James Folsom | Saturday, September 7, 2024 - 10:47 pm  I've been studying the war writings of the post military unit era, and testing their ways. I've discovered that the Air defense is not as strong as it historically was and the garrisons have gained importance. I'm still working on strategies for stripping the garrisons, but the air force is dead simple to get rid of. All you need is the largest possible unit, filled with Offensive anti-aircraft batteries plus ~500 midrange missile batts. Currently that total is 1971, and you can use 900 OAAB at a time. All you need is to attack the helicopter unit directly. One unit will respond, both will be destroyed. After you have wiped out the helis you can snuff out the interceptors without losses. The only exception will be those cases where the the land defenses are near the airport. In which case you will need to take out the garrison on a remote target, and attack the helis one at time there. For long distance wars with the navy, Navy fighters slaughter defense interceptors.
-hymy- |
Laguna | Sunday, September 8, 2024 - 11:46 pm  Good to know. Thanks for sharing! |
hymy1 | Monday, September 9, 2024 - 01:58 am  Thanks, Laguna. I finished Level 8 today. None of the old writings that I've read so far were particularly helpful regarding the garrisons. But I will keep looking and trying. The smallest garrison was: 180 of each Missile type AA MIB DMB 180 Armored Vehicles and 180 Artillery 320 tanks. These were located on counties and towns. The bigger ones on everything else seem unmanageable, without further development of tactics. Mid Range missile bats (MRMBs) were slaughtered. Heavy Artillery and Heavy Tanks were slaughtered. I reviewed the game news for the word garrison, and found that sometime back, the GM went on a kick of trying to make garrisons useful, and was increasing their effectiveness. Drones/Precision Bombers wasn't too bad, but would consume a lot of bombers. But a person could do it with enough sacrificial bombers. I finally won with the only combo I could find. *Attack first with Stealth bombers to get the Anti-aircraft batts. *Attack second with drones to get the rest. *Attack third with heavy tanks and/or heavy artillery to destroy the target. That strategy cost a mere ~10 Stealth bombers per target. Only issue with this is that as far as I can tell, the stealth bombing wings will only resupply once at the beginning of the month. Given they can only have 170 bombers, and that you need ~100 in order to be effective: It's a bit limiting. Further insult to injury is when you form these units, you cannot get but about 117 into it, and have to change it and wait for resupply to achieve 170 total. So if you try this, you should have more than a few of the units at the ready. War level 6 and below have enough undefended targets that you can just use ground forces to take those out and win. If you set up 500 heavy tanks with ammo and a big unit of 1971 OAAMB/MRMB and had some MRMB in reserve... You could conceivably roll from war level 1 to 6 very quickly. But you will need to build a good air defense federation before you get to the level, where the C3s start counter attacking. A good fed air cover will handle that at least all the way to level. Though, I took some damage from it at level 8. |
hymy1 | Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 10:42 pm  Somebody asked me on the chat why they need a small empire if they plan on being a warlord. Here's why.
Look at the extra units that responded to the counter attack by the war level 9 C3. 3 Air units from 3 countries. If I had only one country that would have been one air unit. (edit: Well two countries but could have been 3 I think if the mobile unit had not been available) edit2: I don't have any garrisons set up yet, but if I did, that would have been another defender on that list. I think this fact has finally convinced me garrisons are worth having since it would have been more responding defense. edit3: if anybody wants to study my progress: https://sim01.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=localnews&miCountryName=HYMYBEACH&miNewsDate=54470801 |
hymy1 | Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 03:41 am  So This time I studied the docs, and chose Cruise missile ships and guided missile cruisers for taking out the garrisons. This is my level 9 attempt.
You need to like 500 cruise missile ships and say 200 guided missile ships into a strategic fleet. Make sure you have alot ammo, I ran out unfortunately. I consider this better than the stealth bomber approach I described as it can be set up in one fleet instead of a whole bunch of small stealth wings. And if you run into supply problems it can be dismantled and quickly recreated, unlike the stealth units. It also can take out larger garrisons. |
hymy1 | Monday, September 16, 2024 - 02:28 am  In regard to the cruise missile ship attacks. You can follow that with a drone attack to finish of the garrison with no losses, and then demolish it with heavy tanks. On the subject of the stealth bombers, it works best if you get your ground unit very close to the target, before calling for Stealth bombers. Stealth bombers are alot more tedious because of the issues with resupply and getting the units upto 170 planes. |
Laguna | Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 10:33 pm  Looking at these newspaper snippets, listing causalities and weapons lost stirred something in memory's depths... It was either Genie or Tamara that made a script in their website that would parse how many dead and causalities there were in a war. IRCC, we would paste the relevant parts of the news paper in an input window, and it would compute the figures. If anyone with the skills and will wants to start a fan website with this, I say go for it! |