Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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I am leaving sim country (Little Upsilon)

Topics: Little Upsilon: I am leaving sim country (Little Upsilon)

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:41 am Click here to edit this post
I am tired of all of these players boycotting me attacking me, I did know physical to any of them, but they insisted to terrorize me. And they wonder why I call them terrorists..

I will also let the game master know that you run people off simcountry. How is simcountry suppose to grow with players like Stuart Taylor, Okstate guy, and many others..

I hope all of you survive the terrorism..

I bought time until April.. So please leave me alone terrorists, so I can play in peace until I leave...

I won't be a threat to your establishment anymore...

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:45 am Click here to edit this post
LMAO. The master terrorist is leaving.

End of NLUO

End of TNA Bloodline

The King is dead, long live freedom!!!!!!

Sim country grows because people show respect to people who have been here longer than them. You just came in and started trying to take on everyone.

Good riddance.

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:51 am Click here to edit this post

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:52 am Click here to edit this post
You all just can't really come back at anything I say..

You can't just leave it at the forums, you want to take it in the street like a barbarian...


King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:54 am Click here to edit this post
I'm not leaving the NLUO, just simcountry. I am going still have an enterprise, and the NLUO will never die... I will raise up a crop of players to destoy you, faggot..

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:55 am Click here to edit this post
Grow up little boy, then come back in a couple of years when you are man enough to play properly.

PS. Faggots are completely different things where I come from. So, i gotta say, I like faggots and I love fags.....

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:55 am Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah,

We are in a state of war until you leave, or are destroyed. You have insulted Americans, Christians, homosexuals and members of the largest federations on Little Upsilon. You will not be missed.

I call on ALL citizens of Little Upsilon to boycott the Terrorist King.

Please take five seconds and request a boycott. Go to TRADE > BOYCOTTS > NEW BOYCOTTS REQUEST. Then just type in: United Israelite Empire. The whole process is quick and easy!

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:56 am Click here to edit this post
I'm sorry Stuart, I keep getting sconfused because see, your mom keeps telling me how much of a man I am. I forget sometimes, thanks for reminding me..

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:58 am Click here to edit this post
OK State Guy, Repent, and thou shalt be saved,

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:58 am Click here to edit this post
Please note the above.

King Hezekiah has now insulted women and mothers.

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:58 am Click here to edit this post
lol. Here we go with the childish your mama jokes again. Well, you must be a necrophiliac - cause she died 3 years ago.

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 01:59 am Click here to edit this post
No thanks King Hezekiah, I'll stick with Jesus for a savior!

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:00 am Click here to edit this post
You don't even know Jesus..

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:00 am Click here to edit this post
What is Jesus's real name?

The Wise One (White Giant)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:01 am Click here to edit this post
Jesus and Tom Willard save

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:01 am Click here to edit this post
Jesus is actually the Father's name. If you read the Bible, Jesus, who you claim is your savior, said that he came in his father's name, So I ask you what is Jesus's real name?

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:03 am Click here to edit this post
Read ecclesiastes12:13-14

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:04 am Click here to edit this post
What's up Okstate Guy?

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:04 am Click here to edit this post
Cat got ya tounge?

E O (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:05 am Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah, are you trying to tell all Christians that Jesus' name is not Jesus?

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:06 am Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah,

Tell us what you think of Europeans, Australians and others? What about other races? Women? Just go ahead and vent. What do you think of Jewish and Muslim people?

And while you do that... everyone else...

Please take five seconds and request a boycott. Go to TRADE > BOYCOTTS > NEW BOYCOTTS REQUEST. Then just type in: United Israelite Empire. The whole process is quick and easy!

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:07 am Click here to edit this post
Well, You guys crack me up...

Anyways I'm gonna go home now..

You gonna be around tommorrow?

We can play tommorrow..

C, ya friends

Especially my bestest friends Stuart Taylor and OK State Guy

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:08 am Click here to edit this post
Yes that is exactly what I am saying.

Do you want proof?

I can show you inthe bible..

