John R | Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:51 pm  Kebir Blue Population
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | John R | 799.051.659 | Just Spock | 78.153.702 | 2 | Slim | 610.986.565 | Zappa Zuru | 68.639.522 | 3 | Zappa Zuru | 480.476.655 | Michel van Es | 67.858.468 | 4 | Just Spock | 468.922.212 | John R | 66.587.638 | 5 | ebby247 | 458.851.075 | john | 62.778.348 | 6 | Kobi0066 | 404.167.060 | hymy .. | 58.444.277 | 7 | Gandolf The White | 377.636.999 | Zeta | 56.531.124 | 8 | doyenne dweezelpeace | 349.055.876 | Kevin Henry | 54.057.756 | 9 | Kuhnasty | 342.720.977 | Gandolf The White | 53.948.143 | 10 | Riley S | 331.095.160 | Nicole | 53.454.681 | 11 | Kazar Kazari | 330.382.736 | Telos the Just | 53.314.517 | 12 | Shinjo Akinari | 318.311.933 | Fnord Prefect | 51.935.097 | 13 | Fnord Prefect | 311.610.579 | ebby247 | 50.983.453 | 14 | OBL Sierrovsky | 309.296.719 | andy33 | 50.315.552 | 15 | Zeta | 282.655.621 | Parsifal | 49.305.484 | 16 | Ton Tenkink | 266.597.320 | Scrode | 47.055.543 | 17 | Parsifal | 246.527.421 | Ton Tenkink | 44.432.887 | 18 | Ian Nottingham | 244.278.794 | Elaieva | 43.679.853 | 19 | Stephanoli | 244.188.361 | Indojin1 | 43.483.052 | 20 | Justin K | 244.023.611 | Tom Smith | 42.185.907 | | Army
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | John R | 35.273.092 | Just Spock | 3.681.133 | 2 | Just Spock | 22.086.799 | andy33 | 3.631.548 | 3 | Gandolf The White | 14.540.950 | John R | 2.939.424 | 4 | ebby247 | 11.865.042 | hymy .. | 2.116.281 | 5 | Slim | 10.966.842 | Gandolf The White | 2.077.279 | 6 | hymy .. | 8.465.125 | Elaieva | 2.014.778 | 7 | Zappa Zuru | 8.095.555 | Kevin Henry | 1.822.262 | 8 | Parsifal | 7.526.863 | Michel van Es | 1.698.905 | 9 | Elaieva | 6.044.335 | Parsifal | 1.505.373 | 10 | Zeta | 5.779.688 | ebby247 | 1.318.338 | 11 | Hit_Man | 5.741.264 | Chad Goeringer | 1.246.991 | 12 | Kazar Kazari | 5.491.571 | john | 1.180.336 | 13 | doyenne dweezelpeace | 5.463.724 | Zappa Zuru | 1.156.508 | 14 | Ton Tenkink | 5.203.788 | Zeta | 1.155.938 | 15 | Kuhnasty | 4.852.794 | Scrode | 1.141.185 | 16 | Scrode | 4.564.741 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 939.320 | 17 | Shinjo Akinari | 4.327.796 | Travis Goeringer | 886.927 | 18 | Tyler Durden | 4.311.554 | Ton Tenkink | 867.298 | 19 | Ian Nottingham | 4.156.816 | Hit_Man | 820.181 | 20 | Indojin1 | 3.956.948 | Indojin1 | 791.390 | | Production
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | John R | 7.707.349.998.502 | john | 917.619.692.123 | 2 | Just Spock | 5.043.624.012.118 | Just Spock | 840.604.002.020 | 3 | ebby247 | 4.048.563.277.880 | John R | 642.279.166.542 | 4 | Gandolf The White | 3.635.962.248.647 | andy33 | 627.540.673.982 | 5 | Slim | 3.448.139.850.416 | Zeta | 622.368.822.439 | 6 | Riley S | 3.161.475.839.465 | Parsifal | 609.874.738.360 | 7 | Zeta | 3.111.844.112.194 | Scrode | 589.088.641.482 | 8 | Parsifal | 3.049.373.691.801 | Don | 543.334.461.790 | 9 | Ian Nottingham | 3.048.795.227.393 | Elaieva | 534.595.162.562 | 10 | Zappa Zuru | 2.726.565.545.091 | hymy .. | 530.153.145.582 | 11 | OBL Sierrovsky | 2.612.612.963.016 | Tom Smith | 527.089.776.208 | 12 | Kuhnasty | 2.504.167.790.876 | Gandolf The White | 519.423.178.378 | 13 | Scrode | 2.356.354.565.928 | Michel van Es | 497.137.089.937 | 14 | Ton Tenkink | 2.306.686.063.809 | Nicole | 485.169.235.539 | 15 | Don | 2.173.337.847.160 | Kevin Henry | 469.751.090.351 | 16 | hymy .. | 2.120.612.582.326 | ebby247 | 449.840.364.209 | 17 | Tom Smith | 2.108.359.104.831 | Riley S | 395.184.479.933 | 18 | Fnord Prefect | 1.857.772.354.486 | Zappa Zuru | 389.509.363.584 | 19 | Hit_Man | 1.820.861.579.647 | Ton Tenkink | 384.447.677.302 | 20 | Tyler Durden | 1.805.171.815.731 | Telos the Just | 343.997.213.169 | | Nominal Value
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | John R | $1.128,3 | Just Spock | $126,02 | 2 | Just Spock | $756,1 | John R | $94,03 | 3 | Slim | $515,9 | Daconia | $86,80 | 4 | ebby247 | $425,4 | Tae Hwan Ahn | $83,00 | 5 | Zappa Zuru | $360,0 | john | $70,80 | 6 | Parsifal | $337,2 | Parsifal | $67,44 | 7 | Zeta | $283,9 | Tom Smith | $65,88 | 8 | Gandolf The White | $269,6 | Simon Dabney | $63,30 | 9 | Tom Smith | $263,5 | Jorge Reategui | $59,00 | 10 | Riley S | $252,7 | Zeta | $56,78 | 11 | Tyler Durden | $249,7 | Michel van Es | $56,40 | 12 | Shinjo Akinari | $249,4 | Jonni Gil | $56,30 | 13 | Kuhnasty | $241,6 | Scrode | $55,93 | 14 | OBL Sierrovsky | $238,4 | andy33 | $52,80 | 15 | Scrode | $223,7 | hymy .. | $52,18 | 16 | Kobi0066 | $213,2 | Zappa Zuru | $51,43 | 17 | hymy .. | $208,7 | Telos the Just | $49,80 | 18 | Hit_Man | $206,9 | Kevin Henry | $48,50 | 19 | Ton Tenkink | $199,1 | ebby247 | $47,27 | 20 | doyenne dweezelpeace | $198,9 | loungelizard | $46,90 | | Production per capita
