jerrofking | Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - 04:25 am  Hi there. I'm a little newer to the game, but am beginning to get a hang of things. I've gotten into a war, and have been having trouble since I don't know how to resupply my units. Every time I try to do so, it tells me that I need at least X amount of weapons. Thing is, I've already given the unit at least X amount of weapons trying to resupply it. How does the process go in providing more ammunition for these units when they run out? |
David Keirnan | Saturday, July 22, 2017 - 04:25 am  I have a federation on fearless blue and will help you grow my country is great Britain |
Andy | Saturday, July 22, 2017 - 09:46 am  In war, units are resupplied by supply units, moving between military bases and following the units to resupply them. This is working fine provided you do have in your country all the ammo and materials they need to resupply the units. The supply units move much faster than military units but if there are many units, and only very few supply units, supplies may not get to all of the units. create some supply units, then check your military units to see if they are fully supplied. if not, add supply units. most important, check what the units need, and make sure to have these materials in the country. |
Tom | Sunday, March 18, 2018 - 01:01 am  Andy "In war, Units are resupplied by supply units" I'm having difficulty with supply during peacetime. I assume this is the reason why. Is there any way to get supply units to resupply my army, while at peace? Or is it assumed I'm meant to disband units during peacetime? Signed President of DanNation on LU |
Andy | Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 03:20 pm  No you should not disband units in peace time as you are losing some of their quality levels. You should first make sure you have in your country everything they need for these units. There are severe shortages in some products and your country needs everything to be there in sufficient quantities. Many of the supply functions in peace time are taken care of as part of the regular month processing. |
Tom | Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 10:37 pm  Andy, I discovered the problem. The default levels of Military Supplies, Gasoline, and Aircraft Fuel are too low. This causes Units to need to be resupplied to often. I increased the amount of Military Supplies, Gasoline, and Aircraft Fuel, in each Unit by x3. Now I have no supply issues and the Supply Units are keeping them properly stocked. Signed President of DanNation on LU |
Andy | Thursday, March 22, 2018 - 09:00 am  Great. You found a solution and others may follow. We had a problem with the supply level. If we increase them, game wide, it will require huge quantities of products to be bought and sent to these units at a very high cost. we think that players should manage their own supplies and there are ways to do so. |
Tom | Thursday, March 22, 2018 - 07:48 pm  Andy, True. An across the board increase to Military Supplies, Gasoline, and Aircraft Fuel stockpiles, in every unit is all of SimCountry would be destabilising. For anyone having trouble with Unit resupply. I increased Military Supplies, Gasoline, and Aircraft Fuel, x3 above default levels for each unit, and that fixed my peacetime supply issues. Those looking to use the strategy for wartime or those continuing to suffer issues may benefit from larger increases. As a side note to anyone following the strategy, increasing these numbers also increases the need for Trucks in each unit. So make sure you have enough trucks stockpiled to expand your unit's supply levels. Signed President of DanNation on LU |