Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 9, 2008 - 04:22 pm  NUCLEAR MELISSA will not back down from defending AF. i will use all types of weapons. i send nuclear missiles or nfp against the uc. they have no right to fight the AF they have broken the treaty. i will fight till i run out of ammo or my slave is taken . i will rearm another slave and come back to fight yet again. Thanks Mr. John L for teaching me to fight and win wars. NUCLEAR MELISSA Your attack has been launched. The target is for 99 % damaged. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL ground or air force placed a nuclear attack on Telnoa strategic military base. Telnoa is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Telnoa may have been destroyed. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Lake of the Woods Lake of the WoodsLake of the Woo defense was assisted by the Garrison TG2326 unit. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 9, 2008 - 04:23 pm  Your attack has been launched. The target is for 54.5 % damaged. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL ground or air force placed a nuclear attack on Mutare offensive military base. Mutare is very severely damaged. On the Lake of the Woods Lake of the WoodsLake of the Woo side no weapon losses were reported. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Lake of the Woods Lake of the WoodsLake of the Woo defense was assisted by the Garrison TG2145 unit. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 9, 2008 - 04:42 pm  Your attack has been launched. The target is for 99 % damaged. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL ground or air force placed a nuclear attack on Polata strategic military base. Polata is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Polata may have been destroyed. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 9, 2008 - 04:42 pm  Your attack has been launched. The target is for 99 % damaged. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL ground or air force placed a nuclear attack on Mellanti strategic military base. Mellanti is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Mellanti may have been destroyed. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 9, 2008 - 04:45 pm  The target is completely destroyed. REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL ground or air force placed a nuclear attack on Bongor offensive military airport. Bongor is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Bongor may have been destroyed. On the REPUBLIC OF THE NUCLEAR DOLL side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
nix001 (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, August 10, 2008 - 02:08 am  If that's you with your trigger finger on the button. Dam, thats the way to do it! |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Kebir Blue) | Sunday, August 10, 2008 - 04:42 am  As RobG asked me once... Where are the attacks on you Melissa June Doll? |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 10, 2008 - 06:53 am  sad to say but crossdale is extremly brutal, and the slave fell to his hostile actions. but before he took it out i sent 4 nuclear attacks against him and his rogue friend seapebbles. crossdale i say you are good at war. but you are not good at your word. i do not believe that you should have broken the treaty that was in effect between AF and uc. that is wrong. you and seapebbles are just to trigger happy and now i shall not trust you with another treaty. i am telling the whole of the sim country community you are not to trusted when it comes to treaty agreements. as for you quetzal. i do not trust you either. you are just a big crybaby. you are worst than crossdale and the uc at least they fight the war and i have yet to see any of them crying "wa wa we can't take it anymore please give us a ceasefire" but you are always crying for the attacker to stop. so here is my advice if you realy want to live up to your name quit crying and start fighting. stand up and take it like a man. or else shut your yapper and lay back down in the mud. as for me i will be back to nuke crossdale a whole bunch more. i do not even care if he takes my slaves because i just want to keep on nuking his countries every cHance i get. in the end it does matter because i won't back down i will stand my ground. i will hold true to what AF stands for. and i will NUKE CROSSDALE every time i get another nuclear missle or H bomb it will have his name on it. i will be gald to send them his way special delivery. you should not have broken the treaty crossdale. NUCLEAR MELISSA is going to make a whole lot more strat weapons. on a side note i will try to make sure that there is some relief sent to any non-warring countries who suffer form the fall out that crossdale has brought down upon his countries by being false to the treaty. one final note the nuclear diaster that were delt to crossdale and seapebbles did take a nice toll on the uc pop lol they will be a few more deaths in the days to come. Large Nuclear War Disaster with a magnitude of 0.46 in Team Arliss 22 Aug 2574 5577 civilians wounded and 48728 persons evacuated in Kilimanjaro. 2316 civilians wounded and 20157 persons evacuated in Movado. 86951 civilians wounded and 837028 persons evacuated in Team Arliss. Large Nuclear War Disaster with a magnitude of 0.79 in Kilimanjaro 22 Aug 2574 95388 civilians wounded and 1130925 persons evacuated in Kilimanjaro. 