Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 01:18 am  some players will go to any extreme to find fault with others. go for it all you want but when it comes to me i am looking to find what is right. now i will be ready to fight a war with all of you haters. BUT I WILL SAY THIS YOUR WRONG JOHN L HAS ALWAYS STOOD UP FOR THE AF SO GET READY I AM GOING TO NUKE YOU CRAZY MEN ALL THE WAY OFF OF GR. Nuclear Melissa |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 01:35 am  cough...Plant....cough....Wendy....Cough....bullshit...cough..... |
Slim | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 01:43 am  cough...spy...cough....always knew it....cough |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 03:03 am  here slim let me send you a nuclear missile it will do wonders for your cough in fact you won't have a cough anymore or even a throat to cough out of because of the nuclear blast that will be burning away all of you flesh. When I get thought with you crybabies you will wish you had never crossed John L. and as for your friend Quetzalcoatl God of War you are just one bigtime losser who was one of the ones who went with barney and slim to cry to the UC saying " wa wa we can't take it any more" well if any body is a sell it is you whining no good for nothing lousy squeling wa wa i want my mommy sniviling brats. so listen and listen good because i am going to blast your countries all the way off of gr. Nuclear Melissa |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 03:12 am  Large Nuclear War Disaster hits REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL The measured strength of the impact was 0.6. 39277 persons were killed and 56897 persons were wounded. 509907 persons were displaced by the attack. w00t. You rock!..... Oh wait...Sorry that was you that GOT attacked...My bad. Go Bayar! |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 03:58 am  Hostilities between REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL and Happy Tree Friends Exeter is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Exeter may have been destroyed. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 04:00 am  Hostilities between Happy Tree Friends and REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL Happy Tree Friends fleet 'Exeter' placed a nuclear attack on Altena strategic military base. No damage to Altena is reported. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL forces used 1 nuclear defense missile in the defense. On the Happy Tree Friends side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL defense was assisted by the Garrison TG1846 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Happy Tree Friends and REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL Happy Tree Friends fleet 'Exeter' placed a nuclear attack on Altena strategic military base. No damage to Altena is reported. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL forces used 1 nuclear defense missile in the defense. On the Happy Tree Friends side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL defense was assisted by the Garrison TG1846 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL and Happy Tree Friends REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL ground or air force placed a nuclear attack on Verdonne city. On the side of Happy Tree Friends there were 1581 casualties and 3230 civilians were wounded. Verdonne is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Verdonne may have been destroyed. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 04:03 am  Nuclear attacks are very destructive. You will probably make a lot of damage. However, nuclear attacks won't go unnoticed and it is likely the International Community or the Security Council will act against you. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 04:04 am  You commanded a Nuclear Attack on Happy Tree Friends. You launched a Nuclear missile. The target is completely destroyed. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL ground or air force placed a nuclear attack on Utrakta city. On the side of Happy Tree Friends there were 1581 casualties and 2946 civilians were wounded. Utrakta is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Utrakta may have been destroyed. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 04:06 am  Hostilities between REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL and Happy Tree Friends REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL ground or air force placed a nuclear attack on Utrakta city. On the side of Happy Tree Friends there were 1581 casualties and 2946 civilians were wounded. Utrakta is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Utrakta may have been destroyed. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 04:07 am  Large Nuclear War Disaster hits Happy Tree Friends The measured strength of the impact was 0.8. 37632 persons were killed and 46482 persons were wounded. 577736 persons were displaced by the attack. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 04:24 am  You are planning a Nuclear Attack on Happy Tree Friends. Are you sure you want to launch a Nuclear missile? yes he is going to die along with all the other crybabies here is another nuclear missile for you slim hope it helps the cough The target is completely destroyed. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL ground or air force placed a nuclear attack on Hafford city. On the side of Happy Tree Friends there were 1580 casualties and 2077 civilians were wounded. Hafford is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Hafford may have been destroyed. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 04:56 am  Large Nuclear War Disaster hits Happy Tree Friends The measured strength of the impact was 0.9. 49269 persons were killed and 58030 persons were wounded. 606091 persons were displaced by the attack. |
