Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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President Stats (White Giant)

Topics: White Giant: President Stats (White Giant)

chrysostom (White Giant)

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 10:42 pm Click here to edit this post
Based on total game score.

President_NameArmy (mil)Population (mil) Income (bil) Production (bil) CountriesGame Score
Keith Vann59983 $2,731 $4,320 1934142
Jo Salkilld33723 $2,997 $5,238 1030530
Joe Green14631 $1,242 $3,625 1230509
Ahmose20414 $941 $2,482 1329789
Maestro20002782 $2,152 $5,904 1127736
chrysostom16523 $1,585 $4,336 1027566
La Sombra25642 $1,946 $3,901 1027476
Kaymen Ultra Vires25718 $1,676 $4,037 1427058
Brian K24656 $3,477 $4,777 924778
Jameson347268 $543 $1,786 1124123
Blueserpent25616 $2,036 $4,501 723908
BrokenAmbitions34659 $1,894 $3,999 1223877
James Madison20462 $1,237 $2,878 922427
EC47749 $2,090 $3,129 1521104
Laguna22446 $1,595 $2,668 821036
EO35608 $1,570 $3,162 1320816
Beo16504 $1,382 $3,130 1020540
IndustMech6447 $1,042 $3,090 819856
Gilherme14360 $533 $1,663 1517873
Brian The Terrible17414 $1,415 $2,529 1115844
dboyd370222310 $1,269 $2,003 615750
Kailo089111423 $870 $2,256 1015729
Tobe Lerone8202 $471 $1,237 815207
Aaron Doolavay11318 $664 $1,584 715122
Serpent19532 $1,815 $2,936 814871
Jiang Hu Warrior6459 $790 $2,307 1414674
Kitsune6330 $978 $2,643 914300
DannyD8268 $855 $2,260 614238
Joedigs10368 $788 $1,835 913871
Orbiter31418 $775 $1,585 913711
FAB61711203 $484 $1,353 512298
Quarryman7192 $425 $891 1012060
NeilP4339 $862 $1,873 811040
whiteboy9267 $743 $2,094 411038
Richard Plantagenet5216 $634 $1,903 410413
budman115352 $889 $1,852 1010371
Blazing Saddles2108 $206 $814 69986
jhw9158 $479 $1,059 69904
ABOMB6209 $332 $602 109726
albert-stefan2176 $388 $1,053 79560
Mr Snuggles24386 $936 $2,152 79518
Doug Thomas4178 $474 $1,374 49435
Pale Rider1126 $246 $779 69377
Severin12243 $571 $1,474 58979
Man of Peace8231 $776 $1,265 38962
KissOfDeath8184 $369 $1,307 38952
Elizondo423213 $147 $284 118258
Bigreef1152 $124 $472 88214
kikoman2144 $258 $941 78045
Jake Hsin Tao3106 $160 $464 67799
tezza4136 $379 $920 37777
Alex III2233 $319 $311 97644
Junior8848623135 $136 $320 86983
Jaffle8155 $354 $776 46545
Brutus Buckeye2186 $414 $1,156 46003
Gen Adrian Arbuckle3122 $219 $690 45970
harryp21174 $83 $302 45906
Keto19181 $603 $1,090 35498
Split3160 $428 $1,061 35467
Mr Death16237 $535 $706 45264
jjk49964126 $79 $193 74994
Ms Claws7188 $351 $48 44870
Strikoi254 $137 $408 34704
Chip Hill478 $198 $620 34696
wolfssin255 $49 $129 44652
flasatos gimp2151 $216 $744 34644
Frank Stone7168 $470 $1,204 24565
Attucks Lowa252 $75 $276 34564
Dale3128 $423 $642 44375
Mr. President1108 $375 $641 34259
justind401169 $55 $271 34127
Klaus Von Kleaner260 $92 $179 44123
Jadar244 $59 $166 33957
tgaw2110 $112 $321 43926
nix0011125 $235 $394 43887
Eolguin1991248 $75 $282 33846
FlohOswald144 $104 $302 23817
Aiakos160 $81 $216 43793
ThinkPeace197 $135 $154 43693
Zay406366 $63 $81 43645
LillWadd141 $95 $310 23547
Vorg033 $73 $245 23260
Tenshi146 $50 $103 43192
Goldi397065138 $49 $216 23103
Jayem Deuces272 $43 $61 43005
SittingDuck032 $60 $188 22889
Shamnimyth250 $83 $242 22888
Andvarii031 $41 $173 22886
jjk4806158 $62 $238 22798
andrew9741165 $165 $525 22778
Stadus Fitch030 $53 $185 22762
Pearce141 $45 $223 22737
Andrew De Forest158 $41 $133 32589
caelum267 $41 $165 32582
cmarlin75352 $67 $100 32553
Meno640480230 $39 $59 32525
Boutoille168 $59 $84 32519
joaquinburdado126 $33 $79 22485
Denis972417245 $63 $83 32476
aceman56146 $40 $74 32465

