Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Well, thank you for renaimng your looting victims, anyway. (Golden Rainbow)

Topics: Golden Rainbow: Well, thank you for renaimng your looting victims, anyway. (Golden Rainbow)

Dvd Avins (Golden Rainbow)

Friday, August 22, 2008 - 08:13 pm Click here to edit this post
I keep ordering new corps in c3s that have plenty of workers and reasonable education, only to find the workers disappear and sometimes the education plummet. Often even before the corp gets built.

I guess that's par for the cour4se; I don't know. But at least the looter(s) keep renaming the hapless countries so I can be alerted by the unfamiliar names and cancel my orders.

Austia (Golden Rainbow)

Friday, August 22, 2008 - 10:44 pm Click here to edit this post
lootings a thing of the past with the exception of using C3s to balance employment.

Dvd Avins (Golden Rainbow)

Friday, August 22, 2008 - 11:57 pm Click here to edit this post
Well, that balancing of employment keeps happening under my feet as I'm trying to walk. And in at least one case, there was a sudden, massive drop in Education Index. Was that the game's doing, or a looter?

Dvd Avins (Golden Rainbow)

Friday, August 22, 2008 - 11:58 pm Click here to edit this post
One country was partially depopulated and renamed TWICE. I don't see THAT as being done by the game.

Jerome (Golden Rainbow)

Saturday, August 23, 2008 - 11:16 am Click here to edit this post
Actually the game does do that. When ever a president (human player) abandons a country it goes back to C3 status, slowly. Even after it is no longer shaded bright green I notice they still continuing losing population until they hit approximately just over 5 million. Even the indices continue to lower. All of the vets in the game teach to never build corps in a C3, unless ofcourse it is a new enterprise and you have to.

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