Slim | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 05:22 am  Um that's what the newspaper is for so everyone will see don't have to post every nuking like its your first time. and a half to take an undefended nation? boy you AF noobs sure suck. |
Crossdale | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 05:57 am  I dont know what your talking about slim, because you guys have not yet taken John L's country either. So YOU suck Crossdale. |
Slim (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 06:07 am  well considering bayer was undefended at the start of the war, i think hes done fairly well in the light of over 30 nukings |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 06:21 am  well that is a certain credit to all the expert training that former af chairman was not providing for the af noobs i repeat was not providing and as for leading us well sure he showed us how to not win a war. but that is the past and i am on my first ever nuking war and i think i am getting an addiction to nukes so i will be more than happy to make this nuke fest last another 100 attacks and i will be so happy to send slim some of the fallout as well as his baby brothers who are some much talk and not all that good at backup. slim you may want to consider your chioce of friends as it seems to me that it was the backup guys who were whining and crying for peace from uc. so get ready because i am going to send u some fallout like u never have felt before. NUCLEAR MELISSA |
Slim (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 06:30 am  OK LH |
Barney Rubble (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 07:07 am  In the spirit of spamming I shall play the master Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf Iraqi Info minister _________________________ My message For wendy/mellisa ----"My feelings - as usual - we will slaughter them all" For T bal ----"I can say, and I am responsible for what I am saying, that they have started to commit suicide under the walls of (Happy Tree friends). We will encourage them to commit more suicides quickly." For JohnL ----"they are nowhere near the airport(?) ..they are lost in the desert...they can not read a compass...they are retarded." For UC ---"I am not talking about the (UC)," he said. "I am talking about those mercenaries(Here I am). ... They have started throwing those pencils, but they are not pencils, they are booby traps to kill the children." _______________________ I must of course protect the children... |
Wendy (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 07:21 am  Well GOW, I don't know how my name got coughed out of your mouth or for what reason. I'm just going to laugh. I am not Nuclear Melissa, as some one in IRC seemed to think earlier. Although, she has seemed to take a stand against a player that, well, i guessed rubbed her wrong. I'd like to stay out of this mess, seems everytime i get into a coversation the whole "club vet has to move mountains to stop the fallout. Now keep me out of it! Before I come out of secured and second some motions here. LOL Just kidding THX. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 08:41 am  Barney Rubble your just a big baby got to go and cry "waL waL please uc stop bombing me" well when i get done with you and your little playground bully boys your not going have any mouth left to cry with. i will let it rain radioactive dust on all of your countries to the point that they will not be worth 1 gold coin for decades to come. So enough of all your big talk and just bring it on i got plenty of nuclear missiles that i will be more than gald to send you way. Wendy i do not even know you and i am glad you can laughJ about these cry babies it seems that they always want to complain and talk a bunch of smack about things. they think they know everything about everything. NUCLEAR MELISSA |
Wendy (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 10:27 am  Agreed Melissa, I moved right next to these idiots. Its good to see somebody stand up for something they really believe in. Camp Lejuene I can see you from my porch. On a lighter note . . . cut the multi crap out. Everytime, somebody has an issue with these guys, You just have to be a multi. First of all Melissa spells way better than LH. And second you can keep a good eye on me, form right across the pasture. I see little marines in tutus' marching along. |
Austia (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 10:30 am  1st- stop dragging our good name in the dirt...can we help it we kick ass? 2nd- what happened to brotherly love? you all used to be so tight. 3rd- I really do rock at life :-) Austia |
Dubhthaigh (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 03:19 pm  Nuclear Melissa isn't Wendy, and Wendy is not a multi. Just because a female player takes a stand does not means she has to be identified with another one who has in the past; it's not so rare. Just look at real history books and you'll see. Firstly they type differently; Melissa seems to use short one clause sentences to drive her point home. Wendy often uses a comma to add detail or some type of satire to a point.
well that is a certain credit to all the expert training that former af chairman was not providing for the af noobs i repeat was not providing and as for leading us well sure he showed us how to not win a war.