Rank | President Name | Ppc | 1 | Don | 15.157,16 | 2 | Scrode | 12.519,01 | 3 | Tom Smith | 12.494,45 | 4 | Ian Nottingham | 12.480,80 | 5 | Parsifal | 12.369,31 | 6 | Elaieva | 12.238,94 | 7 | Zeta | 11.009,31 | 8 | Just Spock | 10.755,78 | 9 | Hit_Man | 10.190,98 | 10 | John R | 9.645,62 | 11 | Gandolf The White | 9.628,19 | 12 | Riley S | 9.548,54 | 13 | hymy .. | 9.071,09 | 14 | ebby247 | 8.823,26 | 15 | Ton Tenkink | 8.652,32 | 16 | OBL Sierrovsky | 8.446,95 | 17 | Tyler Durden | 8.199,87 | 18 | Michel van Es | 7.326,09 | 19 | Kuhnasty | 7.306,72 | 20 | Bollderdash | 6.091,96 | | Percentage in the Army
Rank | President Name | % | 1 | Just Spock | 4,71 | 2 | Elaieva | 4,61 | 3 | John R | 4,41 | 4 | Gandolf The White | 3,85 | 5 | hymy .. | 3,62 | 6 | Hit_Man | 3,21 | 7 | Parsifal | 3,05 | 8 | ebby247 | 2,59 | 9 | Michel van Es | 2,50 | 10 | Scrode | 2,43 | 11 | Zeta | 2,04 | 12 | Tyler Durden | 1,96 | 13 | Ton Tenkink | 1,95 | 14 | Philip Taylor | 1,91 | 15 | Indojin1 | 1,82 | 16 | Don | 1,80 | 17 | Slim | 1,79 | 18 | Ian Nottingham | 1,70 | 19 | Zappa Zuru | 1,68 | 20 | Tom Smith | 1,68 | |
John R | Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:51 pm  Fearless Blue Population
RRank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Danneh Turner | 463.901.144 | General Jimbo | 82.556.375 | 2 | lasher | 458.842.392 | WoNdErFuL WoRLD | 77.428.519 | 3 | John R | 435.137.624 | Christian The Great | 71.902.018 | 4 | Mitchellion | 392.091.036 | Tom Willard | 71.557.749 | 5 | Fnord Prefect | 388.880.423 | Dubhthaigh | 70.366.830 | 6 | ARYAN | 344.786.664 | Ambiorix The Great | 61.890.735 | 7 | crzfred | 317.389.619 | Fnord Prefect | 55.554.346 | 8 | GJ Smith | 301.099.597 | Simon Dabney | 55.520.655 | 9 | ieuan james | 290.007.159 | Zrapid Pace | 54.627.823 | 10 | Ironnads | 280.884.626 | Riley S | 51.931.882 | 11 | DavePat | 272.420.235 | Twista | 47.587.398 | 12 | Tanis78 | 265.494.714 | Baron Von Beedy | 47.282.727 | 13 | Goldern Horde | 260.865.874 | Sir SmokesAlot | 46.883.417 | 14 | Riley S | 259.659.408 | David Wood | 44.383.860 | 15 | Valkyrie | 248.180.226 | John R | 43.513.762 | 16 | Barney Rubble | 246.061.138 | Jan-Martin | 43.299.583 | 17 | Al Graf | 241.964.691 | GJ Smith | 43.014.228 | 18 | Confederate_Warrior | 214.846.680 | Alexandria Hollander | 42.705.056 | 19 | Dubhthaigh | 211.100.490 | ieuan james | 41.429.594 | 20 | pt9740 | 210.188.745 | CrazyIvan9 | 40.964.596 | | Army
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | lasher | 18.403.774 | Vicious | 4.169.792 | 2 | John R | 14.872.608 | WoNdErFuL WoRLD | 2.241.677 | 3 | Danneh Turner | 13.292.167 | sensural | 2.072.734 | 4 | ARYAN | 12.065.640 | Christian The Great | 2.051.780 | 5 | andycl | 9.496.617 | Tom Willard | 1.832.576 | 6 | MysteryStyle | 9.140.039 | MysteryStyle | 1.828.008 | 7 | Valkyrie | 9.128.522 | Dubhthaigh | 1.576.440 | 8 | Goldern Horde | 8.601.331 | John R | 1.487.261 | 9 | Barney Rubble | 8.572.011 | awesomeO | 1.379.630 | 10 | ieuan james | 6.640.663 | Sir SmokesAlot | 1.260.553 | 11 | DavePat | 6.154.147 | Jan-Martin | 1.166.912 | 12 | Madhatter | 5.890.741 | David Wood | 1.153.979 | 13 | Al Graf | 5.469.125 | Valkyrie | 1.141.065 | 14 | ace6969 | 5.444.860 | Pulsar08 | 1.132.468 | 15 | crzfred | 4.966.512 | CrazyIvan9 | 1.116.525 | 16 | Zdeněk Pavlovský | 4.771.274 | Ambiorix The Great | 1.078.295 | 17 | Dubhthaigh | 4.729.320 | Zrapid Pace | 1.069.239 | 18 | Adam | 4.699.983 | lasher | 1.022.432 | 19 | Ironnads | 4.583.987 | ieuan james | 948.666 | 20 | Tanis78 | 4.578.410 | Baron Von Beedy | 944.154 | | Production
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Danneh Turner | 5.354.912.546.930 | WoNdErFuL WoRLD | 1.144.582.473.622 | 2 | lasher | 4.933.304.835.233 | General Jimbo | 783.880.678.509 | 3 | ARYAN | 4.565.879.216.606 | Christian The Great | 765.254.073.110 | 4 | John R | 3.510.883.568.982 | David Wood | 624.235.740.366 | 5 | Tanis78 | 3.023.371.829.185 | Tom Willard | 515.120.459.554 | 6 | Quastar | 2.940.658.482.176 | Simon Dabney | 498.585.828.968 | 7 | DavePat | 2.940.345.529.638 | Putin | 492.294.012.523 | 8 | Goldern Horde | 2.899.559.355.872 | Dubhthaigh | 486.346.682.902 | 9 | Valkyrie | 2.824.749.557.822 | Baron Von Beedy | 478.358.190.544 | 10 | Ironnads | 2.758.448.416.272 | Sir SmokesAlot | 477.181.795.083 | 11 | Al Graf | 2.605.862.000.317 | Ambiorix The Great | 451.461.709.660 | 12 | ieuan james | 2.556.643.337.234 | Noproblem | 451.071.347.978 | 13 | Adam | 2.462.106.145.620 | Jan-Martin | 436.974.432.654 | 14 | WoNdErFuL WoRLD | | Quastar | 420.094.068.882 | 15 | ace6969 | | Riley S | 413.609.196.061 | 16 | Fnord Prefect | 2.152.321.589.480 | sarvang shah | 400.610.437.750 | 17 | Riley S | | Twista | 392.729.960.631 | 18 | Madhatter | 2.031.340.621.139 | awesomeO | 385.383.193.717 | 19 | pt9740 | 1.653.461.534.095 | Zrapid Pace | 384.422.091.184 | 20 | Barney Rubble | 1.640.860.081.473 | ieuan james | 365.234.762.462 | | Nominal Value
