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Regional Security and Cooperations Act

Topics: White Giant: Regional Security and Cooperations Act


Monday, April 26, 2021 - 01:03 am Click here to edit this post
As a way of maintaining peace and lasting security in ALL regions located within the White Giant as a whole. A meeting was held between 2 respected nations, to help keep the peace we've all been able to enjoy in our world. As a way to maintain an understanding between 2 highly respected nations, each has agreed to the following terms. The following terms are binding after signed by both parties. An may this Agreement be an example of what can be accomplished when peace is still the cherished existence we all strive to live in.
As Attorney General of the "WGA", I have been given the honor of drafting and filing the "Regional Security and Cooperations Act" for both AMALIE (Beijing) and DAVID (African Union). The following guidelines make up the terms of the "RSC" Act, already agreed upon by both nations.

1) BOTH nations agree to have a MAXIMUM of 3 states in each other's region.

2) Any state one builds MUST maintain a distance of 3 to 4 states away from the other signatories own country.

3)There is NO RAIDING additional states in the shared region for the purposes of Population Growth or War Tests.

Again, May this document serve to show, when we keep the lines of communication open and honest, if we seek to work with each other, and not against. We can achieve anything we as a society of nations needs to. We can all continue to do our part to make this the best planet by far.

Thank You,
Honorable Mr. Jones
"Attorney General of The White Giant Alliance"


Monday, April 26, 2021 - 01:12 am Click here to edit this post
His Right Excellence. Amalie, president of the peoples republic of China approve this agreement


Monday, April 26, 2021 - 07:51 am Click here to edit this post
The Grand Commander African Union. David Approves this Agreement.

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