First of all Melissa spells way better than LH. And second you can keep a good eye on me, form right across the pasture. I see little marines in tutus' marching along. Secondly, Wendy knows how to use a capital letter. Third, Melissa seems to be displaying some kind of anxiety to prove herself to the community - shown by the posting of newspaper clippings and her almost theatrical denounciation of Slim - she feels she is being judged, epitomised by her response against Sam;
uclear attacks are very destructive. You will probably make a lot of damage. However, nuclear attacks won't go unnoticed and it is likely the International Community or the Security Council will act against you. Whereas Wendy is criticising the community for their judging of people.
n a lighter note . . . cut the multi crap out. Everytime, somebody has an issue with these guys, You just have to be a multi. In all, it would be psychologically very hard to act out two different perspectives, with such detail. |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 05:49 pm  Quote:In all, it would be psychologically very hard to act out two different perspectives, with such detail.
You missed the Kirk Urban/Nikki Urban/ Wyatt X/ Night Prowler/ Natas Gilnap episode..... |
John R | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 05:52 pm  Yeah, and you are forgetting I am the mod and I can see IPs. Wendy is not Melissa. Plus, Melissa has been playing far longer than Wendy. |
Dubhthaigh (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 05:55 pm  I've donethat kind of thing before in chat, Sam. Pretending to be other people, and fooling them too. I am quite good at telling if two accoutns are the same person. |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 06:11 pm  Quote:cough...Plant....cough....Wendy....Cough....bullshit...cough.....
No mention of multi....Only plant. |
Dubhthaigh (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 06:49 pm  I don't understand what you mean by 'plant' lol. Must be an American thing. |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 06:59 pm  Plant: Slang a person placed, or thing planned or used, to trick, mislead, or trap Slang to place (a person or thing) in such a way as to trick, trap, etc. to place (an ostensible news item) in a newspaper, etc. with some ulterior motive, as in order to mold public opinion Slang to hide or conceal to place (something) surreptitiously where it is certain to be found or discovered |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 07:20 pm  Star 10 army takes full control in Happy Tree Friends After the attack, the president of Happy Tree Friends is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by Star 10 has been nominated. On the side of Happy Tree Friends there were 815 casualties and 1578 civilians were wounded. Baltassa is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Baltassa may have been destroyed. On the Star 10 side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Great fighting with you on this war Mr. John L. You have shown that you are indeed a great leader in the AF. John L. is strong. AF is strong. Nuclear Melissa is strong. LONG LIVE AF !!!!! DOWN WITH THE HATERS!!! |
Slim | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 08:18 pm  strong.LOL takes you two full days to take and undefended country. John L. is inept...and this is only the first battle. |
Wendy (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 09:12 pm  I think its funny that it couldnt be defended for more than two days. I guess you conveniently didnt want it anymore? Thx for the no multi vote of confidence. I hope that this isn't something we can't work past. |
Slim (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 09:38 pm  shut up wendy, im the only one who defended you when that question was raised...what you said to me last night was the last straw go your own way ill go mine, but dont talk to me again |
Wendy (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 10:21 pm  lol, whatever Ameche, we've been on our own ways, and your right, That was the last straw, Im right next door to you in case it goes any further. You defended nothing, especially not me, now or ever. I'd focus on defending what you have left, as will I. |
Slim (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 10:29 pm  lol your threats are meaningless or havent you noticed the main is secured. loser retard...not to mention a total bitch. i did defend you...too bad your eyes are closed |
Wendy (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 10:32 pm  lol, you'd better keep it secured too, you do have two slaves that I'd hope you value, more than your yapper. |
