Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Proving a Point (Little Upsilon)

Topics: Little Upsilon: Proving a Point (Little Upsilon)

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 10:39 am Click here to edit this post
I spent a couple of hours today taking 20 c3's close to some of my biggest war slaves which are all in wp as is the custom nowadays. The c3's are loaded with nothing but forts and nuclear weapons however they will receive air support from my slaves, approx 320k ints total, that's without federation support and from just 4 of my 7 war slaves.

Since there are still so many of you holding out on the belief that stashing all of your assets in wp and terrorizing with c3's is a perfectly reasonable part of the game, I've decided to test your will. I mean, the system allows it as so many have pointed out, I may as well take advantage, I'd be stupid to risk any of my own stuff while f*cking with all of yours.

Perhaps we'll call it the Lupacolypse2. 20 c3's, 15 decs each, 300 total decs can be sent out, 300 nukes every 15 minutes. Plus, once I tag you a few times I'll just take another c3 in the area of your country to paint and transfer in plenty of weapons to destroy your garrisons, all while I risk nothing...good times.

Don't fret too much though, I'll only be focusing on the most active players, those of you who have spoken up in support of c3 warfare or those of you who have declined to speak out against it but that I know are particularly active. If you think it's reasonable that my time is wasted with such BS then I guess it's reasonable that yours is too, the big problem is that I *really* know the war engine and I have boatloads of weapons to back me not only are you all going to waste your time fighting off my c3's, but you're also going to lose many countries in the meantime.

So it's 20 c3's at the moment, if you happen to be successful taking some out, no big deal, it takes me about 5 minutes to take a new one once the sfs have landed/been allowed to go across the border, it's just good that it's no problem in your minds that it will take you 10x that amount of time to take the country from me...the current system RULES. How many hours of yours can I waste and how much of your stuff can I destroy? Think the GM's will step in? Because you all know that they're the only people with the power to stop someone like me who can stack c3's upon c3's to use to f*ck with you all. Nothing you can do about it...but that's OK...within the rules...right?

Caesar Ken (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 03:01 pm Click here to edit this post
Whiteboy, I would suggest that your actions might be counter productive to your cause.

There are many of us that have consulted or suggested to the GMs that the war engine is totally broken (as is that population control engine - but that's another complaint).

But eventually, through decimating productive empires, all it will do is affect the global economy and mechanics in such a way that it causes players to pull out their credit cards and purchase gold coins. This lends to greater revenues for the 'the company' of simcountry.

But I am sympathetic to your complaints, I am just afraid that it may reinforce bad game design with revenue rewards.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 03:02 pm Click here to edit this post
Stop bitching....

Play your game, and stop whining.

Jonni Gil

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 04:20 pm Click here to edit this post
Please use decent language on the forum.
Whiteboy makes a good point though and we're investigating a way to make things better.. Being able to protect yourself completely while being able to attack full force is wrong and will be fixed asap.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 05:32 pm Click here to edit this post
No problem Jonni, please excuse my french.

I wouldn't consider c3s 'full force'. I can't say that I have ever taken a country from Him with a c3.

Equally opposite points have been made in opposition as well. Where is the conversation on that?

His point is that he doesn't want to fight a war that he cannot dictate the pace of. So he doesn't want to fight the way others would fend him off.

Others don't want to fight the way he chooses. Yet they are forced to OR buy WP. Now those who don't want to get ganged up on and choose to buy WP are now faced with adjustments to wp, because again, his greedy little eyes cannot stand to see people with valuables he cannot raid.

C3s are one thing and a valid gripe, but removing WP too? Have you guys thought to stop and wonder what HIS interest is in taking WP away from those with valuable assets that make an intelligent choice to protect them is?

I am not sure you have. I think you guys are looking at the end result, or 'effect' of the true cause of everyone going into WP.

Truthfully, it wasn't because of me attacking with c3s, it is because of his group and their style of raiding. War isn't about competition anymore, it is about asset collection. Federations aren't about mutual defense, they are about mutual aggression now. This is why so many people are in WP. Yet after they raid over and over, their follow up statement at an upset player is, "Tough Luck' should have had WP.

