Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Buy share control (White Giant)

Topics: White Giant: Buy share control (White Giant)

josias jorvick (White Giant)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 05:06 am Click here to edit this post
hello, all the public corps in sirius no bid, (snb,) and jefferson holdings are open for any one to buy share control.

i will keep adding new public corps to the list for sale.

i'm setting my control to 10% so anything above that will gain control. please do not buy 25% or more...

in addition, not all of the corps will be clearly marked, but the ones that are will have one of several labels, jshq, jss, jsk, jsm, jsy, jsl, jst, snb, or jhp



josias jorvick (White Giant)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 - 07:06 am Click here to edit this post

sfo Treasurer (White Giant)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 - 07:42 pm Click here to edit this post
Josias, brother you are setting yourself up for disaster doing that. In game pm me and I will tell you what might work a little better than just opening your shares to anyone. I shuddered reading that.


josias jorvick (White Giant)

Friday, September 5, 2008 - 10:30 am Click here to edit this post

i'm trying to loose control of those corps, i doubt i'll ever loose control enough to do what i want, no biggy

but in general, if your corp is decent sized, then selling control of it, well, gives you enough money to rebuild, and sill have some left over. if you can make it worth the buyers time, then every one is happy.

i honestly, think that the way share's are viewed should be revisited by vets.

for instance, if i ipo a state corp...

if I IPO a state corp, well, i know your method, T, and i must say, you are the master. and many are your student. I for one have gleened enough knowledge from your posts to do IPOs seemlessly. I recently did 48 from 5 countries, into my 2 CEO's, it took hours, but i did it, and i have you to thank, i want this to be clear, i respect your ability as a ceo.

ok, enough of that, this is where i differ...

if i IPO a state has 500b market value, if i sell 51% (50%) to my ceo, my ceo transfers 250b to my country... and now they share the profits equally (51/49) i can now move the corp outta my country...then sell my ceo shares down to 24%, compaired to your method, this is simpler...less steps

my counrties, just got a huge money boost from doing this in mass. I was recently trying to rip out my econ, and rebuild it for like the forth time... this allowed me to get out corps i don't want, and get my country payed for it. it is a luxury i can afford as i have big powerfull enterprises...

now my enterprise has a corp... at 51%. what do i do with it? I can sell 23% to my other ceo, and put 4% on market? or i can out and out sell the share control, probably at a loss. but i'm actually winning, as i'm freeing up "slots" in good countries, to move more corps

in addition, my country is still getting 49% of the profits, and my ceo 10%, i'm still getting over half the profits some one else is earning... and, they are getting a deal, in the above example...if they buy in at the base cost, and they buy 24% of the corp, assuming they buy 24%, (25% because its easier,) and assuming a fully public corp makes 1b a tick, (a safe assumtion,) they are getting about 0.25b a tick, for an intevestment of less than 125b, (for a 500b corp,) thats better than loans. even at 1t for 250b its still a deal. but considering i'm not manipulating the price, i sure the stock price will be even lower...

because of "control," many have made it taboo to buy share control. and because of that... well, an interesting aspect of the game has been shut down. how many new players have started playing with the stock market, expecting big gains, just to be told that they shouldn't even try, or they'll loose their country???

when i first signed up with my free account, over a year ago, i picked an enterprise...(currently JPH, ranked #5) i ordered my first corp, and waited, and waited, and waited... after about 10 hours, i was wondering what the point of playing an enterprise was with out controlling a single corp??? so i went to the stock market, and my first night i was able to buy control of about 12 corps... i still have some of them.

i really think vets should rethink the stock market, and as players we should all contribute, and make it more interesting for all


sfo Treasurer (White Giant)

Sunday, September 7, 2008 - 02:21 am Click here to edit this post
Well, I think I misunderstood your notion of a "fully" public corp. In order to maximize the quality of the production (370) no entity (country, Inv Fund, or CEO) may own more than 24.99% each of the shares.

You said your country is left with 49% of the shares after selling 51% to your ceo. You are then selling 26% off to anyone else to leave your CEO under 25%? That's fine, but it will still be property of the country that has that 49%.

Max production process quality for each type:
State Owned and operated: 200
State controlled PUBLIC: varies between 200 and 250 depending on share percentages and upgrades
CEO Private: 225
CEO Controlled public: between 200 and 250. 250 if fully public (under 25% ownership by any one entity) and upgrades paid for.

I didn't realize you were purposefully trying to rid yourself of undesirable corps. I understand your thinking then. I thought you were looking for partners to own partial amounts of share percentages to take advantage of the extra quality bump given to "fully" public corps.

I just don't trust people to hang on to the shares and I abhor letting anyone getting their grubby little fingers on those Anyway, good luck with your venture. If you need anything from me, you know where to find me.

josias jorvick (White Giant)

Sunday, September 7, 2008 - 02:36 am Click here to edit this post
a small point your missing T, a country can not control a corp in another country, if you sell down to 49, 51 to your enterprise, you can move the corp, and sell down on the enterprise, leaving your enterprise controlling interest at 24%, and your country as a silent partner at 49%...

but yeah, sounds like we had our wires crossed on what i was trying to do. the corps i'm trying to get rid of are good corps...

o well

josias jorvick (White Giant)

Sunday, September 7, 2008 - 03:07 am Click here to edit this post
i guess this is all a mute point now anyway

sfo Treasurer (White Giant)

Sunday, September 7, 2008 - 11:20 pm Click here to edit this post
lol, yeah

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