Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Monday, November 7, 2011 - 09:07 pm  Following a war between Trinitrotoluene and the WGC federation, both sides have now reached a peace agreement, effective immediately. |
Trinitrotoluene (White Giant) | Monday, November 7, 2011 - 09:09 pm  Agreed |
Tallisabeth Selis (White Giant) | Monday, November 14, 2011 - 11:24 pm  Well, at least they didn't drag everyone else into the war. By the way, why did this war start? |
RagingPencil (White Giant) | Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 01:35 am  The island on Centura Donna > Austral Bergo. He wanted the whole thing. |
ObieWanKonbie (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 06:41 pm  Greed is a sin mates |
Trinitrotoluene (White Giant) | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 10:17 pm  So is talking about things you ought not! |
Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 11:01 pm  Care to explain that last statement? |
Trinitrotoluene (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 05:28 am  No need to explain, the statement was clear. |
RagingPencil (White Giant) | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 05:51 am  As actually wasn't clear at all. You should be a politician. |
Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 06:06 am  No, I don't think it was clear. I was under the impression, from your last PM, that we had moved on from the peace agreement. You yourself said that once the decs ended and all wars ceased, that was the end of the cease fire. And that there was something else you had decided you wanted and, if we didn't roll over and give it to you, we were at war again. In which case the terms of the agreement, including the clause that neither of us would speak in public about the war, no longer stand. Are you saying that isn't the case? |
Negative911 (Kebir Blue) | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 11:14 am  GREED IS A SIN MATES (666) |
Negative911 (Kebir Blue) | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 11:16 am  Lol Obie |
Trinitrotoluene | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 02:28 pm  HaHa, wow. Obviously this is a major case of 'reading between the lines! First of all, your quote is completely out of context, but anyway, no need to make all that public is there? Obie made the statement that 'Greed is sin'. He made a rather simple statement. I said 'So was talking of things you ought not'. Again another simple statement. Because just as Greed is sin, then isn't slander or gossip sinful? I did not speak of the 'war' on the forum. The statement was not to you nor did it have ANYTHING to do with a 'war'. Its amazing that you got the impression that it did from such a simple statement. |
RagingPencil (White Giant) | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 03:43 pm  Although simple, his statement "Greed is sin" I believe was directed at "The island on Centura Donna > Austral Bergo. He wanted the whole thing. " So it would be only natural to relate your comment to his comment, and thus back on the topic of 'war'. Rocket surgery it would seem.
Quote:then isn't slander or gossip sinful?
Where is this slanderous comment you are referring to? You wanting the island is gossip and slander? or does it not have anything to do with this topic at all. |
Crafty | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 06:07 pm  Hush, dont inflame your hostilities again. I must agree with TNT that I interpreted his comment exactly as he explains following Obies comment. In fact, I deserve the same comment, for talking about things that I ought not. So I'll shut up again, sorry folks! |
Trinitrotoluene | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 07:45 pm  So, was Obies comment about greed referring to me? HaHa. If so, then possibly my comment was referring to Obie. Forum banter... can be kinda fun cant it? |
Ambien (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, November 17, 2011 - 09:51 pm  Crafty, you're Crafty. I agree with everything you just said. |
RagingPencil (White Giant) | Friday, November 18, 2011 - 02:49 am  Maybe a little off topic, but does anyone live in a country that isn't going through summer and has a spare bedroom? |
Crafty (Kebir Blue) | Friday, November 18, 2011 - 04:32 pm  Come on over Pencil. Bring a good coat. |
Negative911 (Kebir Blue) | Thursday, November 24, 2011 - 01:16 pm  Extra Negative |
WitchyPoo (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, November 24, 2011 - 04:57 pm  It is strange another player rumored to be a former member of the mob attacking WGC again. This is strikingly surprising. Or not. |
Trinitrotoluene (Fearless Blue) | Friday, November 25, 2011 - 07:58 pm  Maybe I missed something here, but is that federation (White Giant Commonwealth) not supposed to be attacked by anyone? Are they playing the same game as I am? I was under the assumption when I started this game that war is a real possibility in this game. I think that's what they made all these weapons for isn't it? I don't know, maybe I'm "going out on a limb" here! They have even made provisions for those who do not wish to participate in war, so if you don't want war, then take advantage of those provisions. Correct? I'm not whoever you call the 'mob'. I assume they are a federation. I'm just playing the game for fun. |