6628 civilians wounded and 87586 persons evacuated in Movado. 8415 civilians wounded and 80546 persons evacuated in Team Arliss. Large Nuclear War Disaster with a magnitude of 0.5 in Dirt and Nute Drowning WormsDirt and Nute Drowning 22 Aug 2574 65355 civilians wounded and 579539 persons evacuated in Dirt and Nute Drowning WormsDirt and Nute Drowning. Large Nuclear War Disaster with a magnitude of 0.83 in Lake of the Woods Lake of the WoodsLake of the Woo 20 Aug 2574 36771 civilians wounded and 373629 persons evacuated in Lake of the Woods Lake of the WoodsLake of the Woo. 437 civilians wounded and 4197 persons evacuated in Elizabeth Number 111111111111111111111111111111111. see you on the battle field real soon crossdale NUCLEAR MELISSA |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 10, 2008 - 07:12 am  This is the thread. Now where is the crying scumbucket? |
Dubhthaigh (Little Upsilon) | Monday, August 11, 2008 - 04:10 am  irl power! Eat those men! Woo! |
Aqua Rainbow II (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 16, 2008 - 06:20 pm  Melissa is no longer a member of Allied Forces! AquaRainbowII (Chairman of Allied Forces HQ) |
SeaPebbles (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 16, 2008 - 08:17 pm  Thats GREAT news Aqua! It seems that you just may be that peaceful, level-headed leader that the AF has been needing... |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 05:44 am  SeaPebbles, Allied Forces has always had peaceful, level-headed leaders. Some have had lower tolerance for pushing than others. I assure you that Aqua will remain peaceful till someone pushes the wrong button. Since I have taken my leave of Allied Forces, My statement does not reflect an official opinion or position from Allied Forces. |
Austia | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 11:23 am  John L, I have seen rabbid bull dogs that are more peaceful and level headed than the former AF leader. That being Ameche. May be a matter of opinion, but I have seen neither of the former. |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 04:28 pm  Austia, I've thought of a thousand replies to your post. I decided that the one I will post will be the least offensive or argumentative. Do you believe an insurance salesman when he says he is concerned about your families future? Or do you think his primary purpose is to receive his commission. Do you believe a saleperson when they say this product will save you money? Do you believe in propaganda? Oh! By the way, Rabid has one "D". |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 06:12 pm  I think you meant one "b". I just thought since you were correcting, I would correct you. |
Austia | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 08:28 pm  Ahhhhhhh! Seems Treasurer pulled one on both of us. |
Capone (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 08:51 pm  See that's the thing...everyone seems to forget quickly that it was the UC that started shit with me, causing this....then hiding behind it as an excuse. You guys need to get over yourselves...and dirtbag? you'll be waiting a loooooong time for any apology from're a scumbag, a used jimmy...nothing to keep on waiting, it'll never come. |
SeaPebbles (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 10:02 pm  There ya go dodging responsibility again Dripcon. Your mouth is what perpetuated the dislike and disrespect you have earned from the masses. You bully and intiminate folks into seeing it your way. Lie about it if you like but I've seen the forwarded letters from ex fedmates of your that you have threatened when they parted company with you. its not that they had a problem with the AF, They LOVED the AF but you drove them away with your holier than thou attitude. I never expected an apoligy from you anyhow. Even if you did bow down and say your sorry I'd still kick ya in the teeth for all the injustices you have demonstrated. I don't ever expect to see you come out of protection, a coward is as a coward does. |
TattooedPriest | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 10:15 pm  He whom hates the UC is next to sin. Book of Priest 18:23 |
Capone (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 10:25 pm  HAHA You're a joke couldn't even try that shit in real life, because I would break you into so many pieces your mom would need superglue to put you back together. Keep it up, you're proving my point. LOL, the only person I threatened upon leaving AF was Dizzy, because his reasoning was bullshit, and he threatened me. Whatever man, your ego is a little big for the room, no? Just as you say we have no clue about the inner workings of the UC, you have and had no clue how AF operates. I don't know where you get your info from, but it's false. Bottom line, karma is a bitch, and she likes to be fed. Carry on as you wish, but you know full well, what comes up, must come down. @Tattooed little boy: Don't give two shits about your version of "sins". Everyone who knows me, knows I'm justified. Your opinions matter not |
TattooedPriest | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 10:34 pm  My version of "sins" are those whom transgress the laws of the UC, and those whom take her name in blasphemy. You have spewed hatred at UC. You have sinned against her. Shame is upon your head. Make straight thine way hastily, lest thou perish. |
