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Breaking News: Military takeover

Topics: White Giant: Breaking News: Military takeover

General Marti

Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 06:31 am Click here to edit this post

Transcription from the National Radio Broadcasting Center in downtown Montevida, The Republic of Costa---

In the early morning hours of August 1, 4403, a radio broadcast of an old patriotic song from the early days of independence rung out throughout the national airwaves, signaling the beginning of a coup de e'tat. Within a quarter of an hour, military jets flew over the capital and bombarded the National Palace in the Capital city of The Republic of Costa, Montevida. Soldiers from the nearby military barracks began their march on the National Palace under orders from defected military generals. Within one hour, tanks began roaming the streets of Montevida, all while not encountering any resistance from loyalist forces. General Marti, a fresh faced, charismatic and at times temperamental young general, has claimed responsibility of the coup de e'tat, and is now leading the country after the capture and execution of former president Jorge Ubico. A state of emergency has been placed, and all civil liberties guaranteed by the constitution have been suspended. The reason for the coup, according to General Marti himself, was to put an end to the corrupt and ineffective leadership of presidents under the constitution of the Old Republic. Additionally, General Marti expresses his desire to begin establishing diplomatic ties across White Giant, in an attempt to create economic and military ties to benefit the nation. As of now, the people have been in the streets for over 24 hours since the Coup, and many are celebrating this sudden change of power as a new era for the nation.

Matthew I

Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 07:10 pm Click here to edit this post
His most Imperial Majesty, Matthew I, Protector and Royal Sovereign of Batavia and her Dominions would like to be the first to welcome you to the international stage.

At the behest of the White Giant Alliance, we send your Government an invitation to our embassy (Which happens to be a discord channel). We have been attempting to increase communication throughout the planet and ensure it's stability in the process.

If Discord isn't available, then you can always send a Message directly to 'Kingdom of Batavia' for any Diplomatic requests. Though, Discord is much easier and will get you in contact with other active countries both in and out of our Federation.

If you do join the channel, just comment your Nation's name in the channel so we know who is who.


Friday, September 25, 2020 - 12:30 pm Click here to edit this post
WHITE GIANT SECURITY ALLIANCE and it's 10 PARTNERSHIP FEDERATIONS is willing to open diplomatic relations to you brother. Send us your message

Matthew I

Friday, September 25, 2020 - 05:30 pm Click here to edit this post
This guy is an alt and is nothing but trouble. Read our message about them.

Matthew I

Friday, September 25, 2020 - 05:35 pm Click here to edit this post
This guy is an an alt of another and I very much doubt they have 10 partner Federations. They regularly try to create national organizations, fill them with alts, and try to control them. Its been hard to find another active federation, let alone 10. We certainly are not friends with them and despite sending out several messages to members in the WGSA, haven't heard any word back.

This person lies a lot and is a headache to work with, proceed at own cost. Ideally look at UNION STATES KING post about him. We have evidence regarding the posts.

Also, stop telling people you are allied with the WGA William. We aren't allied with you. I already sent a message to your other alt, Demolayjohn, to stop spreading lies. If you want to maintain good relations with us, stop blatantly lying.

Your silence on the accusations page that king posted is telling, especially after we posted screenshots connecting wakawaka5, wakawaka2 and demolayjohn.

I'll also continue to let people know about you so you can't fool them like you (tried) to fool us. The White Giant Alliance is ever-presently watching your moves and the Batavian Intelligence Service will not rest until your lies are brought out before the shining light of truth.

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