass and said sorry about what you said about my mum then I would have.
BorderC (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:13 pm  Well then, Fuck Mother Nature.
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:18 pm  @Nix; There are also other pr*cks who try and force things down other peoples throats. @BC; If I were you, I would watch your use of profanaties, or you may end up with a ban. |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:19 pm  Whats the Doctor told you about staying away from those ducks BC. It's not right. Regardless of how little your prick is. You should'nt do it. You should go to Thailand. Then you wont have those animal rights people after you. Easy. Stu. What, you mean like all of those out there who force their views on people who talk about the environment (on the environmental threads) by calling them names and telling people that there is nothing wrong and if you think that there is, means that there is something wrong with you? 11 months of arguing has come to an end. It's time for those who wish to insult us and spread their hatred and mis-information to put their GC's where their mouths are (as I am prepaired to do). Mother Nature cannot wait any longer. The change has to happen now. Only 2 people, out of all those who play, will state that they know man is not to blame. U and BC. You said it to make me happy. And BC has no idea what he's talking about half the time. Funny that. Anyways. I'm sure Booboo would rather you lot leave this thread to die away. Come on. Do him a favour. Sorry about this Booboo. I did what I said I would and made one last post. It's these bunch of trouble makers that have kept it going.
Kiss Of Death | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 12:17 am  To: Stuart Taylor Re: "@BC; If I were you, I would watch your use of profanaties, or you may end up with a ban." I have sat here and read nothing but profanities coming from after post after post. If you are going to caution BC, then Nix should be equally cautioned. Just my opinion. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 12:21 am  The reason I didn't caution Nix was that I hope he does get banned It wasn't discrimanatory on BC's part! |
nix001 | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 02:01 am  Quote one of mine Jan. |
General Bobo | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 05:54 am  lol nix i rather enjoy it Ive have been telling ppl for weeks how sad and retarded you are... so yap all you want my furry feathered friend. Is it just me are does nix mention bobo in every post he makes ( well most of them ) Lol nix, do you have a crush on me? lmfao booboo this booboo that, i love booboo..booboobooboo, wah wah wah Seriously now.... I'm in the military and for some reason i've been deployed to the UK... MUHAHA..Im gonna find shit PS..Today, I pissed ALL OVER SOME TREES. |
General Bobo | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 05:54 am  oh i forgot.. wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah |
Beast (Golden Rainbow) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 06:00 am  wahhhhhhhh |
Kiss Of Death (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 06:42 am  OMG Nix.......i get so tired of you callin' Bobo the "p" word, it makes me wanna puke. To me that word is profanity. But what do I know...remember..."I don't think". (Pulls hair out) |
Beast (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 07:09 am  wah wah wah nix. |
General Bobo | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 02:48 pm  im back nixxy....and i will find you..... wah wah wah wah wah |
nix001 | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 04:53 pm  Only the threads that are about you. Anyway. You never went away according to your friends. I knew it. Hide in war protection until you re-supplied your country and then come out trying to act the hard man. Pussy. And as for this 'Seriously now.... I'm in the military and for some reason i've been deployed to the UK... MUHAHA..Im gonna find shit' Goes to show how much of a pussy you are. You cuss, declare, fight, take a beating, hide and still think your it. Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. GM. You seriously going to let someone threaten someone to find them in RL? This shite happened 8 months ago with a dood from Germany. He came to the UK to find someone who stressed him on a on-line game like this one. He found the girl then killed her. F&%$ this Booboo. Your just a little boy playing with big boys toys and because of that you think your a man. Your nothing but someone who lost a fight and can't handle it. And for the rest of you. Read the threads properly. All I have been doing is responding to your insults and mis-information that Booboo has been spinning to you in private. It's not me that keeps on going on about it. It's you. If you got over the fact that your leader is a pussy then this thread would be dead. Like I have tried to do since my final post about the fight ages ago. |