By Army Size

President_NameArmy (mil)Population (mil) Income (bil) Production (bil) CountriesGame Score
Keith Vann59983 $2,731 $4,320 1934142
EC47749 $2,090 $3,129 1521104
EO35608 $1,570 $3,162 1320816
BrokenAmbitions34659 $1,894 $3,999 1223877
Jo Salkilld33723 $2,997 $5,238 1030530
Orbiter31418 $775 $1,585 913711
Kaymen Ultra Vires25718 $1,676 $4,037 1427058
La Sombra25642 $1,946 $3,901 1027476
Blueserpent25616 $2,036 $4,501 723908
Mr Snuggles24386 $936 $2,152 79518
Brian K24656 $3,477 $4,777 924778
Laguna22446 $1,595 $2,668 821036
dboyd370222310 $1,269 $2,003 615750
Ahmose20414 $941 $2,482 1329789
James Madison20462 $1,237 $2,878 922427
Keto19181 $603 $1,090 35498
Serpent19532 $1,815 $2,936 814871
Brian The Terrible17414 $1,415 $2,529 1115844
chrysostom16523 $1,585 $4,336 1027566
Beo16504 $1,382 $3,130 1020540
Mr Death16237 $535 $706 45264
budman115352 $889 $1,852 1010371
Gilherme14360 $533 $1,663 1517873
Joe Green14631 $1,242 $3,625 1230509
Severin12243 $571 $1,474 58979
Kailo089111423 $870 $2,256 1015729
Aaron Doolavay11318 $664 $1,584 715122
FAB61711203 $484 $1,353 512298
Joedigs10368 $788 $1,835 913871
jhw9158 $479 $1,059 69904
whiteboy9267 $743 $2,094 411038
Man of Peace8231 $776 $1,265 38962
KissOfDeath8184 $369 $1,307 38952
DannyD8268 $855 $2,260 614238
Jaffle8155 $354 $776 46545
Tobe Lerone8202 $471 $1,237 815207
Quarryman7192 $425 $891 1012060
Frank Stone7168 $470 $1,204 24565
Ms Claws7188 $351 $48 44870
Jameson347268 $543 $1,786 1124123
Kitsune6330 $978 $2,643 914300
Jiang Hu Warrior6459 $790 $2,307 1414674
IndustMech6447 $1,042 $3,090 819856
ABOMB6209 $332 $602 109726
Richard Plantagenet5216 $634 $1,903 410413
tezza4136 $379 $920 37777
Doug Thomas4178 $474 $1,374 49435
jjk49964126 $79 $193 74994
Mr31458 $24 $150 11529
Chip Hill478 $198 $620 34696
NeilP4339 $862 $1,873 811040
Junior8848623135 $136 $320 86983
Zay406366 $63 $81 43645
Elizondo423213 $147 $284 118258
Dale3128 $423 $642 44375
Gen Adrian Arbuckle3122 $219 $690 45970
Jake Hsin Tao3106 $160 $464 67799
Split3160 $428 $1,061 35467
cmarlin75352 $67 $100 32553
wolfssin255 $49 $129 44652
tgaw2110 $112 $321 43926
albert-stefan2176 $388 $1,053 79560
flasatos gimp2151 $216 $744 34644
Jadar244 $59 $166 33957
Mirnastock228 $61 $146 11587
citydomain234 $101 $146 11207
BIGG E251 $189 $327 11438
Denis972417245 $63 $83 32476
Saintsfan666233 $43 $135 11383
Maestro20002782 $2,152 $5,904 1127736
Eolguin1991248 $75 $282 33846
Jonni Gil273 $115 $296 11385
Duchess Gloriana XI242 $33 $24 1997
Klaus Von Kleaner260 $92 $179 44123
Jayem Deuces272 $43 $61 43005
Arctic69255 $61 $39 11131
Meno640480230 $39 $59 32525
kikoman2144 $258 $941 78045
Strikoi254 $137 $408 34704
Alex III2233 $319 $311 97644
caelum267 $41 $165 32582
Shamnimyth250 $83 $242 22888
Blazing Saddles2108 $206 $814 69986
Brutus Buckeye2186 $414 $1,156 46003
Slade228 $41 $54 11074
Attucks Lowa252 $75 $276 34564
justind401169 $55 $271 34127
nix0011125 $235 $394 43887
Bigreef1152 $124 $472 88214
andrew9741165 $165 $525 22778
Pale Rider1126 $246 $779 69377
LillWadd141 $95 $310 23547
Apache115 $22 $51 11317
Tom Willard152 $170 $303 11994
Bismol2144 $70 $268 12000
Dare2Judge4u118 $37 $65 11024
Dead Hobo Camp147 $51 $168 22412
Magarac136 $44 $96 22376
Andrew De Forest158 $41 $133 32589
Catastrophe128 $30 $125 11452

