King Hezekiah II | Thursday, March 14, 2013 - 05:51 pm  The war levels do not help this game. It frustrates vets who can not war with each other. Our world politics have to be based on war levels. We can't throw our weight around when conversing in world politics on the sc forum. Through the SC forum is where the actions take place in war. If a nation does not want to be attacked. There is war protection for that. There is also a peace player, and war player buttons available. When a player is in peaceful mode they should not be attacked, but if they are in war player, then it should not matter a war level. This is just another form of war protection, and makes politics hard to move between players when concerning war. Vote yes to get rid of war levels, or Vote no to keep them. |
James the Fair | Thursday, March 14, 2013 - 06:05 pm  However the way the war levels work is crap at the moment like you say, but can definitely be vastly improved if they integrated my 'Overall defence index levels' into it as people like you and Serpent and many others all want a win-win situation all the time of where a much stronger player will come and beat up a much weaker player (like me) all the time (even at war level 3) as I think it's time to fight disputes on equal ground now with about the same equal amount of military on each side at the start of the war. This is why war levels were introduced in the first place to stop the strong agressive players attacking the weak all the time where they know they will have 100% chance of winning, and hardly any risks. But as soon as I say wars have to be foughted on more equal grounds, everyone goes mad over it. So I would like someone to tell me of who is being the unfair one here? |
King Hezekiah II | Thursday, March 14, 2013 - 06:26 pm  I agree. If they want to keep the war levels it needs to be tweaked. I personally think they should just scrap them, and replace them with a simple war player or peaceful player, and maybe make war protection 1 gold coin per LU month or something to that nature. That would make new players hush their mouth because they would have to put their money where their mouth was if they were a war player. That would allow for us to satisfy our thirst for war via these forums. These forums is what allows for politics, and war levels limit those politics, and make the words baseless. |
Pancakes LU | Thursday, March 14, 2013 - 06:51 pm  Or they could simply have a decision of weather of not they want war or not. If they want war, then place them in any world they want and let them do their thing. They have 21 days to build up their army and what not. If they want peace, then they should be protected forever untill they change it. Also if they want to change weather they want war or peace their should also be a opinion for that too. |
Serpent | Thursday, March 14, 2013 - 08:06 pm  How about stop complaining and learn to play? Wouldn't that be much easier? |
Pancakes LU | Thursday, March 14, 2013 - 11:50 pm  How about no. I like to complain |
Serpent | Friday, March 15, 2013 - 04:30 am  Then sadly, that's all you will ever accomplish! |
James the Fair | Friday, March 15, 2013 - 11:43 am  Very well I respect your decision Hez. And Serpent, if you mean like how the way I put up that vote so many months ago when I wanted the Fearless Blue world to run at 6 months a day instead? and won the vote, then only for the GMs to decide to go along with my idea and altered it from 4 months to 6 months a day as that was thanks to me. So no were going to carry on complaining about things here as it can be possible to alter things by trying to put good ideas into the GMs heads. |
Lord Lee | Friday, March 15, 2013 - 04:04 pm  I agree with you King Hezekiah II, It was very frustrating not been able to declare war on Serpent so I could help a fed mate out. Please game master make it so that anyone can attack anyone as long as they are not in war protection. |
Crafty | Friday, March 15, 2013 - 06:12 pm  People, the GM has frequently said war levels are here to stay, so forget it. (PS. I'm trying a bit of reverse psychology here seeing as how anything I say is deleted or shot down). |
Serpent | Friday, March 15, 2013 - 07:28 pm  But fLee, War Protection is the ONLY reason you still have an empire! |
Lord Lee | Friday, March 15, 2013 - 09:38 pm  Listen you green little worm, your days on Little Upsilon are numbered. You'll be left with one country and that will only be because of secured mode. |
James the Fair | Friday, March 15, 2013 - 10:23 pm  Everyone please forget what i've put on my first message as I have had a sudden change of heart. So please go and take a look of what i've put on the 'The new version of the Overall defence index levels' on the suggestions forum. |
Serpent | Friday, March 15, 2013 - 11:02 pm  ROFL... wow, 'lil green worm' I like that... form now on, I'm 'lil green worm' and you are 'fLee'. Got it? LOL, I like it. Now my nickname (Serpent) has a nickname! Ive always wanted one! I hope that is a promise and not a threat, because your threats cant be taken to seriously. Maybe not your promises either, I guess we will see. The only sad thing is your about to have a lil green worm deliver a dose of harsh medicine. Its gonna be a rough lil pill for you to swallow. But swallow it you will! Muh ahahahaha |