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:08 am Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah,

Just take your main country out of secure mode and I'll watch over it while your gone.

Bye peaches.

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:08 am Click here to edit this post
SOrry guys, EO caught my attention...

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:10 am Click here to edit this post
lol. You are funny ok State Guy..

I bet you are smiling with the Nuke in your back pocket..

Man seriously you guys are cool. I really do like you huys.. I like to argue with you.. It is fun, but I don't like it when you play ruff.. lol.

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:11 am Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah,

We all really want to know what you think of:

-Other religions
-Other races
-Other countries

Please let us all know! We know you already hate Americans, Christians and gays.

EVERYONE ELSE don't forget to BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:12 am Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah,

I don't like you. I am not your friend. I will destroy you.

E O (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:12 am Click here to edit this post
Well then King Hezy, are you trying to tell me that every Christian in history that has called Jesus "Jesus" is wrong? Somehow I find your narrow-sighted interpretations to be wrong lol ;)

Actually, if you just come out of secured mode, I can look after your country for you. I am much nice than OkState Guy.

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:16 am Click here to edit this post
The jewish people are originally Edomites, and are claiming to be the Jews of the Bible.. Their descendents are from Esau, Jocob's brother..

I bet you definately won't believe this, but the Jews of the bible are black people in America, and most of the western hemisphere. They are the decendents of Jacob.The Lord said that in 70 AD, that the Jews would be led away in captivity, Who was lead away into captivity?

Women are a helpkeep for man.

The muslims are ishmaelites who was Isaac's brother.

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:17 am Click here to edit this post
No, I am not saying that EO, I am saying that before he was Jesus, he was Jehova, What you fail to understand, and most people do, is that Jesus who came and died in the flesh is the one who created the earth in Genesis

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:18 am Click here to edit this post
Thank you King Hezekiah, but I would like to give you just a little more rope.


BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:19 am Click here to edit this post
We have never known the father, when the Israelites was calling God it was Jesus before he manifested himself in the flesh...

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:20 am Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah,

Those of us who are sane call that the Trinity and understand the concept very well. ;)

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:20 am Click here to edit this post
I have proof, Ask, and I will show you..

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:21 am Click here to edit this post
Read it to me in the bible..

Where does it say about the Trinity?

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:22 am Click here to edit this post
There is no 3 only 2..

God the Father, and God the Son, 2..

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:23 am Click here to edit this post
Oh goodie! King Hezekiah tell us how the Jewish people aren't really Jews and how black people are Jewish. I bet a lot of people would be interested!

OH! I was also interested in how women are "a helpkeep for man."

And I didn't understand what you meant about the Muslims?

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:24 am Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah,

So you don't believe in the Holy Trinity... very interesting indeed. I guess us two billion Catholics and Protestants have gotten it all wrong.

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:25 am Click here to edit this post
Those Jews in Israel now, are Jewish true, but the blacks are the Jews..

Will you read it in the Bible if I show you ?

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:26 am Click here to edit this post
Yes, you do.. The Lord's death, and resurrection got rid of the Levitical Priesthood, but the Catholics still practice it. The Lord said call no man father or Rabbi, and what are we doing?

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:27 am Click here to edit this post
King - go bash your bible elsewhere. It does next to no good here.

Im athiest, and will remain that way. I believe in the big bang, in evolution. Thats enough for me to discredit genesis anyway.

No offence - its just the way i see it! :)

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:27 am Click here to edit this post
Do any black people play on Little Upsilon? Did you know that according to King Hezekiah your a Jew?

I know, BIG SURPRISE! But while you think about that one...

Please take five seconds and request a boycott. Go to TRADE > BOYCOTTS > NEW BOYCOTTS REQUEST. Then just type in: United Israelite Empire. The whole process is quick and easy!

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:28 am Click here to edit this post
The muslims come from Ishmael, You know Isaac's brother, Abraham's son. Ishmaelites, that is where the muslims or arabs come from.

Johanas Bilderburg (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:29 am Click here to edit this post
Look beat the man up for his in game actions its your choice.

