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Friday, September 2, 2011 - 01:21 am ![]() The IDC in the absence of their former Federation Leader, John Fire aka Scarlet, have been the victim of what I have come to term "A Crisis Of Leadership". Scarlet, as much as we detest each other in-game do share an unspoken respect. Insomuch as I respect his ability to lead and avoid situations which would result in a calamitous event that could lead to the inevitable destruction of his federation, and on the other coin, he in turn respects my ability to use the game mechanics to its' fullest potential in order to cause damage to multiple opponents, inflicting massive damage on an economic level through the use of nuclear arms and other less effective means, while incurring the least amount of damage in return. This unspoken respect has had Scarlet's forums littered with the name Wendy, the alert of all members to be aware, better yet, wary of her movements and the threat I do pose to his federation and its members. In the absence of Scarlet, a lesser individual, a far less accomplished 'leader' if you can call him that, Matthew 'Junior Leader' Accordion, has allowed three members to declare war on a member who he would describe as a 'veteran' becuase he was sold 'nuclear arms'(likely by the same 'leaders' who attacked him or through their third party 'affiliates'). Matthew claims to be unaware of tese events prior to, during, or after their occurrence. In a federation run by Scarlet, Created by and for Scarlet, would include a Charter document that strictly prohibits such actions. Accordion makes such statements and judgments about his federation members negative actions and infractions of their very own charter much less the SimCountry Ten Commandments of which are stated below: 3. Thou shalt not be an asshat. Accordion for the most part, but OpenSesame in most recent days. ***4. Thou shalt not sell nukes to noobs. ***Pending verification of exactly who supplied ak47 with the nuclear arms that were acquired. 7. Thou shalt not piss off veterans. Duuuuh, I'm a veteran, the asshat n00bs commonly known as SuperSoldierRCP, OpenSesame, and Jacksomethingoranother have pissed me off by gang style attacking this player. Rule 7 is very important... tsk tsk. 9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors lands. This is openly admitted to by Accordion on the LU forums, and is not open fr editing or any alteration. This is open and honest, truthfully accurate information that is viewable to anyone. Accordion stated that this was a raid of asset rich countries with the most pettiest excuse and motive to date. I invite Scarlet to show his face, take control of his federation ,and discipline these members accordingly, because I know for a fact he is still in this game, lest I stomp their candy bums into nuclear snotballs. I invite you to return from the shadows in an effort to save the innocents of your federation and allow you to hold together what you have worked to create despite our differences, and in exchange for a peace treaty that will include me and all your underlings except me you and this matthew kids. So what do you say, ole federally? I will not ask twice and I will not offer this again. The choice is obviously yours. Your decision to abandon your federation was likely premature and although I know you only temporarily left to start over and play for level coins again, I encourage you to return before it is too late. This is the end of the message. Sincerely, The Fattest Chick With Too Many Nukes You Know, Wendy.
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Friday, September 2, 2011 - 03:45 am ![]() All of guys are noobs I remember when I use to smash whole feds with only my.countries I might come back an eat u all am very hungry!!!!!!!
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Friday, September 2, 2011 - 03:35 pm ![]() lol
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Friday, September 2, 2011 - 07:42 pm ![]() Your fat? That totaly ruined my sexy super model image of you... ![]()
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Friday, September 2, 2011 - 08:45 pm ![]() Damnit, I gave that away didn't I? I hadn't thought of that until this juncture well if any consolation, Here is a picture more close to reality.
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Friday, September 2, 2011 - 09:09 pm ![]() that link didnt work ![]()
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Friday, September 2, 2011 - 09:41 pm ![]() Lol, its my president picture for FB, works for meeeeee!!!!
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Saturday, September 3, 2011 - 05:49 am ![]() yea buddy!!!!
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Saturday, September 3, 2011 - 12:40 pm ![]() O By the way bite me!!!! Ouch lol
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Saturday, September 3, 2011 - 03:23 pm ![]() umm... ???
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Sunday, September 4, 2011 - 03:46 am ![]() Nevermine forget it its not important [sorry] ....Pain Is Peace....friend
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Thursday, September 8, 2011 - 04:58 am ![]() I used to belong to the IDC and followed the Church, I left the game about half way through July because I built up way to big and my massive armies crushed my economies, this made me very angry so I left the game, now I'm back and it looks like everything fell apart, I'm hearing about very powerful people just abandoning the game all together which is terrible, for a lot of wars are sure to follow, I really do hope Scarlet will retake command of the IDC (Which I'm guessing I'm not really a member of anymore because I was gone for a while and don't have any countries on the base world anymore either) and fix this crisis before a very large and powerful federation falls into anarchy, (just adding to the chaos around me anyways). Thanks, Fruit_Fly
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Monday, September 12, 2011 - 11:33 am ![]() and this is why im glad im on WG.
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Monday, September 12, 2011 - 07:03 pm ![]() I know what you mean Fruit fly your empire can get too big and hard to handle in this game. I've just cut back on the number of countries I had just recently from 9 countries to just 4 as I realized I could'nt handle it all when it came to looking after each of the country's indexes like health and education for example, but I don't seem to have as much time for this game like I used to which is also another reason why i've cut back since.