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Kebir Blue Statistics 28/11/10

Topics: Kebir Blue: Kebir Blue Statistics 28/11/10


Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 04:21 pm Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 923.263.496seven 69.407.174
2Crafty 499.477.967swordland 68.790.223
3flasatos gimp 359.191.204Green Starfish 64.486.356
4Maestro2000 356.317.515Zappa Zuru 62.761.396
5King Xenu 334.139.440Maestro2000 59.386.253
6Bubbinster 305.830.367Crafty 55.497.552
7Gilherme 272.487.367flasatos gimp 51.313.029
8Zappa Zuru 251.045.582Laguna 51.292.416
9Akasha 250.553.473Keto 44.929.165
10Good King Paul 239.684.473m0rehead 41.251.143
11swordland 206.370.669King Xenu 37.126.604
12Beo 195.406.482Akasha 35.793.353
13Green Starfish 128.972.711White Darkness 35.174.906
14Parsifal 123.909.902Kitsune 34.614.559
15Jiang Hu Warrior 106.781.976maclean 33.968.343
16Kitsune 103.843.676Beo 32.567.747
17maclean 101.905.028Parsifal 30.977.476
18The Silverhilltrader 90.903.743Bubbinster 30.583.037
19Keto 89.858.329The Silverhilltrader 30.301.248
20BaneslayerAngel 87.956.586BaneslayerAngel 29.318.862


Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 04:21 pm Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 36.426.764Green Starfish 3.307.239
2Crafty 21.623.527Crafty 2.402.614
3King Xenu 10.041.660Laguna 2.023.709
4Akasha 10.013.184swordland 1.757.286
5Green Starfish 6.614.478Keto 1.507.588
6Bubbinster 5.825.218Akasha 1.430.455
7tula81 5.681.568tula81 1.136.314
8swordland 5.271.858King Xenu 1.115.740
9Zappa Zuru 4.193.409Zappa Zuru 1.048.352
10Beo 4.136.973Parsifal 980.916
11Parsifal 3.923.664BaneslayerAngel 910.688
12Good King Paul 3.786.723Beo 689.496
13Gilherme 3.441.405maclean 675.375
14flasatos gimp 3.416.635m0rehead 639.700
15Keto 3.015.175The Silverhilltrader 628.820
16BaneslayerAngel 2.732.063Bubbinster 582.522
17maclean 2.026.125flasatos gimp 488.091
18The Silverhilltrader 1.886.459seven 449.780
19m0rehead 1.279.399Good King Paul 315.560
20Maestro2000 1.133.003White Darkness 282.362


Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 04:21 pm Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 6.157.698.388.277seven 566.705.243.143
2Crafty 3.350.617.063.982swordland 489.314.078.940
3Maestro2000 2.908.669.534.443Green Starfish 488.730.323.142
4King Xenu 2.300.771.796.459Maestro2000 484.778.255.741
5Zappa Zuru 1.751.599.153.998Zappa Zuru 437.899.788.500
6Akasha 1.710.424.980.225Crafty 372.290.784.887
7flasatos gimp 1.687.435.153.249Laguna 342.094.354.904
8swordland 1.467.942.236.821Keto 325.352.155.999
9Good King Paul 1.264.541.267.955m0rehead 323.116.919.358
10Green Starfish 977.460.646.283Kitsune 300.208.289.982
11Kitsune 900.624.869.946King Xenu 255.641.310.718
12Parsifal 790.753.726.072Akasha 244.346.425.746
13Gilherme 709.357.975.007White Darkness 241.838.650.083
14The Silverhilltrader 664.911.583.347flasatos gimp
15Keto 650.704.311.998The Silverhilltrader 221.637.194.449
16m0rehead 646.233.838.715Parsifal 197.688.431.518
17Bubbinster 637.449.054.636BaneslayerAngel 159.724.843.423
18seven 566.705.243.143Empyron 121.086.563.359
19Beo 521.394.321.606maclean 108.307.842.235
20White Darkness 483.677.300.165Good King Paul 105.378.438.996


Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 04:22 pm Click here to edit this post
Production per capita
RankPresident NamePpc
1Kitsune 8.672,89
2seven 8.164,94
3Maestro2000 8.163,14
4m0rehead 7.832,92
5Green Starfish 7.578,82
6The Silverhilltrader 7.314,46
7Keto 7.241,45
8swordland 7.113,13
9Zappa Zuru 6.977,22
10King Xenu 6.885,66
11White Darkness 6.875,32
12Akasha 6.826,59
13Crafty 6.708,24
14Laguna 6.669,49
15Parsifal 6.381,68
16BaneslayerAngel 5.447,85
17Good King Paul 5.275,86
18flasatos gimp 4.697,87
19Empyron 4.177,13
20Jiang Hu Warrior 3.767,58


Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 04:22 pm Click here to edit this post
Percentage in the Army
RankPresident Name%
1tula81 6,86
2Green Starfish 5,13
3Crafty 4,33
4Akasha 4,00
5Laguna 3,95
6Keto 3,36
7Parsifal 3,17
8BaneslayerAngel 3,11
9King Xenu 3,01
10swordland 2,55
11Beo 2,12
12The Silverhilltrader 2,08
13maclean 1,99
14Bubbinster 1,90
15Zappa Zuru 1,67
16Good King Paul 1,58
17m0rehead 1,55
18Gilherme 1,26
19flasatos gimp 0,95
20White Darkness 0,80


Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 04:22 pm Click here to edit this post
Haven't done one of these in a long time. I haven't done the other four worlds, because I lack the time.


Monday, November 29, 2010 - 08:27 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanks Laguna.

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