SeaPebbles (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 10:39 pm  Ok mind if I call you syphillus? Oh well, I'll just call you herpie from now on. 1st. If you met my brother, me or one of our other brothers in real life, you'd shit yourself. Everyone is 6ft tall 200lbs behind a computer, but we are 6ft tall 200lb mean mf vikings. 2. you whack pud for quarters 3.Karma is a bitch. You should know 4. Don't talk shit to my homie priest. I'll remove you like genital wart. |
TattooedPriest | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 10:42 pm  Thanks General Dirt, you rock man!! |
Capone (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 10:46 pm  LOL You're a tool...the UC is nothing but a conglomerate of multis and losers who have nothing else better to do that to think a game is RL. Your leader exemplifies this, as do all your members. You guys have a really distorted view of how this community sees you. I think you should take another head count. Your pompous ways have led you down the path to self destruction. You have more enemies than you think. Funny, being for all the "brotherhood" hooey, you'd think you would have realized your leaders psychotic behavior towards myself and my friends is out of line and reflecting very poorly on your tiny clan. The way he foams at the mouth like a rabid dog, almost incoherent? The way he spews threats against some of the most powerful players in the game? His continued disrespect and utter hatred (yes, hatred in a game...skitzo) for me and the people I consider friends? You need to check again, UC. Your leader has displayed his temper. And it has been noted by the community. Wake up, for once. Seriously. |
Capone (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 10:49 pm  HAHA Yes, vikings. How appropriate. |
SeaPebbles (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 11:23 pm  Being of Norse decent is a bit more noble than being a washed up ex-marine. especially one that has grown fat and still lives with his mommy. |
Capone (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 11:34 pm  Sure it is. I believe "viking" is also slang for dirty, nasty people. It's why it fits silly. Vastly unintelligent, you are. |
Austia | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 11:40 pm  actually caboner, Vikings mastered seafairing and boat building long before the rest of Europe. You could actually find a metaphor for the UC in the story of the viking. You guys (Europe) taunt and call the us (the vikings) stupid and weak. Yet whenever you see our boats headed towards you, you run and hide in WP (your castle) and call us names from the ramparts. The UC is also a democracy. Every war against the asshat nations was voted on democratically. You know what that is syphillus? Democracy? The AF had to facade of a democracy, just like pakistan. go lay down. Rest your head. All this thinking must be hard on you. |
Capone (Golden Rainbow) | Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 11:41 pm  once again paranoid rantings...cheers im off to speak to better people. |
Tattooed Priest | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 12:04 am  We don't have a distorded view, we have more supporters than enemies. I am not even the UC Chairman and I alone get one to four game messages a day from game members that want to join or ask how they can support our federation. Nute, Austia and some of the others report even more than this. For all of you that generally support us and that are joining our fed in droves, I salute you. Thank you for all of your support. Keep up the good work! I think it is just that Dripcon envies our loyalty to one another. Now go hide and dare not respond you oyster. |
Capone (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 12:13 am  LOL It's easy to have loyalty when there is only 3 of you...rofl....sad. |
TattooedPriest (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 01:09 am  Bad, Bad!! You were told not to respond you oyster! Now go sit in the corner and practice your arithmetic. |
SeaPebbles (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 01:29 am  3 of us? You mean the 3 of us systematically dismantled the largest fed on GR?! Way to go boys! We ROCK! |
sfo Treasurer (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 03:23 am  You have experience in removing genital warts from yourself? Not exactly something I would want to admit in public. But that's me. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 08:53 am  SHAME ON ALL OF YOU WHO WANT TO TALK SO MUCH SMACK. you should all take a good look in the mirror. i think you all need to realize you are acting like a bunch of spoiled two year olds. as for this thread is was nothing to do with your arguements so quit hijacking it. grow up and quit using all that nasty talk. and yes i have left af to work with the one player in this game who has always shown the upmost respect for all the other players even his enemies will agree that he is respectful. thanks Mr. John L. we now have a new federation. i ask all of you get up out of that gutter and go clean your mouthes out with some lysol. this thread is now closed to further backstabbing and foul mouthed delinquents. go back to your own thread and shut your fithy mouths. amistad melissa |
Capone (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 08:57 am  go hang out with your traitor boyfriend. |
