Funkmaster (Kebir Blue) | Friday, January 14, 2011 - 04:15 am  Both fleet weapons shoot missiles, but which one is overall better? Heres the stats from the Documentation: 28. Offensive guided missiles [ top ] Guided missiles, fired by guided missile frigates are used to attack land and sea targets, weapons stationed near land targets and missile batteries of all sorts. It is effective against many different targets and weapon systems. Offensive guided missiles Base Fleet command Deployment Anywhere the fleet can reach Crew 75 officers and 170 soldiers Ammunition Guided missiles Range Up to 3000 Use per action 5 missiles per ship per fighting round Effective Defensive anti aircraft missile batteries: hit rate: 15% damage: 60% Missile interceptor batteries: hit rate: 8% damage: 60% Navy interceptor batteries: hit rate: 8% damage: 60% Other defensive missile batteries: hit rate: 15% damage: 60% Armored vehicles and jeeps: hit rate: 50% damage: 100% Defensive tanks and artillery: hit rate: 50% damage: 100% Destroyers: hit rate: 20% damage: 15% Offensive anti aircraft missile batteries: hit rate: 40% damage: 50% Anti tank missile batteries: hit rate: 40% damage: 50% Offensive mid range batteries: hit rate: 30% damage: 50% Offensive land to sea missile batteries: hit rate: 30% damage: 70 to 80% Heavy tanks and artillery: hit rate: 30% damage: 70 to 80% Offensive armored vehicles and jeeps: hit rate: 30% damage: 80 to 90% Conventional Missile batteries: hit rate: 20 to 30% damage: 10 to 40% Cruise missile and supply ships: hit rate: 40% damage: 10 to 15% Attack destroyers: hit rate: 40% damage: 10 to 15% Guided missile frigates: hit rate: 40% damage: 10 to 15% Rapid deployment forces: hit rate: 30% damage: 1% Fortifications: hit rate: 25% damage: 0.005% Airports, military bases: hit rate: 30 to 40% damage: 0.025 to 0.5% Navy carriers and fleet command ships: hit rate: 30 to 40% damage: 0.1 to 3% Cities: hit rate: 30 to 40% damage: 0.05 to 1.5% Can be destroyed by Defensive and navy missiles, helicopter missiles, mid range and Guided missiles, defensive and attack destroyers, attack and navy helicopters, Bombers and navy fighters, land to sea missiles, attack drones and seals units 39. Missile Cruisers [ top ] Sea based cruise missiles fall under the strategic weapons group but they do not carry a nuclear payload. The reason for these weapons to be on the strategic list is because they are extremely accurate and can inflict severe damage at long distances. The weapons are purchased at high cost and can be destroyed by a variety of defensive weapons. They are however very effective in taking out specific targets and reducing the defensive capabilities of your enemy. Missile Cruisers Base Cruise missile ships Deployment Deployed with the navy Crew 30 officers and 600 soldiers Ammunition Sea based cruise missiles Range Up to 6000 Use per action 5 missiles per battery per fighting round Effective Defensive land based missile batteries: hit rate: 100% damage: 100% Missile interceptor batteries: hit rate: 50% damage: 100% Offensive aa and anti tank missile batteries: hit rate: 100% damage: 100% Offensive mid range batteries: hit rate: 100% damage: 100% Land to sea missile batteries: hit rate: 100% damage: 100% Aircraft carriers: hit rate: 100% damage: 0.5% Helicopter carriers: hit rate: 100% damage: 1% Fleet command: hit rate: 100% damage: 3% Conventional Missile batteries: hit rate: 100% damage: 40 to 60% Fortifications: hit rate: 100% damage: 0.066% Airports, military bases: hit rate: 100% damage: 1.5 to 3% Cities and towns: hit rate: 100% damage: 0.1 to 0.8% factories: hit rate: 100% damage: 0.3% Can be destroyed by Defensive and navy missiles, helicopter, mid range and guided missiles, defensive and attack destroyers, land to sea missiles, Attack and navy helicopters, bombers, and navy fighters, Attack drones and seals units, |