General Bobo | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 06:28 pm  Hey Tix After your 8 hour wing session, the last war ended about 5 days later, i was waiting for you. You fail to understand war in any sense. My goal was to allow YOU drown yourself in debt and that's exactly what happened. Have fun paying that off. Can anyone say Visa? In regards to me finding you in the UK, you misunderstood. Yes i will find you, but only to help, its clear that have you mental issues ( i would like to help out )...plz dont worry ;p Ah yes the cussing, now.. if im reading correctly, other then my last post saying eat shit and maybe one other post I made ( out for boredom ) you're the one doing 85% of the cussing. Calm down Idiot is not cussing I decced cuz you were crying I took no beating ( you wasted at least 10k attack drones and fighters and made no progress ) I did not hide YOU let the wars expire Your turn |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 07:16 pm  This is more like it. Max 3 days from my last attack. Out of 2 weeks thats easily done. 8K attack drones maybe. Around 250 P bombers Max. 0 fighters. You lost all interceptors in the air 400x35 and you only seemed to have enough to put up another 8 wings. maybe 800 helis. Next wave would have removed them well easy. With loads of ammo and weapons to make a start on your ground units and garrisons. All SF units. Around 50 and I don't know how many L tanks ect. Not to mention the offensive weapons you lost attacking me. Debt has'nt stopped the USA from going to war. Why should it me? Honour is greater than money. As soon as it expired (I had one night when I did'nt touch my computer and the next day it had expired) I sent you a message to get it going again. Why did you not reply? Cuss I will. Would'nt you? If it was'nt for your fed mate cussing me with your spin and keeping the thread going it would be dead. I told you to explain yourself and you declared. You started this. Why did'nt you finish it? And don't tell me all you wanted to do was get me to waste a bit of money. War has nothing to do with cash, that is until you run out of weapons. Which I was far from doing. You could see I had loads in mains and C3's. I had'nt even started with my Navy/ground forces/LCMB and CM batts. No point until I had taken out you D wings. Init Your turn |
Kiteless (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 07:34 pm  Quote:And for the rest of you. Read the threads properly. All I have been doing is responding to your insults and mis-information that Booboo has been spinning to you in private. It's not me that keeps on going on about it. It's you. If you got over the fact that your Tis a pussy then this thread would be dead. Like I have tried to do since my final post about the fight ages ago.
The key word there is "private". And Bobo isn't my leader, just a player I have respect for. Unlike you. Nix, YOU made it public by posting a thread on here about it. We are just responding to something that YOU started. If you're going to troll the SC boards looking to antagonise people, then don't be surprised when they don't respond in a kind manner. This discussion wouldn't be taking place if you hadn't posted and it's the same with your Desireless thread in General forum. I don't know what happened in your war with Bobo and I don't really care but the show of support for him speaks volumes about his character. Where is your support? |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 07:58 pm  Don't try and get other people involved. Booboo's show of support is made up of a couple of his fed members and a couple of peps who just want to fight me. If Booboo had stood up for himself he would'nt need any support. Anyway........What support? They were just passing on Booboos spin. None of them knew the truth. And if they did they would'nt have posted. |
General Bobo (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 08:07 pm  wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah no one is asking for support Tix, no one likes you, get over it |
General Bobo (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 08:08 pm  cough snort piss whine lol TIX |
Kiteless (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 08:36 pm  Quote:Don't try and get other people involved.
Who did I try to involve? I am only posting my own thoughts. It's not my place to post on behalf of others and I'm certainly not roping anybody else into this. It's clearly evident that all other contributors are quite capable of doing that themselves.
Quote:Booboo's show of support is made up of a couple of his fed members and a couple of peps who just want to fight me.
I'm neither. Like I said, I'm a player with respect for another player. That's it; nothing more, nothing less.
Quote:Anyway........What support? They were just passing on Booboos spin.