So now that you guys are addressing even the c3 issue, WB tells Tommi, no don't delay on WP. But Why? What is Whiteboy's big deal with other people having WP which is exactly what they scream to people they raid?

Is that the most redundant argument and request to date?

People have actually wised up to what is going on, and coming in under WP, and staying there too.

Now, for those who don't care either way, he comes out and threatens other players who don't see things his way, or refrained to comment otherwise? Yet more bullying, even while you guys are actively addressing his majesty's concerns.

I mean talk about having your cake and eating it too? Change the c3 requirements and war, then Remove everyone's WP so they can raid at will. Even if it is only half an empire. And while you GM's are changing all that, I'll threaten to take c3's and attack everyone who didn't support me, for the hell of it? Is this really happening?

I mean if the argument that is pressed is who yells the loudest maybe more people should speak up against what they do and how they go about it.

I'm not sure what the end result is really going to be here. Worlds where people can expect to stay in a single secured main just to be able to avoid being attacked?

This is crazy, you need more than one country for level requirements alone. So yeah lets take away WP so they can be raided. Another thing is he keeps talking about the war game dying and I wanna really address that little notion right there.

Most of the older players have left the game, and those who remain the majority of them don't wanna fight. They have moved past that.

Fast Forward to the present. We have a bunch of new player coming in without half a clue of how to play the game. They go to chat, and immediately ask(because they ARE interested in the WAR game) and what is the first thing they will be told out of a responsible player's mouth? "DON'T go to war, Don't buy weapons. Get your economy going FIRST." Which can take a very very long time if you don't have a LOT of time to spend logging in every game month. And then, GO for levels.

Meanwhile if they manage to get their economy going and buy some weapons and ammo(100 trillion can still be hardly considered enough, amazing right?) along comes the sweep up crew with statements like:

"What were you going to do with all those weapons anyway?" And then find out it was mostly defensive weapons and 80 trillion in ammo.
"It was only me and EO and Serpent against a bunch of misinformed newbs and we were outnumbered and outmatched"
"If I were you, I'd stay in WP and ... yada yada(Direct Quote from WB)"

The game is not setup for you to become in any way significant in the war game for probably the first 6 months you play, and odds are you'll have valuable countries with a few goodies in it well before you figure out the quirks of this game, and they'll get raided. Not because you are an asshat, or a jerk, have a bad attitude. No, No. It will be entirely and wholeheartedly about Greed.

Don't get me wrong, WAR IS OK. But this isn't about war and it has been demonstrated many times, none more so that what happened with WGC.

Even if you don't give these knuckleheads a proper excuse to come and take your (whole) empire, they WILL fabricate one.

For example, Alarich, he ticked off WB. WB and OTHERS dec him and not only take a country or so, they wanted everything. That isn't to teach a lesson, that is going too far. (IMO)

DTA, the excuse, they had weapons(OH NOES!) and above all else?!? The name of their federation. This has to be the piss poorest excuse I have ever heard of for taking more than one player down to mains only.

WGC, the excuse, they were the biggest federation.
(asset rich fed worth the trouble of raiding but I don't need to tell you that) They did nothing personally, never said anything to, or about this group of players that have basically raided every world except FB and KB.

They saw $$$ and they grabbed it up. End of story.

So now here we are today, after these guys have hopped from GR to LU to WG and got paid off raiding, and they not only want you to change the way wars are fought. They want you to remove WP for the remaining intelligent players who were smart enough to avoid letting themselves become a statistic.

I'm shocked that you guys are actually following suit. In my eyes this will perpetuate the circumstances that have allowed that kind of raiding to go on unchecked for too long. The whining of a few players now outweighs the overall benefit and overall longevity of players who will play the game? Outstanding. If this is what new players are faced with, I fear they won't be staying as long as one would think or hope to retain their membership. There will be more worlds that look just like FB and KB until even LU doesn't look attractive anymore.

Not sure what you guys are seeing but I hope it works out for you for the sake of the 'new players', I haven't lasted this long in the position I am in because I am short sighted at all, and maybe I just know and see too much for my own good, but the changes won't affect me, or how I will deal with people like them, they will continue crying their eyes out, but I won't change, that is their problem, not any function on this game. I do not change, and I will not change. But for others who will be blindsided like WGC, and then told they should have had WP on, it is a big slap in the face.