President Name | Total | President Name | Average | MysteryStyle | $763,3 | MysteryStyle | $152,7 | John R | $541,1 | Vicious | $141,8 | Danneh Turner | $445,9 | Dubhthaigh | $139,3 | Dubhthaigh | $417,9 | WoNdErFuL WoRLD | $102,0 | lasher | $412,6 | Christian The Great | $82,3 | Valkyrie | $375,0 | Simon Dabney | $69,5 | Tanis78 | $314,0 | Tom Willard | $62,6 | Barney Rubble | $307,0 | General Jimbo | $60,3 | Mitchellion | $302,4 | Sir SmokesAlot | $57,4 | crzfred | $291,4 | John R | $54,1 | ARYAN | $289,3 | Ambiorix The Great | $50,1 | Quastar | $272,4 | Valkyrie | $46,9 | DavePat | $270,6 | Jan-Martin | $43,1 | Ironnads | $251,1 | Putin | $39,3 | Al Graf | $223,3 | awesomeO | $39,0 | Fnord Prefect | $221,3 | Quastar | $38,9 | Adam | $218,8 | Zrapid Pace | $35,4 | ieuan james | $207,0 | Riley S | $35,2 | andycl | $204,0 | sensural | $35,2 | WoNdErFuL WoRLD | $203,9 | Duke Darko | $34,9 | | Production per capita
Henry David Thoreau | 18.238 | Warmaster Horrus | 15.985 | WoNdErFuL WoRLD | 14.782 | Quastar | 14.593 | Adam | 13.514 | Hector Stonewall | 13.413 | ARYAN | 13.243 | andy33 | 13.199 | zapadka | 11.975 | Danneh Turner | 11.543 | ace6969 | 11.481 | Tanis78 | 11.388 | Valkyrie | 11.382 | Goldern Horde | 11.115 | DavePat | 10.793 | Al Graf | 10.770 | lasher | 10.752 | Christian The Great | 10.643 | shane vataja | 10.436 | neverlookup | 10.281 | | Percentage in the Army
MysteryStyle | 5,39 | andycl | 5,06 | andy33 | 4,93 | Hector Stonewall | 4,75 | Julmer01 | 4,21 | lasher | 4,01 | Valkyrie | 3,68 | ARYAN | 3,50 | Barney Rubble | 3,48 | John R | 3,42 | josias jorvick | 3,38 | Goldern Horde | 3,30 | FRM | 3,18 | Baseball Freak | 3,05 | Madhatter | 2,92 | WoNdErFuL WoRLD | 2,90 | Danneh Turner | 2,87 | Christian The Great | 2,85 | ace6969 | 2,83 | CrazyIvan9 | 2,73 | |
John R | Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:51 pm  White Giant Population
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | MysteryStyle | 1.152.683.599 | Gerhard Gaiser | 94.749.855 | 2 | Ms Claws | 823.171.603 | Guido Nordhaus | 88.501.381 | 3 | sfo Treasurer | 799.195.872 | IAN JONES | 84.449.110 | 4 | Webspinner | 769.685.285 | eNiGmA | 66.420.358 | 5 | La Sombra | 696.343.811 | ichael0550 | 64.776.658 | 6 | Jo Salkilld | 616.565.616 | Dizzy Richardio | 64.377.759 | 7 | Man of Peace | 606.829.290 | Daconia | 64.328.121 | 8 | Christian The Great | 559.492.671 | Dale Legge | 61.525.794 | 9 | Dale Legge | 553.732.147 | Groan | 60.148.132 | 10 | Daconia | 514.624.965 | Christian The Great | 55.949.267 | 11 | Xavi Tango | 492.938.006 | Slim | 53.600.740 | 12 | Coen Hyde | 427.622.828 | Coen Hyde | 53.452.854 | 13 | Saber | 412.539.161 | Crossdale | 49.280.560 | 14 | Mikojan Gurevic | 406.394.408 | Captain Ron | 48.267.653 | 15 | Veritas | 399.794.332 | Fnord Prefect | 44.836.656 | 16 | Leen Dierts | 397.315.090 | Big and Tall | 42.103.064 | 17 | Sir Hossfly | 392.856.553 | Brutus Buckeye | 41.680.454 | 18 | Phatz | 357.845.089 | Inoaikhan | 40.663.564 | 19 | Brian K | 324.564.154 | Brian K | 40.570.519 | 20 | Captain Ron | 289.605.920 | Hit_Man | 37.487.266 | | Army
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | sfo Treasurer | 48.011.583 | IAN JONES | 3.150.403 | 2 | MysteryStyle | 43.395.895 | Dale Legge | 2.576.031 | 3 | Ms Claws | 38.522.690 | Iain Daddy | 2.420.022 | 4 | La Sombra | 29.514.399 | Brutus Buckeye | 2.037.833 | 5 | Webspinner | 28.601.521 | Crossdale | 1.897.195 | 6 | Jo Salkilld | 26.389.705 | Brian K | 1.794.456 | 7 | Xavi Tango | 23.391.007 | Gerhard Gaiser | 1.684.316 | 8 | Dale Legge | 23.184.280 | Inoaikhan | 1.513.828 | 9 | Man of Peace | 21.141.045 | Daconia | 1.484.769 | 10 | Leen Dierts | 20.997.850 | Hit_Man | 1.393.574 | 11 | Saber | 19.334.017 | ichael0550 | 1.320.617 | 12 | Mikojan Gurevic | 16.401.942 | eNiGmA | 1.281.707 | 13 | Sir Hossfly | 15.694.978 | Emi Ricol | 1.096.949 | 14 | Brian K | 14.355.651 | Christian The Great | 1.063.999 | 15 | Veritas | 12.302.619 | Alain Clement | 1.048.819 | 16 | Daconia | 11.878.151 | Big and Tall | 1.031.020 | 17 | Phatz | 11.545.141 | Fnord Prefect | 1.020.641 | 18 | John R | 10.935.932 | Conquistador45 | 1.014.207 | 19 | Christian The Great | 10.639.993 | Coen Hyde | 999.829 | 20 | Valkyrie | 9.916.326 | Dainbramage | 978.933 | | Production
