Drac | Monday, March 28, 2022 - 05:26 am  Stalingrad army takes full control in MOSSAD Thu Jan 17, 4865 Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'SOV AF1' attacks Kamo fortification After the attack, the president of MOSSAD (Clonan) is reported to have fled the country. The intelligence agency KGB claims to have captured Clonans wife and children attempting to escape, they are scheduled to be punished by firing squad on live TV in 2 days. 10 Months ago, The cruel federation led by clonan killed 20 million innocent wives, sons, daughters and righteous men unprovoked in an pre-emptive strike followed by declarations of war re-igniting the fighting on the continent. For such atrocities commited in such a vile way, the captured country MOSSAD, has been renamed and ripped apart from its cultural history. Today onwards, all citizens living in Former MOSSAD will be transported by feet 3400 miles to concentration camps all over Stalingrad to repay restitution for their government wreckless actions including all woman, children above 5 and the elderly. Tsar Drac addressed the entire empire vowing to wipe all parties in the attack and any party who enabled the attack to be wiped from fearless blue. That there will be no escape, only by being shot dead! -A Mourning Empire |
Matthew IV | Monday, March 28, 2022 - 06:14 am  Uh oh |
Clonan | Monday, March 28, 2022 - 06:38 am  Waking up to this News... Oops.. Soilders sleeping in an Israeli fort mossad with literally No defense where attacked by Drac... This prooves and shows Dracs Hostility.. This action wont go unpunished... As talks is on the table to massively Demobilize Drac forces.. Cheers! |
Drac | Monday, March 28, 2022 - 06:48 am  Stalingrad army takes full control in Nor Thu Feb 8, 4865 Strategic Carrier Group 'Country Killer' attacks Canard fortification After the attack, the president of Nor is reported to have been captured. Aired live, the president of NOR was executed by firing squad. Intel from KGB is other than their batt strikes on our empire, we have no concerns over their fed air defence. It is very weak. |
Drac | Monday, March 28, 2022 - 06:51 am  @Clonan I told you declaring war on me was a huge mistake. I'm open to dialogue but the price for the 20 million lives you and your coalition killed right before declaring war on me will be high. I also advise you not to ship weapons from WG. I will take your city in 30 minutes and take your equipment. |
Clonan | Monday, March 28, 2022 - 06:56 am  There will be No Dialogue whatsoever... And there would be grave Consequences... |
Drac | Monday, March 28, 2022 - 07:06 am  Arrogance..... You'll learn the hard way.... Got more tricks than you think! |
Drac | Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 08:22 pm  Update: 4 enemy countries captured, Clonan federation remain in limbo. |
JOEL | Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 10:39 pm  THE UNION calls for peace and an immediate ceasefire |
Clonan | Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 10:51 pm  Drac is on screen 24/7 Attacking!! Took my country with No defense, took slaves states of allys with zero defense.. i vnt really placed troops near your borders.. I'm coming... You got skill... And you're good.. My training program gradually coming to an End tonight.. You're good man... |
Drac | Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 10:57 pm  @JOEL- I offered his fed-mates peace but they declined because i think clonan told them not too. @Clonan- them cities filled with batts and fed air support. Keep it 100, although expensive, that fed shii over rated.... Your literally still on FB because i ran out of ammo........................................................... Gonna turn that 20-30K dead Ints into 300K soon |
Clonan | Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 11:03 pm  Who knows the Loud Mouth Drac... You've literally spent 24 hpurs on your Screen being useless.. Taking my state with no single heli up... See you Soon when i get back.. Buy more Ammo and kick me out... So far the State of Israel hasnt lauched any single offensive Attack on Drac... We'd soon Begin offensive Campaign! |
Drac | Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 11:22 pm  Yeah, you declared war. I'm not letting you guys dictate the pace.......... My "Mouth Is Loud" because I can back it up unlike you. You've accomplished none of your threats, hell i gained a 70m pop city thanks to you and ikoba ..... Do Betta |