Don't bash his religious beliefs. That's personal and has no part of the game.

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:30 am Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah?

Catholics call their priest "father?"

Jewish faithful call their teachers "Rabbi?"

OH NO KING! I call my dad "father" too!

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:30 am Click here to edit this post
I will pray that the Lord has mercy on you at his second coming.. I can proove it.. Does anyone want to read?

Illo 0210 (Golden Rainbow)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:31 am Click here to edit this post
The heavenly trinity is, without a doubt, two boobs and a vagina from a mans perspective and perhaps a penis and two testicles from a females perspective.

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:32 am Click here to edit this post
enough Ok state guy.....

Just chill with his religion - even though its nearing radicalism, just leave that side of the argument be.

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:33 am Click here to edit this post
Listen I will read out of the bible whatever you think I'm wrong at, and it is in history...

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:33 am Click here to edit this post
and by the way - LMAO B!!!

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:35 am Click here to edit this post
Stuart, I'm just asking questions? Tell us more King!

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:37 am Click here to edit this post
Well the LOrd start's his day from Sundown to sundown and the Lord starts his year in April, but he calls it the first month of Abib...

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:40 am Click here to edit this post
Here is why all the religions who deal with the bible mess it up,

Read Isaiah 29:9-13

jason (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:42 am Click here to edit this post
plz leave god out of our forums.

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:43 am Click here to edit this post
Oh for gods freaking sake. Shut up the lot of you.

King - i thought you were leaving and wouldnt bother the righteous people who visit the forum anymore.


Blah blah blah.....yes we all know king is an idiot.....blah blah blah JUST LEAVE IT...

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:45 am Click here to edit this post
That is why they all fight too..

The catholics started the mingling of Christianity and Paganism in 321 AD. The Pope became the most powerful force politically, and religiously. That scared people, so they broke from the Mother church, and started daughter churches because they kept the customs of the Catholics, they just didn't want the Pope to be infalable.. That means that the Pope can make something up, and call it true, and nobody can challenge him.. So, you have the baptists, methodists, piscopaliam luthern, it goes on and on, but that is why the Pope doesn't have nearly as much power today, but he still has sway...

E O (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:49 am Click here to edit this post
Please stop trying to tell us how YOU think different Christian traditions were formed. We are not interested in what you believe, and do not wish for you to tell us what to believe. Thank you.

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:51 am Click here to edit this post
The lord says that the following of these traditions is fornication because he is the husband and the church is his wife..

7th day is the sabbath day: Man does Sunday
the Lord said keep the dietary law: man said pray over it, and it is fine
the lord said keep his cammandments: man said Jesus nailed them to the cross.
The Lord said Keep my feasts. Man said we are going to keep Christmas, Easter, Goodfriday, thanksgiving, ash wednesday etc.

It goes on and on..

But that all is because of the mingling of pagan practices into Christianity

Read Revelation 17:1-6 It will tell you about the mother, and her daughters, meaning the catholic church, and all of the daughter churches that came out

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:51 am Click here to edit this post
Don't read it then...

BorderC (Kebir Blue)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:52 am Click here to edit this post
Seriously, you three should get each others phone numbers....

Stuart, what is a faggot in Britain?

E O (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:53 am Click here to edit this post
Its hard to find a thread on the forum where I don't have to read it. If you are leaving simcountry, do so. If not, don't start a thread saying you are leaving.

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:53 am Click here to edit this post
@King; SHUT UP. Just f*cking leave it. Alright?

General X (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:56 am Click here to edit this post
well a fag in britain means cigarette

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:56 am Click here to edit this post
Well I stuck around because you said something EO
So, maybe you shouldn't read everthing you see..

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:58 am Click here to edit this post
STuart why does talking about the Bible upset you so? do you worship the devil or something? Why does religion make people so uptight..

I know it is because people don't really know a lot about it, Just what they have grwon up with. I just wish people didn't get so offended, and for you to be in Britain Stuart. I can't believe you are offended with all the diversity inthat country.

