zemon (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 04:06 am  It seems to this is a very noob question however i am a noob, so i need missile interceptor batteries and deffensive ones along with the ammo however when i got to purchase on the offensive weapons section i do not see them and since i know i cant use defensive weapons for attack i feel i a a little stuck, please help me. Also ive been engaged in war with computer countries and cant figure out how to beat it, do i go for cities or military instalastions, do i attack by air or by land? Thank you, for your patience, and your help. President Zemon of Jefftopia. |
zemon (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 04:13 am  i also cant find the ammo for these weapons. Thank you, for your patience, and your help. President Zemon of Jefftopia. |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (White Giant) | Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 04:57 am  If you are building land units to attack a C3 you have no need of the defensive batteries...However if you are building you countries defenses you will find the weapons on the defensive page... |
zemon | Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 07:24 am  idk what C# is but i need these weapons for a Long range division,. i need to attack with these weapons and i cant use defense weapons to attack. Thank you, for your patience, and your help. President Zemon of Jefftopia. |
awesomeO (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 09:20 am  I am kinda confused. Missile interceptor batteries are defensive weapons. I am guessing you think there are offensive types because the game defaults some miss int batts in a LRD. However these are only defaults or suggestions, you do not necessarily need them. C3 is computer controlled country. |
Angus88 (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 03:30 pm  Zemon have you ever built a offensive ammo corporation, they don't exactly pour out ammo. Offensive air to air missiles are the worst culprit, with only 360 missiles a year and a deficit of around 200k, thats over 500 corporations needed to fill that gap on LU alone. Thing is each time I build 10 OAA missile corporations the demand increases again. |
zemon (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 05:07 pm  AHH, so would my LRD be more effective with or without these things? No i hvae not built an ammo Corp. |
zemon (Little Upsilon) | Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 05:10 pm  also i dont understrand this... last night i bought 3000 of 4 types of weapon, i woke up came to comp and now i have zero of them....wtf happened? |
josias jorvick (White Giant) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 05:07 pm  first check "pending deliveries," under trade, the order may not have been fullfilled, but it probably has the other, likely possiblity, is you set up garrisons, and these weapons are falling into the "garrison black hole," as u buy them, your supply units grab them and take them to the garrisons. i once was getting ready for a battle, transferred 60k defensive missles into a country, and by the time i logged into that country, they were already gone. so don't set up to many garrisons at once |
zemon (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 05:53 pm  i only have fortifiactions and military bases, but thanks for all your help though guys. |