Drac | Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - 03:10 pm  Update: Drac routinely using precision strikes to destroy clonans forward bases, success rate 76% and failing due to logistical problems. Clonan has mobilized 420,000 Soldiers manning 120,000 batteries ordained for death in stalingrad with 30% transported to forward bases. Jevano has moved in air units to provide air coverage for clonans invasion forces. Ikanoba remains limbo in the conflict only offering failed nuclear strikes. Drac is set to mobilize 2 million Soldiers, 40 thousand helicopters, 60 thousand INTs, 100 thousand Def Batts over the next 3 months. |
Clonan | Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - 07:32 pm  War Analyst predicts Soviet Union might fall sooner than expected.. The Weak Country has no Offensive Capabilites to Engage! Just placing Nukes on forward bases... Measures have been Taking to Contain the Use of nukes on our bases.. On my Command.. The IDF will start Aggresive Invasion of Dracs Territory as units are Already in place... I've also ordered Retaliatory Nuclear Strikes on all Soviet Union territory.. As in Israeli Defense Act... Phase One of the Invasion begins! |
Drac | Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - 08:03 pm  UPDATE: May 08 4866. Airforce Stealth Bomber Wing 'Ranto' attacks Mobile Nuclear Defense Unit Needham. Insane ViceLord (the attacked country) reports: Needham is borrowed from Stalingrad Needham lost 1 interceptor and 1 nuclear defense battery. Needham lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies. The country used 5000 missile interceptors in the defense. 69 soldiers were killed and 144 were wounded. The defense was assisted by Missile Defense Division Vanguard, Defense Interceptor Wing Fort Belami, Defense Interceptor Wing SOV INT and Defense Interceptor Wing SOV INT. The War Index remains 84.51 The United Kingdoms of Jenovia (the attacker) reports: Airforce Stealth Bomber Wing 'Ranto' lost 111 stealth bombers. Airforce Stealth Bomber Wing 'Ranto' lost trucks, gasoline and military supplies. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. 1909 soldiers were killed and 4273 were wounded. The War Index remains 89.06` The opening strikes from the poor regime jevano has been costly, billions in weaponry lost as well with 7000 young boys/sons. The hermit kingdom gained no strategic advantage! |
Drac | Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - 08:42 pm  Reports From The Field thats able to be recovered: -Clonan ~21,000 OBatts Destroyed ~168,000 soldiers kia/wounded -Drac ~2800 Helios ~7 SF ~700 AA DBatts ~5,600 Soldiers -Jevano ~111 Stealth Bombers ~7,000 Soldiers -Ikanoba N/A *Missing as Usual |
JOEL | Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - 08:47 pm  I urge peace and restraint on all sides. No one else has to die. lets avoid a humanitarian crises. |
Drac | Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - 10:37 pm  UPDATE: Upwards of 50-60% of Clonans federation invasion force is destroyed compared to Only 3% of Dracs empire. The invasion has been an epic fail, Drac is stockpiling ammunition to neutralize Jevano missile batteries. The take over of his country is the next step in the invasion. |
Drac | Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 10:20 am  UPDATE: Entire collapse of Clonans army after losing well over 100 thousand batts gaining no strategic or tactical advantage. Successful precision strikes eliminated 7000 Jevanos Helios with no losses. Ikanoba doesn't join the fight after witnessing his allies military completely breakdown. |
neutralsc | Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 09:31 pm  You guys are all the cause of the fact that andy has insufficient incentives to make the game more click efficient. |
Drac | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 12:37 am  It may seem that way nd I dont want it too cause thats not my intentions fact is fighting is a head ache not from the other players but from the arcade mechanics(4000 helios can beat 100k+ batteries, can topple cruisers, highly accurate vs ground units, can counter long range batteries, DMB can obliterate tanks 8 to 1 w/o supporting units when in reality their not accurate just a huge ammo drain, DAAB accuracy OP against high flying fighters interceptors already has a 2:1 advantage and the fact defense has the bigger numbers but still initiates the battle causing immense damage) nothing fun or satisfying about it at all. Clonan had to be put down even tho it was 300% an uneven fight. Cant strategize because none of the units counter each other, its just a few that can destroy all other units with great accuracy so not much ammo spent. Ground units obsolete against any battery or flying unit even worse when attacking. Cant destroy all bases to 100%, would make sense if accuracy wasnt high and units constantly needing ammo supply but thats no the case either, hit rates are high, ammo is plentiful, armies getting bigger from that( and the devs make defense stronger and stronger to counter becoming a brute force clicking match. Clicks just the cherry on top of the problems. |