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:59 am Click here to edit this post
Nah.....A faggot in the UK is a food. Look it up on the internet - its a mainly offal based delicasy, while a fag is definitley a cigarette.

So - i'm cool- im a meat based product and a cigarette. My two favourite things!!!

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 02:59 am Click here to edit this post
All of you are the controlling people, and I am the one trying to control something. Give me a break..

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:01 am Click here to edit this post
Stuart in all honesty, I like you and Ok State Guy. You guys are really ok with me, I like to rile you all up. Man,. If this were a real world you guys would be kicked out of office how quick you oush the button for war..

Illo 0210 (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:02 am Click here to edit this post
Nothing makes people more uptight then the statement..."I'd like to talk to you about Jesus."

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:03 am Click here to edit this post

And by the way King - I was brought up as a christian - its just that I saw the light dude. There is no god, how can there be in a mathamatical and physical universe?

Its impossible. If Jesus did exist, he was an alien. Simple as.....

And king - if i met you in real life, you would be lying in a pool of your own urine begging for mercy from your god.


King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:03 am Click here to edit this post
True true

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:04 am Click here to edit this post
The only time I get uneasy is when people talk about something that I don't know much about but have strong beliefs on the issue because that is what I grew up with..

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:08 am Click here to edit this post
Read 2 peter 3:15-16

and to your phylosophy read

Colossians 2:8-9

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:11 am Click here to edit this post
I will pray for you Stuart..

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:15 am Click here to edit this post
just make sure when you do, you ask for many fags and faggots to be delivered to me! I would appreciate that!

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:18 am Click here to edit this post
Oh, here you all go - I found a recipie for faggots for you;

I love faggots! :)

Capone (Kebir Blue)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:35 am Click here to edit this post
He sounds like Dizzy.

Wendy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 04:11 am Click here to edit this post
OMG what in the **** is this?

Gaius Brutus (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 05:24 am Click here to edit this post
Ok, I don't know whats with this guy but he has everything all wrong.
King Jesus is the son of God it says so in the Bible. Jews are white because they were enslaved by Egyptians who were mainly black back then.
God gave us free will, that means we have the choice of either accepting Jesus as Lord or someone or something else. We have a choice.
Yes Jews weren't Isralites to begin with but Jesus is a Jew. He still is. Its good that your interested in the Bible but next time you want to spread Gods word pray first.
Theres nothing wrong with homosexuals, I would really like enjoy seeing 2 fine females kiss or have sexual intercourse but thats against my beliefs(sucks). We all have two more choices in life for everything we do.
The way I see it, I don't care if you call yourself Muslim, Jewish, or Christian. All three of them worship the same family. The only difference is the way we worship. Christians see Jesus Christ as the heir to Gods throne, while Muslims and Jews do mention that there was a Jesus Christ but they only see him as a good Jew, Muslim, or an angle from God just not his son. I don't know if Muslims do mention Jesus in the Quaran, I might be wrong on that one.
The point is that we all are sinners nobody what you believe in. Just hope yall ready for Jesus's second coming because he is coming back before 2012.
Thats enough with the religious talk. peace King Hezy good lucc with watever. BYE.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Goodnight!!!

Aaron Doolavay (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 05:30 am Click here to edit this post
thats what I was thinking wendy, but its obvious, a thread about leaving, fags, faggots and God, or Jesus or Jehovah and the trinity, or maybe just boobs and a penis. Well call it what you want but why must one be pressed to see others truths. If your life is great, then sit back and be a good person with a great life and be happy.

Illo 0210 (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 05:30 am Click here to edit this post
I hope the Eagles win a super bowl for 2012.

\drops on knees to pray...

"Jesus...let the Birds win one. PLease..."

Rinoa Heartilly

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 05:55 am Click here to edit this post
If Jesus gets you up tight how about you get the ass kicking crew from Valhalla?

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 06:19 am Click here to edit this post
I would like to thank everyone who has helped start the boycott against United Israelite Empire.

