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A new target for the Crusade.

Topics: White Giant: A new target for the Crusade.

Matthew IV

Sunday, January 14, 2024 - 07:46 pm Click here to edit this post
As USA 5 has woken up and has entered into a Federation with Adam, the Crusade no longer seeks to spill their blood.

We have been turned back.

We have failed the Gods.

Retribution is sure to follow.

This is a message not just to Adam and his new thrall; but to all of White Giant. You are not safe. A new, undefended target, will be chosen.

The weak will be brought to the slaughter and the planet will be once again awash with the blood of the Heretic.

We shall return.

Matthew IV

Friday, January 19, 2024 - 04:33 am Click here to edit this post
The raids will continue across the planet, despite the condemnation from the Chinese Government.

The next target will be, Demolay. Demolay has ignored or not received our messages asking if they're the Demolayjohnpaul of old. Because this is a prolific user of alts, and was a massive pain in the ass, they will be purged for their insolence.

Players who are WL3, or unfederated, will want to look to form groups of players to dissuade players like myself from raiding their easy to grab, undefended territories.

Until next week.

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