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Webspinner | 10.362.659.263.086 | Gerhard Gaiser | | 2 | sfo Treasurer | | IAN JONES | 991.314.244.204 | 3 | Man of Peace | 9.814.745.912.075 | Dale Legge | 873.163.862.403 | 4 | La Sombra | 8.234.592.262.191 | Brian K | 860.113.365.618 | 5 | Dale Legge | 7.858.474.761.630 | Daconia | 741.280.888.538 | 6 | Jo Salkilld | 7.505.074.856.883 | Captain Ron | 718.460.425.259 | 7 | Brian K | 6.880.906.924.941 | Slim | 699.629.286.841 | 8 | Ms Claws | 6.434.700.755.594 | Christian The Great | 616.557.609.779 | 9 | Christian The Great | 6.165.576.097.794 | ichael0550 | 524.860.312.177 | 10 | Daconia | 5.930.247.108.305 | Coen Hyde | 489.130.476.343 | 11 | Sir Hossfly | 5.910.349.769.109 | Inoaikhan | 480.004.830.902 | 12 | MysteryStyle | 5.820.031.300.925 | Crossdale | 473.835.237.628 | 13 | Phatz | 5.545.453.408.979 | Alain Clement | 452.245.222.077 | 14 | Xavi Tango | 5.348.864.056.353 | Brutus Buckeye | 443.802.103.796 | 15 | Saber | 4.712.987.759.821 | eNiGmA | 423.297.248.852 | 16 | Valkyrie | 4.572.010.567.770 | Hit_Man | 415.336.103.920 | 17 | Captain Ron | 4.310.762.551.552 | Iain Daddy | 402.957.836.355 | 18 | Veritas | 4.203.331.583.971 | Frank Stone | 392.344.633.030 | 19 | Leen Dierts | 4.048.510.053.840 | dboyd3702 | 296.852.724.862 | 20 | Coen Hyde | 3.913.043.810.742 | Aaron Doolavay | 288.607.140.856 | | Nominal Value
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | MysteryStyle | $2.175,3 | eNiGmA | $200,5 | 2 | Webspinner | $1.343,2 | Richard Hornung | $182,2 | 3 | La Sombra | $1.224,7 | Gerhard Gaiser | $149,2 | 4 | sfo Treasurer | $983,9 | Webspinner | $134,3 | 5 | Man of Peace | $967,0 | John R | $128,3 | 6 | Ms Claws | $873,3 | La Sombra | $122,5 | 7 | Christian The Great | $855,6 | MysteryStyle | $120,9 | 8 | Jo Salkilld | $713,0 | Phatz | $117,8 | 9 | Brian K | $707,8 | search magic | $115,0 | 10 | Leen Dierts | $686,3 | Leen Dierts | $114,4 | 11 | Sir Hossfly | $631,2 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | $113,0 | 12 | Dale Legge | $629,9 | Veritas | $111,0 | 13 | Daconia | $603,3 | Slim | $109,9 | 14 | Phatz | $589,0 | Valkyrie | $109,8 | 15 | Captain Ron | $560,9 | sfo Treasurer | $109,3 | 16 | Veritas | $554,9 | JamesPhoniex | $104,6 | 17 | Valkyrie | $549,2 | Sharon Daniel | $104,2 | 18 | Xavi Tango | $540,7 | Tae Hwan Ahn | $102,6 | 19 | Jaffle | $518,0 | Man of Peace | $96,7 | 20 | Coen Hyde | $502,1 | Captain Ron | $93,5 | | Production per capita
Rank | President Name | Ppc | 1 | Brian K | 21.200,45 | 2 | Man of Peace | 16.173,82 | 3 | Valkyrie | 16.000,92 | 4 | JamesPhoniex | 15.713,47 | 5 | Phatz | 15.496,80 | 6 | Sir Hossfly | 15.044,55 | 7 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 14.985,80 | 8 | Captain Ron | 14.884,93 | 9 | Dale Legge | 14.191,83 | 10 | John R | 13.804,24 | 11 | Raiderchop | 13.650,74 | 12 | Webspinner | 13.463,50 | 13 | search magic | 13.292,09 | 14 | Slim | 13.052,60 | 15 | sfo Treasurer | 12.721,57 | 16 | Richard Hornung | 12.377,45 | 17 | Simon Dabney | 12.298,59 | 18 | Jo Salkilld | 12.172,39 | 19 | JD Flanagan | 12.075,29 | 20 | Tae Hwan Ahn | 12.058,60 | | Percentage in the Army
Rank | President Name | % | 1 | sfo Treasurer | 6,01 | 2 | Leen Dierts | 5,28 | 3 | Sharon Daniel | 5,17 | 4 | John R | 4,94 | 5 | Richard Hornung | 4,89 | 6 | Xavi Tango | 4,75 | 7 | Saber | 4,69 | 8 | Ms Claws | 4,68 | 9 | Brian K | 4,42 | 10 | Jo Salkilld | 4,28 | 11 | La Sombra | 4,24 | 12 | Dale Legge | 4,19 | 13 | Simon Dabney | 4,16 | 14 | Mikojan Gurevic | 4,04 | 15 | Sir Hossfly | 4,00 | 16 | MysteryStyle | 3,76 | 17 | IAN JONES | 3,73 | 18 | Webspinner | 3,72 | 19 | Man of Peace | 3,48 | 20 | Valkyrie | 3,47 | |
John R | Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:51 pm  Golden Rainbow Population
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Matt . | 1.215.886.840 | Simple TED | 74.770.088 | 2 | Daconia | 1.130.575.549 | Matt . | 71.522.755 | 3 | Steven Ryan | 1.072.728.633 | Slim | 68.396.532 | 4 | Yankee | 734.485.865 | Steven Ryan | 67.045.540 | 5 | Jinson Xu | 725.274.216 | Yankee | 66.771.442 | 6 | TattooedPriest | 689.258.057 | Cyriac | 64.721.960 | 7 | richard | 635.485.674 | Lisa Is OK | 63.146.852 | 8 | Cyriac | 453.053.721 | Sean | 62.132.786 | 9 | SeaPebbles | 441.262.356 | Jinson Xu | 60.439.518 | 10 | Nute Gunray | 392.348.604 | Daconia | 56.528.777 | 11 | Sean | 372.796.714 | allen spencer | 56.285.676 | 12 | Rick Davis | 318.589.462 | John R | 54.660.818 | 13 | Simple TED | 299.080.351 | TattooedPriest | 49.232.718 | 14 | John Fire | 283.202.800 | Crossdale | 48.897.374 | 15 | David Wood | 268.539.728 | Riley S | 47.063.157 | 16 | Robert | 260.092.253 | Kenny Shadow | 41.414.010 | 17 | Lisa Is OK | 252.587.406 | John Fire | 40.457.543 | 18 | Crossdale | 244.486.872 | David Walker | 40.059.007 | 19 | Salahudin Ayubi | 233.718.136 | Nute Gunray | 39.234.860 | 20 | Iaru Hetep | 221.253.169 | Salahudin Ayubi | 38.953.023 | | Army