Jo Salkilld (Golden Rainbow) | Friday, November 25, 2011 - 11:22 pm  LOL Trinitrotoluene. Disingenuous to a T. Are you really going to pretend you don't even know who the mob 'were'? That you're not one of those players, masquerading under a different name? Don't forget, I had quite a few dealings with you all last time around. Which one are you? I'm guessing at Serpent. Possibly Whiteboy, but unlikely as he had more ethics and a better writing-style. Are you really so desperate to start afresh that you're going to deny it? If so, you shouldn't just change your name. You need to change your communication and playing-style as well, and disguise your war expertise. It was clear from your PMs that you knew who WGC are and what happened last time around. And no one who is new to the game, or even relatively experienced, is at WL7 on FB and knows the current war engine that well ... In answer to your question: no, WGC is not a federation that is 'not supposed to be attacked'. But we are a federation that respects others' enjoyment of the game, the choices people make in their interaction with others and which tries to help new players. That kept our newer members safe for a number of years. But then, this used to be a game where wars were fought over actions, insults and grudges, not just because a strong player wanted to take what a newer player had. Are you aware, 'Trinitrotoluene', that a fairly long-term player has quit the game because you appeared out of the blue while he was away and took his empire out of greed? Or that he was at WL3 because he was assigned that WL when they were first introduced, not because he chose to be there, whereas you were at WL3 purely because your new account registered that you had not visited WG before? Of course you are. You betrayed your origins to the rest of the community in your last post. There is only one group of players I know of who used to think driving players out of the game was 'fun'. By all means, defend your actions, but don't try to pretend you're not who you are. That's just an admission that you got it wrong last time, at which point, why are you still doing it? |
Trinitrotoluene (White Giant) | Saturday, November 26, 2011 - 12:04 am  Wow, alot of assuming going on. Your story has many holes in it, here are just a few: Did I say I did not know who the MOB was? NO! You assumed that. I simply said I am not the MOB. Have I denied that I have played this game before? NO! You assumed that. Did I say I didn't know who WGC is? NO! You assumed that. The question was rhetorical. You also said one of the 3 players I attacked was a long term player, so obviously they have experience with the game for at least since the time of the war levels. Is that a new player? Could they have possibly bought war protection? Isn't that a provision that the GM has made for those that do not want to war? Your fed and I are making use of that provision right now, aren't we? Did I gang up on anybody or was it one player with 3 countries against 3 more players with 15-20 countries? If you would have kicked my butt would it then have been fun to take a 90M+ pop country with several hundred T in mili in it? Where have I been 'unethical'? Did I really come out of the blue? I was there for months before I attacked. The stats that are published on WG showed me high in the military percentage. Is that 'sneaking' up? What makes you think it was 'greed'. Why do you assume it wasn't for fun. If it was greed, wouldn't I have stripped your country that you dec'd me with? Or even took and stripped the other country you dec'd me with? After all they were rather nice countries exceeding 100M pop each. So please don't assume what my intentions are or why I do what I do. I have no need to 'defend' my actions... just my countries. |
Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Saturday, November 26, 2011 - 01:13 pm  Actually, yes, you did say you did not know who the mob was:
Quote:I'm not whoever you call the 'mob'. I assume they are a federation
"I assume they are a federation" says very clearly that you do not know this to be a fact. That is the only reason that you would be obliged to "assume". And it wasn't an 'assumption' on my part that you did it out of greed. You wanted the island - a key strategic location since it cannot be attacked overland - you made that quite clear to me on a number of occasions. But if you'd rather everybody thought that you just wanted the 'fun' of spoiling someone else's game, then have it your own way. You, too, are making assumptions from my post. I didn't suggest that you said you didn't know who WGC are. I said it was clear from your PMs that you knew who we are in terms of what happened last time around. I also didn't say you were unethical, I said that Whiteboy had better ethics. Interestingly, having implied (but not actually confirmed) that you have played the game before, you still haven't said what your name was then. What was it and, more importantly, why are you so keen to dissociate yourself from it? |