Right now we have 12 votes and there is a severity 1 level boycott on United Israelite Empire. With more votes we can increase the severity!

If you haven't already voted, please take five seconds and request a boycott.

Go to TRADE > BOYCOTTS > NEW BOYCOTTS REQUEST. Then just type in: United Israelite Empire. The whole process is quick and easy!

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

The Wise One (White Giant)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 07:27 am Click here to edit this post
he said penis

Capone (Fearless Blue)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 07:33 am Click here to edit this post
He said boobs.

Pluto (Kebir Blue)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 11:32 am Click here to edit this post
Lmao ... thats all i can say about this thread is lmao !!

Kevin Henry (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:32 pm Click here to edit this post
WHAT?? I can't believe this absurdity!

Everyone knows Jesus is a Steelers fan!

Have they fired Reid yet?

Aaron Doolavay

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 03:52 pm Click here to edit this post
penis penis penis, vagina vagina vagina.

Barney Rubble (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 05:34 pm Click here to edit this post

keto (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 07:32 pm Click here to edit this post
@Stu, becareful how u use the word faggots. I know it has many meanings, but here in N A , we tend to think of faggots being men who prefer the company of other men, sexually. Not me of course, I love women, all women. Regardless of colour or size(well not too big). All varieties of women need loving too. LOL

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 07:42 pm Click here to edit this post
Let me ask you all a question, do any of you study the bible, and read it on a consistant basis?

John R

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 07:56 pm Click here to edit this post
/me slaps everyone with a robust banana

Geez... penises and vaginas? Who the hell wants that?

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 07:57 pm Click here to edit this post
Well Ok state Guy, How does it feel to be relevant in the world community.. I am sorry that you had to pick on a smaller nation to do it, but hey, no hard feelings right? If you didn't have me to talk about, you would not have any relevance or be able to move any agenda. You need me for relevance. I got relevance on my own, You got it by doing exactly what I did.. You watch me and Stuart's saga, took notes, and jumped in..

You went a little further, you actually attacked, but I have been through these boycotts before..

I am glad that I could be of assistance in you being able to actually post and be heard...


KIng Hezekiah E-United Israelite Empire...

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 07:58 pm Click here to edit this post
I bet me just saying that gave you more relevance..

Dang it, Let me stop posting before I make someone else famous...


shane vataja (Fearless Blue)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:06 pm Click here to edit this post
tits are for kids show me ur cunt!

(sorry it was to damb funny to pass up i just herd that joke today)

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:09 pm Click here to edit this post
I wanna say a few more things and I will leave it alone. I am going to let you all in on a little secret... I planned everything that is going on. I knew from the beginning trying to promote getting a world government would ensight controversy. STuart Taylor played right into my hands, and fought against me, agknowledged a Cold War, and made me, my nation, my fed, and the NLUO a relevant force that in your words needed to be delt with... You have helped me build relationships alliances, and meet all sorts of people by this controversy... The game is chess not checkers... If you all would have just ignored me, and not posted, I probably would have not even stayed on the game this long because White Giant was like a wilderness..Anyways, I have one more thing to prove.. A lot of you said that I have been here this long, and have not built a real empire. Give me 2 real months, and I will have a 12 nation EMpire with a thriving economy in all nations of the Empire.. But I know now all of you a afraid to let me build, so I will just sit back as a corporate owner.. If you all are interested let me know after you are done with your boycott...

King Hezekiah E-United Israelite Empire

General X (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:13 pm Click here to edit this post
so your staying?

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:17 pm Click here to edit this post
Wow Now you are boycotting me ?

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:17 pm Click here to edit this post
King, after that last post, you are a bigger schmuck than I originally thought.

By the way, the game is high stakes hold 'em, not chess.

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:18 pm Click here to edit this post
Everybody wants to get in the game..

Can I do it too?


King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:19 pm Click here to edit this post
Well, it is not my fault you bit on the propaganda..

