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Im crashing the wool market

Topics: Trade: Im crashing the wool market


Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - 05:38 am Click here to edit this post
im crashing the wool market bye offering 120t for 11k and never lowing the price so its to be in surplus tell all the company's go bankrupt


Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - 06:25 am Click here to edit this post
never mind did not work

John Galt

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - 05:06 pm Click here to edit this post
Nice idea. I tried it before too but no luck :)

Daniel Iceling

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - 12:42 am Click here to edit this post
The only way to sustainable 'crash' a market, in Simcountry, is to overproduce a product by such a huge amount, that even when all the C3s that produce it, close their corporations, there is still more being made, than there is demand for.


Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - 04:20 pm Click here to edit this post
Happy to hear.

The mining market should be large enough to sustain most attempts to disrupt it.

No guarantees.

There is an additional problem:

these mining companies are rich and have a lot of cash.
even with prices going down, they will probably survive for a long period.

In addition, because of large shortages, there are some quantities of products added to the system automatically, to prevent a market melt down.
once you sell a lot of products, these extra supplies immediately stop.

Joshua Wisham

Thursday, August 20, 2020 - 05:27 am Click here to edit this post
Andy Can anyone tell me why my supply units and supply fleets are not giving my units or fleets the supplies they need but I have them in stock I want to move some of my fleets near my Rome state of Egyptt just incase Izzy skyliner does invade one of my states/country's but my fleets and supply fleets say they are out of gassalen but I have it in stock

Also is there a way I can give a corporation own by my enterprise cash to raise it's cash value to

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