Trinitrotoluene | Saturday, November 26, 2011 - 09:09 pm  So please don't assume what my intentions are or why I do what I do. I have no need to 'defend' my actions... just my countries. But actually you are right I suppose about the greed... However, it was only because the people of the empire of TNT had made it clear to me that this was what they wanted. I tried to change their sim-minds, but they would not have it. They wanted the sim-beaches and the awesome sim-weather that the island has. So Im sorry, it was because of the sim-greed. That's why I did it! |
Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Saturday, November 26, 2011 - 11:10 pm  Serpent, then. Wendy was right. Plus ca change ... |
Ambien (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 12:03 am  Lol Jo, you seem to love forum wars as much as TNT loves real war. |
Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 01:08 am  LOL Ambien. If you look at the history, or even just at this thread, you will notice that I don't start the 'forum wars', I only ever post in response. Pretty similar to the 'real' wars, really. The one exception was the starting of this particular thread, which was a condition of the (now defunct) peace agreement, not of my making. Hugs and respect Jo |
Ambien (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 01:38 am  Fair enough. I just grow tired of reading pointless forum bickering. What's getting accomplished here? As one who appears to be trying to take the moral high ground, I figured you could also be the one to prevent forum-readers from having to listen to irrelevant accusations and complaints. This event ended weeks ago right? |
Jo Salkilld (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 02:09 am  Unfortunately, no it didn't. It could have. We all allowed the wars to expire and that could have been the end of it. But then 'Trinitrotoluene' decided there was something else that a member of WGC had just acquired that he wanted, namely the last country on the island. The one that used to be the secured Leader country of our friend and fedmate, Tobe Lerone, who left the game. So he informed us that the peace agreement only stood until the end of the existing wars and, unless we gave it to him, we were all now at war again. Actually, this has been going on for over a year. Again, not of our making ... As far as forum bickering goes, it used to be the main reason for wars starting, and that was no bad thing. People take exception to something someone else has said, start throwing insults around, a grudge develops and a good healthy war was the best way to sort it out. Those who got their 'fun' that way enjoyed the bickering as much as the wars. Those who didn't grabbed the lawn chairs and the popcorn. Alas, no more. War has become dissociated from any cause. You can be playing quietly, enjoying the game, taking care to show respect to other players and helping newbies, and someone will still ruin your game without knowing or caring who you are, just because they want what you have built. Conversely, you can shoot your mouth off and throw insults around, and no-one can touch you if you stay below WL3 or have adequate war protection. Cause and effect, it would seem, no longer exists. Sad. Hugs and respect Jo |
Ambien (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 02:15 am  I completely agree with your last paragraph. |
WitchyPoo | Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 02:36 am  "They" have been pushing for war level removal in order to finish the job(raiding). "They" sure are a dangerous, committed and capable bunch. Admirable at least on that level. |
Trinitrotoluene | Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 03:05 am  C'mon guys forum banter is fun as well isn't it? I mean I have not thrown insults at anybody, I'm sure WGC as many/most of the people that play this game a good guys/gals. The game isn't personal. As I said before, I did not gang up on anybody. I was just a victim of the greedy sim-citizens that live in the TNT empire! Of course when you lose you don't think its AS fun as it would have been if you would have won. Besides a little bit of forum banter is good isn't it? I mean this is a game after all. Mr Ambien if you dont like the 'forum bickering' then there is an easy simple way to remedy that. I'm sure eventually somebody will come along and take what I have, (Im no war-lord by any stretch, many are far better than I)and although it wont be AS much fun as it would have been if I won, the effort would still be fun. Its been said many times on this forum, if you don't want to war, then its so simple to avoid, just take advantage of the provisions made for no war. |
Brince Falcon (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 06:16 am  I can remember a few times, that if forum banter wasnt alive and well, then sh%t was about to hit the fan. Usually...hehehe Goodtimes Goodtimes were 2007-8! |
Tallisabeth Selis (White Giant) | Monday, January 9, 2012 - 06:38 am  Well, if you guys start a war, just leave me be. |
Jo Salkilld (Golden Rainbow) | Tuesday, January 10, 2012 - 03:22 am  Resurrecting immotive threads that died more than a month ago isn't a good idea. Having said that, in response to your post, Talisabeth, not everyone involved in this thread wanted to start a war. Some of us had no choice. Asking other players to "leave me be" doesn't always work, especially if you have something and they want it ... Hugs and respect Jo |