by percent in army

President_NameArmy (mil)Population (mil) Income (bil) Production (bil) CountriesGame Scorepercent army
Keto19181 $603 $1,090 3549810%
Apache115 $22 $51 113179%
Russian87761110 $21 $46 19738%
Mirnastock228 $61 $146 115878%
Orbiter31418 $775 $1,585 9137117%
Jasmine24342110 $15 $15 17947%
Patrick Crum112 $18 $28 112407%
Dare2Judge4u118 $37 $65 110247%
snakesan113 $10 $40 18437%
dboyd370222310 $1,269 $2,003 6157507%
dragteam_rizzen111 $15 $14 110757%
Mr Death16237 $535 $706 452647%
Mr31458 $24 $150 115297%
R0MME1112 $18 $19 19017%
EC47749 $2,090 $3,129 15211046%
Mr Snuggles24386 $936 $2,152 795186%
John354942110 $30 $71 110876%
citydomain234 $101 $146 112076%
Keith Vann59983 $2,731 $4,320 19341426%
Saintsfan666233 $43 $135 113836%
jhw9158 $479 $1,059 699046%
reecesmall111 $20 $27 18266%
EO35608 $1,570 $3,162 13208166%
Alisena Rilan120 $30 $96 116006%
Slade228 $41 $54 110746%
Meno640480230 $39 $59 325256%
AntonioA.110 $14 $19 19635%
MikeLancaster114 $23 $21 111475%
FAB61711203 $484 $1,353 5122985%
RedstarDog5110 $10 $20 15795%
Zay406366 $63 $81 436455%
Kaizer101110 $13 $23 110385%
Coondog2014110 $15 $22 15765%
Jadar244 $59 $166 339575%
BrokenAmbitions34659 $1,894 $3,999 12238775%
Lord James John117 $26 $40 112345%
Severin12243 $571 $1,474 589795%
Oragon111 $18 $24 18655%
Greatdane1989112 $8 $34 110335%
MaoZeDong II110 $14 $29 110125%
lokido111 $18 $31 110235%
Jaffle8155 $354 $776 465455%
Laguna22446 $1,595 $2,668 8210365%
cmarlin75352 $67 $100 325535%
Ahmose20414 $941 $2,482 13297895%
Sinfull113 $21 $33 19465%
Chip Hill478 $198 $620 346965%
Gino968767111 $16 $15 19735%
Gabe Goldwin116 $20 $34 19395%
PirkQlater010 $14 $22 17455%
Karl386213120 $37 $50 217555%
Jo Salkilld33723 $2,997 $5,238 10305305%
cmjatom11112 $13 $18 13135%
m.asad29010 $14 $13 19824%
Denis972417245 $63 $83 324764%
KissOfDeath8184 $369 $1,307 389524%
wolfssin255 $49 $129 446524%
scorge7777112 $21 $25 19404%
joesouph stalen011 $17 $27 110634%
Nina153219010 $17 $17 19654%
zegonz125 $33 $47 217754%
FireDragon2576011 $15 $39 110314%
E. Ashmole112 $15 $29 18834%
James Madison20462 $1,237 $2,878 9224274%
Bootleg989901010 $12 $15 15404%
budman115352 $889 $1,852 10103714%
Brian The Terrible17414 $1,415 $2,529 11158444%
andrejohnson8501010 $15 $28 110704%
CJPL010 $14 $19 19854%
Catastrophe128 $30 $125 114524%
Sivart113 $15 $32 18974%
Duchess Gloriana XI242 $33 $24 19974%
Sean Valley122 $30 $44 220014%
Frank Stone7168 $470 $1,204 245654%
tomrymer98010 $13 $22 19514%
Billi042548126 $36 $75 219634%
TasmanDevil011 $13 $24 18444%
Jacob82249209 $10 $15 15344%
BIGG E251 $189 $327 114384%
Blueserpent25616 $2,036 $4,501 7239084%
Eolguin1991248 $75 $282 338464%
Gilherme14360 $533 $1,663 15178734%
jacob700827010 $26 $51 110134%
Bella286568011 $14 $24 17334%
La Sombra25642 $1,946 $3,901 10274764%
Maorag013 $7 $25 18324%
Soren09 $11 $33 110534%
Tobe Lerone8202 $471 $1,237 8152074%
Beinte010 $15 $25 17654%
lordnate818181011 $9 $20 18694%
00lewis012 $10 $41 110334%
Folgerr7122 $28 $121 114134%
fransjansmit127 $37 $99 221404%
Dictator Peanut010 $15 $20 19194%
Stuart Kohon010 $13 $21 13654%
Cameron26704010 $21 $55 19794%
Ms Claws7188 $351 $48 448704%
Man of Peace8231 $776 $1,265 389624%
Quarryman7192 $425 $891 10120604%
JJSwift119 $25 $44 217964%

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