Clonan | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 08:00 pm  Update: Drac Economy is crippling.. The country lacks adequate resources to withstand Aggresive attacks by the IDF forces.. We'd continue to wear out and drastically reduce dracs offensive amd defensive Capabilities.. Dracs Debt now hits over 40T Sc dollars.. Another round of Unguided Strikes will commence, as IDF ground and IAF gets ready to roll in and Achieve Air superiority in All Dracs territory... The Israeli Military is Optimistic... We remain focused.. Stay Tuned |
Drac | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 08:44 pm  If my countries dont fall tonight, get on your knees and praise daddy |
Kyle | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 09:23 pm  Clonan, As a former target of Drac, Myself and other members of my federation will be utilizing the boycotting feature under the trade tab. I urge any of those who are opposed to Drac, please request boycotts of all his countries. You have our support |
Drac | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 09:44 pm  Kyle he attacked me so mind your business and boycotts wont work, I have many methods of getting products. I'll be here for the long while be a tragedy if something happen to your capitols. |
Drac | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 09:47 pm  You making enemies and I haven't revealed my hand. Dont let clonan make you think otherwise, cause when i strike, it'll take me 30 mins to bust through their fed defense just like the other 4 cities. I'm patient, he's exhausted drawing all he can from all his world, i only lost 10k helios with over 100k to go.You want to join in your welcomed, like i said, im playing the long game. |
Clonan | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 09:50 pm  Drac... Youre funny... And a loud mouth... You took four states with zero AD.. Since you vnt placed any max attack on any state... I'd see through this war and see how you'd come out... Youre becoming so desperate.. |
Drac | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 09:52 pm  Dude dont lie, yall had batts, AD and all. Dont be salty I bypassed the bs and took the equipment for myself |
Drac | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 09:53 pm  and we will, I like making you look weak so your supporters can crawl in a corner and cry with you |
Clonan | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 09:54 pm  Lol... No speech... |
Drac | Friday, April 1, 2022 - 10:15 pm  How you should be |
Drac | Sunday, April 3, 2022 - 03:23 am  Update: The conflict has been won, there's no longer any threat capable of taking the city of Stalingrad. Many Clonians and Jevanians soldiers bodies as fertilizer in my cities across the empire. As the small hermit empires scrabble and beg for equipment 9000 Cruisers, 70K Interceptors, and all air and ground offensive weapons will be relieved of duty to curb massive supply demand. The empire can now continue to rebuild finances even while at war. |
Drac | Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 07:07 am  Update: A major city of 75m in Ikanoba empire was attacked and reduced to index of 10 with 5 million dead, economy now in shatters, and huge amounts of ints and helios killed both him and allies before he came online. The Cities Fed D was brought down by Elite SS Ground Units. That's just a taste of whats to come to all your cities the longer you drag out the war, no matter who tries to spy for you or give you tips i can easily counter. Once again, without nukes, your federation is taking big losses. Do Betta |
JOEL | Monday, April 11, 2022 - 01:14 pm  How long will all parties let their economies suffer because of their fragile egos? |
Stratis | Saturday, May 28, 2022 - 08:51 pm  Interesting read. What was the outcome here? |
Ikanoba | Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 02:57 am  Outcome - Drac is no more |
Myers | Saturday, May 6, 2023 - 04:51 am  hehehe Drac is no more cause he decided to quit, not because he lost ;) |
Matthew IV | Monday, September 4, 2023 - 11:43 pm  Drac come back? |