New changes to war will make it even more difficult to retaliate in the event of war, or a war they are surprised by. This is unreasonable. Whatever happened to the Battle World, where "Personal" conflicts can be resolved without months of game play flushed down the toilet in hours? Even worse if it was someone's real money investment into the game. I would have imagined that the gms would look to protect those who invest time and money, not just getting big off others works., and that is exactly what The Mob has done. No excuses there. Some was their work, but now they are 'risking' nothing, becuase they have taken far more than they have worked for by a lunar mile. But we speak of 'risk' these days like someone who only has a limited resource they built from scratch unlike those who have raided their way to success aren't doing their duty to the war game by protecting an asset or assets to assets taken and are easily thrown back as "risk"

It is not really risk when you have every possible advantage, knowledge, weapons, and planning and surprise on your side. That is calculation and no one would calculate a losing equation and then throw stuff to the wind. That could harldy be characterized as risk.

The sad truth is there are more that think these guys should get what they deserve, (C3 war or not) and this is Why WB now comes and threatens people who don't agree or won't jump on the forum and complain with him. The fact that he is doing this is extremely revealing of what the "Greater community" thinks and why he isn't getting half the support from the community, they may feel for him, but I am sure they have as much if not more respect for those who have built and lost things to his hand or his allies hands.

Why not level the playing field and post all this 'hidden knowledge" that you alone possess Whiteboy? Or W3c. I am sure you guys know of the glitches or quirks or mishappenings that plague the war engine, that are NOT common knowledge and severly handicap the ignorant or newer player in war. The documentation as far as war is concerned is completely irrelevant to the real things that will win or lose wars. What is worse these 'glitches' or 'tricks are passed off as skill.

Why not just close the loopholes altogether. And make sure they don't occur. You can't calculate what you can't see, right?

I'm done. Let me stop before I really get upset and write a book.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 06:18 pm Click here to edit this post
I think I proly got a tad bit upset at this the most.

"Please use decent language on the forum."

And not becuase you told me, I agree. %100

I just think using the word as an adjective wasn't so indecent. But of course you are correct. Kinda weird when it has been used by several people as a proper noun for at least the last two months, and no admonishing whatsoever. Maybe you guys don't read the forums often.

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 06:44 pm Click here to edit this post
FYI, this was a joke, it was a post to prove a point but the c3's are for worker exchanges as I'm working on leveling up to 14 or 15 and am having to adjust quite a bit. If I was going to do something like that I wouldn't be dumb enough to have all the def/off indexes showing ;)

I have no intention of starting a bunch of c3 wars, but I do think it's important that everyone understands that ALL of us can use these kind of tactics as long as the rules remain the way they are. It's easy to stand on the sidelines and say it's not a big deal, but when you're subjected to it you get a much better understanding of just how wasteful it is on one's time and resources. If things continue on this path players like me who don't care as much about the game as they do about having fun destroying stuff will choose this option.

I possess no 'hidden' knowledge or know of no glitches, what I do possess is detailed knowledge of the war engine and how to win wars through various tactics which I have learned while actually WORKING with the war engine instead of hiding in war protection. War protection is a good thing for those who just want to play a peaceful game, if you want to play the war game, understand that there are risks involved and assume those risks. Skin in the game people, skin in the game.

Border C (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 06:50 pm Click here to edit this post
Fight smarter, not harder.

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 06:56 pm Click here to edit this post
I know it was a joke, that is why you took all those c3s...