TattooedPriest (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 03:02 pm  Melissa June Doll, you have a point, thank you. I almost let Ameche bring me down to his level. I would rather be respectful like John L. Thank you for bringing my behavior to my attention. I hereby publicly apologize for my name calling and bickering. A wise man once said never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference. I am ashamed that I have. |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 04:56 pm  Thank you Melissa for the accolade. Treasurer, LOL, See, I do make mistakes also. Cheers. Capone, You called me taitor. So I was, not to AF but to you. I got sick of being associated with you and the very language you so openly display here. Tattooed Priest, Now you are on the right tract. |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 06:12 pm  OK, sorry but I have to do I think he called you "taitor salad" And again, not to's spelled track. |
TattooedPriest (Golden Rainbow) | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 09:12 pm  pobody is nerfect |
Capone | Sunday, August 24, 2008 - 09:20 pm  You know, you people provoke me to no ends, then when I say something about it I'm the fool. Well, this fool has something to say. As far as I and my fed are concerned, the UC is hereby not allowed on the planet of KB. I will not tolerate your kind of filth there, neither will my fed. Hmmm tattooed, you're already there, guess I will be seeing you soon. I am tired of your feds incessant pandering, your tired provoking, and your continued disrespect. Consider this your last warning. Keep my name out of your mouths. I will not repeat this. Don't come to KB. You're not welcome. |
TattooedPriest (Golden Rainbow) | Monday, August 25, 2008 - 11:34 pm  I am still waiting to hear from you Ameche. |
SeaPebbles (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 10:03 pm  Ameche, Since you and I have agreed to leave each other alone we should at least meet in the middle and come to some sort of territorial agreement. How would you feel about leaving GR altogether and in turn the UC will stay out of KB? Its no secret on how we dislike each other and complete separation may be the key to peace. It will be a difficult deal to make because of all the players in the UC but I think we can achieve it. It will be hard for you and I to stay away from each other as long as you or I are threatening each others fedmates-because it drags us both back into the fray. Lemme know what you think. Thanks Dirt |
Capone (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 10:13 pm  NO I refuse to give up a four hundred dollar main because someone lost their head and decided to send filthy materials to me. Sorry, ain't happening. And the other thing. I simply do not understand where you have the authority to make such an offer. As we all know the UC is a ragtag fed of people with noone in control. I'll take my chances in secured mode, thanks. It's not you, it is the fact your fed has never honored any agreement it has made. And honestly, I don't trust any of you to keep your words anyway. With a leader like Dizzy, you can understand why. Good day. |
SeaPebbles | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 11:50 pm  I can understand you not wanting to give up your very profitable main country, thats fair. This offer I have laid out is only to appease your side and mine, to help to pursue peace. For you to bring up the situation from the other day is wrong Ameche. I wrote you and stated how I feel about it and that should be enough. as far as I am concerned the subject should be squashed until the GM comes back and does what needs to be done. I agreed to keep things civil with you from now on and to stop the silly name calling which you have already seen a differance in my attitude towards you, I hope you appriciate it and I intend to keep my word. The UC is far from ragtag. We all run our own empires as we see fit and come together in times of war. This is way differant than many other feds and its easy for others to consider us "ragtag" because we don't have a clear cut leader. We are more like the tribes of American Indians--a council. Ask Custer how effective it was. Dizzy isn't the leader of the UC. He is indeed very smart and many of us go to him for advice but thats it. No-one Rules the UC. Trust is something that neither 1 of us have for each other but it can be worked on, but it takes 2. My authority is mine, not my feds. If the fed has a disagreement we vote like a democracy, winner take all. This offer to you is just an offer that can be tweeked and worked on...just trying to achieve a lasting peace or ceasefire. If your not willing to at least talk about pulling out of GR (minus your main) thaen there is no reason you won't see me and 25 of my trusted fedmates showing up on KB. We have the right to do it no matter your requests but I'd thought I'd throw you this bone and mabye get something positive achieved. Dirt |