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Matt . | 68.081.234 | Matt . | 4.004.778 | 2 | Steven Ryan | 43.158.536 | Jinson Xu | 3.109.524 | 3 | Jinson Xu | 37.314.292 | Crossdale | 2.965.031 | 4 | richard | 30.820.382 | Nute Gunray | 2.911.242 | 5 | TattooedPriest | 30.133.844 | Steven Ryan | 2.697.409 | 6 | Daconia | 29.199.785 | David Wood | 2.247.745 | 7 | Nute Gunray | 29.112.423 | John Fire | 2.204.946 | 8 | Yankee | 23.324.935 | TattooedPriest | 2.152.417 | 9 | SeaPebbles | 17.418.663 | Yankee | 2.120.449 | 10 | David Wood | 15.734.214 | awesomeO | 1.814.124 | 11 | John Fire | 15.434.619 | Lisa Is OK | 1.664.880 | 12 | Crossdale | 14.825.157 | Salahudin Ayubi | 1.649.442 | 13 | Rick Davis | 10.382.023 | Doug Thomas | 1.614.906 | 14 | Robert | 10.251.678 | David Walker | 1.581.504 | 15 | Salahudin Ayubi | 9.896.650 | Robert | 1.464.525 | 16 | Doug Thomas | 9.689.436 | Daconia | 1.459.989 | 17 | John L | 9.529.522 | Valkyrie | 1.404.579 | 18 | Lisa Is OK | 6.659.521 | Simple TED | 1.361.701 | 19 | Iaru Hetep | 6.434.363 | John R | 1.336.603 | 20 | Cujo Havez | 5.743.176 | T Banguel | 1.215.141 | | Production
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Daconia | 10.572.254.847.781 | Crossdale | 638.246.905.808 | 2 | Steven Ryan | 9.944.725.839.777 | Steven Ryan | 621.545.364.986 | 3 | TattooedPriest | 6.692.769.793.983 | Slim | 617.271.351.359 | 4 | Yankee | 5.853.355.793.860 | Sean | 582.361.588.334 | 5 | SeaPebbles | 5.652.264.130.953 | Kenny Shadow | 569.590.399.138 | 6 | Jinson Xu | 5.631.088.607.416 | John R | 540.403.782.494 | 7 | Nute Gunray | 4.404.209.002.265 | Riley S | 537.894.152.998 | 8 | Matt . | 3.998.197.184.030 | Yankee | 532.123.253.987 | 9 | Cyriac | 3.509.144.547.522 | Daconia | 528.612.742.389 | 10 | Sean | 3.494.169.530.005 | Cyriac | 501.306.363.932 | 11 | Robert | 3.460.504.054.747 | Robert | 494.357.722.107 | 12 | richard | 3.422.787.869.428 | David Walker | 494.285.204.973 | 13 | David Wood | 3.333.729.212.691 | TattooedPriest | 478.054.985.285 | 14 | Crossdale | | David Wood | 476.247.030.384 | 15 | Iaru Hetep | 3.014.549.698.809 | Jinson Xu | 469.257.383.951 | 16 | Kenny Shadow | 2.847.951.995.688 | Doug Thomas | 462.277.417.071 | 17 | Doug Thomas | 2.773.664.502.428 | T Banguel | 442.806.522.888 | 18 | John Fire | 2.617.290.686.261 | Nute Gunray | 440.420.900.227 | 19 | Riley S | 2.151.576.611.992 | Valkyrie | 416.420.360.022 | 20 | Salahudin Ayubi | 2.139.574.627.056 | Lex Carter | 408.611.847.239 | | Nominal Value
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Matt . | $1.651,2 | Cyriac | $124,7 | 2 | Jinson Xu | $1.220,0 | David Walker | $114,6 | 3 | Daconia | $1.044,1 | Slim | $105,4 | 4 | Cyriac | $873,2 | Jinson Xu | $101,7 | 5 | Steven Ryan | $873,1 | Matt . | $97,1 | 6 | Yankee | $762,4 | John R | $89,9 | 7 | TattooedPriest | $549,5 | mlj26618 | $80,0 | 8 | SeaPebbles | $538,4 | Yankee | $69,3 | 9 | Nute Gunray | $474,2 | Lisa Is OK | $66,3 | 10 | richard | $447,5 | Simple TED | $60,7 | 11 | Sean | $355,5 | Valkyrie | $59,9 | 12 | Slim | $316,3 | Sean | $59,3 | 13 | John Fire | $310,9 | Crossdale | $58,8 | 14 | Crossdale | $294,0 | Kenny Shadow | $55,0 | 15 | Kenny Shadow | $275,0 | Steven Ryan | $54,6 | 16 | John R | $269,8 | Tom Willard | $54,2 | 17 | Lisa Is OK | $265,2 | Sharon Daniel | $52,7 | 18 | John L | $259,9 | Daconia | $52,2 | 19 | Simple TED | $242,9 | Nute Gunray | $47,4 | 20 | David Walker | $229,2 | John Fire | $44,4 | | Production per capita
Rank | President Name | Ppc | 1 | Doug Thomas | 14.154,17 | 2 | Kenny Shadow | 13.753,57 | 3 | Iaru Hetep | 13.624,89 | 4 | Robert | 13.304,91 | 5 | Crossdale | 13.052,78 | 6 | SeaPebbles | 12.809,31 | 7 | David Wood | 12.414,29 | 8 | Riley S | 11.429,20 | 9 | Nute Gunray | 11.225,24 | 10 | Cujo Havez | 10.248,14 | 11 | John R | 9.886,49 | 12 | TattooedPriest | 9.710,11 | 13 | Austia | 9.377,71 | 14 | Sean | 9.372,85 | 15 | Daconia | 9.351,21 | 16 | ravenbourne | 9.320,33 | 17 | Steven Ryan | 9.270,50 | 18 | John Fire | 9.241,75 | 19 | Salahudin Ayubi | 9.154,51 | 20 | Slim | 9.024,89 | | Percentage in the Army
Rank | President Name | % | 1 | Nute Gunray | 7,42 | 2 | Crossdale | 6,06 | 3 | David Wood | 5,86 | 4 | Matt . | 5,60 | 5 | John Fire | 5,45 | 6 | Jinson Xu | 5,14 | 7 | John L | 5,10 | 8 | Doug Thomas | 4,94 | 9 | richard | 4,85 | 10 | TattooedPriest | 4,37 | 11 | Salahudin Ayubi | 4,23 | 12 | Steven Ryan | 4,02 | 13 | SeaPebbles | 3,95 | 14 | Robert | 3,94 | 15 | Cujo Havez | 3,57 | 16 | Rick Davis | 3,26 | 17 | Yankee | 3,18 | 18 | rj | 3,11 | 19 | ravenbourne | 3,09 | 20 | Iaru Hetep | 2,91 | |
John R | Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:51 pm  Little Upsilon Population