Declaration of War
Mon Jan 17, 2653 WB 005 LU PM has declared war on The Republic of Vindala X. War will start on 17-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Mon Jan 17, 2653 WB 005 LU PM has declared war on La Republica del Torama. War will start on 17-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Mon Jan 17, 2653 WB 005 LU PM has declared war on La Republica del Emparna. War will start on 17-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Mon Jan 17, 2653 WB 005 LU PM has declared war on The United Kingdom of Pompara. War will start on 17-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Mon Jan 17, 2653 WB 005 LU PM has declared war on The Democratic Union of Aragon. War will start on 17-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Sun Jan 16, 2653 WB 004 LU PM has declared war on The Republic of Terra Povra. War will start on 16-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Sun Jan 16, 2653 WB 004 LU PM has declared war on The Independent State of Cleone. War will start on 16-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Sun Jan 16, 2653 WB 004 LU PM has declared war on The Kingdom of Bonara lin. War will start on 16-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Sun Jan 16, 2653 WB 004 LU PM has declared war on The Grand State of Clossa. War will start on 16-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Sun Jan 16, 2653 WB 004 LU PM has declared war on La Republica del Boltara. War will start on 16-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Thu Jan 13, 2653 WB 003 LU HM has declared war on The Democratic Union of Safala. War will start on 13-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Thu Jan 13, 2653 WB 003 LU HM has declared war on The Kingdom of Mathia sol. War will start on 13-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Thu Jan 13, 2653 WB 003 LU HM has declared war on The Empire of Rash. War will start on 13-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Thu Jan 13, 2653 WB 003 LU HM has declared war on The Independent State of Terra maris. War will start on 13-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Wed Jan 12, 2653 WB 003 LU HM has declared war on Michaella. War will start on 12-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Tue Jan 11, 2653 WB 002 LU HM has declared war on The Kingdom of Munnas. War will start on 11-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Tue Jan 11, 2653 WB 002 LU HM has declared war on Baraka. War will start on 11-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Tue Jan 11, 2653 Dakota VII has declared war on The United Kingdom of Tera Bernadette. War will start on 11-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Tue Jan 11, 2653 WB 002 LU HM has declared war on Nelra. War will start on 11-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Tue Jan 11, 2653 WB 002 LU HM has declared war on La Republica del Jackoria. War will start on 11-05-2653.

Declaration of War
Tue Jan 11, 2653 WB 002 LU HM has declared war on The Democratic Union of Moratni. War will start on 11-05-2653.

Little Upsilon Daily Telegraph, Mar 27, 2653
International News

WB 003 LU HM army takes full control in The Independent State of Terra maris
After the attack, the president of The Independent State of Terra maris is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 003 LU HM has been nominated. The The Independent State of Terra maris forces lost 15 anti aircraft missile batteries, 15 missile interceptor batteries and 15 defensive missile batteries. The Independent State of Terra maris lost 20 soldiers and 47 were wounded. The unit Lucia magna of WB 003 LU HM lost 1 precision bomber. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Lucia magna lost 1 or more trucks, gasoline and military supplies. WB 003 LU HM lost 3 soldiers and 7 were wounded. The Independent State of Terra maris defense was assisted by the Garrison TG1655 unit.

WB 002 LU HM army takes full control in La Republica del Jackoria
After the attack, the president of La Republica del Jackoria is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 002 LU HM has been nominated. The La Republica del Jackoria forces lost 15 anti aircraft missile batteries, 15 missile interceptor batteries and 15 defensive missile batteries. La Republica del Jackoria lost 24 soldiers and 48 were wounded. The unit Fort Pingor of WB 002 LU HM lost 1 precision bomber. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Fort Pingor lost 1 or more trucks, gasoline and military supplies. WB 002 LU HM lost 3 soldiers and 6 were wounded. La Republica del Jackoria defense was assisted by the Garrison TG599 unit.

WB 002 LU HM army takes full control in Baraka
After the attack, the president of Baraka is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 002 LU HM has been nominated. On the side of Baraka there were 147 casualties and 290 civilians were wounded. Monata is very severely damaged. On the Baraka side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 002 LU HM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.

WB 003 LU HM army takes full control in The Democratic Union of Safala
After the attack, the president of The Democratic Union of Safala is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 003 LU HM has been nominated. On the The Democratic Union of Safala side no weapon losses were reported. The weapons chosen by WB 003 LU HM were not effective in this attack.

WB 003 LU HM army takes full control in The Empire of Rash
After the attack, the president of The Empire of Rash is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 003 LU HM has been nominated. On the side of The Empire of Rash there were 756 casualties and 1330 civilians were wounded. Coalinga is very severely damaged. On the The Empire of Rash side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 003 LU HM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. The Empire of Rash defense was assisted by the Garrison TG306 unit.