dillonmittan | Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 01:06 am  Nobody wants to leave LU because it has the best and most active player base by far compared to the other game worlds. It'd be nice if they just had it simple and people could turn their protection off if they wanted to in order to fight wars... |
Jark Valiga | Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 03:34 am  DOWN WITH THE WAR LEVELS!!!! |
Captain_Crunch | Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 02:25 pm  Lol. They really should take down the war levels. The new players are nothing. They are inactive and theres no point. If you don't take down the war levels then at least make it where if someone is war level 1 they could fight war level 1 and the same with level 2. I think this would be better if that was the case |
Captain_Crunch | Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 02:26 pm  But again im sure the GM doesnt care what we think |
darcus | Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 04:39 pm  There is Fearless Blue with no war protection On other worlds people should decided on their own when they will be ready for war against other players. And they could done this with current war levels. It will not be ok that we can declare war on player that join 2 weeks ago. This game take time you cannot over night create large army that will protect you from other players. |
Edgar | Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 05:08 pm  Darcus has it right on every point. Funny how every one forgets they were new once. Personally I think the GM should create a new world just for all those who want to constantly change the war rules. It could be called the Burger King World - where every day you could have it your way. |
Serpent | Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 05:23 pm  Yes Darcus, there is time involved. Its unfair for players to get beat down by vets, although this rarely happened. However players that have been around for a while do sometimes get beat down by vets. If winning was easy, losers would do it! Also on FB you can stay under war level 3 and not have to war at all. I like Burger King! |
Captain_Crunch | Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 08:29 pm  Lol Edgar. But yes in fact, Darcus does have a point.... |
Tallisibeth na Colliete | Sunday, March 17, 2013 - 01:30 am  Well, technically you can create a large enough army to protect you from other players in one night. The problem is that you'll be broke in the process. |
darcus | Sunday, March 17, 2013 - 01:10 pm  Maybe it would be better to have player vs player based on total empire population. something like this: 10-60M cannot pvp (in safe mode) 60-90M 90-120M 120-150M 150-200M 200 -250M ... so if your empire have more than 60M population you can declare war on empires in this rang 60-90 Also if you have more than 60M people then you are "Ok" player and you can go in war to similar players, also there would not be much difference between players in this rang. Also players in safe mode have to reach 60M total population so they have time to orginise them self and also when they reach more than 60M people in this rang will have similar armies. |
Jark Valiga | Sunday, March 17, 2013 - 10:23 pm  thats a terrible idea darcus i have been playing for 2 years or so and i have never achieved 60 million population get your head outta your ass and realize that the only game your sponsoring is the one where everyone cares enough to pay REAL MONEY for fake population.... there is no need for war levels if you want peace you can stay in secured mode... btw darcus is wrong on every point.. i think he is the GM in disguise |
Edgar | Sunday, March 17, 2013 - 10:51 pm  Darcus, I agreed with your earlier post but not this most recent one. |
King Hezekiah II | Monday, March 18, 2013 - 06:15 am  Agreed Jark Valiga |
James the Fair | Monday, March 18, 2013 - 04:26 pm  If you ever listen to darcus correctly Jark he said "something like this" as his idea could be possible except my idea is based on the military strength, not the population. But however Jark I have thought this game would be much better without the war levels as it is restricting everyones freedoms and just have your secured main country only as you will always have it no matter what happens. |
Jark Valiga | Monday, March 18, 2013 - 11:19 pm  good point james.... i like the concept admittedly but poor execution darcus 20 million to 60 million iis ridiculous.... almost as ridiculous as the game is currently... why dont they get rid of war levels and give the security council more power including intervention forces etc etc.... add a diplomacy component to SC... |
Jark Valiga | Monday, March 18, 2013 - 11:19 pm  good point james.... i like the concept admittedly but poor execution darcus 20 million to 60 million iis ridiculous.... almost as ridiculous as the game is currently... why dont they get rid of war levels and give the security council more power including intervention forces etc etc.... add a diplomacy component to SC... |