Trinitrotoluene (White Giant) | Thursday, January 12, 2012 - 10:58 pm  And having said that....... Considering we all signed up for a game that has many weapons to play with and a clear explanation of the consequences or war level 3 or higher, the response "leave me be" is somewhat irrational. Also Talisabeth, there are ways to not engage in the war aspect of the game and or defend yourself. |
Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Friday, January 13, 2012 - 12:22 am  And having said that ... Some people got 'assigned' war level 3 when the GMs first implemented the feature, due to the fact that other players had attacked them in the past and they had been obliged to defend themselves. They didn't all choose to be at that war level, in the way that new players now have that choice. Hugs and respect Jo |
Blueserpent | Friday, January 13, 2012 - 01:01 am  It was posted that anyone could re-set to 0, Jo, by the GM's at the time. Some took advantage, others didnt. |
Crafty | Friday, January 13, 2012 - 01:09 am  No one asked me. |
Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Friday, January 13, 2012 - 01:19 am  I don't remember the option being offered, but I may have forgotten as I wouldn't have taken it anyway ... Can anyone point to a record of the offer? Hugs and respect Jo |
Crafty | Friday, January 13, 2012 - 01:33 am  My memory is one or two players asked for it and it was granted (Laguna comes to mind) after which most players found out and asked the GM who agreed to reset anyone who emailed them for it. This was for a very limited time only. |
Keto (Little Upsilon) | Friday, January 13, 2012 - 02:42 am  Friday, September 24, 2010 - 11:45 am -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. New War Features in Simcountry The features as described in this document are related to the introduction of the new war levels and are limited to war levels 1 to 4. The features will become part of Simcountry by the end of September, possibly the first days of October. Additional features and levels will be introduced in several stages in the following weeks. 2. Initial Setting of War Levels All countries and empires will receive an initial war level assigned to them. The initial setting depends on their war experience and the war level assignments will be limited to war levels 1 to 3. All countries or empires that have won one war will be assigned war level 1. Countries or empires with 3 war winnings on their records will have war level 2 and countries or empires that have recorded 6 war winnings or more will be assigned war level 3. All other countries and empires, with no war records, will have war level 0. The same applies of course to all new players. War levels are assigned for the entire empire. Each country that is added to the empire will automatically inherit the war level of the empire. 3. Playing the War Game - New Style War features are now restructures and changed in a way that will encourage wars between players who are interested in the war game and prevent unwanted wars against new players and players who want to play a peaceful game. War players can always start wars against C3 countries of their own level or one level higher. Winning a war against a C3 country with a higher war level is the way to increase your own war level. 4. Fighting C3 countries C3 countries are now structured to have any required war level and are used as a measure for the capabilities of the war player. Winning wars against C3 countries with increasing war levels will become more complex and at very high levels, it will be challenging and may require multiple countries participating. At the lower war levels, a player can increase its war level by winning several wars against C3 countries of his own war level. This will apply to countries and empires with war levels 1 and 2. Example: a war player of level 2 can fight C3 countries of level 2 and after 3 wins, will be moved to war level 3. Starting at level 3, the only way to move to a next war level is by winning a war against a C3 country which is one level higher. 5. Fighting Countries with Presidents Countries can declare war against any country with a president, which is at the same war level and when in higher war levels (6 and up), it is also possible to declare war against countries with a president, which have a war level one or two levels higher than that of the attacking country. Fighting countries at the same war level means that peaceful players who will in general have a low war level cannot be attacked. Certainly, they cannot be attacked by experienced presidents and will not be wiped out by a major power. Declaring war against countries in higher level than yours is as described above possible if you are in war level 6 or higher but it has a price. Once you declare war against a higher level country, you become vulnerable and can be attacked by any country with the same war level or up to two levels higher. The only way to prevent this is to refrain from attacking any country with a president which is at a higher war level. 