WB 002 LU HM army takes full control in The Kingdom of Munnas
After the attack, the president of The Kingdom of Munnas is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 002 LU HM has been nominated. On the The Kingdom of Munnas side no weapon losses were reported. The weapons chosen by WB 002 LU HM were not effective in this attack.

WB 002 LU HM army takes full control in The Democratic Union of Moratni
After the attack, the president of The Democratic Union of Moratni is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 002 LU HM has been nominated. On the side of The Democratic Union of Moratni there were 216 casualties and 400 civilians were wounded. Saragoa is very severely damaged. On the The Democratic Union of Moratni side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 002 LU HM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. The Democratic Union of Moratni defense was assisted by the Garrison TG361 unit.

WB 003 LU HM army takes full control in The Kingdom of Mathia sol
After the attack, the president of The Kingdom of Mathia sol is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 003 LU HM has been nominated. On the side of The Kingdom of Mathia sol there were 82 casualties and 152 civilians were wounded. Almelo is severely damaged. On the The Kingdom of Mathia sol side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 003 LU HM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.

Little Upsilon Daily Telegraph, Apr 25, 2653
International News

WB 005 LU PM army takes full control in La Republica del Torama
After the attack, the president of La Republica del Torama is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 005 LU PM has been nominated. On the side of La Republica del Torama there were 162 casualties and 283 civilians were wounded. Sudder is very severely damaged. On the La Republica del Torama side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 005 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. La Republica del Torama defense was assisted by the Garrison TG793 unit.

WB 004 LU PM army takes full control in The Republic of Terra Povra
After the attack, the president of The Republic of Terra Povra is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 004 LU PM has been nominated. On the side of The Republic of Terra Povra there were 1191 casualties and 1626 civilians were wounded. Tobago is very severely damaged. On the The Republic of Terra Povra side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 004 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. The Republic of Terra Povra defense was assisted by the Garrison TG14 unit.

WB 005 LU PM army takes full control in The Republic of Vindala X
After the attack, the president of The Republic of Vindala X is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 005 LU PM has been nominated. On the side of The Republic of Vindala X there were 15 casualties and 26 civilians were wounded. Imperia is reported to be damaged. On the The Republic of Vindala X side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 005 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.

WB 004 LU PM army takes full control in The Grand State of Clossa
After the attack, the president of The Grand State of Clossa is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 004 LU PM has been nominated. No damage to Dovra is reported. On the The Grand State of Clossa side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 004 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles and the unit did not receive any ground support.

WB 004 LU PM army takes full control in The Independent State of Cleone
After the attack, the president of The Independent State of Cleone is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 004 LU PM has been nominated. On the side of The Independent State of Cleone there were 1476 casualties and 2988 civilians were wounded. Maura is very severely damaged. Weapons based at Maura may have been destroyed. On the WB 004 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. The Independent State of Cleone defense was assisted by the Garrison TG11 unit.

WB 005 LU PM army takes full control in La Republica del Emparna
After the attack, the president of La Republica del Emparna is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 005 LU PM has been nominated. On the side of La Republica del Emparna there were 1435 casualties and 1950 civilians were wounded. Rosanko is very severely damaged. On the La Republica del Emparna side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 005 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. La Republica del Emparna defense was assisted by the Garrison TG10 unit.

WB 004 LU PM army takes full control in La Republica del Boltara
After the attack, the president of La Republica del Boltara is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 004 LU PM has been nominated. On the side of La Republica del Boltara there were 480 casualties and 879 civilians were wounded. Fernando is very severely damaged. On the La Republica del Boltara side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 004 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. La Republica del Boltara defense was assisted by the Garrison TG195 unit.

WB 005 LU PM army takes full control in The Democratic Union of Aragon
After the attack, the president of The Democratic Union of Aragon is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 005 LU PM has been nominated. On the side of The Democratic Union of Aragon there were 87 casualties and 152 civilians were wounded. Medak is very severely damaged. On the The Democratic Union of Aragon side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 005 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. The Democratic Union of Aragon defense was assisted by the Garrison TG1023 unit.