Support as in players in this thread saying what a great guy you are and how they respect you. There hasn't been one single message posted in your favour. Now what does that say about you? The longer this thread goes on, the more pathetic you become. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 08:39 pm  Next person to post on this thread will get nuked. If your not on LU, I will place a bounty on you. Now stop it - this has get stupid. |
Beast (White Giant) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 08:43 pm  . |
Kiss Of Death (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 08:49 pm  Nuke me, baby!!!! Nuke me!!! ha ha ha ha j/k |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 08:54 pm  Im telling you all now - shut up. This forum is full of freaking spam. At first it was funny - now its just irritating. |
General Bobo (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 09:07 pm  Don't come in then ..were having fun |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 09:10 pm  Keep it to one of the other million threads then dude. I want just 1 thread running about this - its bloody irritating that everytime I check the forum its just crap about either Hezzy of nix... I'm sure im not the only one who feels this way. |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 09:21 pm  DEAD THREAD |
Beast (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 10:20 pm  Alright forum moderator stuart taylor lol |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Friday, March 27, 2009 - 07:23 pm  ALIVE THREAD OK. After the war I should not have refered to Bobo as a pussy. He had proven that he was'nt by fighting me one on one. What I should have called him was :%*^~?£"&!@&*(&^$!!!!!!! |
General Bobo (Fearless Blue) | Friday, March 27, 2009 - 07:49 pm  DEAD THREAD |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Friday, March 27, 2009 - 08:11 pm  |
VietPower (Little Upsilon) | Friday, March 27, 2009 - 09:49 pm  Hey everyone. Just start to play this game and today is my first time at the forum. Sounds fund fighting? I have one question I want to ask. If you are currently at war can you go into war protection mode and safe from the person that you are having a war with? Thanks ahead for responding. |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 12:07 am  No mate. But if there is no attack for 2 RL days the computer might stop the war. Then you can do what is know as a BooBoo and hidetail it into protection Make sure you have some gold coins. |
General Bobo (Kebir Blue) | Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 01:05 am  Viet your in the wrong thread.hehe Nix, hi |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 05:50 pm  OK Booboo. You wanna keep on talking about our war do it here. Not on the desireless thread. Infact.......... Why don't you come back out of war protection and let your actions do the talking for you? |
Johanas Bilderburg (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 06:18 am  He doesn't want your debt. Jeebus man read what others write. It makes life alot more clear. |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 06:25 am  Whats up Johana? You starting to worry about how much this war you've started with me is gonna cost ya? Booboo should have thought about that before he declared aswell. Looks like your gonna have to wait until I slip up like I did with Booboo. WP will cost you a lot less in the long run. |
Johanas Bilderburg (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 06:41 am  Actually you get half the debt when I dump these countries. So offensive weapons will be hard for you to come by. I may stay on PM and play with you some more. Not sure. You are full of talk but not enough action for my blood. |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 07:39 am  Like I said. If it was a one on one you still would be trying to take the first country. All you had was a load of tanks. It was the other 3 that kept on taking out my garrisons and any units I set up to stop you. If it was just you and me, you would'nt have any tanks left. It will hotten up soon. Trust me. Whats PM got to do with anything? Have you not seen my empire getting bigger? Soon I'll be everywhere where you don't want me to be ;) What do you mean I get half the debt when you dump them? As long as it goes to my main and not my Warrior C3's it'll be ok. Booboo? Did you know this? |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 07:43 am  I bet my whole empire that in a war, both fully activated, motivated and ready - Sam would beat the tree hugger any day..... |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 07:47 am  He's ran once on FB and on KB he's left all the dirty work to Jason and cock while he moved some tanks around. ?????????????????????? |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 07:48 am  Read again n00b..... |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 07:57 am  You just edited that dick. It did say 'I bet my whole empire that in a war, Sam would beat the tree hugger any day.....' I hope your not making excuses for why they hav'nt taken me down Stuie What did Johana say 'more like a couple of hours' What did you say 'a day' Well it's now a day and a half. And Mother Natures Army is not only still standing. But is also on the offensive. Like I said. When your taking a beating from a gang, sometimes it's better to first roll with the punches, guarding the important parts, and then when it's all calmed down abit make your move. |
jason (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 08:00 am  loool nix thinks he can beat us! wow man you need pills or something. |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 08:01 am  I have tea and cake When did I say I could beat you lot? I'm saying you lot can't beat me. |
jason (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 08:06 am  pay off your debt and I'll kick you back in to your main. |
General Bobo (Kebir Blue) | Monday, March 30, 2009 - 12:23 am  and the story continues... <----orders pizza... and preps popcorn |
nix001 (Kebir Blue) | Monday, March 30, 2009 - 12:46 am  |