Capone (White Giant) | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 12:55 am  NO The way I view your thread post is a veiled threat. If I do not leave GR you plan on infiltrating KB. Unacceptable. I am simply doing to you on KB as you have done to me on other worlds. Threaten your existence. This is not an idle threat. You see, my fed is VERY active, unlike AF. You guys got lucky with AF. Not so much with The Commission. So, I welcome you to come to KB and violate the will of the residents there. You will see that it will be a fruitless venture. You can consider the banning from KB to be tit for tat. If you all at the UC think you can tell people where to go and whatnot, then so can I. Also. I brought up the incident because it is just one in the long line of verbal harassment I have had to endure from you and your fed. You think that winning a war gives you the right to belittle and harass. It doesn't. Throw me a bone? Do you think I'm some illiterate who doesn't know how to use this war engine? I said it on the other thread and I will say it here too. You're not welcome there, and if you do come, you'll have many more than just me to contend with. Your fed has repeatedly threatened action on ALL worlds. Do you not think people have noticed that? Not everyone approves of the martial law that is called UC law. I would have thought your clan would have realized this by now, seeing all the opposition you're getting. So i guess what I am saying is no, you do not have any inherent 'right' to be on KB. You can, of course make the mistake of paying the thirty coins to start there just to be trounced by 75% of a world which dislikes terrorists. And that's really all you are. You took a hatred for one person and took out an entire fed for it. And to top it off, it was on the word of a psychotic asshat that sits in IRC all day and sucks up fake attention from the internet. Think about it. Your boy planned this for more than a YEAR. Dude, I'm sorry, but that's crazy. This is a game. Not RL. Kind of like a terrorist, no? Basically, and honestly, you pushed my buttons to the point of this. Most of the conversations if ever had with you personally, amongst others in your fed i have talked to it has been nothing but hostile. So why should i believe the dog and pony show now? No, I will not be leaving gr, I will still purchase whatever countries and/or ceos that I wish and do as I wish with them. You want me to "hide" in secured mode so you can get off on how you accomplished something? No. Not likely sir. You and your fed have wronged me more than i have wronged any effin noob you say I am too hard on. So you know what, I'm not even giving it another thought, because deep down, it pisses you right the fuck off to know there's not a damn thing you can do about it. What, boycott? Please. Try again. Use the SC to your direct advantage and ban my nukes? Sounds like your effin scared of me. That's what it sounds like. I cannot make a move on GR without you asshats trying to manipulate the SC. If you're scared, buy a dog. Deffy has always been on GR. And Deffy will stay on GR. So, in closing, I'll throw that bone back at ya with one of my own. You don't scare anyone. You're not allowed on KB, no questions asked, no deals negotiated or agreed to. This is the only option. I will not permit your terroristic attacks inside the walls of this game affect any of the friends I have on KB. For a person that says he belongs to a fed because he feels as tho its his family, you don't seem to understand the relationships I have with many people on KB. This is not GR. You will not be facing a half prepared fed. You will be facing many very active players, some very much more well versed at this game than yourself. I suggest you take that bone and make some soup with it. You won't be needing to throw it back. I think you'll see it is in your best interest to note this and believe it. I'm tired of the harassment, and I will not be putting up with it any longer. Capone AKA Ameche |
SeaPebbles (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 01:36 am  Fair enough Ameche and duly noted. Dirt |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 03:34 am  ROFLMAO well at least the smack talk has a better tone. much more like jive talk now. perhaps you SeaPebbles and you Capone AKA Ameche could be issued some boxing gloves and allowed to fight it out for 10 rounds. btw cant you 2 get your own thread and let this one just rest in peace. you are welcome TattooedPriest and here is one spellinng errror for Mr. John L. NUCLEAR MELISSA |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 05:53 am  Nuclear Melissa, I should of figured out I would get my speling correction thrown back in my face. I was just pulling Austia's leg and made the entire comment in jest. See, I intentionally left a spelling error. |
Melissa June Doll (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 06:20 am  now i am really laughing that is what this thread really needs is a lot of humor but good clean humor . so here is a cute joke. a little witch went to school. she came home so happy. her mom said to her why are you so happy? she told her mom that the school was going to teach her spelling. ok where are those boxing gloves boys we need to see a good clean fight. no low blows. no biting and a good clean break when the bell rings. and get your own thread for the boxing ring. btw way i try to use my spell check every time i go to cast a spell. NUCLEAR MELLISSA |
SeaPebbles (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 10:21 am  Easy now Melissa, I realized I was acting like a lil kid with my potty mouth...pleease don't tell me your bored with it already! lol Its time to act a lil more my age...besides, I may find it more productive. And I happen to like this thread you started, it smells like flowers. |
John L (Golden Rainbow) | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 01:57 pm  Melissa, Hummm, I must be gettign a little slow. It took me three readings of the joke to get it. How is spelling spelled in that application of the word? Must be spelling. LOL |