WB 005 LU PM army takes full control in The United Kingdom of Pompara
After the attack, the president of The United Kingdom of Pompara is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 005 LU PM has been nominated. On the side of The United Kingdom of Pompara there were 157 casualties and 251 civilians were wounded. Bangoro is very severely damaged. On the The United Kingdom of Pompara side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 005 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles and the unit did not receive any ground support. The United Kingdom of Pompara defense was assisted by the Garrison TG369 unit.

WB 004 LU PM army takes full control in The Kingdom of Bonara lin
After the attack, the president of The Kingdom of Bonara lin is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 004 LU PM has been nominated. On the side of The Kingdom of Bonara lin there were 1387 casualties and 2021 civilians were wounded. Danbury is very severely damaged. On the The Kingdom of Bonara lin side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 004 LU PM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. The Kingdom of Bonara lin defense was assisted by the Garrison TG9 unit.

WB 002 LU HM army takes full control in Nelra
After the attack, the president of Nelra is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 002 LU HM has been nominated. On the side of Nelra there were 4 casualties and 8 civilians were wounded. Imperia is reported to be damaged. On the Nelra side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 002 LU HM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.

WB 003 LU HM army takes full control in Michaella
After the attack, the president of Michaella is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by WB 003 LU HM has been nominated. On the side of Michaella there were 867 casualties and 1721 civilians were wounded. Perish is very severely damaged. On the Michaella side no weapon losses were reported. On the WB 003 LU HM side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Michaella defense was assisted by the Garrison TG9 unit.

Some joke huh? You went through some great lengths to make a forum joke. Nope, more likely you actually realized how stupid you would actually look and took Ceasar's advice to heart. Counterproductive to your cause is an understatement. Follow through or not it was meant as everything else you and your bunch have done, intimidate, bully people into your mode of thinking. Lame. Transparent, your parents must have been made of glass, because you are see through like you just got sprayed with windex.

And to top it off, yes, I am positive you don't know half as much about this game as you let yourself believe. No surprise there. There are many secrets and quirks and mishaps with the war engine, that are not common knowledge, and as long as those who know about them pretend to be ignorant of it, things will continue on as always and you will keep crying, and yada yada.

Say something that matters please.

I'm sure that is why I get all those "Lucky Shots'. I don't know what I'm talking about either so don't ask. I'm sure there are many, many others who do know. Best for you to stay out of grown folks' conversation sonny. I was addressing the gamemasters not your crying behind.

Keto (White Giant)

Saturday, August 21, 2010 - 11:35 pm Click here to edit this post
Windy, if you read the posts in the general forum under "war", you would see that w3c is giving us players to come with ideas to make the war engine alot fairer than it is.
We need to give the defender a better chance of preparing for war, and also the attacker needs to put more on the line when attacking others.

I can get into it more, but go to the other forum and read and post your thoughts there.
P.S.- keep the vulgar language to yourself.

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 03:21 am Click here to edit this post
Do you ever read a message?

I took the c3's for exactly the reason I stated, you know, right after the part where I said, "I was joking". I need workers idiot...

That's the other part of this, 20 c3's for me, not that much effort, I know what I'm doing...have done it 100's of times and I've got boatloads of weapons burning a hole in my pocket. I could take 100 in a day no problem, so if I did decide to become like you, interested in nothing and no one other than myself, I could REALLY mess stuff up, I guess that's another benefit of your incompetence.

I know more about this game than you'll ever know, however I'm not incompetent so I don't have to make excuses for my incompetence like you do, you always have some excuse for why you suck so bad, why you can't fight for sh*t, it's glitches or I don't have enough assets or there are too many of's all BS. Are there MINOR glitches here and there, yes, will they change the outcome of a war? Nope.


Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 04:30 am Click here to edit this post
I will post wherever I feel pleased to post Keto. Thanks but no thanks.

WB, make whatever excuses, all you need is more cheeze, it will help help you occupy your time.

I don't care if you take c3s or don't take any. I won't becrying to the GMs about anything. Tommi, how many emails do you have in your inbox, in my entire gamespan? NONE

I deal with my problems on my own, for myself, by myself. No whining to the gms.