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Martock | 771.090.873 | Martock | 77.109.087 | 2 | Dubhthaigh | 758.070.751 | Dubhthaigh | 75.807.075 | 3 | Keith Taylor | 525.562.035 | Robert | 74.166.060 | 4 | Xaldin | 496.953.893 | Jinson Xu | 70.735.484 | 5 | Fngorh | 491.954.090 | Arkh Mori | 66.917.594 | 6 | Kevin Henry | 435.204.382 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 66.592.458 | 7 | Elaieva | 386.181.912 | slocketer | 60.620.486 | 8 | Sir Michael | 376.403.849 | Ari 1 | 58.915.546 | 9 | Nolan7 | 374.797.715 | Game Conservator | 58.401.345 | 10 | DGoE | 373.049.837 | Simon Dabney | 57.145.085 | 11 | John R | 368.799.591 | Barney Rubble | 55.657.632 | 12 | Halaballoo | 366.336.934 | Jack Torrance | 52.715.314 | 13 | jason | 364.321.560 | Valkyrie | 50.968.808 | 14 | Valkyrie | 356.781.654 | Xaldin | 49.695.389 | 15 | Ari 1 | 353.493.278 | Fngorh | 49.195.409 | 16 | Loki of Azure | 351.336.028 | Kevin Henry | 48.356.042 | 17 | Jack Torrance | 316.291.882 | John R | 46.099.949 | 18 | Ricky Harris | 316.039.899 | p0pkwiz | 45.684.918 | 19 | Simon Dabney | 285.725.426 | Ricky Harris | 45.148.557 | 20 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 266.369.831 | L3athalSerph | 44.538.256 | | Army
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Dubhthaigh | 33.214.632 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 4.098.845 | 2 | Kevin Henry | 30.862.839 | Arkh Mori | 4.084.418 | 3 | Xaldin | 21.785.995 | Kevin Henry | 3.429.204 | 4 | Martock | 20.156.657 | Dubhthaigh | 3.321.463 | 5 | Fngorh | 18.928.935 | Robert | 2.580.318 | 6 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 16.395.381 | Xaldin | 2.178.600 | 7 | John R | 15.345.710 | Barney Rubble | 2.025.756 | 8 | Elaieva | 14.803.249 | Martock | 2.015.666 | 9 | MysteryStyle | 14.075.257 | MysteryStyle | 2.010.751 | 10 | Loki of Azure | 14.036.798 | John R | 1.918.214 | 11 | jason | 13.614.457 | Fngorh | 1.892.894 | 12 | Valkyrie | 12.392.405 | Valkyrie | 1.770.344 | 13 | Keith Taylor | 12.182.317 | Elaieva | 1.644.805 | 14 | Nolan7 | 10.199.926 | keto | 1.537.636 | 15 | Halaballoo | 8.921.640 | Crossdale | 1.396.070 | 16 | Barney Rubble | 8.103.023 | slocketer | 1.380.894 | 17 | Ari 1 | 7.185.557 | L3athalSerph | 1.218.998 | 18 | daffy duck | 6.406.499 | Keith Allaire | 1.206.455 | 19 | Sir Michael | 5.841.561 | Ari 1 | 1.197.593 | 20 | Jack Torrance | 5.639.986 | jason | 1.134.538 | | Production
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Martock | 9.875.129.709.932 | Robert | 1.173.559.695.596 | 2 | Dubhthaigh | 9.799.615.924.085 | Jinson Xu | | 3 | Xaldin | | Martock | 987.512.970.993 | 4 | Fngorh | 5.947.474.359.279 | Dubhthaigh | 979.961.592.409 | 5 | Keith Taylor | 5.344.888.472.019 | Barney Rubble | 923.801.024.481 | 6 | jason | 5.280.561.064.906 | slocketer | 876.744.892.276 | 7 | Elaieva | 5.100.540.932.885 | Arkh Mori | 807.920.160.135 | 8 | Valkyrie | 5.031.669.403.020 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 773.448.713.257 | 9 | John R | 4.955.988.000.352 | Jack Torrance | 740.266.217.044 | 10 | Sir Michael | 4.777.832.930.587 | Ari 1 | 737.574.187.364 | 11 | Jack Torrance | 4.441.597.302.261 | Valkyrie | 718.809.914.717 | 12 | Ari 1 | 4.425.445.124.182 | Xaldin | 708.128.144.619 | 13 | Loki of Azure | 4.402.283.137.066 | Simon Dabney | 652.359.693.898 | 14 | Kevin Henry | 4.357.381.347.274 | Game Conservator | 639.621.076.314 | 15 | Halaballoo | | John R | 619.498.500.044 | 16 | DGoE | 3.957.913.085.673 | Jack Frost | 610.528.634.694 | 17 | daffy duck | 3.805.196.846.928 | awesomeO | 606.620.905.220 | 18 | Barney Rubble | 3.695.204.097.922 | L3athalSerph | 599.406.570.289 | 19 | Ricky Harris | 3.668.721.909.843 | Alexandria | 594.959.874.046 | 20 | slocketer | 3.506.979.569.102 | Fngorh | 594.747.435.928 | | Nominal Value
Rank | President Name | Total | President Name | Average | 1 | Dubhthaigh | $928,6 | Valkyrie | $212,9 | 2 | Martock | $822,6 | Jinson Xu | $155,3 | 3 | John R | $646,6 | Valkyrie | $138,1 | 4 | Xaldin | $646,0 | Saber | $137,1 | 5 | Elaieva | $514,6 | Coagmano | $132,6 | 6 | MysteryStyle | $510,5 | Badmudder | $121,4 | 7 | Ari 1 | $505,3 | MSgt.RJM | $119,8 | 8 | Kevin Henry | $497,8 | slocketer | $110,6 | 9 | Valkyrie | $496,5 | awesomeO | $109,2 | 10 | Fngorh | $480,2 | Game Conservator | $106,9 | 11 | Jinson Xu | $465,9 | Barney Rubble | $105,1 | 12 | Jack Torrance | $455,1 | Jack Frost | $102,9 | 13 | slocketer | $442,5 | Arkh Mori | $102,8 | 14 | awesomeO | $436,7 | Shinju | $102,3 | 15 | Game Conservator | $427,5 | Vengent | $100,2 | 16 | Barney Rubble | $420,3 | Nelus | $94,5 | 17 | DGoE | $403,6 | Dubhthaigh | $92,9 | 18 | Ricky Harris | $378,5 | TheDarknessCreeping | $92,6 | 19 | Sir Michael | $368,4 | timmtc | $91,9 | 20 | Keith Taylor | $367,4 | Man of Peace | $88,6 | | Production per capita