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:22 pm Click here to edit this post
Let me correct myself, Foreign policy is Chess, simcountry is high stakes hold'em

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:23 pm Click here to edit this post
That's why I said that John R has great oversight...

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:23 pm Click here to edit this post
Grow up King. Just hurry up and leave the game.

General X (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:25 pm Click here to edit this post
king,when you say that youve got this whole thing planned out is that supposed to make people scared?because its really not that much of a big deal.
if you want to make your 12 nation empire just agree the terms people offer you and keep your promise.

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:27 pm Click here to edit this post
Stuart is the one who helped me, by the way thanks stuart..

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:29 pm Click here to edit this post
King - hurry up and leave you psycho. You think this is RL - ITS A GOD DAMN FREAKING GAME - and you are way out of line.

General Dirt

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:31 pm Click here to edit this post
"Not me of course, I love women, all women. Regardless of colour or size(well not too big). All varieties of women need loving too. LOL"

Way to take 1 for the team Keto!

King Hezekiah (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:31 pm Click here to edit this post
If I did not have any opposition, how was I suppose to make the NLUO either a threat or a force in the world community.

Answer: controversy

Stuart came along opposed the idea worse then anyone else, so he made it si that I could post, and people would read it and post back, and now we have an issue, and a controversy..

It is called Problem, Reaction, Solution

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 08:36 pm Click here to edit this post
Yep, controvesy indeed. You are now the most hated person on LU. Good forward planning there Hezzy. All you have is a bunch of n00bs in NLUO - your still not a force, nor will you ever be.

As I said, its a game, and i dont think you or your n00b tr00p realise that.

(n00b tr00p is copyright of wendy 2008!!!)

Barney Rubble (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 09:59 pm Click here to edit this post
"Dang it, Let me stop posting before I make someone else famous..."

-Generally speaking you kill people to make them famous. Not the other way around.

"By the way, the game is high stakes hold 'em, not chess."

-I actually think this game is very much like chess when large empires war other large empires.

And for my final thoughts on the matter...


General Dirt (Golden Rainbow)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 10:22 pm Click here to edit this post
Barney, was that a reference to "Young Guns"? You ol' Dawg you.


P.S. Hey, You guys! U see the Size of that Chicken!

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 10:28 pm Click here to edit this post
I'm British, and I love faggots.....

okstate_guy (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 10:54 pm Click here to edit this post
King Hezekiah,

We are at war. I'm not going to let you expand. Pick up a slave and I will destroy it. I offered terms this weekend, but they will not stand forever. I'm content to remain at war and prevent you from expanding.

Right now we have 16 votes and there is a severity 1 level boycott on United Israelite Empire. With more votes we can increase the severity!

If you haven't already voted, please take five seconds and request a boycott.

Go to TRADE > BOYCOTTS > NEW BOYCOTTS REQUEST. Then just type in: United Israelite Empire. The whole process is quick and easy!


BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

The Grand Poobah (Golden Rainbow)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 11:21 pm Click here to edit this post
dammit, I need to make sure I'm loggued in befor I post. Dirt keeps getting the credit for my good posts.

General X (Little Upsilon)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 11:22 pm Click here to edit this post
now the boycott is 16/1

BOYCOTT: United Israelite Empire

Wendy (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 12:58 am Click here to edit this post
oops sorry for the anti vote, my finger slipped. He is an ally what'd you expect.

quaxocal (Golden Rainbow)

Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 02:37 am Click here to edit this post
Noob troop actually was ameche (capone), not wendy.

Gaius Brutus (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 04:12 am Click here to edit this post
I say we let him expand, I want to see what this guy is capable of. If he doesn't start winning he can't take our main countries down. So lets let his citizens run a little wild. Let him get a slave or two as a Christmas gift. And for his New Years gift we should send him our mighty battalions. I bet even my armies can defeat him.
We shouldn't scare people to stop playing simcountry. We should encourage them to stay, play, and get destroy with pride. lol.

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 10:56 am Click here to edit this post
Except King Hezzy. He will never have an empire on LU. He has angered too many players.

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