Slim (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 10:56 pm  please...youll never be able to touch is for one thing and one thing only right now...and guess what IT WAS NEVER YOUR BUSINESS. so shaddup |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 11:13 pm  strong.LOL takes you two full days to take and undefended country. John L. is inept...and this is only the first battle. well there were several military units in that country. as for it seeming to be long it took just about 24 hours real time. perhaps that seems long to you slim since your last battle with john fire only lasted a few minutes and smack you were defeated. so like i said before if someone wants to learn how to not win a war just look to slim and ask him for advice. but now Mr. John L is teaching me how to win wars. so i will leave you with this question slim when was the last time you won a war against an active president? Does anyone know because i do not recall ever seeing it in the newspaper. LONG LIVE AF!!!! DOWN WITH THE CRYBABIES!!! NUCLEAR MELISSA |
Wendy (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 11:15 pm  Then tell your buds to keep my name out of their posts, and I would shaddup. You've been warned and visited, now you shaddup. |
Austia (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 3, 2008 - 11:45 pm  Don't worry about Deffy wendy. He has a huge chunk of rebar permanently wedged in his back side. Not to mention he has a grumpy disposition. |
Slim (Golden Rainbow) | Monday, August 4, 2008 - 12:29 am  my friends are not my responsibility...sorry they do what they like, i have no power to tell them otherwise...just because your fed is full of drones that have been brainwashed, does not mean the rest of SC is the same. you want them to stop go to them. once again your psuedo hatred for me leads you to place blame where it doesnt belong. these people are independant thinkers and will remain so. i cant help it if your miniscule brain cant comprehend that. Yeah and the base your anger on lies. get over yourself. |
DavePat | Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - 01:21 am  Does it strike anyone else as odd that when the AF/UC war was going on we didnt hear from half the people now sticking up for John L and his bid for power. If these people had used their power to defend their fed to begin with and after the fact had then questioned in an open forum the leadership maybe they would not now be viewed the way they are. |
DavePat | Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - 01:25 am  Learning how to win wars against undefended countries. Allow me to point out one thing, unless you are using ground invasions deployed units are fairly much a nonparticipant, pointless and worthless in defending a country. Even then I rarely (and only if I am bored) ever attack them directly. If John L hasnt explained that taking an undefended country should not take more than 30 minutes and thats if you mess around and all else I explained here, then you need a new teacher. |
Valkyrie (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - 05:50 am  If anyone who thinks that JohnL&Friends put up a good showing against Bayar's country.... LOL. This was akin to a wet noodle fight. Bayar had no capacity other than a handful of nukes to fight back (as could be seen by anyone who took a peek at his UNSECURED indexes before the war). I wonder how much money you incompetents wasted on nukes alone. It's a shame. Bayar in his peak would have wrecked anyone in that fed. At least he made a few more people look like fools before he went out. EDIT: Also, Daconia is the proper leader of AF. John L is acting as second. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, November 5, 2008 - 05:23 am  time to bump this one NUCLEAR MELISSA |
Treasurer (White Giant) | Thursday, November 6, 2008 - 06:35 pm  Dead thread dumbass |
Capone (Kebir Blue) | Thursday, November 6, 2008 - 07:43 pm  Is it me or does she sound like a mixture of wendy and LH? LOL, either way shes a joke. |
David Walker (Golden Rainbow) | Friday, November 7, 2008 - 03:01 pm  A short note to say the leadership of AF is now stable in my hands again. Daconia is still a valued member but has RL commitments consuming time. It is always a shame when split occur in a large fed but with the the event at the time and large numbers of members, it is not unusual. AF has returned to it's neutral stance and will aid GR when required. AF has no negative diplomatic relations with any party. |
Green Paws (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, July 17, 2011 - 03:09 am  I wonder who's still here? AF was supposed to be long lasting but I wonder if the gamemasters will encourage me to stay this time without smashing my achievements. |
Psycho_Honey | Sunday, July 17, 2011 - 03:19 am  I was just looking at this thread a while ago I'm pretty sure its just Aqua Rainbow now. And Stevie Ryan is affiliated, lol. Most of GREF were former AF members when that fed was started.. |
Green Paws (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, July 20, 2011 - 05:19 pm  It's a shame there no Allied Forces federation any more. It clocked up almost a decade and I was there for much of it. It's good to see a few still around. |