Rank | President Name | Ppc | 1 | Barney Rubble | 16.597,92 | 2 | daffy duck | 15.239,03 | 3 | awesomeO | 14.954,13 | 4 | PresidentDrew | 14.857,79 | 5 | iwin | 14.586,15 | 6 | jason | 14.494,23 | 7 | Jinson Xu | 14.463,09 | 8 | slocketer | 14.462,85 | 9 | Xaldin | 14.249,37 | 10 | El Cruz | 14.107,47 | 11 | Valkyrie | 14.102,94 | 12 | Jack Torrance | 14.042,72 | 13 | John R | 13.438,16 | 14 | Elaieva | 13.207,61 | 15 | ChingizHun Otto | 12.988,17 | 16 | Dubhthaigh | 12.927,05 | 17 | Martock | 12.806,70 | 18 | Sir Michael | 12.693,37 | 19 | Loki of Azure | 12.530,12 | 20 | Ari 1 | 12.519,18 | | Percentage in the Army
Rank | President Name | % | 1 | Kevin Henry | 7,09 | 2 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 6,16 | 3 | MysteryStyle | 5,57 | 4 | Xaldin | 4,38 | 5 | Dubhthaigh | 4,38 | 6 | John R | 4,16 | 7 | Loki of Azure | 4,00 | 8 | Fngorh | 3,85 | 9 | Elaieva | 3,83 | 10 | jason | 3,74 | 11 | Barney Rubble | 3,64 | 12 | Valkyrie | 3,47 | 13 | El Cruz | 2,87 | 14 | Nolan7 | 2,72 | 15 | Martock | 2,61 | 16 | daffy duck | 2,57 | 17 | iwin | 2,56 | 18 | Halaballoo | 2,44 | 19 | Daconia | 2,40 | 20 | Keith Taylor | 2,32 | |
John R | Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:51 pm  Totals Population
Rank | President Name | Total | 1 | John R | 2.076.390.369 | 2 | Daconia | 2.026.901.725 | 3 | MysteryStyle | 1.588.110.219 | 4 | Riley S | 1.262.619.044 | 5 | Valkyrie | 1.258.730.337 | 6 | Matt . | 1.215.886.840 | 7 | Steven Ryan | 1.072.728.633 | 8 | Dubhthaigh | 1.013.730.872 | 9 | Jinson Xu | 937.480.669 | 10 | Slim | 923.377.642 | 11 | Yankee | 916.841.192 | 12 | Martock | 910.999.212 | 13 | Ms Claws | 823.171.603 | 14 | La Sombra | 801.848.185 | 15 | sfo Treasurer | 799.195.872 | 16 | Fnord Prefect | 790.164.314 | 17 | Christian The Great | 777.287.400 | 18 | Webspinner | 769.685.285 | 19 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 755.553.518 | 20 | DGoE | 750.974.960 | | Army
Rank | President Name | Total | 1 | John R | 83.693.791 | 2 | Matt . | 68.081.234 | 3 | MysteryStyle | 66.899.966 | 4 | Daconia | 52.543.951 | 5 | sfo Treasurer | 48.011.583 | 6 | Steven Ryan | 43.158.536 | 7 | Valkyrie | 41.577.416 | 8 | Jinson Xu | 38.915.960 | 9 | Ms Claws | 38.522.690 | 10 | Dubhthaigh | 38.208.799 | 11 | Kevin Henry | 34.507.363 | 12 | La Sombra | 32.897.343 | 13 | Nute Gunray | 30.991.765 | 14 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 30.842.189 | 15 | richard | 30.820.382 | 16 | TattooedPriest | 30.133.844 | 17 | Webspinner | 28.601.521 | 18 | Saber | 28.353.229 | 19 | Ron McBride | 26.871.140 | 20 | Yankee | 26.640.392 | | Production
Rank | President Name | Total | 1 | John R | 21.839.923.606.691 | 2 | Daconia | 20.249.968.575.431 | 3 | Valkyrie | 17.879.843.668.777 | 4 | Dubhthaigh | 11.959.498.275.234 | 5 | Riley S | 11.832.326.568.235 | 6 | Martock | 11.600.101.246.064 | 7 | Man of Peace | 10.614.237.577.995 | 8 | Webspinner | 10.362.659.263.086 | 9 | sfo Treasurer | | 10 | Steven Ryan | 9.944.725.839.777 | 11 | La Sombra | 9.379.453.687.962 | 12 | Elaieva | 9.163.938.908.677 | 13 | Jinson Xu | 8.700.249.077.138 | 14 | Quetzalcoatl God of War | 8.316.113.578.749 | 15 | Xaldin | 8.300.906.820.464 | 16 | Dale Legge | 8.244.505.219.899 | 17 | Christian The Great | | 18 | MysteryStyle | 7.976.014.036.856 | 19 | Ron McBride | 7.731.138.258.594 | 20 | Phatz | 7.725.757.842.610 | | Nominal Value
Rank | President Name | Total | 1 | Valkyrie | $3.476,6 | 2 | John R | $3.056,0 | 3 | Man of Peace | $2.124,1 | 4 | Dubhthaigh | $2.105,7 | 5 | Webspinner | $1.685,9 | 6 | Daconia | $1.651,2 | 7 | Steven Ryan | $1.442,3 | 8 | Christian The Great | $1.343,2 | 9 | Elaieva | $1.306,8 | 10 | Inoaikhan | $1.064,9 | 11 | Slim | $1.055,6 | 12 | rob | $1.052,0 | 13 | Riley S | $983,9 | 14 | Simon Dabney | $973,9 | 15 | ebby247 | $972,3 | 16 | Danneh Turner | $940,4 | 17 | Phatz | $896,6 | 18 | DGoE | $879,2 | 19 | Ms Claws | $875,3 | 20 | sfo Treasurer | $873,3 | |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 12:12 am  Thanks Laguna |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 01:24 am  The 2nd "Fearless Blue" is mislabeled. Should be White Giant. |
John R | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 01:27 am  Thanks for the notice. |
jason (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 01:35 am  thanks man!!! |
Slim (White Giant) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 01:45 am  thank you LG |
Dubhthaigh | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 01:51 am  Thanks Lg. Nice to see me in the top 5 for all worlds when i only have 1 big empire. |
lasher (Fearless Blue) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 08:27 am  Thanks you for the work it must have taken. Wow I need to work on my Production. And shrink my Army some more. Thanks again V/R Lasher |