I suck at fighting? Well I have said before and I will say again, there is no need for me to fight some coward who has raided an empire when I have taken time, months actually building my empire. "Skin in the game" ... Right you have very little.

Now where is that battle world. GMS you guys said you would do it, I would love to be able to put bigmouth in the dirt with a fair game, instead of hearing all this nonsense about changing this or that. If half the time wasted on this no win situation here was [placed on an already promised feature, I think we could get to the nitty gritty of the conflicts that wouldn't need to plague the real game.

WB when they implement that, I will mop the floor with you. Point blank. I own you little mouse. And I will put up coins to get a fair no interference fight on a battle royale world. I bet you don't last 5 minutes alone without 20 sneak attacks and your group of buddies to back you up. That is a fact.

Don't think so? Cry a river for it and they'll listen to you as they are doing now, and that will be the first thing I do on that world, kick your fairy arse. Until then you will get what I give you. This isn't about sport, its about making this game as unpleasant for you as you have done to others. Believe me, no change will ever change that for you. You think you are safe now and all that, but I have your number in both arenas.

Funny thing is, I haven't even properly given you all a real c3 war. I let up when EO decided he had to fake a mental breakdown for some mercy, you haven't even been attacked by me or any c3 war in over 6 months, but you are crying the hardest and loudest now aren't you. Doesn't make sense. I have not had any real engagements on LU in over 6 months. You boycott my country on LU because EO got nuked to snot like he did to Jack Jones and John L. you all hostile bid my almost 200 of my ceo corps, just to be corny and "take me down a level" not because you have been faced with any c3 war. Only because you wish you could take something that you can't have. Funny your eyes want the one thing you know you will never have.

You have done almost everything you know how to provoke me into fighting you with c3s. Boycotts, attacked people off world, hostile bid my corps, called me B**** and every other insult you could find and I never bit because you will NEVER be smarter than me. But for some odd reason you sure are screaming the loudest over this whole c3 thing. I wonder why. You know your time is coming. But you all think you have all the sense in the world, so yeah, naturally, when I come, I'll come correct. Until then keep dreaming candy boy.

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 05:07 am Click here to edit this post
You're a joke...I've offered you a one on one fight about 50 million times by haven't taken it because you know you've got no shot...stop talking big unless you're willing to back it up coward. My left pinkie is smarter than you, give me a break, such a joke...

Psycho_Honey (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 05:16 am Click here to edit this post
Right, I know how the system works.

I am not anyone you have fooled before.

Cry for the battle royal world, I told YOU when they said it was going to be done, your up to bat.

All this wish wash about fair this and fair that, BS.

WGC offered you guys a fair 5 on 5 on WG, and you all didn't even have a personal beef, yet you declined.

Its all about a rake. Nah, I haven't been that stupid since I was in the second grade. See you on the battle world. Or c3 hopping. Good Luck with those.

WB, you aren't smart at all really. You show us everyday. Keep talkin.

Serpent (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 07:59 am Click here to edit this post
sigh.... is it me or is this soooo obvious?


Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 09:20 am Click here to edit this post
Windy, I own you. That's all that needs to be said, everyone knows it, even you.

Josh (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 10:29 am Click here to edit this post
Hi there

Sorry to interrupt the ranting but I am new to this game and was wondering what exactly it is that you are ranting about? Honestly I read the whole thing and have no clue what any of it means. It does seem to be something I should be acquainted with however - could someone message me in game and explain?

Also, One question - isn't Fearless Blue a war world? Why not just fight it out there? or is that part of what I am missing?

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 10:30 am Click here to edit this post
I just realized I never addressed Caesar and Jonni.

Caesar - I agree, however there is a tipping point for everyone, I haven't reached mine yet, when I do everyone will be aware without a post on the forum. Let's just hope I don't bring the cavalry when I do because they are anxious and disgusted with the state of things. Very few are standing up to the BS that is currently allowed and going on in which certain players are taking advantage of to the worst extent, remember:

"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

and by that time no one was left to speak up."