6. Game levels Game Levels now depend, among many other factors, on the defensive and the defense index of countries. The dependency on these defense related indexes will be replaced in the future, by the War Levels of the countries and empires. The transition to the new War Level as part of the Game level will be gradual. The game level will depend on the ability of the player to achieve one of the criteria. A higher game level can be achieved if the player reaches the required level for the war indexes as in the current situation or if the player achieves the required war level. This means that no one will suffer a reduction in game levels due to the introduction of the new war levels and all players will have enough time to develop their fighting capabilities and increase their war levels. We will gradually increase the requirements for the war indexes in the game levels and it will become harder to achieve high game levels based on these defense indexes. The ever increasing requirements for the defense indexes will in time enforce the War Levels as the only war quality indicator in Simcountry and the defense index requirements will become irrelevant. 7. War Level Awards Achieving higher war levels will entitle the player to additional Gold Coin awards. The exact details will follow in a week or two. 8. Federation Wars and defense treaty declarations Federation wars will remain largely unchanged but will adhere to the same war level rules. The participation in federation wars will depend on the war levels of the participants. Exact details will be published in the coming week or so, when the new features become available |
Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Friday, January 13, 2012 - 09:41 pm  So basically a reduction in war level wasn't an open offer, published in a place that everyone could see it, it was offered to those who asked for it, for a limited time? Hugs and respect Jo |
Blueserpent | Friday, January 13, 2012 - 10:57 pm  no. there is a post where it was offered |
Jo Salkilld (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, January 14, 2012 - 01:58 am  Thanks Rob. Can you point to it? I can't see it in the game news that Keto posted above ... Hugs and respect Jo |
CorporatePartner (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, January 14, 2012 - 04:42 am  What difference does it make, Jo? You were clueless, and this is just about the oldest news in the Galaxy. Asking, yet again, for others to hand everything to you on some silver platter. You are a pathetic joke, and everyone is starting to realize it, if they didn't, and should have, already. Just as with what was happening on Golden Rainbow, just as with your "agreements" with psycho on White Giant, and so too, on these "poisoned" forums, you have been, are and probably always will be "Clueless Jo". |
Blueserpent (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, January 14, 2012 - 02:33 pm  It was in general forum under " w3c game news oct 7th 2010" Tom Willard (Golden Rainbow) Monday, October 11, 2010 - 05:07 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you want your war level removed, please mail us from the mail account used for your account registration. we have already patched and will patch in the coming week or two, anyone who went to level 2 or 3 and does not want it. Some people inherited war history. so just tell us why you want it removed and we will accommodate you. We do not want anyone forced into war levels they don't want. From now on, however, it is up to you do decide if you want to go up the war levels. As you can see, it was offered to the whole of SC and not for the benefit of a chosen few, hope that clears it up |
Jo Salkilld (White Giant) | Saturday, January 14, 2012 - 07:34 pm  Thanks Rob. I must have missed it at the time. I know several other people did. Hugs and respect Jo |
Psycho_Honey (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 12:04 am  Jo, why is/was CP in your federation anyway? He's just a second account spy. No assets, a bunch of hollow talk and foolish troll flaming. I've never known WGC to put up with that, and now this kind of crap. I must have been gone for more than a week. WTF. Before I left, CP was still in your federation on WG. I hope you don't have a problem booting his candy arse now. So I can finish what has been started. Luuvs and Respect... "The Pyscho" on WG |
Crafty (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 09:30 pm  Rob, don't offer half truths. T. Willard only offered that after it was requested and the problem for some pointed out. You will notice SuperSoldier had to request this publicly. Not that I give a monkeys, but the record should be kept straight. |
Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 09:38 pm  Imagine my request being denied. "It is impossible to change it now" I was at war during the period taking possession of countries gifted to me by some players who were leaving. When I was done, I asked to move down and was denied. I about cashed out over it. But decided to start over and keep playing war. No biggie. |
Blueserpent (White Giant) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 09:43 pm  Crafty, i only know what appeared in the forum at the time, and as a result of reading it, i mailed the gm's. Requested or not by was posted in the forums for ALL to mail in. Just the truth here |
Crafty (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 09:44 pm  Yeah, but Wendy, as usual you are the exception that proves the rule :P |