Danneh Turner (Fearless Blue) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 11:11 am  Much appreciated Laguna, thank you |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 01:19 pm  Thanks again Laguna.....BUT!!! I think my main country should have been in there somewhere. ETRURIA - my armed forces should have put me on the army list somewhere towards the bottom, as should the percentage of citizens in the army. Apart from that little ommision (unless the stats are generated on a month old basis), then good work!!! |
John R | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 03:56 pm  No, Stuart, no... There's no mistake there. You do not satisfy the initial population criteria (x>60mil), so you don't appear on the PPC and Army list. And your military is ranked 40nd. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 04:49 pm  OK - thanks for that Laguna. I was hoping to appear on one of these stat lists this month, but never mind. Maybe a couple of months time. In the meantime, can you do a stat list just for me please? So that I appear top of somthing? Best newcomer??? |
John R | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 08:45 pm  Well, if you wish, I could post a detailed analysis of your empire. :p |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 08:55 pm  Be careful what you wish for. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 10:15 pm  erm...go on then Laguna. Just be careful with any information which may be sensitive to my enemies i.e detailed info on my armed forces. This will be good to look at!!! |
John R | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 10:37 pm  Its all innocent info... Variation = July's 2278 - July's 2269
President Name | | | | Stuart Taylor | Total | Average | Varition | Number of Countries | 3 | | 2 | Score | 3.093,0 | 1031 | 2.452 | Finance Rank | 5.384 | 1794,67 | 4.104 | War Rank | 1.157 | 385,67 | -558 | Employment Index | 227 | 75,63 | 172 | Business Index | 343 | 114,23 | 276 | Welfare Index | 252 | 83,97 | 186 | Population | 55.104.920 | 18.368.306,7 | 46.593.191 | Total Corporate Value | 320.047.565.667 | 106.682.521.889,0 | 200.583.747.279 | Total Employed | 26.375.165 | 8.791.721,7 | 23.471.266 | Total Unemployed | 4.928.505 | 1.642.835,0 | 3.327.446 | Total Income | 371.410.418.503 | 123.803.472.834,3 | 295.093.802.718 | Employed Army | 4.023.301 | 1.341.100,3 | 3.588.243 | Total Production Value | 535.805.750.516 | 178.601.916.838,7 | 491.552.412.013 | Total Assets | 29.849.787.839.284 | 9.949.929.279.761,3 | 34.115.320.493.707 | Value of Military Assets | 20.787.082.755.968 | 6.929.027.585.322,7 | 20.787.082.755.968 | Nominal Value | $46,90 | $15,63 | #VALUE! | |
Empire Wide | Percentage/Value | Active Population | 56,81 | Army | 7,3 | Production per Capita | 9723,37 | Production per Capita (2) | 23971,41 | Game Level | 2 | | Actually, I could have sworn I had a better sheet than this one... WTF is it? |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Friday, August 1, 2008 - 11:25 pm  Good work!!! Where the hell do you get all that detailed information from??? Anyway - just another 4,895,080 sims needed till i make my debut in the stats - hopefully next month!!! Not bad for someone whos only been playing for 3 weeks though, is it? Thanks again Laguna - most helpful!!! |
Dubhthaigh (Little Upsilon) | Saturday, August 2, 2008 - 01:45 am  Did some stats for my empire on LU.
President Name | | | Dubhthaigh | Total | Average | Number of Countries | 11 | | Score | 17,473.00 | 1,588.45 | Population | 810,560,056 | 73,687,278 | Employed | 311,951,263 | 28,359,206 | Employed Army | 32,498,712 | 2,954,428 | Total Production | 10,196,779,542,358 | 926,979,958,396 | Total Assets | 559,170,544,854,631 | 50,833,685,895,876 | Nominal value | 1,031.80 | 93.80 | Total Income | 3,204,719,280,872 | 291,338,116,443 | Employment index | 825.40 | 75.04 | Production Per Worker* | 36,488 | | Income Per Worker* | 11,468 | | | *This means the production or income (A) divided by the total employed(B) minus the army (C). A/(B-C) = Production or Income per corporate worker. I feel this is a more accurate reflection of economic performance. |
andycl (Fearless Blue) | Monday, August 4, 2008 - 12:15 am  thanks as well,neat to see all at once! ac |
Cujo Havez (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 10, 2008 - 08:02 pm  Thank you very much for your work in compiling these statistics which happen to be my Stats Debut. Look forward to working with everyone in the future. Cujo GR Army Total: 20 Cujo Havez 5.743.176 Production Per Capita: 10 Cujo Havez 10.248,14 |
Dubhthaigh (Little Upsilon) | Monday, August 11, 2008 - 03:19 am  You go girl! Girl power! Eat those men! Woo! |