Jonni - The understanding is appreciated and I couldn't have said it better myself. Putting everything that someone else owns at risk while risking nothing yourself is a complete sham and needs to be corrected. All of the complaints and victimization on the forums is a joke, I've been 'ambushed', I've been gangbanged, I've been outsmarted, I've been out-strategized, I've been outmanned, guess what happened? Instead of making excuses like some, *cough*Windy*cough*, I learned, others will too.

Those who truly wish to play a completely peaceful game should be able to do so and pay for it, the largest federation in the game should not be able to play the victim, if you're truly an econ fed then pay for your econ ways with war protection. Those who choose to mess with others should have some of their own at risk as well, it's just common sense. People are wanting to have their cake and eat it too, it's no more reasonable to request free war protection than it is to request free deficits for war players, if you truly choose to run only *one* side of the game, be it econ or war, then there is a price to pay, with war it is deficits and with econ it is war protection. It's not that complicated.

whiteboy (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 10:32 am Click here to edit this post
Just saw your message Josh, your response is classic, just the way one would think things should be settled if one had any common sense. HOWEVER, that isn't how the game works, I'm more than happy to explain it, msg me at 'WB 001 LU HM Econ' on LU.

Caesar Ken

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 02:54 pm Click here to edit this post
I openly admit that I am not a war master. But I believe there are 2 things that can be done to help "balance" the war game.

(1) Special Forces units should not be able to "paint" the terrain. Granted, special forces are highly skilled and motivated warriors, but they are not going to own the ground. Just maybe blow-up highly valued targets.

(2) The system be set up, for a lack of a better term, a "coalition". Say I become suicidal I start a war against one of WhiteBoy's primary states. I first set up a 'coalition consisting of my states that will engage in this war. The leader of the coalition should be required to be of at least a certain value compared to whom is being attacked. Maybe 50%?

Just a thought.


Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 03:03 pm Click here to edit this post
WB has highlighted the uselessness of using 50% of population out of WP as a requirement to war. Most anyone could take 20 C3s, say 200M population, and so have 3 good countries with all of their assets still in WP, and continue the C3 war style as before.

Caesar Ken (Little Upsilon)

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 03:11 pm Click here to edit this post
Crafty, the 50% I was referring to was not related to population.

In my suggestion, the leader of the coalition would be required to have a value of at least 50% of that of who is being attacked. I would require someone to use a developed country to take another developed country. And I purely admit that I do not know what a good value could be in this kind of scenario.

I believe it would help with 'grief players'.


Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 03:46 pm Click here to edit this post
Yeah Caesar Ken, mine was a comment in general, population was mooted as a control factor at one point.

Scarlet (Golden Rainbow)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 03:12 am Click here to edit this post
I'm not sure what my opinion counts for, but I'm in favor of empire-wide war protection (all protected or all open) combined with an inability to declare war on C3s while in empire-wide war protection.

Kiray (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 03:58 am Click here to edit this post
I gotta say I love this whole backround story to this. It is just great!

On the other hand, rember this is a game. What you do and how you do it depends on your goals. If you shoot yourself in the foot, you shot youself in the foot. Ruined the game for some else? Well I guessed you might of.

Who is who to say how you should make it big or small? Honor and Fairness are all in you heard. You can cry all you want sometimes and not a single thing changes. Most things are out of our power. I say let WB wage his c3 war. (I don't even know what c3 means.)

I would not care one bit. Instead of growing off eachother and trading become selfsufficeint. Idoubt i even got the topic of this Forum, but did I really have to? Most of this is politics and if you can make it as one here why not get a full time job as one?

Remember this is a game. Lighten up a bit.
If WB comes and razes you remember that. After he does that you can have fun building up for "revenge". Seriously too much drama.

Orbiter (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - 04:32 am Click here to edit this post
"Remember this is a game. Lighten up a bit.
If WB comes and razes you remember that. After he does that you can have fun building up for "revenge". Seriously too much drama." -kiray

holy feces, kiray!!! if only more people thought that way, jeese.

i'm so impressed... i really am, i love your attitude. if their is anything i can do to help you, let me know. message me at "jumpn Jehoshaphat"

its about time some one said something like that.

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